Settings as shared Instance - swift

I tried to do this so get my settings saved whenever the App moves to the background or gets killed or whatever.
I want to access and set the property "useLimits" all over my App.
Why is it not working?
Is there a better more elegant way to achieve this?
import UIKit
class Settings: NSObject
static let sharedInstance = Settings()
private let kUseLimits = "kUseLimits"
var useLimits = false
override init()
selector: #selector(,
name: UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification,
object: nil)
let userdefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
self.useLimits = userdefaults.boolForKey(kUseLimits)
func save()
let userdefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
userdefaults.setBool(self.useLimits, forKey: kUseLimits)
func reset()
self.useLimits = false

I think something like this will be good:
class AppSettings {
private struct Keys {
static let useLimits = "AppSttings.useLimits"
static var useLimits: Bool {
set {
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setBool(newValue, forKey: Keys.useLimits)
get {
return NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().boolForKey(Keys.useLimits)
static func rest() {
useLimits = false
P.S. Starting from iOS 8 you don't need to call synchronize() in NSUserDefault
P.S.S. NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().boolForKey(Keys.useLimits) will return false if there not such object, if you need specific default value please check on object or use NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().registerDefaults()
P.S.S.S. It wont effect your performance much, so you can read from UD and write there just on on the run, but if you want too performance code, you can do something like this:
private static var _useLimits: Bool?
static var useLimits: Bool {
set {
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setBool(newValue, forKey: Keys.useLimits)
_useLimits = newValue
get {
if _useLimits == nil {
_useLimits = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().boolForKey(Keys.useLimits)
return _useLimits!
or more elegant for current value:
private static var _useLimits: Bool = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().boolForKey(Keys.useLimits)
static var useLimits: Bool {
set {
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setBool(newValue, forKey: Keys.useLimits)
_useLimits = newValue
get {
return _useLimits


init class from another class swift

I have this ScreenSecurityWorker
final class ScreenSecurityWorker {
weak var delegate: ScreenSecurityWorkerDelegate?
private var isPassPhraseOn: Bool { return SettingsManager.shared.load(.passPhrase) }
private var isPassPhraseForced: Bool { return environment.forcePassPhraseEnabled }
var screenSecurityEnabled = false
inside my Mainrouter I am changing screenSecurityEnabled bool value to true at activateScreenSecurity
func activateScreenSecurity() {
guard !screenSecurityWorker.passwordSecurityInProgress else { return }
screenSecurityVC = ScreenSecurityBuiler.make()
app.window.rootViewController = screenSecurityVC
screenSecurityWorker.passPhareSuccess = false
screenSecurityWorker.screenSecurityEnabled = true
I am trying to reach to screenSecurityEnabled from ChatVC
but if I init it as
let screenSecurityWorker = ScreenSecurityWorker()
it has no values inside at all.
if I try like this it gives error
let screenSecurityWorker : ScreenSecurityWorker?
init(screenSecurityWorker: ScreenSecurityWorker){
self.screenSecurityWorker = screenSecurityWorker
I need this screenSecurityWorker.screenSecurityEnabled to change subviews in this function inside ChatVC
override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() {
if screenSecurityWorker!.screenSecurityEnabled {
let place = chatTextAreaContainerView.bounds.height + CGFloat(lastContentOffset ?? collectionView.contentOffset.y - chatTextAreaContainerView.bounds.height)
self.collectionView.contentOffset.y = place
screenSecurityWorker!.screenSecurityEnabled = false

Boolean returns nil and unable to access value from response on view controller

I have a usermodel that checks the backend if the email exists - then I drill back into a viewcontroller and set a boolean value that should trigger a function run. However the value is unchanged and I am trying to change this value from the usermodel but it is not accessible. I understand why it does not work.. but do not know how to resolve the issue.
static func sendEmailWithResetLink(email: String) {
let params : Parameters = [
request(URL_RESET_PASSWORD as String, method: .post, parameters: params, headers: nil).responseJSON {
(response: DataResponse<Any>) in
print("this is response \(response)")
case .success(_):
print("it did not fail")
let passwordResetVC = PasswordResetViewController()
passwordResetVC.hasFailed = false
case .failure(_):
print("it failed")
let passwordResetVC = PasswordResetViewController()
//here boolean is set that I am trying to access in viewcontroller
passwordResetVC.hasFailed = true
Here's what I would suggest. You probably have some of these in place already:
Create an PasswordResetViewController object has an #IBAction func resetButtonClicked triggered by a button or whatever, which kicks off the password reset process.
Create a UserManager class. This class is responsible for all profile management activies in your app. Among other things, it has the ability to reset user passwords. This UserManager would probably be a singleton, that' sprobably good enough for now.
Create a new UserManagerDelegate protocol. Add to it all capabilities that are required by the UserManager to inform them of whatever happened. For example: var passwordResetHasFailed: Bool { get set }.
Extend your PasswordResetViewController conform to this protocol.
Your VC gets a reference to the singleton UserManager object, stores it in an instance variable, and uses that to access the shared object from then on.
Make your PasswordResetViewController register itself as the delegate to the user manager, with userManager.delegate = self
The #IBAction func resetButtonClicked will just call userManager.resetPassword()
Your UserManager does whatever it needs to do to reset the user's password.
When it's done, it'll call self.delegate?.passwordResetHasFailed = true/false.
Since your PasswordResetViewController registered itself as the delegate of the UserManager, when the operation is done, its passwordResetHasFailed property will be changed, giving it a chance to respond (by updating some UI or whatever).
There are some limitations to this approach, but it's a decent way to get started. Some thing to note:
This lets you unit test your PasswordResetViewController. You can create a MockUserManager, and set tesPasswordResetViewController.userManager = MockUserManager(), allowing you to separate out the user manager, and test PasswordResetViewController in isolation.
You'll run into issues if you need multiple objects to subscribe to receive delegate call backs (since there can only be 1 delegate object). At that point, you can switch to using something like Promises, RxSwift or Combine. But that's a problem for a later time, and the migration would be easy.
Going off of #Alexander - Reinstate Monica and what I assume what the code to look like to approach your problem.
Using MVC:
In Models folder (data/ logic part)
public class User {
private var name: String!
private var userEmail: String!
public var hasFailed: Bool?
init() {
name = ""
userEmail = ""
hasFailed = nil
public func setName(name: String) { = name }
public func getName() -> String { return name }
public func setEmail(email: String) { userEmail = email }
public func getEmail() ->String { return userEmail }
public static func sendEmailWithRestLing(email: String) {
// your other code
switch response.result {
case .success(_):
//your code
hasFailed = false
case .failuare(_):
// your code
hasFailed = true
User Manager class applying singleton design
final class UserManager {
private var user = User()
static let instance = UserManager()
private init(){}
public func userName(name: String) {
if (name.count > 3) {
user.setName(name: name)
else { print("user name is too short") }
public func userEmail(email: String) {
if (email.count > 3) {
user.setEmail(email: email)
else { print("user email is too short") }
public func getUserName() -> String {
let name = user.getName()
if (name.isEmpty) { return "user name is Empty" }
return name
public func getUserEmail() -> String {
let email = user.getEmail()
if (email.isEmpty) { return "user email is Empty" }
return email
public func doKatieTask(link: String) -> Int {
guard let myValue = user.hasFailed else {
return -1
if (myValue) { return 1}
return 0
So, Now in the Controllers folder and since we a one-to-one relation we will use delegate design pattern. If had had one-to-many with the view controller. Use observers.
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var nameTextField: UITextField!
#IBOutlet weak var emailTextField: UITextField!
var _hasFail: Bool!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
#IBAction func doTask() {
UserManager.instance.userName(name: nameTextField.text!)
UserManager.instance.userEmail(email: emailTextField.text!)
switch UserManager.instance.doKatieTask(link: emailTextField.text!) {
case 0:
_hasFail = false
case 1:
_hasFail = true
print("hasFailed is nil")
if let vc = storyboard?.instantiateViewController(identifier: "passwordVC") as? PasswordResetViewController {
vc.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
vc.delegate = self
self.present(vc, animated: true, completion: nil)
extension ViewController: KatieDelegate {
var hasFailed: Bool {
get {
return _hasFail
set {
_hasFail = newValue
In PasswordReset UIViewController
protocol KatieDelegate {
var hasFailed: Bool { get set }
class PasswordResetViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var nameLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var emailLabel: UILabel!
var delegate: KatieDelegate?
override func viewDidLoad() {
nameLabel.text = UserManger.instance.getUserName()
emailLabel.text = UserManger.instance.getUserEmail()
if let delegate = delegate {
print("The value for has failed is: .....\(delegate.hasFailed)!")
else { print("error with delegate") }

Can a Swift Property Wrapper reference the owner of the property its wrapping?

From within a property wrapper in Swift, can you someone refer back to the instance of the class or struck that owns the property being wrapped? Using self doesn't obviously work, nor does super.
I tried to pass in self to the property wrapper's init() but that doesn't work either because self on Configuration is not yet defined when #propertywrapper is evaluated.
My use case is in a class for managing a large number of settings or configurations. If any property is changed, I just want to notify interested parties that something changed. They don't really need to know which value just, so use something like KVO or a Publisher for each property isn't really necessary.
A property wrapper looks ideal, but I can't figure out how to pass in some sort of reference to the owning instance that the wrapper can call back to.
enum PropertyIdentifier {
case backgroundColor
case textColor
struct Recorded<T> {
let identifier:PropertyIdentifier
var _value: T
init(_ identifier:PropertyIdentifier, defaultValue: T) {
self.identifier = identifier
self._value = defaultValue
var value: T {
get { _value }
set {
_value = newValue
// How to callback to Configuration.propertyWasSet()?
// [self/super/...].propertyWasSet(identifier)
struct Configuration {
#Recorded(.backgroundColor, defaultValue:NSColor.white)
var backgroundColor:NSColor
var textColor:NSColor
func propertyWasSet(_ identifier:PropertyIdentifier) {
// Do something...
The answer is no, it's not possible with the current specification.
I wanted to do something similar. The best I could come up with was to use reflection in a function at the end of init(...). At least this way you can annotate your types and only add a single function call in init().
fileprivate protocol BindableObjectPropertySettable {
var didSet: () -> Void { get set }
class BindableObjectProperty<T>: BindableObjectPropertySettable {
var value: T {
didSet {
var didSet: () -> Void = { }
init(initialValue: T) {
self.value = initialValue
extension BindableObject {
// Call this at the end of init() after calling super
func bindProperties(_ didSet: #escaping () -> Void) {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: self)
for child in mirror.children {
if var child = child.value as? BindableObjectPropertySettable {
child.didSet = didSet
You cannot do this out of the box currently.
However, the proposal you refer to discusses this as a future direction in the latest version:
For now, you would be able to use a projectedValue to assign self to.
You could then use that to trigger some action after setting the wrappedValue.
As an example:
import Foundation
class Wrapper {
let name : String
var value = 0
weak var owner : Owner?
init(_ name: String) { = name
var wrappedValue : Int {
get { value }
set {
value = 0
owner?.wrapperDidSet(name: name)
var projectedValue : Wrapper {
class Owner {
#Wrapper("a") var a : Int
#Wrapper("b") var b : Int
init() {
$a.owner = self
$b.owner = self
func wrapperDidSet(name: String) {
var owner = Owner()
owner.a = 4 // Prints: WrapperDidSet(a)
My experiments based on :
protocol Observer: AnyObject {
func observableValueDidChange<T>(newValue: T)
public struct Observable<T: Equatable> {
public var stored: T
weak var observer: Observer?
init(wrappedValue: T, observer: Observer?) {
self.stored = wrappedValue
public var wrappedValue: T {
get { return stored }
set {
if newValue != stored {
observer?.observableValueDidChange(newValue: newValue)
stored = newValue
class testClass: Observer {
#Observable(observer: nil) var some: Int = 2
func observableValueDidChange<T>(newValue: T) {
init(){ = self
let a = testClass()
a.some = 4
a.some = 6
The answer is yes! See this answer
Example code for calling ObservableObject publisher with a UserDefaults wrapper:
import Combine
import Foundation
class LocalSettings: ObservableObject {
static var shared = LocalSettings()
#Setting(key: "TabSelection")
var tabSelection: Int = 0
struct Setting<T> {
private let key: String
private let defaultValue: T
init(wrappedValue value: T, key: String) {
self.key = key
self.defaultValue = value
var wrappedValue: T {
get {
UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: key) as? T ?? defaultValue
set {
UserDefaults.standard.set(newValue, forKey: key)
public static subscript<EnclosingSelf: ObservableObject>(
_enclosingInstance object: EnclosingSelf,
wrapped wrappedKeyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<EnclosingSelf, T>,
storage storageKeyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<EnclosingSelf, Setting<T>>
) -> T {
get {
return object[keyPath: storageKeyPath].wrappedValue
set {
(object.objectWillChange as? ObservableObjectPublisher)?.send()
UserDefaults.standard.set(newValue, forKey: object[keyPath: storageKeyPath].key)

How to access variable in Document.swift from another class?

In CoreData document I have an entity SpaceLocation which is set of different SpaceLocations. One of them is default / current one, necessary for editing document.
It's defined in main Document.swift as:
#objc var defaultSpaceLocation: SpaceLocation {
return SpaceLocation.defaultSpaceLocation(in: managedObjectContext!)
#objc var currentSpaceLocation: SpaceLocation {
get {
if _currentSpaceLocation == nil {
willChangeValue(for: \Document.currentSpaceLocation)
_currentSpaceLocation = defaultSpaceLocation
didChangeValue(for: \Document.currentSpaceLocation)
return _currentSpaceLocation!
set {
willChangeValue(for: \Document.currentSpaceLocation)
_currentSpaceLocation = newValue
didChangeValue(for: \Document.currentSpaceLocation)
and in SpaceLocation class as:
class func defaultSpaceLocation(in moc: NSManagedObjectContext) -> SpaceLocation {
let spaceLocationsRequest = NSFetchRequest<SpaceLocation>(entityName: "SpaceLocation")
var result:SpaceLocation? = nil
do {
let spaceLocations = try moc.fetch(spaceLocationsRequest)
result = spaceLocations.filter {$0.isBaseLocation}.first!
catch {
Swift.print("•••• ERROR ••••", #file, #function, "Couldn't get Default Location")
return result!
I access to currentSpaceLocation by:
(NSDocumentController.shared.currentDocument as?Document)?.currentSpaceLocation
but it works only if document is in foreground. When app goes background NSDocumentController.shared.currentDocument becomes nil so I cannot access document.currentSpaceLocation. Any idea how to solve this?

Swift 1.2 Singleton causes App to not launch

I have created a singleton for my iOS application to access certain things globally. When I launch the application int the simulator or on my iPhone/iPad however, it sticks on the launch screen, and never reaches the appdelegates didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method (I tried to println in it). If I remove the singleton and just leave the methods and variables as global it works perfectly. Which leaves me to believe it's the singleton causing this crash. Here's the code I use. If I comment out the lines currently commented out it works perfectly like this "gameName" anywhere in my code but I know this isn't great practice so if I uncomment them and access the singleton like this "Global.sharedInstance.gameName" is when the app does not launch. I do call this singleton many times throughout the app so I'm not sure if that's the issue.
//class Global {
// static let sharedInstance = Global()
// private init() {
// println("Global Singleton created");
// }
private var optionsModel = OptionsModel()
private var gamesModel = GamesModel()
private var savesModel = SavesModel()
var device = (UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate).device
var screenWidth = (UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate).window!.bounds.width
var screenHeight = (UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate).window!.bounds.height
var context = (UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate).managedObjectContext!
var PI = CGFloat(M_PI)
var gameIndex = 0
var player: AudioPlayer!
var gameLevel = ""
func loadSong(name: String, loops: Int) {
player = AudioPlayer(name: name, loopCount: loops)
func playAduio(fileName: String) {
loadSong("\(fileName)Audio", 0)
var gameName: String {
get {
return gamesModel.getName(gameIndex)
var gameDescription: String {
get {
return gamesModel.getDescription(gameIndex)
var gameIntervals: NSTimeInterval {
get {
return gamesModel.getIntervals(gameIndex)
var gameNeedsMic: Bool {
get {
return gamesModel.getMic(gameIndex)
var gameNeedsSpeech: Bool {
get {
return gamesModel.getSpeech(gameIndex)
var appLocked: Bool {
get {
return optionsModel.appLocked
set {
optionsModel.appLocked = newValue
var supervisorLoggedIn: Bool {
get {
return optionsModel.supervisorLoggedIn
set {
optionsModel.supervisorLoggedIn = newValue
var themeSongMuted: Bool {
get {
return optionsModel.themeSongMuted
set {
optionsModel.themeSongMuted = newValue
var gameCount: Int {
get {
return optionsModel.gameCount
set {
optionsModel.gameCount = newValue
var gameHighscore: Int {
get {
return savesModel.getHighscore(gameIndex)
set {
var gameStarCount: Int {
get {
return savesModel.getStarCount(gameIndex)
set {
Silly me. I fixed it.
The problem was that (this is probably obvious to some of you but singletons are new to me) the singleton loaded before the app delegate loaded and some of the variables in the singleton tried to get information from the app delegate before it was created so it caused this crash. Changed it around so that i didn't load the information until after the app delegate was loaded and it works now.