How to import new library in Angular2? - dom

I want to use RxJS-DOM library to parse json data from file. I have some difficulties with including this library to Angular2 application. First, i installed RxJS-DOM with NPM. And i need to import this library to my service file with import expression.
import {name} from 'path/to'
How can i know which name and which path to use to import this library by analogy with, for example, import {Injectable} from 'angular2/core' ?
Do i need to include this library in index.html like this and why ?
Thank you.

Usually it's SystemJS, which is loading up modules for you. You're configuring it with a systemjs.config.js file or inline in your index.html. There you tell it to load packages from your node_modules folder and with which name you want to register it and so on.
If you're using the Angular 2 Quickstart project, and the Beta version of Angular 2, then the configuration is probably done in your index.html and rather minimal at that. You will find, that every extra NodeJS module you want to use, you have to import with a <script> tag. (That's not the case if you go the SystemJS config route)
So your base path it usually the node_modules folder, when you're importing in your TypeScript file. If you want to import "local" files that are not modules from your node_modules folder, you do that with
import {class} from './path/file';
Regarding your JSON problem - I would leverage Angular's Http class to read in JSON files like this:
interface IConfig {
thingEnabled: boolean;
otherStuff: string;
.map((res: Response) => res.json())
.subscribe((res: IConfig) => {
// do something with the already deserialized JSON here


What is module Vs location Vs package in SystemJS configuration?

I'm little confused by various terminologies used in the SystemJS configuration. It talks about module, location, package etc...
Isn't module in JS is a single file, and package is a collection of modules or files? If so, how a module can be an alias to a package?
This is from the documentation page:
The map option is similar to paths, but acts very early in the normalization process. It allows you to map a module alias to a location or package:
Yes module is a single file, in javascript it's just the file name (with assumed .js extension) in quotes after from keyword in
import ... from 'some-module';
In SystemJS config file, paths and map can be used to define what actual file or URL that some-module refers to.
packages in config file allow you to apply a set of configuration parameters (default extension, module format, custom loader etc) for all modules in or below particular location (the key in packages object).
One of the settings in packages is main, which is similar to main in package.json in node (except that it's default value is empty, not index.js): it determines which file is loaded when the package location itself appears in from in import statement.
So, I think "how a module can be an alias to a package?" question about this
The map option is similar to paths, but acts very early in the
normalization process. It allows you to map a module alias to a
location or package:
can be explained on this example:
paths: {
'npm:': 'node_modules/'
map: {
'some-module': 'npm:some-module'
packages: {
'some-module': {
main: './index.js'
when these map, packages and path settings are applied by SystemJS to
import something from 'some-module';
they will cause SystemJS to load a module from node_modules/some-module/index.js under baseURL.
import something from 'some-module/subcomponent';
is mapped to node_modules/some-module/subcomponent.js.
Note: this is based on my experience with SystemJS 0.19. I haven't tried 0.20 yet.

how do you import mapbox-gl-draw using webpack?

I am using create-react-app and trying to install mapbox-gl-draw.
npm install #mapbox/mapbox-gl-draw
This works with some npm warnings. I then try to pull mapbox-gl-draw into a component like this:
import React,{Component} from 'react';
import mapboxgl from 'mapbox-gl/dist/mapbox-gl.js';
import ReactMapboxGl from 'react-mapbox-gl';
import MapboxDraw from '#mapbox/mapbox-gl-draw/dist/mapbox-gl-draw'
I just get an empty object.
I am using create-react-app. Do I need to use a different webpack .config file.
What is the best way to import mapbox modules like this?
If you're using webpack, you need to alias to use mapbox-gl dist file, here is how I have done it using webpack2:
resolve: {
modules: ['src', 'node_modules'],
extensions: ['.js', '.jsx', '.json', '.css', '.svg'],
alias: {
// mapbox-gl related packages in webpack should use dist instead of the default src
'#mapbox/mapbox-gl-draw': path.resolve(root, 'node_modules/#mapbox/mapbox-gl-draw/dist/mapbox-gl-draw.js'),
Variable "root" was defined earlier in the file to refer to the root directory of the project, on the same level as package.json etc.
The same problem can happen in react-map-gl-alt where you need to alias 'mapbox' to 'node_modules/mapbox/dist/distfilehere.js'.
To expand upon medv's answer, at current, in your package.json, you need to add the mapbox-gl v0.270 - v0.38.0, like:
"mapbox-gl": ">=0.27.0 <=0.38.0 when using "#mapbox/mapbox-gl-draw": "^1.0.1".
This is explained at the 'Requires' line here & if you look at the peerDependencies in the package.json.

Import declarations in a namespace from external module

I would like use TypeScript.NET in my angular application. I am newbie in typescript and maybe root of problem is simple.
For example I would like to use StringBuilder.
First I install TypeScript via nuget
Add ref to index.html
<script src="source/System/Text/StringBuilder.js"></script>
<script src="source/System/Text/Utility.js"></script>
Here I am confuse, I don’t use any module system (e.g commonJs, amd, etc).
TypeScript.NET nuget add to my project folder dist which constains probably dist version for amd, commonjs etc hence I reference files from source folder.
Now I want to use StringBuilder in my internal module.
module App.Company{
//in internal module
import IVersion = App.IVersion;
import IError = App.IError;
import StringBuilder from "../../../../source/system/text/stringbuilder";
Here I get compilation errror
Import declarations in a namespace cannot reference a module
What is solution?
Second how can simple reference all types from TypeScript.NET?

System.import loading module but not executing any code within it

I've got a file named index.js which looks like this:
import Backbone from 'backbone'
import _ from 'underscore'
import $ from 'jquery'
export default {...}
In my index.html I've got:
But what's baffling me is that I can see the file being loaded (in the dev tools network panel) but the console.log is never run. If this is the case, how am I to bootstrap my application?
Several online tutorials suggest bootstrapping it in the System.import file but how can that be done if the code isn't executed?
I ended up adding a .then() to the System.import with three anonymous functions, all with just a debugger and found that the import $ from 'jquery' was timing out because I didn't have the library installed. I removed the import declaration and the app was still trying to load jquery, so I installed it and it fixed the issue.

Import Ember-Cli project

I am trying to import famous into my application
When i create a breakpoint in the base index.html file in ember cli and look at what require seems to know about i see is there
in my brocfile i have tried the following
app.import('vendor/famous/famous.js', {
app.import('vendor/famous/famous.js', {
this may be fixed by master of loader.js