Word API Custom Properties - ms-word

I need some help on word add-ins
I will be programmatically creating a document and as part of that I need to add custom property (Pub_Doc_ID) to the document, as in the picture below.
I am using Word Java APIs now and could not find a way to do this job. The work flow I am targeting is very simple. Create a Document, get the Pub_Doc_Id from DB which is primary Key and assign to the document. Now primary key is attached to the document, so it will be lived with document.
Some more background :
As I mentioned earlier I am using Word APIs. I am adding text, sections, images etch. Now I need to have one connector (Pub_Doc_ID) between Doc and DB. So wanted to use custom properties. If there is any better way to do it. Then let me know.
I know how to do this in VSTO. I am looking for Word Java API.
This pub_doc_id ID then I will be using to call API's and to load task pane.
Thanks, really appreciate any help on this.
*Pub_Doc_Id : Publishing Document ID.

R/W access to custom properties is something my team is working on and would be delivered towards the end of the year.
Seems that for your scenarios you don't necessarily need to store that information as a custom property and you have a couple of alternatives in the meantime:
You can add your own customXmlPart to the doc to store this information. Here is a great example on how to use this: https://github.com/OfficeDev/Word-Add-in-Work-with-custom-XML-parts/tree/master/C%23/CustomXMLAppWeb/App
You could also store it a setting of your add in. Check out the settings object and how to store and retrieve settings: https://dev.office.com/reference/add-ins/shared/document.settings
Hope this helps!!

You cannot presently access custom properties via the JavaScript API. They are currently working on it and have put information about proposed APIs on GitHub


Prefilled notes of Class attributes in Enterprise architect

is there a way to have prefilled attributes notes in enterprise architect?
It should be something like this scenario:
1) I create new attribute
2) Enterprise architect prefill note of attribute with predefined text
Something like template for attributes.
Thank you for any advice
I know this won't help directly this question.
Anyways you can achieve it through an external addin.
All you need to do is handle the EA_OnPreNewAttribute and EA_OnPostNewAttribute broadcast events .
This isn't quite what you're after but it is possible to create an Attribute stereotype in a Profile and add to this a Tag with an initial value set to what ever you want. When you create an attribute with this stereotype, this means your predefined text would appear in a tag-value for the attribute rather than the note. Not ideal, but might work for you.
You could also have a go at writing some JavaScript to do this as well (under Scripting in EA). You'd have to use the JS to navigate the repository structure, find the attributes in question, and update their note. I don't believe you can attach a script to a UI event, so I think you'd be stuck running this post-hoc rather than having the note auto-populate on attribute creation.

How to link personal webpage on parse.com?

I want to link my personal webpage on parse.com, so that I can implement the verify_email_success.html file. But I don't find a text field where this works.
Any ideas how to achieve this?
Looks like you need to first sign up at Parse.com and then create a new application (which will represent your website).
From quick Googling, I've found this tutorial which looks to focus on the type of thing you are trying to do:
From looking into this a bit more, it appears that Parse.com works very much like many other web-based services/APIs, in that to "link" your application (website in your case) with Parse.com, you need to specify the Application Key that Parse provides when you create a new application via their website.
Untested example based on Parse.com documentation:
Source: https://www.parse.com/apps/quickstart#social/web/new

Custom placeholders in user story

I am trying to publish user stories on a facebook user's wall using graph api.
My use case is like this:
the user wrote an article that regards a specific community
I created one action 'writes' and two objects 'article' and 'community'.
The two objects have each their pages on my website, where I created all the corresponding meta data for open graph. Tested with the Open Graph Object Debugger and it looks fine.
Now I wanted to customize the way the story is shown.
The default sentence is for example
"[user] wrote [article.noun] via [appname]"
(brackets are there just to identify placeholders)
but I would like to include information about the community.
So what I did is add a property to the write action, called community that expects a reference to a community object.
Then I changed the sentence to:
"[user] wrote [article.noun] on community.title via [appname]"
via triboom demo"
but community.title is just treated as plain text and not as a placeholder.
Is there a way to tell FB to use the property value in the sentence?
I could not find any documentation on this.
Ok, just found out you need to use {object.property} syntax (doc is here https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/creating-custom-stories#variations)
Will investigate more and update the answer if it works.
Thank you very much for posting that!
How can the placeholders be referenced if there are more than one objects in the sentence? Like, for example, in the "One to Two" sentence:
"[user] wrote [article1.noun] and [article2.noun] on community.title via [appname]"
Please excuse for posting this as an answer. Unfortunately, I lack the reputation to comment.

Missing timestamps for uploaded images

I have mongoid and carrierwave-mongoid gems in my project (for avatars in user model) and need timestamps in uploaded images URL. I know there is Wiki page for this (https://github.com/jnicklas/carrierwave/wiki/How-to%3A-Use-a-timestamp-in-file-names) but there is note "This does not seem to be reliable. I'd strongly recommend saving the timestamp to the database and reading it from the model to generate the filename instead of using this method." and I'm not sure how to do that.
I think Rails should generate timestamps for images URL automatically or from specific attribute right? So I'm not sure what is the right name for this attribute or what is the right approach for this with Mongoid and carrierwave-mongoid.
Could you please provide me some info or link where I can found more about this or info about the solution.
Because my repo on GitHub is private I did this Gist (https://gist.github.com/2355128) where you can see my user model and avatar uploader.
Thanks for your help.
This may be more generic than you want for an answer, but hopefully it will get you to an appropriate solution. The unique ObjectID that is used for the default _id fields in MongoDB has a timestamp "built in", BSON::ObjectId would be what you are looking for in Mongoid to extract it.
There is also a write up on it here:
Hence, you could use a wrapper around the ObjectID to construct your URLs and avoid the use of an extra timestamp entirely.

typo3 - building a simple functionality

I am building a fairly simple website based on typo3. I'm new to the CMS but I've read almost everything I could find about it - tutorials, wikis, documentation. I'm stuck with designing a functionality for the administrator to be able to create records with predefined attributes (category, date, info, image, ...) and those records to be listed in a table on the front end with a "View detailed" link on each row. Will I need to develop a complete extension for this? From where the administrator will enter these records? How can I iterate them on the front end?
I apologize in advance if my question is too broad.
The Kickstarter extension provides a full stop solution for your needs. There is a good set of, if slightly outdated, screencasts explaining how to use this extension to create your custom record types and associated front-end views.