CometD service vs. broadcast channel - service

In the article the author describes:
Often with PubSub, developers feel the need to create a channel per user in order to deliver private messages to a client. For example, if a trading system wants to notify a user of completed trades, the temptation is to create a channel like /trades/a_user_id and each user will subscribe to their own channel. This approach works, but is not the most resource sensible way of solving this issue and requires security code to prevent unauthorized clients subscribing to other users channels.
What are the trade-offs between the service and broadcast channels to implement messages for a particular user? I understand the security aspect of the trade-off but what about resource overhead? I don't understand why there would be any more resources used with a broadcast channel than there would be for custom-routed service. If you could explain why one is better over the other for the use-case, rather than a blanket statement of being sensible or not, that could help lead me to a decision.

The article is pretty old, it refers to CometD 1 while we are now at CometD 3.
You may want to check updates on the CometD website and read the CometD 3 documentation.
The concepts behind broadcast vs service channels are still valid for CometD 3.
The server allocates data structures for every channel is created, being it a broadcast or service channel.
In the example from that article, it is compared creating N broadcast channels - one for each user_id, versus creating just one service channel. The former solution is obviously using more resources on the server than the latter, and it's subject to sneak peeking (a client can guess a user_id and subscribe to that channel, thus receiving messages that are destined to other users).
For this particular case, all the application needs to do is to deliver a message to a specific client. For this use case, it is better to use a service channel because it uses less resources (the same server-side channel can be used for all users, without the risk that a user receives messages not destined to him/her) and it is more secure.


Communication between microservices - request data

I am dealing with communication between microservices.
For example (fictive example, just for the illustration):
Microservice A - Store Users (getUser, etc.)
Microservice B - Store Orders (createOrder, etc.)
Now if I want to add new Order from the Client app, I need to know user address. So the request would be like this:
Client -> Microservice B (createOrder for userId 5) -> Microservice A (getUser with id 5)
The microservice B will create order with details (address) from the User Microservice.
PROBLEM TO SOLVE: How effectively deal with communication between microservice A and microservice B, as we have to wait until the response come back?
Use RestAPI,
Use AMQP, like RabbitMQ and deal with this issue via RPC. (
I don't know what will be better for the performance. Is call faster via RabbitMQ, or RestAPI? What is the best solution for microservice architecture?
In your case using direct REST calls should be fine.
Option 1 Use Rest API :
When you need synchronous communication. For example, your case. This option is suitable.
Option 2 Use AMQP :
When you need asynchronous communication. For example when your order service creates order you may want to notify product service to reduce the product quantity. Or you may want to nofity user service that order for user is successfully placed.
I highly recommend having a look at
It all depends on your service's communication behaviour to choose between REST APIs and Event-Based design Or Both.
What you do is based on your requirement you can choose REST APIs where you see synchronous behaviour between services
and go with Event based design where you find services needs asynchronous behaviour, there is no harm combining both also.
Ideally for inter-process communication protocol it is better to go with messaging and for client-service REST APIs are best fitted.
Check the Communication style in
REST based Architecture
Request/Response is easy and best fitted when you need synchronous environments.
Simpler system since there in no intermediate broker
Promotes orchestration i.e Service can take action based on response of other service.
Services needs to discover locations of service instances.
One to one Mapping between services.
Rest used HTTP which is general purpose protocol built on top of TCP/IP which adds enormous amount of overhead when using it to pass messages.
Event Driven Architecture
Event-driven architectures are appealing to API developers because they function very well in asynchronous environments.
Loose coupling since it decouples services as on a event of once service multiple services can take action based on application requirement. it is easy to plug-in any new consumer to producer.
Improved availability since the message broker buffers messages until the consumer is able to process them.
Additional complexity of message broker, which must be highly available
Debugging an event request is not that easy.
Personally I am not a fan of using a message broker for RPC. It adds unnecessary complexity and overhead.
How do you host your long-lived RabbitMQ consumer in your Users web service? If you make it some static singleton, in your web service how do you deal with scaling and concurrency? Or do you make it a stand-alone daemon process? Now you have two User applications instead of one. What happens if your Users consumer slows down, by the time it consumes the request message the Orders service context might have timed-out and sent another message or given up.
For RPC I would suggest simple HTTP.
There is a pattern involving a message broker that can avoid the need for a synchronous network call. The pattern is for services to consume events from other services and store that data locally in their own database. Then when the time comes when the Orders service needs a user record it can access it from its own database.
In your case, your Users app doesn't need to know anything about orders, but your Orders app needs to know some details about your users. So every time a user is added, modified, removed etc, the Users service emits an event (UserCreated, UserModified, UserRemoved). The Orders service can subscribe to those events and store only the data it needs, such as the user address.
The benefit is that is that at request time, your Orders service has one less synchronous dependency on another service. Testing the service is easier as you have fewer request time dependencies. There are also drawbacks however such as some latency between user record changes occuring and being received by the Orders app. Something to consider.
If you do go with RabbitMQ for RPC then remember to make use of the message TTL feature. If the client will timeout, then set the message expiration to that period. This will help avoid wasted work on the part of the consumer and avoid a queue getting backed up under load. One issue with RPC over a message broker is that once a queue fills up it can add long latencies that take a while to recover from. Setting your message expiration to your client timeout helps avoid that.
Regarding RabbitMQ for RPC. Normally we use a message broker for decoupling and durability. Seeing as RPC is a synchronous communication, that is, we are waiting for a response, then durability is not a consideration. That leaves us decoupling. The question is does that decoupling buy you anything over the decoupling you can do with HTTP via a gateway or Docker service names?

Is a message queue like RabbitMQ the ideal solution for this application?

I have been working on a project that is basically an e-commerce. It's a multi tenant application in which every client has its own domain and the website adjusts itself based on the clients' configuration.
If the client already has a software that manages his inventory like an ERP, I would need a medium on which, when the e-commerce generates an order, external applications like the ERP can be notified that this has happened to take actions in response. It would be like raising events over different applications.
I thought about storing these events in a database and having the client make requests in a short interval to fetch the data, but something about polling and using a REST Api for this seems hackish.
Then I thought about using Websockets, but if the client is offline for some reason when the event is generated, the delivery cannot be assured.
Then I encountered Message Queues, RabbitMQ to be specific. With a message queue, modeling the problem in a simplistic manner, the e-commerce would produce events on one end and push them to a queue that a clients worker would be processing as events arrive.
I don't know what is the best approach, to be honest, and would love some of you experienced developers give me a hand with this.
I do agree with Steve, using a message queue in your situation is ideal. Message queueing allows web servers to respond to requests quickly, instead of being forced to perform resource-heavy procedures on the spot. You can put your events to the queue and let the consumer/worker handle the request when the consumer has time to handle the request.
I recommend CloudAMQP for RabbitMQ, it's easy to try out and you can get started quickly. CloudAMQP is a hosted RabbitMQ service in the cloud. I also recommend this RabbitMQ guide:
Your idea of using a message queue is a good one, better than database or websockets for the reasons you describe. With the message queue (RabbitMQ, or another server/broker based system such as Apache Qpid) approach you should consider putting a broker in a "DMZ" sort of network location so that your internal ecommerce system can push events out to it, and your external clients can reach into without risking direct access to your core business systems. You could also run a separate broker per client.

WebSocket/REST: Client connections?

I understand the main principles behind both. I have however a thought which I can't answer.
Benchmarks show that WebSockets can serve more messages as this website shows:
This makes sense as it states the connections do not have to be closed and reopened, also the http headers etc.
My question is, what if the connections are always from different clients all the time (and perhaps maybe some from the same client). The benchmark suggests it's the same clients connecting from what I understand, which would make sense keeping a constant connection.
If a user only does a request every minute or so, would it not be beneficial for the communication to run over REST instead of WebSockets as the server frees up sockets and can handle a larger crowd as to speak?
To fix the issue of REST you would go by vertical scaling, and WebSockets would be horizontal?
Doe this make sense or am I out of it?
This is my experience so far, I am happy to discuss my conclusions about using WebSockets in big applications approached with CQRS:
Real Time Apps
Are you creating a financial application, game, chat or whatever kind of application that needs low latency, frequent, bidirectional communication? Go with WebSockets:
Well supported.
You can use either publisher/subscriber model or request/response model (by creating a correlationId with each request and subscribing once to it).
Small size apps
Do you need push communication and/or pub/sub in your client and your application is not too big? Go with WebSockets. Probably there is no point in complicating things further.
Regular Apps with some degree of high load expected
If you do not need to send commands very fast, and you expect to do far more reads than writes, you should expose a REST API to perform CRUD (create, read, update, delete), specially C_UD.
Not all devices prefer WebSockets. For example, mobile devices may prefer to use REST, since maintaining a WebSocket connection may prevent the device from saving battery.
You expect an outcome, even if it is a time out. Even when you can do request/response in WebSockets using a correlationId, still the response is not guaranteed. When you send a command to the system, you need to know if the system has accepted it. Yes you can implement your own logic and achieve the same effect, but what I mean, is that an HTTP request has the semantics you need to send a command.
Does your application send commands very often? You should strive for chunky communication rather than chatty, so you should probably batch those change request.
You should then expose a WebSocket endpoint to subscribe to specific topics, and to perform low latency query-response, like filling autocomplete boxes, checking for unique items (eg: usernames) or any kind of search in your read model. Also to get notification on when a change request (write) was actually processed and completed.
What I am doing in a pet project, is to place the WebSocket endpoint in the read model, then on connection the server gives a connectionID to the client via WebSocket. When the client performs an operation via REST, includes an optional parameter that indicates "when done, notify me through this connectionID". The REST server returns saying if the command was sent correctly to a service bus. A queue consumer processes the command, and when done (well or wrong), if the command had notification request, another message is placed in a "web notification queue" indicating the outcome of the command and the connectionID to be notified. The read model is subscribed to this queue, gets messessages and forward them to the appropriate WebSocket connection.
However, if your REST API is going to be consumed by non-browser clients, you may want to offer a way to check of the completion of a command using the async REST approach:
I know, that is quite appealing to have an low latency UP channel available to send commands, but if you do, your overall architecture gets messed up. For example, if you are using a CQRS architecture, where is your WebSocket endpoint? in the read model or in the write model?
If you place it on the read model, then you can easy access to your read DB to answer fast search queries, but then you have to couple somehow the logic to process commands, being the read model the responsible of send the commands to the write model and notify if it is unable to do so.
If you place it on the write model, then you have it easy to place commands, but then you need access to your read model and read DB if you want to answer search queries through the WebSocket.
By considering WebSockets part of your read model and leaving command processing to the REST interface, you keep your loose coupling between your read model and your write model.

Implementing a message bus using ZeroMQ

I have to develop a message bus for processes to send, receive messages from each other. Currently, we are running on Linux with the view of porting to other platforms later.
For this, I am using ZeroMQ over TCP. The pattern is PUB-SUB with a forwarder. My bus runs as a separate process and all clients connect to SUB port to receive messages and PUB to send messages. Each process subscribes to messages by a unique tag. A send call from a process sends messages to all. A receive call will fetch that process the messages marked with the tag of that process. This is working fine.
Now I need to wrap the ZeroMQ stuff. My clients only need to supply a unique tag. I need to maintain a global list of tags vs. ZeroMQ context and sockets details. When a client say,
initialize_comms("name"); the bus needs to check if this name is unique, create ZeroMQ contexts and sockets. Similarly, if a client say receive("name"); the bus needs to fetch messages with that tag.
To summarize the problems I am facing;
Is there anyway to achieve this using facilities provided by ZeroMQ?
Is ZeroMQ the right tool for this, or should I look for something like nanomsg?
Is PUB-SUB with forwarder the right pattern for this?
Or, am I missing something here?
Yes, ZeroMQ is capable of serving this need
Yes. ZeroMQ is a right tool ( rather a powerful tool-box of low-latency components ) for this. While nanomsg has a straight primitive for bus, the core distributed logic can be integrated in ZeroMQ framework
Yes & No. PUB-SUB as given above may serve for emulation of the "shout-cast"-to-bus and build on a SUB side-effect of using a subscription key(s). The WHOLE REST of the logic has to be re-thought and designed so as the whole scope of the fabrication meets your plans (ref. below). Also kindly bear in mind, that initial versions of ZeroMQ operated PUB/SUB primitive as "subscription filtering" of the incoming stream of messages being done on receiver side, so massive designs shall check against traffic-volumes / risk-of-flooding / process-inefficiency on the massive scale...
Yes. ZeroMQ is rather a well-tuned foundation of primitive elements ( as far as the architecture is discussed, not the power & performance thereof ) to build more clever, more robust & almost-linearly-scaleable Formal Communication Pattern(s). Do not get stuck to PUB/SUB or PAIR primitives once sketching Architecture. Any design will remain poor if one forgets where the True Powers comes from.
A good place to start a next step forward towards a scaleable & fault-resilient Bus
Thus a best next step one may do is IMHO to get a bit more global view, which may sound complicated for the first few things one tries to code with ZeroMQ, but if you at least jump to the page 265 of the Code Connected, Volume 1, if it were not the case of reading step-by-step thereto.
The fastest-ever learning-curve would be to have first an un-exposed view on the Fig.60 Republishing Updates and Fig.62 HA Clone Server pair for a possible High-availability approach and then go back to the roots, elements and details.
Here is what I ended up designing, if anyone is interested. Thanks everyone for the tips and pointers.
I have a message bus implemented using ZeroMQ (and CZMQ) running as a separate process.
The pattern is PUBLISHER-SUBSCRIBER with a LISTENER. They are connected using a PROXY.
In addition, there is a ROUTER invoked using a newly forked thread.
These three endpoints run on TCP and are bound to predefined ports which the clients know of.
PUBLISHER accepts all messages from clients.
SUBSCRIBER sends messages with a unique tag to the client who have subscribed to that tag.
LISTENER listens to all messages passing through. currently, this is for logging testing and purposes.
ROUTER provides a separate comms channel to clients. Messages such as control commands are directed here so that they will not get passed downstream.
Clients connect to,
PUBLISHER to send messages.
SUBSCRIBER to receive messages. Subscription is using unique tags.
ROUTER to send commands (check tag uniqueness etc.)
I am still doing implementation so there may be unseen problems, but right now it works fine. Also, there may be a more elegant way but I didn't want to throw away the PUB-SUB thing I had built.

XMPP: adding bidirectionality to pubsub?

I am not sure if pubsub or multiuserchat is the way to go?
What I think I need is pubsub, but with the added ability for subscribers to broadcast messages to the feed as well. Bidirectional information flow, if you will.
The use case is such that subscribers will be subscribed to on average 1000 different feeds, but each individual feed only broadcasts information on average once per week. So, lots of feeds, but low activity in each one. However, b/c there are 1000 different active subscriptions, a subscriber might still be notified of 100 messages per day, and they should be able to "reply" aka post content to any one of those feeds.
It seems like what I need is a pubsub/multiuserchat hybrid. But that doesn't exist, or does it? Any ideas or pointers?
Thanks a bunch!
If a subscriber is publishing data then they are not just a subscriber, they are a publisher. And there is no reason the same entity can't be a publisher and a subscriber at the same time.
As for your more general question about pubsub vs. MUC, that's a question that I find comes up a lot nowadays.
Obviously at first glance MUC and pubsub are very similar, they are both about broadcasting to a group. Many applications could easily use one or the other with no trouble.
To help decide which fits best with your applications, let's go through some of the differences between the two protocols.
Is absolutely good for standard chatrooms of online users communicating with each other. If this is what you're doing, use it.
Includes presence, i.e. notifying other occupants about joining, leaving and changing status.
Allows for anonymous private communication between occupants.
Works out of the box with practically any standard XMPP client (for standard chat messages).
Automatic leaving of the room when the user goes offline or disconnects.
Messages with custom payloads are supported, meaning you are limited to routing standard chat messages.
One or a few publishers transmitting to many read-only subscribers is core pubsub territory. In contrast to MUC the subscribers are not publishing, and are not receiving information about other subscribers.
Server implementations tend to have much more flexible access control for pubsub.
Custom payloads only, no standard chat messages.
Optionally has full item persistence.
A node can be managed as a list of items (ie. add/remove with notification) rather than just simple broadcast.
Subscriptions can persist through being offline.
The points above are just a guide. A lot can typically be achieved through server configuration. As an example, the MUC specification allows for rooms withholding presence broadcasts for certain classes of occupants based on configuration. The catch here is in the implementations... since this is an uncommon usage of MUC, you will find it may not be supported in many MUC implementations. The point being that as MUC was designed for chatting and not generic pubsub, you will largely find all the implementations and tooling around MUC to focus on that kind usage.
Not sure what the problem is. The subscriber simply needs to be a publisher as well. There is nothing stopping them from publishing as well as subscribing (unless the nodes are configured to disallow it).
This appears to be a very typical pubsub case.