In File maker Pro ,issue with tab control within tab control - tabcontrol

I have two tab controls,each tab control has two tabs in it.My first tab in the first tab control has two buttons. When I click the first button,my first tab in the second tab control should be shown and my first tab control should be hidden(which is done by 'GO to Object' navigation command). And same way if I click second button,second tab of the second tab control should be displayed and my first tab control should be hidden(which is also done by 'GO to Object' navigation command).But now when I click any of the buttons,my first tab control does not hide.
Please someone suggest me some solution on this.

Assuming I understand your question, I suspect you may not have named your tab segments correctly. The Go to Object command relies on the object's name, which is defined in the Name property in the Inspector (not the tab segments title, defined in the Tab Control setup).


How do I toggle to the "actual" previous tab with one command?

I understand that I can go to the previous tab on the window by pressing Ctrl+page down and go to the next tab by pressing Ctrl+page up
But on VScode, there is a feature that lets you go back to the tab you were on previously, so if I had these tabs opened up.
Tab 1Tab 2Tab 3Tab 4Tab 5
If I'm on Tab 1 and click on Tab 4, How do I go back to tab 1? I searched this, and foudn that Alt+Left Kind of does this, but it sometimes gives unexpected behaviour like going to a different line on the same window instead of going to the previous tab.

How to restore VS Code Sidebar settings?

VS Code comes with a Source Control tab on the sidebar, I think I accidentally dragged the icon into the 'Explorer' tab icon, now all the source control boxes are dragged in here and the folder + files list which used to be the default in the Explorer tab is now pushed to the bottom.
How may I undo this change?
In general, if you have moved some view to a place, called a ViewContainer, like the Side Bar or Side Panel or Panel and you can't figure out how to get back to the default location for that view use the command
View: Reset View Locations to reset all the views to their default locations.

Side navigation closes when I navigate to deeper levels in Doxygen output

I am generating output in Doxygen with side navigation that has several levels. When I navigate using the left-side navigation pane, it shows what I have selected until I get to the 8th level down - then it collapses the menu and I have no clue where I'm at in the document.
Is there any way to stop the menu from collapsing?

VS Code tab selects another button instead of adding a tab or 4 spaces to the code

The title explains it all, when I press tab while writing code, it selects the "Problems" tab instead of adding 4 spaces to my code...
Perhaps you've enabled accessibility mode with Toggle Tab Key Moves Focus command (ctrl+m by default).
Run this command again or click Tab Moves Focus on status bar:

VS Code: How to hide the bottom panel, no matter which tab I'm on?

I've found shortcuts to show/hide Problems (Cmd+Shift+M) or Output (Cmd+Shift+U), but these require two button presses to hide the bottom pane if it's not currently on those respective tabs.
How can I hide and show the bottom panel with a single button press, regardless of which tab is currently active? Similar functionality as Cmd+B, which hides the left-hand bar no matter whether Explorer, Debug etc. is active.
By default in VSCode Ctrl/Cmd+J shows and hides the Panel, no matter which one you are focused on.
Not a direct answer to your question, but if you're only interested in hiding the bottom panel then you can just hit either of these shortcuts twice: (i.e.
Cmd+Shift+M+M) once to take you to that panel, the second to hide that panel.
ctrl + `
This shortcut is responsible for showing/hiding the bottom panel that contains terminal, debug, output, etc.