Making Realm & Unbox play nice - swift

I am learning to parse JSON in Swift, coming from Android/Java, and I am using Unbox by John Sundell to help me with this, which reminds me of GSON.
Reference: Unbox pod
I use Realm as a database to store data locally.
It would be great to find a workflow to parse a class with JSON and save it to Realm. I don't want to have a struct that implements Unboxable AND a class that implements Object (Realm), because then I have to reflect the two. That isn't too much work for my current project, but it is kinda ugly...
Did any of you try a similar workflow?

I don't think you need two separate types. My suggestion is to create your objects as Swift classes that inherit from Realm's Object class, and then also conform them to the Unboxable protocol that Unbox offers. (Although the examples on Unbox's page use struct models, there's nothing in the code or documentation that indicates that classes wouldn't work.)
Realm model objects work just like any other classes: in addition to defining whatever properties on the objects you'd like stored in the database, you can also define methods and initializers, and even specify properties that you want Realm to ignore. This allows you to create an object that both serves as a Realm model and also a JSON model compatible with Unbox.

A more concise approach that doesn't require to override required initialisers (based on a tweet by Marin Todorov):
class Car: Object, Unboxable {
dynamic var vendor: String = ""
dynamic var modelName: String = ""
dynamic var electric: Bool = false
required convenience init(unboxer: Unboxer) throws {
self.vendor = try unboxer.unbox(key: "vendor")
self.modelName = try unboxer.unbox(key: "modelName")
self.electric = try unboxer.unbox(key: "electric")

Here is an example that works perfectly for me:
class ProviderRealm: Object, Unboxable {
dynamic var identifier: String = "demo"
dynamic var name: String?
dynamic var logo: String?
/// Initializer used for unboxing of JSON string
required init(unboxer: Unboxer) throws {
self.identifier = (try? unboxer.unbox(key: "identifier")) ?? "demo" = try? unboxer.unbox(key: "name")
self.logo = try? unboxer.unbox(key: "logo")
required init(realm: RLMRealm, schema: RLMObjectSchema) {
super.init(realm: realm, schema: schema)
required init() {
required init(value: Any, schema: RLMSchema) {
super.init(value: value, schema: schema)
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "identifier"


Extending a constrained protocol for an array argument is not possible

I'm going to explain it by an example. We have a protocol for force having firstName and lastName like:
protocol ProfileRepresentable {
var firstName: String { get }
var lastName: String { get }
the type we are going to use have these two, but in an optional form:
struct Profile {
var firstName: String?
var lastName: String?
so after conforming to the ProfileRepresentable, we will extend the ProfileRepresentable and try to return the value and a default one for nil state:
extension Profile: ProfileRepresentable { }
extension ProfileRepresentable where Self == Profile {
var firstName: String { self.firstName ?? "NoFirstName" }
var lastName: String { self.lastName ?? "NoLastName" }
So far so good
Now there is a similar flow for a list of Profiles.
protocol ProfilerRepresentable {
var profiles: [ProfileRepresentable] { get }
struct Profiler {
var profiles: [Profile]
First issue
conforming to ProfilerRepresentable does NOT automatically done the implementation as expected (since Profile already conforms to ProfileRepresentable)
extension Profiler: ProfilerRepresentable { }
Second Issue
Following the previous pattern, extending ProfilerRepresentable is not working as expected and it raises a warning:
⚠️ All paths through this function will call itself
extension ProfilerRepresentable where Self == Profiler {
var profiles: [ProfileRepresentable] { self.profiles }
How can I achieve the goal for arrays by the way ?
Here is possible solution. Tested with Xcode 12 / swift 5.3
protocol ProfilerRepresentable {
associatedtype T:ProfileRepresentable
var profiles: [T] { get }
extension Profiler: ProfilerRepresentable { }
struct Profiler {
var profiles: [Profile]
[Profile] is not a subtype of [ProfileRepresentable]. (See Swift Generics & Upcasting for a related but distinct version of this question.) It can be converted through a compiler-provided copying step when passed as a parameter or assigned to a variable, but this is provided as a special-case for those very common uses. It doesn't apply generally.
How you should address this depends on what precisely you want to do with this type.
If you have an algorithm that relies on ProfilerRepresentable, then Asperi's solution is ideal and what I recommend. But going that way won't allow you to create a variable of type ProfileRepresentable or put ProfileRepresentable in an Array.
If you need variables or arrays of ProfilerRepresentable, then you should ask yourself what these protocols are really doing. What algorithms rely on these protocols, and what other reasonable implementations of ProfileRepresentable really make sense? In many cases, ProfileRepresentable should just be replaced with a simple Profile struct, and then have different init methods for creating it in different contexts. (This is what I recommend if your real problem looks a lot like your example, and Asperi's answer doesn't work for you.)
Ultimately you can create type erasers (AnyProfile), but I suggest exploring all other options (particularly redesigning how you do composition) first. Type erasers are perfect if your goal is to erase a complicated or private type (AnyPublisher), but that generally isn't what people mean when they reach for them.
But designing this requires knowing a more concrete goal. There is no general answer that universally applies.
Looking at your comments, there no problem with having multiple types for the same entity if they represent different things. Structs are values. It's fine to have both Double and Float types, even though every Float can also be represented as a Double. So in your case it looks like you just want Profile and PartialProfile structs, and an init that lets you convert one to the other.
struct Profile {
var firstName: String
var lastName: String
struct PartialProfile {
var firstName: String?
var lastName: String?
extension Profile {
init(_ partial: PartialProfile) {
self.firstName = partial.firstName ?? "NoFirstName"
self.lastName = partial.lastName ?? "NoLastName"
extension PartialProfile {
init(_ profile: Profile) {
self.firstName = profile.firstName
self.lastName = profile.lastName
It's possible that you have a lot of these, so this could get a bit tedious. There are many ways to deal with that depending on exactly the problem you're solving. (I recommend starting by writing concrete code, even if it causes a lot of duplication, and then seeing how to remove that duplication.)
One tool that could be useful would be Partial<Wrapped> (inspired by TypeScript) that would create an "optional" version of any non-optional struct:
struct Partial<Wrapped> {
private var storage: [PartialKeyPath<Wrapped>: Any] = [:]
subscript<T>(dynamicMember member: KeyPath<Wrapped, T>) -> T? {
get { storage[member] as! T? }
set { storage[member] = newValue }
struct Profile {
var firstName: String
var lastName: String
var age: Int
var p = Partial<Profile>()
p.firstName = "Bob"
p.firstName // "Bob"
p.age // nil
And a similar converter:
extension Profile {
init(_ partial: Partial<Profile>) {
self.firstName = partial.firstName ?? "NoFirstName"
self.lastName = partial.lastName ?? "NoLastName"
self.age = partial.age ?? 0
Now moving on to your Array problem, switching between these is just a map.
var partials: [Partial<Profile>] = ...
let profiles =
(Of course you could create an Array extension to make this a method like .asWrapped() if it were convenient.)
The other direction is slightly tedious in the simplest approach:
extension Partial where Wrapped == Profile {
init(_ profile: Profile) {
self.firstName = profile.firstName
self.lastName = profile.lastName
self.age = profile.age
If there were a lot of types, it might be worth it to make Partial a little more complicated so you could avoid this. Here's one approach that allows Partial to still be mutable (which I expect would be valuable) while also allowing it to be trivially mapped from the wrapped instances.
struct Partial<Wrapped> {
private var storage: [PartialKeyPath<Wrapped>: Any] = [:]
private var wrapped: Wrapped?
subscript<T>(dynamicMember member: KeyPath<Wrapped, T>) -> T? {
get { storage[member] as! T? ?? wrapped?[keyPath: member] }
set { storage[member] = newValue }
extension Partial {
init(_ wrapped: Wrapped) {
self.wrapped = wrapped
I don't love this solution; it has a weird quirk where partial.key = nil doesn't work to clear a value. But I don't have a nice fix until we get KeyPathIterable. But there are some other routes you could take depending on your precise problem. And of course things can be simpler if Partial isn't mutable.
The point is that there's no need for protocols here. Just values and structs, and convert between them when you need to. Dig into #dynamicMemberLookup. If your problems are very dynamic, then you may just want more dynamic types.

RealmSwift LinkingObjects and Decodable

I have a Realm model class that I need to be Decodable so I can serialize it from JSON and save it to database. Every PortfolioItem is associated with one Product and at some point I need to get to PortfolioItem from Product via inverse relationship. That's why I have LinkingObjects property. The problem is when I try to conform to Decodable protocol. The compiler is giving me an error Cannot automatically synthesize 'Decodable' because 'LinkingObjects<PortfolioItem>' does not conform to 'Decodable' . How to deal with this? I found very little about LinkingObjects and Decodable online and I have no idea how to approach this.
class PortfolioItem: Object {
#objc dynamic var id: String = ""
#objc dynamic var productId: String = ""
#objc dynamic public var product: Product?
convenience init(id: String, productId: String) {
self.init() = id
final class Product: Object, Decodable {
#objc dynamic var id: String = ""
#objc dynamic var name: String = ""
private let portfolioItems = LinkingObjects(fromType: PortfolioItem.self, property: "product")
public var portfolioItem: PortfolioItem? {
return portfolioItems.first
convenience init(id: String, name: String) {
self.init() = id
Big thanks to Chris Shaw for helping me figure this out. I wrote a more in-depth article how to setup Decodable and LinkingObjects, look HERE.
Well unless I'm missing something then the LinkingObjects properties does not need to be included in the decoding.
My assumption here is that you're receiving JSON from some online source, where the JSON for a Product consists of { id: "", name: "" }. As long as you're creating the PortfolioItem correctly with associated Product, then the resulting LinkingObjects property is the result of a dynamic query within Realm (and will thus work without any JSON source).
I'm not in a position to test compile an answer today, but you should be able to use CodingKeys to simply exclude that property, i.e. by adding this to Product:-
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case id
case name
Also, unrelated, but note that your convenience init function are not initialising all properties that you're passing in.

Initializing Realm Object class with multiple required initilizers

I am initializing Realm object and I am getting these errors when I try to initialize the class:
After I add the initializer for realm, the errors are still there. Is this a bug with xcode?
Looking at the sample code for swift-realm ios project here, it looks like I don't need to call the required realm. Maybe the sample code is outdated.
EDIT ---
Here's a paste of the code:
class AgencyR: Object {
#objc dynamic var agency_id: String = ""
#objc dynamic var agency_name: String = ""
#objc dynamic var agency_timezone: String = ""
#objc dynamic var agency_url: String = ""
#objc dynamic var agency_lang: String = ""
#objc dynamic var agency_phone: String = ""
#objc dynamic var agency_fare_url: String = ""
required init(realm:Realm, agency_id: String, agency_name: String, agency_timezone: String, agency_url: String, agency_lang: String, agency_phone: String, agency_fare_url: String) {
self.agency_id = agency_id
self.agency_name = agency_name
self.agency_timezone = agency_timezone
self.agency_url = agency_url
self.agency_lang = agency_lang
self.agency_phone = agency_phone
self.agency_fare_url = agency_fare_url
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return self.agency_id
If you wanted to create a designated initializer for an Object subclass, you'd need to implement all required initializers of Object since the compiler will not be able to synthetise those for you anymore.
You can get around this issue by making your custom initializer a convenience initializer rather than a designated one, which will allow you to call a designated initializer of the class rather than having to call the superclass initializer. You can still mark the convenience initializer as required.
You also have an issue in your primaryKey function. Since the function is a type function, you don't have access to the instance from inside the function, so you cannot call self to access an instance property. However, there's no need to do that anyways, since you simply need to return the variable name as a String that you want to use as a primary key.
class A: Object {
#objc dynamic var a = 1
required convenience init(_ a:Int) {
self.a = a
override static func primaryKey()->String?{
return "a"
It should be -> Object, instead of ->String? as agency_id is of type Object.Try this.

deep copy for array of objects in swift

I have this class named Meal
class Meal {
var name : String = ""
var cnt : Int = 0
var price : String = ""
var img : String = ""
var id : String = ""
init(name:String , cnt : Int, price : String, img : String, id : String) { = name
self.cnt = cnt
self.price = price
self.img = img = id
and I have an array of Meal :
var ordered = [Meal]()
I want to duplicate that array and then do some changes to the Meal instances in one of them without changing the Meal instances in the second one, how would I make a deep copy of it?
This search result didn't help me
How do I make a exact duplicate copy of an array?
Since ordered is a swift array, the statement
var orderedCopy = ordered
will effectively make a copy of the original array.
However, since Meal is a class, the new array will contain references
to the same meals referred in the original one.
If you want to copy the meals content too, so that changing a meal in one array will not change a meal in the other array, then you must define Meal as a struct, not as a class:
struct Meal {
From the Apple book:
Use struct to create a structure. Structures support many of the same behaviors as classes, including methods and initializers. One of the most important differences between structures and classes is that structures are always copied when they are passed around in your code, but classes are passed by reference.
To improve on #Kametrixom answer check this:
For normal objects what can be done is to implement a protocol that supports copying, and make the object class implements this protocol like this:
protocol Copying {
init(original: Self)
extension Copying {
func copy() -> Self {
return Self.init(original: self)
And then the Array extension for cloning:
extension Array where Element: Copying {
func clone() -> Array {
var copiedArray = Array<Element>()
for element in self {
return copiedArray
and that is pretty much it, to view code and a sample check this gist
You either have to, as #MarioZannone mentioned, make it a struct, because structs get copied automatically, or you may not want a struct and need a class. For this you have to define how to copy your class. There is the NSCopying protocol which unifies that on the ObjC world, but that makes your Swift code "unpure" in that you have to inherit from NSObject. I suggest however to define your own copying protocol like this:
protocol Copying {
init(original: Self)
extension Copying {
func copy() -> Self {
return Self.init(original: self)
which you can implement like this:
class Test : Copying {
var x : Int
init() {
x = 0
// required initializer for the Copying protocol
required init(original: Test) {
x = original.x
Within the initializer you have to copy all the state from the passed original Test on to self. Now that you implemented the protocol correctly, you can do something like this:
let original = Test()
let stillOriginal = original
let copyOriginal = original.copy()
original.x = 10
original.x // 10
stillOriginal.x // 10
copyOriginal.x // 0
This is basically the same as NSCopying just without ObjC
EDIT: Sadly this yet so beautiful protocol works very poorly with subclassing...
A simple and quick way is to map the original array into the new copy:
let copyOfPersons: [Person] ={(originalPerson) -> Person in
let newPerson = Person(name:, age: originalPerson.age)
return newPerson
The new Persons will have different pointers but same values.
Based on previous answer here
If you have nested objects, i.e. subclasses to a class then what you want is True Deep Copy.
var dogsForAdoption: Array<Dog>
class Dog{
var breed: String
var owner: Person
So this means implementing NSCopying in every class(Dog, Person etc).
Would you do that for say 20 of your classes? what about 30..50..100? You get it right? We need native "it just works!" way. But nope we don't have one. Yet.
As of now, Feb 2021, there is no proper solution of this issue. We have many workarounds though.
Here is the one I have been using, and one with less limitations in my opinion.
Make your class conforms to codable
class Dog: Codable{
var breed : String = "JustAnyDog"
var owner: Person
Create this helper class
class DeepCopier {
//Used to expose generic
static func Copy<T:Codable>(of object:T) -> T?{
let json = try JSONEncoder().encode(object)
return try JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: json)
catch let error{
return nil
Call this method whenever you need true deep copy of your object, like this:
//Now suppose
let dog = Dog()
guard let clonedDog = DeepCopier.Copy(of: dog) else{
print("Could not detach Dog")
//Change/mutate object properties as you want
clonedDog.breed = "rottweiler"
//Also clonedDog.owner != dog.owner, as both the owner : Person have dfferent memory allocations
As you can see we are piggy backing on Swift's JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder, using power of Codable, making true deep copy no matter how many nested objects are there under our object. Just make sure all your Classes conform to Codable.
Though its NOT an ideal solution, but its one of the most effective workaround.

How can I easily duplicate/copy an existing realm object

I have a Realm Object which has several relationships, anyone has a good code snippet that generalizes a copy method, to create a duplicate in the database.
In my case i just wanted to create an object and not persist it. so segiddins's solution didn't work for me.
Swift 3
To create a clone of user object in swift just use
let newUser = User(value: oldUser);
The new user object is not persisted.
You can use the following to create a shallow copy of your object, as long as it does not have a primary key:
realm.create(ObjectType.self, withValue: existingObject)
As of now, Dec 2020, there is no proper solution for this issue. We have many workarounds though.
Here is the one I have been using, and one with less limitations in my opinion.
Make your Realm Model Object classes conform to codable
class Dog: Object, Codable{
#objc dynamic var breed:String = "JustAnyDog"
Create this helper class
class RealmHelper {
//Used to expose generic
static func DetachedCopy<T:Codable>(of object:T) -> T?{
let json = try JSONEncoder().encode(object)
return try JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: json)
catch let error{
return nil
Call this method whenever you need detached / true deep copy of your Realm Object, like this:
//Suppose your Realm managed object: let dog:Dog = RealmDBService.shared.getFirstDog()
guard let detachedDog = RealmHelper.DetachedCopy(of: dog) else{
print("Could not detach Dog")
//Change/mutate object properties as you want
detachedDog.breed = "rottweiler"
As you can see we are piggy backing on Swift's JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder, using power of Codable, making true deep copy no matter how many nested objects are there under our realm object. Just make sure all your Realm Model Classes conform to Codable.
Though its NOT an ideal solution, but its one of the most effective workaround.
I had a similar issue and found a simple workaround to get a copy of a realm object. Basically you just need to make the object conform to the NSCopying protocol, something like:
import RealmSwift
import Realm
import ObjectMapper
class Original: Object, NSCopying{
dynamic var originalId = 0
dynamic var firstName = ""
dynamic var lastName = ""
override static func primaryKey() -> String? {
return "originalId"
init(originalId: Int, firstName: String, lastName: String){
self.originalId = originalId
self.firstName = firstName
self.lastName = lastName
func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
let copy = Original(originalId: originalId, firstName: firstName, lastName: lastName)
return copy
then you just call the "copy()" method on the object:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var original = Original()
override func viewDidLoad() {
var myCopy = original.copy()
The nice thing about having a copy is that I can modify it without having to be in a realm write transaction. Useful when users are editing some data but didn't hit save yet or simply changed their mind.
Since this problem is still alive I post my solution which works but still needs to be improved.
I've created an extension of Object class that has this method duplicate that takes an object objOut and fills the flat properties by looking at self. When a non-flat property is found (aka a nested object) that one is skipped.
// Duplicate object with its flat properties
func duplicate(objOut: Object) -> Object {
// Mirror object type
let objectType: Mirror = Mirror(reflecting: self);
// Iterate on object properties
for child in objectType.children {
// Get label
let label = child.label!
// Handler for flat properties, skip complex objects
switch String(describing: type(of: child.value)) {
case "Double", "Int", "Int64", "String":
objOut.setValue(self.value(forKey: label)!, forKey: label)
return objOut
Inside the Manager class for my Realms I have the method copyFromRealm() that I use to create my copies of objects.
To give you a practical example this is the structure of my Appointment class:
Appointment object
- flat properties
- one UpdateInfo object
- flat properties
- one AddressLocation object
- flat properties
- one Address object
- flat properties
- one Coordinates object
- flat properies
- a list of ExtraInfo
- each ExtraInfo object
- flat properties
This is how I've implemented the copyFromRealm() method:
// Creates copy out of realm
func copyFromRealm() -> Appointment {
// Duplicate base object properties
let cpAppointment = self.duplicate(objOut: Appointment()) as! Appointment
// Duplicate UIU object
cpAppointment.uiu = self.uiu?.duplicate(objOut: UpdateInfo()) as? UpdateInfo
// Duplicate AddressLocation object
let cpAddress = self.addressLocation?.address?.duplicate(objOut: Address()) as? Address
let cpCoordinates = self.addressLocation?.coordinates?.duplicate(objOut: Coordinates()) as? Coordinates
cpAppointment.addressLocation = self.addressLocation?.duplicate(objOut: AddressLocation()) as? AddressLocation
cpAppointment.addressLocation?.address = cpAddress
cpAppointment.addressLocation?.coordinates = cpCoordinates
// Duplicate each ExtraInfo
for other in self.others {
cpAppointment.others.append(other.duplicate(objOut: ExtraInfo()) as! ExtraInfo)
return cpAppointment
I wasn't able to find out a good and reasonable way to work with nested objects inside my duplicate() method. I thought of recursion but code complexity raised too much.
This is not optimal but works, if I'll find a way to manage also nested object I'll update this answer.
Swift 5+
Creates a Realm managed copy of an existing Realm managed object with ID
extension RLMObject {
func createManagedCopy(withID newID: String) -> RLMObject? {
let realmClass = type(of: self)
guard let realm = self.realm, let primaryKey = realmClass.primaryKey() else {
return nil
let shallowCopy = realmClass.init(value: self)
shallowCopy.setValue(newID, forKey: primaryKey)
do {
try realm.commitWriteTransaction()
} catch {
return nil
return shallowCopy