How to rename an Amazon RDS hosted PostgreSQL database - postgresql

I have restored a snapshot from an existing RDS PostgreSQL database. Now I want to rename that database but can't find how to do it anywhere in the AWS documentation.
Nor can I find how to use the master password (which I expect let's me do it).

Logging in with postgres into template1 database and then ALTER DATABASE foo RENAME TO bar; worked


Accidentally restored a another database to the 'postgres' database how to correct

I accidentally restored another database as the default postgres database, how do I correct this?
postgres v10 on ubuntu.
To be specific. Log into a database other then postgres.
CREATE DATABASE postgres; --You don't need to specify template1 it is the default.
Then do your restore. If you are using pg_restore make sure you use -C to have the database CREATEd properly.

Postgres - required databases

I have accidentally deleted the default "postgres" database from my postgres. I've read that:
Most Postgres servers have three databases defined by default: template0 , template1 and postgres . template0 and template1 are skeleton databases that are or can be used by the CREATE DATABASE command. postgres is the default database you will connect to before you have created any other databases.
I have now created again a postgres database by running CREATE DATABASE postgres.
Do I need to do anything else to basically redo deleting the "postgres" database? Or the current one is basically the same?
The database postgres is in no way special. You should use the bootstrap superuser (normally postgres) as the database owner, then the database will be just as good as the original postgres database.
The only difference is that the new database will have an OID ≥ 16384, which identifies it as an object created after cluster initialization. However, a quick look through the source code makes me believe that we don't use that anywhere.

Amazon RDS postgres Data wiped and can't connect to database?

I created an RDS Postgres instance. I'm new to RDS.
db host:
db identifier:
Every tutorial says to connect with this URL:
but every time I do I get this error-
FATAl: database "demodb" does not exist.
I am able to connect using this:
Now, while I was excited to connect after I used SQL workbench to create tables and insert data into those tables, a few hours later all my tables and data were deleted/wiped/dropped. Why would this happen? and How can I prevent it from happening in the future?
FATAl: database "demodb" does not exist.
demodb is db instance identifier. It is NOT the name of your database inside of PostgreSQL.
By default RDS PostgreSQL does not create a database for you. It seems to me that you haven't created an actual database when you setup your RDS PostgreSQL.
To create a database at RDS creation there is an option called Initial database name where you should specify the name of the database you want. Otherwise, no database is created, which is a default behavior:

Database named "postgres"

I've just set up Postgres for use by different users on my network. Every user has his own username/password/database, but when I connect to Pg I can also see a 'postgres' database (and even create tables etc). I tried to REVOKE access to that database from public but then it won't let me connect. What exactly is the postgres database and why is it needed? Can I disable it so that users only see the database(s) I've created for them?
The postgres database is created by default when you run initdb.
Quote from the manual:
Creating a database cluster consists of creating the directories in which the database data will live (...) creating the template1 and postgres databases. When you later create a new database, everything in the template1 database is copied. (...) The postgres database is a default database meant for use by users, utilities and third party applications.
There is nothing special about it, and if you don't need it, you can drop it:
drop database postgres;
You need to do that as a superuser of course. The only downside of this is that when you run psql as the postgres operating system user, you need to explicitly provide a database name to connect to
If you drop the postgres database you'll find a few things to be confusing. Most tools default to using it as the default database to connect to, for one thing. Also, anything run under the postgres user will by default expect to connect to the postgres database.
Rather than dropping it, REVOKE the default connect right to it.
REVOKE connect ON DATABASE postgres FROM public;
The superuser (usually postgres), and any users you explicitly grant rights to access the database can still use it as a convenience DB to connect to. But others can't.
To grant connect rights to a user, simply:
GRANT connect ON DATABASE postgres TO myuser;

Default databases in PostgreSQL

What are the default databases in PostgreSQL at the time of installation?
template1: the "default" database, which is copied when you perform "create database foo"
template0: the "minimal default" database, which serves essentially the same purpose, but typically used to create databases when restoring dumps which might already have the extra objects that are in template1, or to create a database that uses a different character encoding to the server default (template0 should only contain ASCII characters in strings)
postgres: an "administrative" database, which clients can assume exists to connect to merely to list which databases are available etc. Also, for example, pgAdmin will install the pg_agent schema in this database.
Apparently there is a database "postgres" that is created by default on each postgresql server installation.
It appears that it does not really have a well-defined purpose. According to the docs:
Creating a database cluster consists of creating the directories in
which the database data will live, generating the shared catalog
tables (tables that belong to the whole cluster rather than to any
particular database), and creating the template1 and postgres
databases. When you later create a new database, everything in the
template1 database is copied. (Therefore, anything installed in
template1 is automatically copied into each database created later.)
The postgres database is a default database meant for use by users,
utilities and third party applications.
(Source: )