Facebook login with Azure Service and get user info error - facebook

I've implemented facebook login following this blog https://ahoycoders.com/2015/07/09/xamarin-forms-social-authentication-with-azure-mobile-services-part-3/
That blog is based on old Azure portal.
But, I'm using new Azure portal.
1. In the new Azure portal I used Easy APIs option for creating custom API as mentioned in the blog.
2. I copied the scrip mentioned in the blog for my custom API and I'm using only Facebook.
I authenticated via Facebook and then called the following,
return await mobileService.InvokeApiAsync("getextrauserinfo", HttpMethod.Get, null);
Unfortunately, I'm getting the following error,
"Cannot read property 'getIdentities' of undefined"
I don't know what's wrong, please help me in fixing this.

currentUser is no longer obtained from request as .user, it is now request.azureMobile.user
They changed the method calls. It is also no longer getIdentities.
Its getIdentity.
A few other calls slightly changed as well.
I suggest anyone wanting to use that guide use console.log to see what each object actually returns and then switch out the old code for the right call.
Logic in that example should still be fine, just slightly different calls/names.


Google Signin for Unity (Windows standalone build) - invalidGoogleToken when used with Playfab

Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction here, I'm attempting to log into Playfab using a google auth code retrieved from an async call in Unity, the flow is as follows:
Click my login to google button in Unity.
Unity begins to listen for the response and opens a google login browser session.
User clicks email/signs into email they want.
This response is returned to Unity with an auth code.
I have then attempted to use the returned google auth code with playfabs LoginWithGoogleAccount method":
PlayFabClientAPI.LoginWithGoogleAccount(new LoginWithGoogleAccountRequest()
TitleId = PlayFabSettings.TitleId,
ServerAuthCode = returnedWindowsGoogleAuthCode,
CreateAccount = true,
}, OnPlayfabGooglePlayAuthComplete, OnPlayfabGooglePlayAuthFailed);
This then fails with a returned response from playfab with "invalidGoogleToken".
From what I've read from what I've come across on google is that this token is possibly in a "used" state by the time I am calling LoginWithGoogleAccount and I possibly need a refreshed token? but I am not too familiar with the Google API so I could be completely off the mark there? But if this is the case what should I do here? How do I re-request a valid token without going back to the browser to do the same thing again?
To give you an idea of pretty much the exact code I'm looking at but I've altered slightly to get it to work in Unity I am following the Google Sample OAuthDesktopApp code:
OAuthDesktopApp Sample Code
I am calling the method "button_Click", this runs and makes the request, Unity then begins listening for the google response at line 72 and the auth code is then output to logs at line 129.
This auth code output at line 129 is what I have then been passing back in to LoginWithGoogleAccount which then results in the failed "invalidGoogleToken", this does also then run a request for user information which does correctly return the name/email of the user you signed in with etc.
Just to add to my previous comments, if I remove the call to performCodeExchange line 132 (I read somewhere that at that point I am swapping the auth code for a token and thus the auth code will no longer work? I'm guessing here) and then if I call PlayFabClientAPI.LoginWithGoogleAccount with the auth code I am presented with:
PlayFabError error:
error.GetHashCode(): 2051826304
error.Error: InvalidGoogleToken
error.ErrorMessage: invalid_grant details: Missing code verifier.
error.ErrorDetails: null
Hopefully this may help someone guide me.
First thanks to those that replied to this, So I've managed to solve this after a comment from a Playfab mod, There appears to be no official way from Google to login using a standlone Unity build nor an official way to then login to Playfab using the same build method.
The solution I've used uses a modified Unity version of one of the Google samples from OAuth 2.0 for Mobile & Desktop Apps .
This will allow you to get the oauth code within Unity then you can pass this oauth code to Playfab for login, BUT Playfab has since deprecated the way to do this (which is silly if its the only solution) so you need to modifiy Playfabs SDK to include the accesstoken then you can use this to finally login.

WPF talking to secured web api using AutoRest

I just can't seem to get anywhere with this.
I have a web api running fine, with a wpf application using the api via AutoRest.
The api has been uploaded to Azure (App Services)
I now want to lock down the api, so users log in via Active Directory. Again, all users are currently there.
RestCredentials = new TokenCredentials(tokenAuthResult.AccessToken);
Using the RestCredentials I pass in the credentials as type
using (var db = new BuxtedAPI(Model.Helpers.Credentials.RestCredentials))
var res = db.GetComboList();
ComboValueList = new ObservableCollection<ComboValue>(res);
return ComboValueList;
I can see on the log in Azure that the user successfully logs in.
But the system just dies with
Operation returned an invalid status code 'InternalServerError'
No more feedback at all.
Just to note, I am using swagger also here.
I am assuming that the BuxtedAPI call that passing the credentials should pass through the bearer token for the api call to authorise.
I have set nothing else on on webapi code base, no [AUTHORIZED] or anything.
Any chance anyone can help me along here.
Thanks Scott
If anyone else gets in this situation.
The process required Resource Id to be the web app and the clientid to be the native app id.

How do I get the Explore and Stream section from the SoundCloud API

I can't seem to find the section in their api reference. I tried it as a searchquery but it doesn't seem to work. api.soundcloud.com/stream or /explore return a 404, so that doesn't work either
Thats actually not a part of the public API.
But its quite easy to grab your call from the dev console.
Thats an example call from my user:
To make that call work, you need to modify the headers.
These answers may help you:
Retrieving the "recommended" playlist via API call?
soundcloud: Is api-v2 allowed to be used and is there documentation on it?
How to get "all" tracks related to an artist with Souncloud API
Using these endpoints does not go inline with SoundClouds TOS.

Empty response to API call to Facebook Graph

I have been hammering away at this problem for the last day. I really hope someone can help me out. I would be very grateful.
What I am trying to do is fetch event data from a Facebook Page. I looked over the documentation, which says this about reading Pages data:
A Facebook page
For pages that are published, you need:
An app or user access token to view fields from fully public pages.
So what I did was I obtained an app access token via:
GET https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?
which then returned
After this I followed the documentation and made the following call
This returned:
"data": [
So after some fiddling around I was able to make the call by switching to version V2.2 and by creating an access key with Facebook API Graph explorer tool(no permissions granted).
GET https://graph.facebook.com/v2.2/129511477069092/events?
The page I am trying to retrieve data from is public and so are the events, so I can't figure out what is going on. I know I am super close since I am able to retrieve the data with the token provided by the Facebook API Graph Explorer Tool. The thing with using this token is that it only last a few hours and I need something that is going to last longer such as an app access token. I have done some research on Stackoverflow and found similar questions, but none of them solve my problem. Any help will be appreciated to the max! Thanks.
Looks like a bug of v2.4 to me. It works with v2.3 if you remove the deprecated venue field:
If the version is changed to v2.4, it returns an empty result.
There's no documentation about this in the changelog at
so I guess it's a bug. There's already a bug report at
with status assigned. If you have an app that supports v2.3, I'd suggest you prefix your request like this:
GET /v2.3/129511477069092/events?fields=id,cover,name,description

Facebook graph api - Unsupported get request

I'm creating a custom module in Drupal, that for part of its functionality must fetch posts from a business page. So for simplicity, I'm using fbapp module as a dependency (drupal.org/project/fbapp), so that I can use it's authentication and request functions (fbapp_app_authenticate() and fbapp_graph_request()) without having to worry about the constant facebook graph updates making my own code obsolete.
I've created a facebook app, so authentication should be app token, using appid and app secret. This seems fine and I'm getting back access_token. However, when I try to read posts from a publicly available page (the clients), I get the response:
"Unsupported get request. Please read the Graph API documentation at https:\/\/developers.facebook.com\/docs\/graph-api"
Here's the queries and responses my code produces:
array(1) {
string(43) "<redacted>|<redacted>"
string(183) "{"error":{"message":"Unsupported get request. Please read the Graph API documentation at https:\/\/developers.facebook.com\/docs\/graph-api","type":"GraphMethodException","code":100}}"
Can anyone verify a correct way to query a Facebook page programmatically, perhaps there's a setting in the page I'm querying that I need to set (although I can't find anything)?
If page restrictions apply, the page's feed can only be retrieved with an user access token as far as I know (because FB needs to evaluate the visibility criteria, and setting your app to the same restrictions doesn't help here):
It looks like everything you have done is correct. The response you got can be (i am not sure) because you got your clients pageid wrong.