Merging 3 bar charts into one stacked bar chart in Tableau - charts

I am struggling to create stacked bar chart out of 3 separate bar charts in Tableau.
They suppose to look like this:
However, closest I've got is this in tableau
With other charts it's kinda easier with just dragging the values from rows into the y-axis and voala - stacked bar chart. Over here they just disappear, as I've removed them.
Hope anyone can shed light to my darkness with Tableau.

You were close with your second Tableau screen shot.
From that configuration, move Measure Names from the Columns shelf to the Color shelf. Then you will get a colored bar for each measure on the Measure Values shelf, instead of a column for each measure.


Merging Percentage Lines with The Bars in Tableau Desktop

I have a graph that shows the ratio (count) of payable vs. processed words among the total words on stacked bars. I would also like to display the same ratio in percentages in lines overlapping the bars.
At the moment I have them in two separate graphs, but I want to merge them so that it takes less space in my dashboard view. I am unable to select the dual combination view as it requires two measures and even though I keep trying to cmd+click+drag the percentage measure pill to my marks, it's only changing the calculations in the bars but not allowing me to select the dual combination view.
Since the percentages are basically the ratio of the green/total in the bars, I don't think I need any complicated configurations for displaying it, however, I am also failing to achieve what I want.
Could you please tell me how to do this visualization?
Edit: I noticed that the reason I couldn't generate the dual combination view was that I had three date pills (year, quarter, month), and by removing two of them, I'm able to generate the dual combination view, but it's far from what I'm looking for as it's only splitting the stacked bar into bar+line.
Neeku, I certainly understand the desire to minimize "real estate" in your dashboard. If I understand your needs correctly, I believe that overlaying a transparent-background chart over the first chart might meet your needs, if a dual-axis chart doesn't work for you (for example, if you wanted to overlay a line chart on a column chart that is itself already dual axis).
By way of example, here is a simple Sample Superstore dashboard with a line chart on top and a stacked column at the bottom.
simple dashboard
Change the line chart to "Floating"
Size it to fit over your column chart and change the background to transparent by clicking anywhere in the line chart and select "Format"
...Format Shading
...and "None" for the color selection
Your line chart is now an overlay, but it's pretty messy.
Click on the line chart and hide field labels,
...turn off "Show Header" for each pill in the line chart
Clean things up and it should look better:
Note: one big issue with this approach is that you will not be able to click to select chart elements of the underlying chart.

Tableau - How to make bar chart with bars of different widths

Tableau Public, SQL, Excel. I have an up and down bar chart of about 30 customerIDs and how much they spent. ~3 big spenders, ~5 medium spenders, many small spenders. I want to make one bar chart with the three big spenders having fat bars, the 5 next spenders having medium thickness bars, the rest having very skinny bars. All on the same chart from the same excel sheet of data. Any way to do this? Tableau Public/SQL/Excel. Extra credit: any ways to make the bars different colors or maybe shaded in some way? Thank you so much in advance anon tech guru!!!! You're the best!!!
Example of what I mean:
not sure what to do!
Place your total $ on Size marks.
Or if you want to have them to be the same for each group, make a calculated field based on the cutoff desired and place that on size.

How to create a stacked bar chart grouped by 2 category

I have a data table, group in 2 category A and B as below
data table
How can I create a stacked bar chart like that
There's not a single built in way to make a chart with bars or columns that are able to split like that.
I think the closest you could do would be to make to bar charts back to back. One would filter for Cat A and the other for Cat B.
The legend for each table could be used or a separate legend could be made from a rectangle and some text boxes. The bars' colors would need to be set otherwise it would Automatically use the same initial color for both.
To make the left chart go in the reverse direction, click on the bottom x-Axis and set the Reverse property to True.
Then Hide the Y-Axis of the Chart B.

Create Stacked Area Combined with Line Chart in Tableau

I'm having trouble creating a chart that combines a line chart with a stacked area chart in Tableau Public. I can create the line chart in Tableau, but after that, I don't know how to proceed. Attached is the chart I created in Excel that I am trying to recreate in Tableau.
Line + Stacked Area Chart
Make your chart a duel axis chart - to do this you must have at least 2 measures on your shelf - click on the right most measure a select 'Duel axis'. Once you've done this, you'll see that each measure has it's own tab on the Marks shelf, which means you can set different mark types on each - for example one measure can be a bar chart and the second can be a line graph.
Hope that helps,

tableau adjust placement of gantt bars

In Tableau, I have a dual-axis bar chart of some data with their margins of error. I am using Gantt bars for the error data, and I want to overlay the error bars on top of the original data. My problem is that I can't figure out how to adjust the placement of the Gantt bars so that they are centered over the top of the original bars, with the error value displayed both above and below the bar.
I am pretty sure I need to create a Calculated Field but am new to Tableau and coding and don't really know how to go about this.
You can do this without the use of Calculated Fields as follows:
Create a Bar Chart with the original data
Duplicate the Bar Chart by Ctrl-Clicking the measure pill in the Rows shelf
You should get 2 charts one above the other now, select one of the charts from the Marks dialog, and change it to Gnatt Bar
Drag error to the Size button of the Gnatt Bar and also to the Color button
Now click the one of the pills in the row shelf and select Dual Axis
Right click the second Axis and select synchronize Axis