I want to calculate distance from address points to all streets within a distance of 50 meters using plpgsql. I have tried the following function:
Create or Replace Function get_dist(ad geometry, st geometry)
Returns double precision AS
Insert into street(Distance)
Select ST_Distance(ad.geom, st.geom) from ad
Left Join st ON ST_DWithin(ad.geom, st.geom, 50.0);
Return ST_Distance(ad.geom, st.geom);
Language plpgsql volatile;
Creating the function gives no error but when I try to call it using this command:
Select get_dist(ad.geom, st.geom) from ad
Left Join st ON st.gid = ad.gid;
I get this error:
ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "ad"
LINE 1: SELECT ST_Distance(ad.geom, st.geom)
Can someone please highlight what is wrong with the function (creating the function and calling it)?
For processing a single row or processing rows one-by one, you can use the SQL RETURNING clause of INSERT combined with the plpgsql INTO clause. Example:
Get default serial value after INSERT inside PL/pgSQL
But you are obviously trying to process a whole set at once.
calculate distance from address points to all streets within a distance of 50 meters ...
Use a set-based approach. Much faster and cleaner. If you want to return rows from the INSERT additionally use a set-returning function. Example:
Return a query from a function?
You would not need a function at all. Just this query:
INSERT INTO street(ad_geom, st_geom, distance, traffic_ct) -- any columns in street
SELECT ad.geom, st.geom, ST_Distance(ad.geom, st.geom), ad.traffic_ct
LEFT JOIN st ON ST_DWithin(ad.geom, st.geom, 50.0)
RETURNING * -- all columns in street
I guess you don't actually need anything returned any more, since this query does all you wanted, but I kept RETURNING as proof of concept. You can just skip it.
Use [INNER] JOINinstead of LEFT [OUTER] JOIN if you don't want to include adresses with no matching street.
The manual about RETURNING in INSERT:
The optional RETURNING clause causes INSERT to compute and return
value(s) based on each row actually inserted [...] any expression
using the table's columns is allowed. The syntax of the RETURNING
list is identical to that of the output list of SELECT. Only rows
that were successfully inserted or updated will be returned.
If you need to wrap this into a plpgsql function (could also be a simple SQL function) - and still return all rows:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insert_neighbours()
INSERT INTO street(ad_geom, st_geom, distance, traffic_ct) -- any columns in street
SELECT ad.geom, st.geom, ST_Distance(ad.geom, st.geom), ad.traffic_ct
LEFT JOIN st ON ST_DWithin(ad.geom, st.geom, 50.0)
RETURNING *; -- all columns in street
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
SELECT * FROM insert_neighbours(); -- use SELECT * FROM ... !
For simplicity I return the whole row, but you can return select columns as well. See above example.
Creating the function gives no error
That's because PL/pgSQL currently only runs superficial syntax checks on CREATE FUNCTION. You have to actually execute the function to test it - and make sure that all branches of code in plpgsql functions get tested.
What you appear to want is to calculate a distance between two geometries and then insert that distance in a table if it is than 50.0. The function would be like this:
CREATE FUNCTION get_dist(ad geometry, st geometry) RETURNS double precision AS $$
dist double precision;
dist := ST_Distance(ad, st);
IF dist < 50.0 THEN
INSERT INTO street(Distance) VALUES (dist);
RETURN dist;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
However, I doubt that you really want that. For starters, the inserted row in table street will be assigned distance = dist when the function is called and the condition met, but no other properties (except any default values). What you really want is not clear from your question, but I hope you can work from the code above to make a working function.
I need to create a function that will generate a table.
This table will have columns brought with several left joins.
At some point i need to filter the data based on the value of a dynamic column (i need to have: WHERE table_name.dynamic_column_name = 1)(that column has 1s and 0s, i need to keep only the 1s)
So when I 'call' the function, user should type like this: SELECT * FROM function_name(dynamic_column_name)
What i did:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION check_gap (_col_name varchar)
RETRUNS TABLE ( ... here i have several columns with their type ...)
AS $function$
SELECT ... a bunch of columns ...
FROM ... a bunch of tables left joined ...
WHERE _col_name = 1;
I even tried with table_name._col_name .. though it wasn't necessary, the query (select from) works just as fine without
** I found some solutions for dynamic value but not for a dynamic column
*** I am using PostgreSQL (from DBeaver)
You need dynamic SQL for that. Pls. note that the code below is SQL injection prone.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION check_gap (col_name varchar)
RETURNS TABLE (... several columns with their type ...) LANGUAGE plpgsql AS
'SELECT ... a bunch of columns ...
FROM ... a bunch of tables left joined ...
WHERE %I = 1;', col_name
I want to use a loop to calculate the distance traveled between two nodes 152 and 17720 (I use the function pgr_dijkstra) by deleting each time a cell. A cell contains several road links. the grid_edges_routard table contains the road links and the corresponding cell.
Iwant to have for each blocked cell the distance traveled between the two nodes.
I must use pgr_dijkstra to display in a second time the links traveled.
celref_blocked INT,
dist INT
) AS $$
var_r record;
FOR var_r IN(SELECT distinct(cellule)as cel from grid_edges_routard )
SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT id, source, target,cost
FROM road_routard.edges_vulnerabilite
where id not in (select edge_id
from grid_edges_routard
where cellule=var_r) ',152 ,17720, FALSE)
where edge=-1;
celref_blocked := var_r.cel ;
END; $$
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
select get_dist_grid()
I have an error message: ERROR: column « var_r » does not exist.
I use postgresql 9.5.
Define a new variable (var_q) of type record, then Execute your select query into your defined variable like this Execute 'SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstra(''SELECT id, source, target,cost FROM road_routard.edges_vulnerabilite where id not in (select edge_id from grid_edges_routard where cellule='||var_r||') '',152 ,17720, FALSE) where edge=-1' into var_q
This might give some errors as we have to escape the quotes for inner query, Try escaping quotes if it doesn't work and then you can use the out of the query in similar way as you have used celref_blocked := var_r.cel
I have a function organized like so:
create function everything(waypoints waypoint)
returns table(node int, xy text array) as $$
create view results as ...
return query (select * from results);
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
And I have a table that has arguments organized the way the waypoint data type is structured. This table is not explicitly of type waypoint itself.
The function gets created as it should, however, I am unable to call it by passing in my table like so:
select everything(waypoints);
Or select everything(select * from temp);
But it says syntax error at or near select for the latter and column waypoints does not exist for the former.
How do I proceed?
Everything tested in Postgres 9.4.
Postgres has some weak spots in the syntax for handling ROW types. You cannot cast from a table (alias) directly:
SELECT w::waypoint FROM waypoints w;
ERROR: cannot cast type waypoints to waypoint
The solution is only one step away: decompose the row in a subquery, then the cast works. This way, column values are decomposed and wrapped into the new type directly, without casting to text and back. No need to list all columns individually and you don't need to create a custom cast, either:
SELECT (w.*)::waypoint FROM (SELECT * FROM waypoints) w;
Or shorter:
SELECT w.*::waypoint FROM (TABLE waypoints) w;
Or shorter, yet:
SELECT w::waypoint FROM (TABLE waypoints) w;
Is there a shortcut for SELECT * FROM?
SQL Fiddle
That's shorter and faster, in a quick test with 30k rows and simple types 10x faster than casting to text and back. If you have (big) jsonb columns or any complex type (expensive conversion to/from text), the difference will be much bigger, yet.
More importantly, you don't need another custom composite (ROW) type. Every table already has its row defined as type automatically. Just use the existing type waypoints instead of waypoint (if at all possible). Then all you need is:
SELECT w FROM waypoints w;
Or, for your example:
SELECT everything(t) FROM temp t; -- using type waypoints
SELECT everything(t::waypoint) FROM (TABLE temp) t; -- using type waypoint
A table does not have "arguments" but columns.
You are not passing a table parameter to this function, but rather a row value. That's how you pass a table by name:
Table name as a PostgreSQL function parameter
You can't "pass a whole table" as parameter directly in Postgres, there are not table variables. You would use a cursor or a temp table for that.
Your function has an invalid type declaration and is needlessly complex. I seriously doubt you want to create a view:
CREATE FUNCTION everything(_wp waypoint) -- or use type waypoints
RETURNS TABLE(node int, xy text[]) AS
$func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
text array is not valid syntax, using text[] instead to declare an array of text.
Rather not use the table / type name waypoints as function parameter name, that opens you up to confusing errors.
Or just use a simple SQL function if your case is as simple as demonstrated:
CREATE FUNCTION everything(_wp waypoint) -- or use type waypoints
RETURNS TABLE(node int, xy text[]) AS
$func$ LANGUAGE sql;
Don't quote the language name. It's an identifier.
If all types in waypoint and temp are convertible to text, you can serialize to and deserialize from text:
SELECT everything(temp::text::waypoint)
FROM temp
However, an explicit construction would be cleaner:
SELECT everything((col1, col2, col3, ...)::waypoint)
FROM temp
or creating a CAST:
CREATE FUNCTION temp_to_waypoint (temp)
RETURNS waypoint
SELECT (col1, col2, col3, ...)::waypoint
CREATE CAST (temp AS waypoint) WITH FUNCTION temp_to_waypoint (test) AS IMPLICIT;
SELECT everything(temp)
FROM temp;
I have a postgresql function / stored proc that does the following:
1. calls another function and saves the value into a variable.
2. executes another sql statement using the value I got from step one as an argument.
My problem is that the query is not returning any data. No errors are returned either.
I'm just new to postgresql so I don't know the best way to debug... but I added a RAISE NOTICE command right after step 1, like so:
SELECT INTO active_id get_widget_id(widget_desc);
RAISE NOTICE 'Active ID is:(%)', active_id;
In the "Messages" section of the pgadmin3 screen, I see the debug message with the data:
NOTICE: Active ID is:(2)
I'm wondering whether or not the brackets are causing the problem for me.
Here's the sql I'm trying to run in step 2:
SELECT d.id, d.contact_id, d.priority, cp.contact
FROM widget_details d, contact_profile cp, contact_type ct
WHERE d.rule_id=active_id
AND d.active_yn = 't'
AND cp.id=d.contact_id
AND cp.contact_type_id=ct.id
AND ct.name = 'email'
Order by d.priority ASC
You'll notice that in my where clause I am referencing the variable "active_id".
I know that this query should return at least one row because when i run a straight sql select (vs using this function) and substitute the value 2 for the variable "active_id", I get back the data I'm looking for.
Any suggetions would be appreciated.
Here's the full function definition:
CREATE TYPE custom_return_type AS (
widgetnum integer,
contactid integer,
priority integer,
contactdetails character varying
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test(widget_desc integer)
RETURNS SETOF custom_return_type AS
active_id integer;
rec custom_return_type ;
SELECT INTO active_id get_widget_id(widget_desc);
RAISE NOTICE 'Active ID is:(%)', active_id;
FOR rec IN
SELECT d.id, d.contact_id, d.priority, cp.contact
FROM widget_details d, contact_profile cp, contact_type ct
WHERE d.rule_id=active_id
AND d.active_yn = 't'
AND cp.id=d.contact_id
AND cp.contact_type_id=ct.id
AND ct.name = 'email'
Order by d.priority ASC
That's several levels of too-complicated (edit: as it turns out that Erwin already explained to you last time you posted the same thing). Start by using RETURNS TABLE and RETURN QUERY:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test(fmfm_number integer)
widgetnum integer,
contactid integer,
priority integer,
contactdetails character varying
) AS
RETURN QUERY SELECT d.id, d.contact_id, d.priority, cp.contact
FROM widget_details d, contact_profile cp, contact_type ct
WHERE d.rule_id = get_widget_id(widget_desc)
AND d.active_yn = 't'
AND cp.id=d.contact_id
AND cp.contact_type_id=ct.id
AND ct.name = 'email'
Order by d.priority ASC;
$BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
at which point it's probably simple enough to be turned into a trivial SQL function or even a view. Hard to be sure, since the function doesn't make tons of sense as written:
You never use the parameter fmfm_number anywhere; and
widget_desc is never defined
so this function could never run. Clearly you haven't shown us the real source code, but some kind of "simplified" code that doesn't match the code you're really having issues with.
There is a difference between:
SELECT select_expressions INTO [STRICT] target FROM ...;
I think you want:
SELECT get_widget_id(widget_desc) INTO active_id;
Im new to writing stored functions in postgresql and in general . I'm trying to write onw with an input parameter and return a set of results stored in a temporary table.
I do the following in my function .
1) Get a list of all the consumers and store their id's stored in a temp table.
2) Iterate over a particular table and retrieve values corresponding to each value from the above list and store in a temp table.
3)Return the temp table.
Here's the function that I've tried to write by myself ,
create or replace function getPumps(status varchar) returns setof record as $$ (setof record?)
cons_id integer[];
i integer;
temp table tmp_table;--Point B
select consumer_id into cons_id from db_consumer_pump_details;
FOR i in select * from cons_id LOOP
select objectid,pump_id,pump_serial_id,repdate,pumpmake,db_consumer_pump_details.status,db_consumer.consumer_name,db_consumer.wenexa_id,db_consumer.rr_no into tmp_table from db_consumer_pump_details inner join db_consumer on db_consumer.consumer_id=db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id
where db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id=i and db_consumer_pump_details.status=$1--Point A
order by db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id,pump_id,createddate desc limit 2
return tmp_table
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
However Im not sure about my approach and whether im right at the points A and B as I've marked in the code above.And getting a load of errors while trying to create the temporary table.
EDIT: got the function to work ,but I get the following error when I try to run the function.
ERROR: array value must start with "{" or dimension information
Here's my revised function.
create temp table tmp_table(objectid integer,pump_id integer,pump_serial_id varchar(50),repdate timestamp with time zone,pumpmake varchar(50),status varchar(2),consumer_name varchar(50),wenexa_id varchar(50),rr_no varchar(25));
select consumer_id into cons_id from db_consumer_pump_details;
FOR i in select * from cons_id LOOP
insert into tmp_table
select objectid,pump_id,pump_serial_id,repdate,pumpmake,db_consumer_pump_details.status,db_consumer.consumer_name,db_consumer.wenexa_id,db_consumer.rr_no from db_consumer_pump_details inner join db_consumer on db_consumer.consumer_id=db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id where db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id=i and db_consumer_pump_details.status=$1
order by db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id,pump_id,createddate desc limit 2;
return query (select * from tmp_table);
drop table tmp_table;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
AFAIK one can't declare tables as variables in postgres. What you can do is create one in your funcion body and use it thourough (or even outside of function). Beware though as temporary tables aren't dropped until the end of the session or commit.
The way to go is to use RETURN NEXT or RETURN QUERY
As for the function result type I always found RETURNS TABLE to be more readable.
Your cons_id array is innecessary, just iterate the values returned by select.
Also you can have multiple return query statements in a single function to append result of the query to the result returned by function.
In your case:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION getPumps(status varchar)
RETURNS TABLE (objectid INTEGER,pump_id INTEGER,pump_serial_id INTEGER....)
FOR i in SELECT consumer_id FROM db_consumer_pump_details LOOP
SELECT objectid,pump_id,pump_serial_id,repdate,pumpmake,db_consumer_pump_details.status,db_consumer.consumer_name,db_consumer.wenexa_id,db_consumer.rr_no FROM db_consumer_pump_details INNER JOIN db_consumer ON db_consumer.consumer_id=db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id
WHERE db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id=i AND db_consumer_pump_details.status=$1
ORDER BY db_consumer_pump_details.consumer_id,pump_id,createddate DESC LIMIT 2
You probably want to take a look at this solution for groupwise-k-maximum problem as that's exactly what you're dealing with here.
it might be easier to just return a table (or query)
CREATE FUNCTION extended_sales(p_itemno int)
RETURNS TABLE(quantity int, total numeric) AS $$
RETURN QUERY SELECT quantity, quantity * price FROM sales
WHERE itemno = p_itemno;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
(copied from postgresql docs)