I have a table looks like below:
id | name | type | info | ksid | iv
1 | local | 1 | "keyId"=>"1234", "server"=>"" | | 30646462653237643965373830343334
how to append string to info so that the info value is
"keyId"=>"1234", "server"=>"", "period"=>"0"
And after the changing, how to change back to
"keyId"=>"1234", "server"=>""
you can add value with:
UPDATE yourtable SET info = info || '"period"=>"0"' :: hstore WHERE id = 1;
and remove with:
UPDATE yourtable SET info = delete(info, 'period') WHERE id = 1;
Postgres returning empty result if one of the outcome is null.
For a scenario, consider a table,
table: books
id | title | is_free |
1 | A | true |
2 | B | false |
select 'some_text' as col, b.title
from (select title from books
where id = 3) as b;
In this case, the number of rows returned is 0.
col | title |
(0 rows)
How to return Null as return value?
col | title |
some_text | NULL |
(1 row)
Use a subquery in a different way:
select 'some_text' as col,
(select title from books where id = 3);
This is the dummy function I wrote to update the counter.
def updateTable(tableName, visitorId, dtWithZone):
db_uri = app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"]
engine = create_engine(db_uri, connect_args={"options": "-c timezone={}".format(dtWithZone.timetz().tzinfo.zone)})
# create session
Session = sessionmaker()
session = Session()
meta = MetaData(engine, reflect=True)
table = meta.tables[tableName]
print dir(table)
# update row to database
row = session.query(table).filter(
table.c.visitorId == visitorId).first()
print 'original:', row.count
row.count = row.count + 1
print "updated {}".format(row.count)
but when it reaches the line row.count = row.count + 1 it throws error:
AttributeError: can't set attribute
this is the table
\d visitorinfo;
Table "public.visitorinfo"
Column | Type | Modifiers
platform | character varying(15) |
browser | character varying(10) |
visitorId | character varying(10) | not null
language | character varying(10) |
version | character varying(20) |
cl_lat | double precision |
cl_lng | double precision |
count | integer |
ip | character varying(20) |
visitor_time | timestamp with time zone |
"visitorinfo_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree ("visitorId")
what am I doing wrong ?why is it saying cannot set attribute?
part of updated code:
# update row to database
row = session.query(table).filter(
table.c.visitorId == visitorId).first()
print 'original:', row.count
val = row.count
row.count = val + 1
print "updated {}".format(row.count)
use an update query:
UPDATE public.visitorinfo SET counter = counter + 1 WHERE visitorId = 'VisitorID'
Make sure that last 'VisitorID' is filled from your application
I have an index rt with following configuration
index rt
type = rt
min_stemming_len = 4
morphology = stem_en
wordforms = /home/mis/syns.txt
exceptions = /home/mis/exp.txt
# english charset defined with alias
#charset_table = 0..9, english, _
phrase_boundary = ., ?, !
path = /var/lib/sphinxsearch/data/rt
rt_field = title
rt_field = content
rt_attr_string = content
rt_attr_string = title
rt_attr_uint = gid
and data in Index is
mysql> select * from rt;
| id | gid | content | title |
| 1 | 2 | This is a test with walks. Then No data shown. Wow This is fine. | test1 |
| 2 | 2 | This is a test with walks | test1 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
I would like to get only "Wow This is fine." From rt index with snippet.
I set boundaries to the index. So that i can use the use_boundaries option for spippent. But still i am not getting the excepted result.
SELECT id, SNIPPET(content, 'wow', 'use_boundaries=1') as t FROM rt;
| id | t |
| 1 | This is a test with walks. Then No data shown. <b>Wow</b> This is fine. |
| 2 | This is a test with walks |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
any way i can use phrase_boundary to return the result by 'sentence'
Dont see any reason why use_boundaries wouldnt work.
Sounds like you also want limit_passages=1 to get just the one passage in result.
Maybe also allow_empty=1, to deal with the second document, where its been unable to highlight the query word.
ALTER TABLE users ADD todo map;
UPDATE users SET todo = { '1':'1111', '2':'2222', '3':'3' ,.... } WHERE user_id = 'frodo';
now ,i want to run the follow cql ,but failed ,is here any other method ?
SELECT user_id, todo['1'] FROM users WHERE user_id = 'frodo';
the length my map can change. for example : { '1':'1111', '2':'2222', '3':'3' } or { '1':'1111', '2':'2222', '3':'3', '4':'4444'} or { '1':'1111', '2':'2222', '3':'3', '4':'4444' ...}
If you want to use a map collection, you'll have the limitation that you can only select the collection as a whole (docs).
I think you could use the suggestion from the referenced question, even if the length of your map changes. If you store those key/value pairs for each user_id in separate fields, and make your primary key based on user_id and todo_k, you'll have access to them in the select query.
For example:
user_id text,
todo_k text,
todo_v text,
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, todo_k)
| user_id | todo_k | todo_v |
| frodo | 1 | 1111 |
| frodo | 2 | 2222 |
| sam | 1 | 11 |
| sam | 2 | 22 |
| sam | 3 | 33 |
Then you can do queries like:
select user_id,todo_k,todo_v from users where user_id = 'frodo';
select user_id,todo_k,todo_v from users where user_id = 'sam' and todo_k = 2;
Creating a SQL query that performs math with variables from multiple tables
This question I asked previously will help a bit as far as layout, for the sake of saving time I'll include the important bits and add in more detail for scenarios pertaining to this:
A mockup of what the tables look like:
ID | lowrange | highrange | ItemType
1 | 15 | 20 | 1
2 | 21 | 30 | 1
3 | null | null | 1
4 | 100 | 105 | 2
ID | Item | Missing | Void
1 | 17 | 1 | 0
1 | 19 | 1 | 0
4 | 102 | 0 | 1
4 | 103 | 1 | 0
4 | 104 | 1 | 0
InventoryID| ItemID | Detail1 | Detail2 | Detail3
1 | 16 | Some | Info | Here
1 | 18 | More | Info | Here
1 | 20 | Data | Is | Here
2 | 21 | .... | .... | ....
2 | 24 | .... | .... | ....
2 | 28 | .... | .... | ....
2 | 29 | .... | .... | ....
2 | 30 | .... | .... | ....
InventoryID| ItemID | Col1 | Col2 | Col3
4 | 101 | .... | .... | ....
I attempted this. I know it is not functional but it illustrates what I'm trying to do and I personally haven't seen anything written up like this before:
TableWithDataEnteredForItemType1 TONE WHEN (I.ItemType = 2)
THEN SELECT TTWO.ItemID FROM TableWithDataEnteredForItemType2
TTWO END AS ItemMissing Inventory I JOIN CASE WHEN (I.ItemType = 1) THEN
TableWithDataEnteredForItem1 T WHEN (I.ItemType = 2) THEN
TableWithDataEnteredForItem2 T END ON
I.lowrange FROM Inventory WHERE I.lowrange IS NOT NULL) AND IN
(SELECT I.highrange FROM Inventory WHERE I.highrange IS NOT NULL)
AND ItemMissing NOT IN (SELECT Item from MissingOrVoid)
The result should be:
I know I'm probably not even going in the right direction with my query, but I was hoping I could get some direction as to fixing it to get the results that are needed.
Specific requirements (thought I included this but appears I didn't) - return list of all items not accounted for in the system. There are two ways of something being accounted for: 1) an entry in the corresponding ItemType table 2) located in MissingOrVoid (known items to be missing or removed).
DDL (I had to look this up as I wasn't sure what was meant here. Being that I have very little experience creating tables by scripting, this will probably be psuedo-DDL):
ID - int, identifier/primary key, not nullable
lowrange - int, nullable
highrange - int, nullable
itemtype - int, not nullable
ID - int, foreign key for Inventory.ID, not nullable
Item - int, identifier/primary key, not nullable
missing - bit, not nullable
void - bit, not nullable
Tables for Item types:
IntenvoryID - int, foreign key for Inventory.ID, not nullable
ItemID - int, primary key, not nullable
Everything else - not needed for querying, just data about the item (included
to show that the tables aren't the same content)
Edit 2: Here's an incredibly inefficient C# and Linq way of doing it but maybe of some help:
List<int> Items = new List<int>();
List<int> MoV = (from c in db.MissingOrVoid Select c.Item).ToList();
foreach (Table...ItemType1 row in db.Table...ItemType1)
foreach (Table...ItemType2 row in db.Table...ItemType2)
List<Range> InventoryRanges = new List<Range>();
foreach (Inventory row in db.Inventories)
if (row.lowrange != null && row.highrange != null)
InventoryRanges.Add(new Range(row.lowrange, row.highrange));
foreach (int item in Items)
foreach (Range range in InventoryRanges)
if (range.lowrange <= item && range.highrange >= item)
if (MoV.Contains(item))
return Items;
There's a ready made number table called master..spt_values, which can be quite helpful in this case. Note though, that you can use this table if the distance between lowrange and highrange cannot exceed 2047, otherwise create, populate and use your own number table instead.
Here's the method:
ItemMissing = i.Item
Item = i.lowrange + v.number,
FROM Inventory i
INNER JOIN master..spt_values v
ON v.type = 'P' AND v.number BETWEEN 0 AND i.highrange - i.lowrange
) inv
LEFT JOIN MissingOrViod m
ON inv.ID = m.ID AND inv.Item = m.Item
LEFT JOIN TableWithDataEnteredForItem1 t1 ON inv.ItemType = 1
AND inv.ID = t1.InventoryID AND inv.Item = t1.ItemID
LEFT JOIN TableWithDataEnteredForItem2 t2 ON inv.ItemType = 2
AND inv.ID = t2.InventoryID AND inv.Item = t2.ItemID
The subselect expands the Inventory table into a complete item list with item IDs as defined by lowrange and highrange (this is where the number table comes in handy). The obtained list is then compared against the other three tables to find and exclude those items that are present in them. The remaining items, then, constitute the list of 'items missing'.