I am using xdk for phaser html 5 game development.
I am using sample click counter from their website but its not working. Can someone help me?
Here is the code below:
/* globals Phaser:false */
// create BasicGame Class
BasicGame = {
// create Game function in BasicGame
BasicGame.Game = function (game) {
var counter = 0;
// set Game function prototype
BasicGame.Game.prototype = {
init: function () {
// set up input max pointers
this.input.maxPointers = 1;
// set up stage disable visibility change
this.stage.disableVisibilityChange = true;
// Set up the scaling method used by the ScaleManager
// Valid values for scaleMode are:
// See http://docs.phaser.io/Phaser.ScaleManager.html for full document
this.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;
// If you wish to align your game in the middle of the page then you can
// set this value to true. It will place a re-calculated margin-left
// pixel value onto the canvas element which is updated on orientation /
// resizing events. It doesn't care about any other DOM element that may
// be on the page, it literally just sets the margin.
this.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true;
this.scale.pageAlignVertically = true;
// Force the orientation in landscape or portrait.
// * Set first to true to force landscape.
// * Set second to true to force portrait.
this.scale.forceOrientation(false, true);
// Sets the callback that will be called when the window resize event
// occurs, or if set the parent container changes dimensions. Use this
// to handle responsive game layout options. Note that the callback will
// only be called if the ScaleManager.scaleMode is set to RESIZE.
this.scale.setResizeCallback(this.gameResized, this);
// Set screen size automatically based on the scaleMode. This is only
// needed if ScaleMode is not set to RESIZE.
// Re-calculate scale mode and update screen size. This only applies if
// ScaleMode is not set to RESIZE.
preload: function () {
// Here we load the assets required for our preloader (in this case a
// background and a loading bar)
this.load.image('logo', 'asset/phaser.png');
create: function () {
// Add logo to the center of the stage
this.logo = this.add.sprite(
this.world.centerX, // (centerX, centerY) is the center coordination
// Set the anchor to the center of the sprite
this.logo.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
this.logo.inputEnabled = true;
this.logo.events.onInputDown.add(onClickListener, this);
//no add text on screen to check click counter
this.counterLabel = this.add.text(250, 16, '' , {fill:'FFFFFF'});
onClickListener: function() {
this.counterLabel.text = "You clicked " + counter + " times!";
gameResized: function (width, height) {
// This could be handy if you need to do any extra processing if the
// game resizes. A resize could happen if for example swapping
// orientation on a device or resizing the browser window. Note that
// this callback is only really useful if you use a ScaleMode of RESIZE
// and place it inside your main game state.
It is throwing this Exception:
this.logo.events.onInputDown.add(onClickListener, this);
As onClickListener is sitting in BasicGame.Game.prototype you should get it from this:
this.logo.events.onInputDown.add(this.onClickListener, this);
I would like to be able to zoom into an ILNumerics scene viewed by a camera (as in scene.Camera) with the center point of the zoom determined by where the mouse pointer is located when I start spinning the mouse scroll wheel. The default zoom behavior is for the zoom center to be at the scene.Camera.LookAt point. So I guess this would require the mouse to be tracked in (X,Y) continuously and for that point to be used as the new LookAt point? This seems to be like this post on getting the 3D coordinates from a mouse click, but in my case there's no click to indicate the location of the mouse.
Tips would be greatly appreciated!
BTW, this kind of zoom method is standard operating procedure in CAD software to zoom in and out on an assembly of parts. It's super convenient for the user.
One approach is to overload the MouseWheel event handler. The current coordinates of the mouse are available here, too.
Use the mouse screen coordinates to acquire (to "pick") the world
coordinate corresponding to the primitive under the mouse.
Adjust the Camera.Position and Camera.ZoomFactor to 'move' the camera closer to the point under the mouse and to achieve the required 'directional zoom' effect.
Here is a complete example from the ILNumerics website:
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using ILNumerics;
using ILNumerics.Drawing;
using ILNumerics.Drawing.Plotting;
using static ILNumerics.Globals;
using static ILNumerics.ILMath;
namespace ILNumerics.Examples.DirectionalZoom {
public partial class Form1 : Form {
public Form1() {
private void panel2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Array<float> X = 0, Y = 0, Z = CreateData(X, Y);
var surface = new Surface(Z, X, Y, colormap: Colormaps.Winter);
surface.UseLighting = true;
surface.Wireframe.Visible = false;
// setup mouse handlers
panel2.Scene.Camera.Projection = Projection.Orthographic;
panel2.Scene.Camera.MouseDoubleClick += Camera_MouseDoubleClick;
panel2.Scene.Camera.MouseWheel += Camera_MouseWheel;
// initial zoom all
private void Camera_MouseWheel(object sender, Drawing.MouseEventArgs e) {
// Update: added comments.
// the next conditionals help to sort out some calls not needed. Helpful for performance.
if (!e.DirectionUp) return;
if (!(e.Target is Triangles)) return;
// make sure to start with the SceneSyncRoot - the copy of the scene which receives
// user interaction and is eventually used for rendering. See: https://ilnumerics.net/scene-management.html
var cam = panel2.SceneSyncRoot.First<Camera>();
if (Equals(cam, null)) return; // TODO: error handling. (Should not happen in regular setup, though.)
// in case the user has configured limited interaction
if (!cam.AllowZoom) return;
if (!cam.AllowPan) return; // this kind of directional zoom "comprises" a pan operation, to some extent.
// find mouse coordinates. Works only if mouse is over a Triangles shape (surfaces, but not wireframes):
using (var pick = panel2.PickPrimitiveAt(e.Target as Drawable, e.Location)) {
if (pick.NextVertex.IsEmpty) return;
// acquire the target vertex coordinates (world coordinates) of the mouse
Array<float> vert = pick.VerticesWorld[pick.NextVertex[0], r(0, 2), 0];
// and transform them into a Vector3 for easier computations
var vertVec = new Vector3(vert.GetValue(0), vert.GetValue(1), vert.GetValue(2));
// perform zoom: we move the camera closer to the target
float scale = Math.Sign(e.Delta) * (e.ShiftPressed ? 0.01f : 0.2f); // adjust for faster / slower zoom
var offs = (cam.Position - vertVec) * scale; // direction on the line cam.Position -> target vertex
cam.Position += offs; // move the camera on that line
cam.LookAt += offs; // keep the camera orientation
cam.ZoomFactor *= (1 + scale);
// TODO: consider adding: the lookat point now moved away from the center / the surface due to our zoom.
// In order for better rotations it makes sense to place the lookat point back to the surface,
// by adjusting cam.LookAt appropriately. Otherwise, one could use cam.RotationCenter.
e.Cancel = true; // don't execute common mouse wheel handlers
e.Refresh = true; // immediate redraw at the end of event handling
private void Camera_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, Drawing.MouseEventArgs e) {
var cam = panel2.Scene.Camera;
e.Cancel = true;
e.Refresh = true;
// Some sample data. Replace this with your own data!
private static RetArray<float> CreateData(OutArray<float> Xout, OutArray<float> Yout) {
using (Scope.Enter()) {
Array<float> x_ = linspace<float>(0, 20, 100);
Array<float> y_ = linspace<float>(0, 18, 80);
Array<float> Y = 1, X = meshgrid(x_, y_, Y);
Array<float> Z = abs(sin(sin(X) + cos(Y))) + .01f * abs(sin(X * Y));
if (!isnull(Xout)) {
Xout.a = X;
if (!isnull(Yout)) {
Yout.a = Y;
return -Z;
// See: https://ilnumerics.net/examples.php?exid=7b0b4173d8f0125186aaa19ee8e09d2d
public static double ShowAll(Camera cam) {
// Update: adjusts the camera Position too.
// this example works only with orthographic projection. You will need to take the view frustum
// into account, if you want to make this method work with perspective projection also. however,
// the general functioning would be similar....
if (cam.Projection != Projection.Orthographic) {
throw new NotImplementedException();
// get the overall extend of the cameras scene content
var limits = cam.GetLimits();
// take the maximum of width/ height
var maxExt = limits.HeightF > limits.WidthF ? limits.HeightF : limits.WidthF;
// make sure the camera looks at the unrotated bounding box
// center the camera view
cam.LookAt = limits.CenterF;
cam.Position = cam.LookAt + Vector3.UnitZ * 10;
// apply the zoom factor: the zoom factor will scale the 'left', 'top', 'bottom', 'right' limits
// of the view. In order to fit exactly, we must take the "radius"
cam.ZoomFactor = maxExt * .50;
return cam.ZoomFactor;
Note, that the new handler performs the directional zoom only when the mouse is located over an object hold by this Camera! If, instead, the mouse is placed on the background of the scene or over some other Camera / plot cube object no effect will be visible and the common zoom feature is performed (zooming in/out to the look-at point).
When starting VR tool on mobile and watching directly ahead, I would like to have the view to show the whole model in the center of the screen. The view should be at a slight angle, so I could see the whole building floor. Currently it is directly ahead, which leaves you with a view where you cannot see the whole model. How could I achieve this?
For example, in this Autodesk example, the model is in the center when you enter VR.
Current code, with what I am trying to adjust the camera position
document.getElementById("toolbar-vrTool").addEventListener("click", function () {
let _navapi = viewer.navigation;
let _camera = _navapi.getCamera();
let xValue = viewer.getCamera().position.x;
let yValue = viewer.getCamera().position.y;
let zValue = viewer.getCamera().position.z;
zValue = zValue * 0.5;
yValue = (zValue * 0.7071) * -1;
_camera.position.set(xValue, yValue, zValue);
Current view
View I would like to have
There is a function named fitToView() which will do exactly what you want. But you need to wait for the geometry to be fully loaded before using it. I also added a call to setHomeViewFrom() in the example below to reset the Home position to the fitToView() position result for later navigation.
oViewer.addEventListener (Autodesk.Viewing.GEOMETRY_LOADED_EVENT, onViewerGeometryLoaded) ;
function onViewerGeometryLoaded () {
oViewer.removeEventListener (Autodesk.Viewing.GEOMETRY_LOADED_EVENT, onViewerGeometryLoaded) ;
oViewer.fitToView (true) ;
setTimeout (function () { oViewer.autocam.setHomeViewFrom (oViewer.navigation.getCamera ()) ; }, 1000) ;
How to implement an animation in Unity relative to the last position. Normally when an animation is implemented in Unity each loop starts from the same position. I want to implement an animation relative to the last position of the animated object to avoid using forces or math calculations.
How I figured it out:
Unity Animation relative to last position without looping
This code solves the problem regarding animations based on last relative position. In this example, each time we press Fire1 a box will be animated to move from X = 0 to X = 10 Using the animation will help us to provide richer transitions and smooth movements based on curves without the problem of looping.
The idea is to have the animated object inside an empty parent so the animation of the object will be based into local position.
When the animation is finished we update the object and its parent location to match in the last position.
If you have any doubts please ask.
#pragma strict
* Animation in Unity Relative to last position without looping
* #autor Knskank3
* http://stackoverflow.com/users/1287772/knskan3
* 04/09/2014
This code solves the problem regarding animations based on last relative ImagePosition
In this example, each time we press Fire1 a box will be animated to move from X = 0 to X = 10
Using the animation will help us to provide richer transitions and smooth movements based on curves
without the problem of looping
// This var will determine if the animation is started
public var animation_started : boolean = false;
// This var will determine if the animation is finished
public var animation_finished : boolean = true;
function Update () {
// if user triggers Fire1
if( Input.GetButtonUp('Fire1')){
// initialize the flags
animation_started = true;
animation_finished = false;
// Start the animation
// this animation moves the box from local X = 0 to X = 10 using a curve to deaccelerate
/* This function is trigger at the end of the animation */
public function animationFinished() : void {
animation_finished = true;
At the end of the frame if the animation is finished
we update the position of the parent to the last position of the child
and set the position of the child to zero inside the parent.
function LateUpdate () {
// if the animation is finished and it was started
if(animation_finished && animation_started) {
// set the flag
animation_started = false;
// update the parent position
transform.parent.position = transform.position;
// update the box position to zero inside the parent
transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
I have some code that controls a serious of images to produce and 360 spin when dragging mouseX axis. This all worked fine with the code I have used.
I have since had to design for different platform and enlarge the size of the stage i did this by scale to stage check box in the document settings.
While the mouse down is in action the spin works fine dragging through the images as intended but when you you release and start to drag again it doesn't remember the last frame and jumps to another frame before dragging fine again? Why is it jumping like this when all I have done is change the scale of everything?
please see code use to
var spinX_mc:MovieClip;
var offsetFrame:int = spinX_mc.currentFrame;
var offsetX:Number = 0;
var percent:Number = 0;
spinX_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
spinX_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
function startDragging(e:MouseEvent):void
// start listening for mouse movement
offsetX = stage.mouseX;
function stopDragging(e:MouseEvent):void
// STOP listening for mouse movement
// save the current frame number;
offsetFrame = spinX_mc.currentFrame;
removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDragging);
// this function is called continuously while the mouse is being dragged
function drag(e:MouseEvent):void
trace ("Drag")
// work out how far the mouse has been dragged, relative to the width of the spinX_mc
// value between -1 and +1
percent = (mouseX - offsetX) / spinX_mc.width;
// trace(percent);
// work out which frame to go to. offsetFrame is the frame we started from
var frame:int = Math.round(percent * spinX_mc.totalFrames) + offsetFrame;
// reset when hitting the END of the spinX_mc timeline
while (frame > spinX_mc.totalFrames)
frame -= spinX_mc.totalFrames;
// reset when hitting the START of the spinX_mc timeline
while (frame <= 0)
frame += spinX_mc.totalFrames;
// go to the correct frame
By changing
offsetX = stage.mouseX;
offsetX = mouseX;
I seem to of solved the problem and everything runs smoothly again.
I have a PNG in a UIImageView with alpha around the edges (let's say a circle). When I tap it, I want it to register as a tap for the circle if I'm touching the opaque bit, but a tap for the view behind if I touch the transparent bit.
(BTW: On another forum, someone said PNGs automatically do this, and a transparent PNG should pass the click on to the view below, but I've tested it and it doesn't, at least not in my case.)
Is there a flag I just haven't flipped, or do I need to create some kind of formula: "if tapped { get location; calculate distance from centre; if < r { touched circle } else { pass it on } }"?
I don't believe that PNGs automatically do this, but can't find any references that definitively say one way or the other.
Your radius calculation is probably simpler, but you could also manually check the alpha value of the touched pixel in your image to determine whether to count it as a hit. This code is targetted at OS X 10.5+, but with some minor modifications it should run on iPhone: Getting the pixel data from a CGImage object. Here is some related discussion on retrieving data from a UIImage: Getting data from an UIImage.
I figured it out...the PNG, bounding box transparency issue and being able to click through to another image behind:
var hitTestPoint1:Boolean = false;
var myHitTest1:Boolean = false;
var objects:Array;
clip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, doHitTest);
clip.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
clip.buttonMode = true;
clip.mouseEnabled = true;
clip.mouseChildren = true;
clip2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, doHitTest);
clip2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
clip2.buttonMode = true;
clip2.mouseEnabled = true;
clip2.mouseChildren = true;
clip.rotation = 60;
function doHitTest(event:MouseEvent):void
objects = stage.getObjectsUnderPoint(new Point(event.stageX, event.stageY));
trace("Which one: " + event.target.name);
trace("What's under point: " + objects);
for(var i:int=0; i
function stopDragging(event:MouseEvent):void
function realHitTest(object:DisplayObject, point:Point):Boolean
/* If we're already dealing with a BitmapData object then we just use the hitTest
* method of that BitmapData.
if(object is BitmapData)
return (object as BitmapData).hitTest(new Point(0,0), 0, object.globalToLocal(point));
else {
/* First we check if the hitTestPoint method returns false. If it does, that
* means that we definitely do not have a hit, so we return false. But if this
* returns true, we still don't know 100% that we have a hit because it might
* be a transparent part of the image.
if(!object.hitTestPoint(point.x, point.y, true))
return false;
else {
/* So now we make a new BitmapData object and draw the pixels of our object
* in there. Then we use the hitTest method of that BitmapData object to
* really find out of we have a hit or not.
var bmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(object.width, object.height, true, 0x00000000);
bmapData.draw(object, new Matrix());
var returnVal:Boolean = bmapData.hitTest(new Point(0,0), 0, object.globalToLocal(point));
return returnVal;