plot a curve as smaller parts, matlab - matlab

I have a sequence of points i wish to plot, but the resultant curve could be broken at places if the points are too far apart.
So in the 1D CASE :
1 2 3 7 9 11 12 16 18 19
Would be like :
1-2-3 7-9-11-12 16-18-19
or : seq1 seq2 seq3
I want to plot my sequence as discrete parts seq1 seq2 and seq3 which are not connected.
I am not too sure how to go about this

sea the code snippet below for a solution of your problem. I tried to explain as much in the code as possible, but don't hesitate to ask, if anything is not clear.
% constants, thresold defintion
T = 4;
% your data
a = [1 2 3 7 9 11 12 16 18 19 24 25 26 28 35 37 38 39];
% preparing the x-axis
x = 1:length(a);
% Getting the differences between the values
d = diff(a);
% find the suggested "jumps/gaps", greater/equal than the threshold
ind = find(d>=T);
hold on;
% Plotting the first part of a
y = nan*ones(1,length(a));
y(1:ind(1)) = a(1:ind(1));
% Plotting all parts in between: go through all found gaps
% and plot the corresponding values of "a" between them
for j=2:length(ind)
y = nan*ones(1,length(a));
y(ind(j-1)+1:ind(j)) = a(ind(j-1)+1:ind(j));
% Plotting the last part of a
y = nan*ones(1,length(a));
y(ind(j)+1:end) = a(ind(j)+1:end);


Color some samples of MATLAB figure with different color

I have a discrete signal x of length N traced in MATLAB using the command
stem(abs(x)); axis([0 N+6 0 4]);
The resulted figure is shown below:
My question I need only some values corresponding for example to index [7 10 11 12 15 18 48 50 52 60] to be colored with different color , let's say with red.
How can I do that into my figure ?
Using Multiple Plots by hold on and Matrix Indexing
You could possibly and alternatively place a plot on top of plot by using hold on. This does require an adjustment where you need a vector in this case Sample and Indices which specify the sample number/data point index. You can also use matrix indexing to get the amplitude/data points corresponding to the key point, Indicies.
%Vector relating to the sample/data point number%
Sample = linspace(1,70,70);
%Random test data%
X = randi([0,2],1,70);
hold on
%Key indices to change colour%
Key_Indices = [7 10 11 12 15 18 48 50 52 60];
%Matrix indexing to get values/amplitudes corresponding to key indices%
X_Prime = X(Key_Indices);
axis([0 70 0 3]);
hold off
Ran using MATLAB R2019b
This code makes just the circles red and not the stems
plot with selected red circles
%Vector relating to the sample/data point number
Sample = linspace(1,70,70);
%Random test data
X = randi([0,2],1,70);
%Key indices to change color
Key_Indices = [7 10 11 12 15 18 48 50 52 60];
line(Sample(Key_Indices), X(Key_Indices), 'linestyle', 'none', 'marker', 'o', 'color', 'r')
axis([0 70 0 3])
grid on

MATLAB: How to add custom ticks and labels to an imagesc plot?

I have made a matrix containing 13 different vectors with ~300K+ rows. I have visualized the matrix by transposing it and using the imagesc function to see the distribution of colors. All vectors have been resampled, processed and normalized between 0 & 1 individually.
The imagesc plot gives me this result (fig 1):
But, when I use the axis functionality to add x & y limits, I get this:
How do I maintain the imagesc plot while being able to add custom ticks and labels to the X & y axis? The x axis represents time, while the y axis will get its own labels with sensor names.
You redefine limits from 0 to 30 on the x-axis while the initial xlimits goes up to 3e5. Same issue with the y-axis
Here's how to redefine the Y-axis to put sensor names:
C = [0 2 4 6 9 ; 8 10 12 44 14; 16 48 10 32 23];
% Get axis handle
ax = gca;
% Set where ticks will be
ax.YTick = [1 2 3];
% Set TickLabels;
ax.YTickLabel = {'S1','S2','S3'};
Figure out the ax.YTick where you want the labels to appear.
If you want the x-axis to go from 0 to 30, divide the x component of all vectors by 1e4 before plotting. Alternatively, you can add the line:
ax.XTickLabel = ax.XTick/1e4;

Finding index of element matching condition of matrix - Matlab

Given a matrix Z(i,j) such that it maps to two arrays X(i), and Y(j).
I am trying to find elements of Z (and hence the corresponding X and Y) within a certain range.
I am now doing the following using logical indexing. Given this example
X = 1:5;
Y = 1:5;
Z = [17 24 1 8 15
23 5 6 14 16
4 6 13 20 22
10 12 19 21 3
11 18 25 2 9]
Z((X>1 & X<4),Y==3)
This works fine, but now I wish to find the minimum of the returned values from this particular range,
Which I do with
min(Z((X>1 & X<4),Y==3))
But now how I get back the corresponding X and Y values of the minimum? Since my logical indexing returns an array, all methods I have tried so far returns the index of the min in the answer array, not the original Z matrix.
I can't use
[row col] = find(Z==min(Z((X>1 & X<4),Y==3)))
Because of the repeats. What are my alternatives?
To retrieve the original indices, you have to keep the memory of the indices of your two conditions on x and y (which I put in the arrays cX and cY) and then use the function ind2sub.
NB: your code is a little bit confusing since x stands for the lines
and y for the columns, but I have kept the same convention in my
In practice, this gives:
% --- Definition
X = 1:5;
Y = 1:5;
Z = [17 24 1 8 15
23 5 6 14 16
4 6 13 20 22
10 12 19 21 3
11 18 25 2 9];
% --- Get the values of interest
cX = find(X>1 & X<4);
cY = find(Y==3);
v = Z(cX,cY);
% --- Get position of the minimum in the initial array
[~, I] = min(v(:));
[Ix, Iy] = ind2sub([numel(cX) numel(cY)], I);
i = cX(Ix); % i = 2
j = cY(Iy); % j = 3
One approach -
%// Calculate all indices of the grid created with those two X-Y conditions
idx = bsxfun(#plus,(find(Y==3)-1)*size(Z,1),find((X>1 & X<4)).') %//'
%// Get the index corresponding to minimum from that grided Z
[~,min_idx] = min(Z(idx(:)))
%// Get corresponding X-Y indices by using indices calculated earlier
[indX,indY] = ind2sub([numel(X) numel(Y)],idx(min_idx))

how to get value between points from a plot?

Consider that I have the following sets of values,
Y = [1 23 4 67 89 23 5 12 ]
X = [0 2 4 6 10 14 18 22 ]
I can draw a plot with the basic plot function. Now, from this plot, I want to know what the Y value for X=5. How can I get this data?
You can see, it's not part of my plot points, but something I was to extract from the graph.
Any ideas folks? I'm a bit surprised that there isn't a built in function for this.
The function you are looking for is interp1
For your example, the code would be
y = interp1(X, Y, 5, 'linear');
Since plot uses linear interpolation, you should use it as well.
y = interp1(X,Y,5);

how to visualize a 3D matrix in MATLAB

I am trying to visualize the data contained a 3D array in MATLAB.
The array is has the dimension of 20*20*40 which all except some of the elements being zero.
I am looking for a way to plot these non-zero points in a scatter plot so that the non-zero points are connected to each other.
here is what I've done so far:
a=[1 1 1;2 2 1;2 1 1;1 2 1;
1 1 2;1 2 2;2 1 2;2 2 2;
6 6 3;6 5 3;5 6 3;5 5 3;
6 6 2;6 5 2;5 6 2;5 5 2];
[r c]=size(a);
for i = 1:r
b(a(i,c-2),a(i,c-1),a(i,c)) = 1;
[m n o]=size(b);
figure (1)
[x,y,z] = meshgrid(1:m,1:n,1:o);
So, what I am after is being able to connect each of the eight points two form to cubic lattices. Any thoughts is much appreciated.
Many thanks to all the experts who helped a lot. Now, I am facing another issue with memory.
The b matrix for my real case would be 1000*1000*2000 and I have the "a" matrix of the size 4,4700,000*3 . All the elements of "a" matrix are integer values.
Although I have up to 48GB of memory availabe. However, in the "for loop" above the program bounces back an "out of memory" error.
Any ideas to make this more memory efficient is greatly appreciated.
Consider the following (based on a previous answer):
%# adjacency matrix
adj = false(numel(b));
%# extract first cube, and connect all its points
bb = b;
bb(:,1:3,:) = false;
idx = find(bb);
adj(idx,idx) = true;
%# extract second cube, and connect all its points
bb = b;
bb(:,4:6,:) = false;
idx = find(bb);
adj(idx,idx) = true;
%# points indices
[r c] = find(adj);
p = [r c]';
%# plot
plot3(x(p), y(p), z(p), 'LineWidth',2, 'Color',[.4 .4 1], ...
'Marker','o', 'MarkerSize',6, ...
'MarkerFaceColor','g', 'MarkerEdgeColor','g')
axis equal, axis vis3d, grid on, view(3)
xlabel x, ylabel y, zlabel z
It would be easier to just manually connect the points:
%# edges: connecting points indices
p = [
1 2; 2 8; 8 7; 7 1;
37 38; 38 44; 44 43; 43 37;
1 37; 2 38; 7 43; 8 44;
65 66; 66 72; 72 71; 71 65;
101 102; 102 108; 108 107; 107 101;
65 101; 66 102; 71 107; 72 108
%# plot
plot3(x(p), y(p), z(p), 'LineWidth',2, 'Color',[.4 .4 1], ...
'Marker','o', 'MarkerSize',6, ...
'MarkerFaceColor','g', 'MarkerEdgeColor','g')
axis equal, axis vis3d, grid on, view(3)
xlabel x, ylabel y, zlabel z
%# label points
labels = strtrim(cellstr( num2str((1:numel(b))','%d') ));
idx = find(b);
text(x(idx(:)), y(idx(:)), z(idx(:)), labels(idx(:)), ...
'Color','m', ...
'VerticalAlignment','bottom', 'HorizontalAlignment','left')
EDIT#2: (credit goes to #tmpearce)
You can semi-automate the process of builing the edges list. Just replace the manually constructed matrx p in the above code with the following:
%# compute edges: pairs of vertex indices
yIdx = {1:3 4:6}; %# hack to separate each cube points
p = cell(numel(yIdx),1);
for i=1:numel(yIdx) %# for each cube
%# find indices of vertices in this cube
bb = b;
bb(:,yIdx{i},:) = false;
idx = find(bb);
%# compute L1-distance between all pairs of vertices,
%# and find pairs which are unit length apart
[r,c] = find(triu(squareform(pdist([x(idx) y(idx) z(idx)],'cityblock'))==1));
%# store the edges
p{i} = [idx(r) idx(c)]';
p = cat(2,p{:}); %# merge all edges found
The idea is, for each cube, we compute the city-block distance between all vertices. The "side" edges will have a distance of 1, while the diagonals have a distance greater than or equal to 2.
This process still assume that the list of vertices belonging to each cube is provided to us, or easily extracted as we did in the code above...
I thought I'd answer the follow-up to Amro's answer, and show how you can automate the connection of edges along a cubic matrix. This answer is intended to be a supplement to Amro's, and I would recommend incorporating it into that solution so it is easier to read for future viewers.
This starts with idx from Amro's solution, which contains the linear indices of the corners of the cubes. Below I've done it with only one cube so the matrices aren't grossly large and we can see them here.
>> idx' %# transposed to save space in the printed output
ans =
1 2 7 8 37 38 43 44 '
%# now get the subindex of each point in 3D
>> [sx sy sz] = ind2sub([6 6 3],idx);
%# calculate the "edge distance" between each corner (not euclidean distance)
>> dist = abs(bsxfun(#minus,sx,sx')) +...
abs(bsxfun(#minus,sy,sy')) +...
dist =
0 1 1 2 1 2 2 3
1 0 2 1 2 1 3 2
1 2 0 1 2 3 1 2
2 1 1 0 3 2 2 1
1 2 2 3 0 1 1 2
2 1 3 2 1 0 2 1
2 3 1 2 1 2 0 1
3 2 2 1 2 1 1 0 '
%# find row and column index of points one edge apart
>> [r c]=find(triu(dist==1)); %# triu means don't duplicate edges
%# create 'p' matrix like in Amro's answer
>> p = [idx(r) idx(c)]'
p =
1 1 2 7 1 2 37 7 37 8 38 43
2 7 8 8 37 38 38 43 43 44 44 44
To visualize, you can plot exactly like in Amro's answer.
Is this what you need?