Remove header (column names) from query result - postgresql

I am using a Java based program and I am writing a simple select query inside that program to retrieve data from the PostgreSQL database. The data come with the header which is an error for the rest of my codes.
How do I get rid of all column headings in an SQL query? I just want to
print out the raw data without any headings.
I am using Building Controls Virtual Test Bed (BCVTB) to connect my database to EnergyPlus. This BCVTB has a database actor that you can write a query in it and receive data and send it to your other simulation program. I decided to use PostgreSQL. however when I write Select * From mydb, it brings data with the column names (header). I just want raw data without header. what should I do?

PostgreSQL does not send table headings, not like a CSV file. The protocol (as used via JDBC) sends the rows. The driver does request a description of the rows that includes column names, but it is not part of the result set rows like the "header first" convention for CSV.
Whatever is happening must be a consequence of the BCVTB tools you are using, and I suggest pursuing it on that side of things.


Postgresql: split cell containing column names (WHERE Metacolumn='col1;col2;col3;..') apart into array to dynamically generate INSERT statement

In Postgresql (and Sybase ADS), I am making my own trigger-based multimaster replication across both platforms which must dynamically handle various composite keys and sometimes no PK on certain tables. To make it easiest, I am trying to auto generate the INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE where the user can choose which columns they want to copy over by listing column names in a cell separated by semicolon.
-"SELECT Address, city, us_state, zipcode FROM;" would be a table that needs to replicate.
-The Metatable for Publication/Subscriptions would have a cell containing 'Address;city;us_state;zipcode'.
-I am using Insert/update/delete triggers to capture new row data and want to use the columns to dynamically make a statement like
"insert into place (Address,city,us_state,zipcode) VALUES (NEW.Address,,NEW.us_state,NEW.zipcode);" which can be read and executed on the desination via script. I will do the same action for UPDATE and DELETE, using OLD prefix in the UPDATE and DELETE generated statements where needed.
I am not looking for someone to do a bunch of work, but to give an idea of any functions, logic and statements involved. Thank you for any ideas or advice.
You can split a String and create an Array using the regexp_split_to_array function.
Probably something like: regexp_split_to_array(metacolumn, ';')
More info about string functions:

How to populated the table via Pentaho Data Integration's table_output step?

I am performing an ETL job via Pentaho 7.1.
The job is to populate a table 'PRO_T_TICKETS' in PostgreSQL 9.2 via the Pentaho Jobs and transformations?
I have mapped the table fields with respect to the stream fields
Mapped Fields
My Table PRO_T_TICKETS contains the Schema (Column Names) in UPPERCASE.
Is this the reason I can't populate the table PRO_T_TICKETS with my ETL Job?
I duplicated the step TABLE_OUTPUT to PRO_T_TICKETS and changed the Target table field to 'PRO_T_TICKETS2'. Pentaho created a new table with lowercase schema and populated the data in it.
But I want this data to be uploaded in the table PRO_T_TICKETS only and with the UPPERCASE schema if possible.
I am attaching the whole job here and the error thrown by Pentaho. Pentaho Error I have also tried my query by adding double quotes to the column names as you can see in the error. But it didn't help.
What do you think I should do?
When you create (or modify) the connection, select Advanced on the left panel and click on the Force to upper case or Force to lower case or, even better, Preserve case of reserved words.
To know which option to choose, copy the 4th line of your error log, the line starting with INSERT INTO "public"."PRO_T_TICKETS("OID"... in your SQL-developer tool and change the connection advanced parameters until it works.
Also, at debug time, don't use batch updates, don't use lazy conversion on previous steps, and try with one (1) field rather than all (25).
Just as a complement: it worked for me following the tips from AlainD and using specific configurations that I'd like to share with you. I have a transformation streaming data from MySQL to PostgreSQL using a Table Input and Output. In both of DBs I have uppercase objects.
I did the following steps to work in the right way:
In the table input (MySQL) the objects are uppercase too, but I typed in lowercase and it worked and I didn't set any special option in the DB Connection.
In the table output (PostgreSQL) I typed everything in uppercase (schema, table name and columns) and I also set "specify the database fields" (clicking on "Get fields").
In the target DB Connection (PostgreSQL) I put the options (in "Advanced" section): "Quote all in database" and "Preserve case of reserved words".
PS: Ah, the last option is because I've found out that there was one more problem with my fields: there was a column called "Admin" (yes guys, they created a camelcase column using a reserved word!) and for that reason I must to put "Preserve case of reserved words" and type it as "Admin" (without quotes and in camelcase) in the Table Output.

How to assign csv field value to SQL query written inside table input step in Pentaho Spoon

I am pretty new to Pentaho so my query might sound very novice.
I have written a transformation in which am using CSV file input step and table input step.
Steps I followed:
Initially, I created a parameter in transformation properties. The
parameter birthdate doesn't have any default value set.
I have used this parameter in postgresql query in table input step
in the following manner:
select * from person where EXTRACT(YEAR FROM birthdate) > ${birthdate};
I am reading the CSV file using CSV file input step. How do I assign the birthdate value which is present in my CSV file to the parameter which I created in the transformation?
Could you guide me the process of assigning the CSV field value directly to the SQL query used in the table input step without the use of a parameter?
I recommend using a "database join" step like in my third suggestion below.
See the last image for reference
First idea - Using Table Input as originally asked
Well, you don't need any parameter for that, unless you are going to provide the value for that parameter when asking the transformation to run. If you need to read data from a CSV you can do that with this approach.
First, read your CSV and make sure your rows are ok.
After that, use a select values to keep only the columns to be used as parameters.
In the table input, use a placeholder (?) to determine where to place the data and ask it to run for each row that it receives from the source step.
Just keep in ming that the order of columns received by the table input (the columns out of the select values) is the same order that it will be used for the placeholders (?). This should not be a problem with your question that uses only one placeholder, but keep that in mind as you ramp up using Pentaho.
Second idea, using a Database Lookup
This is another approach where you can't personalize the query made to the database and may experience a better performance because you can set a "Enable cache" flag and if you don't need to use a function on your where clause this is really recommended.
Third idea, using a Database Join
That is my recommended approach if you need a function on your where clause. It looks a lot like the Table Input approach but you can skip the select values step and select what columns to use, repeat the same column a bunch of times and enable a "outer join" flag that returns the rows without result from the query
ProTip: If you feel the transformation running too slow, try to use multiple copies from the step (documentation here) and obviously make sure the table have the appropriate indexes in place.
Yes there's a way of assigning directly without the use of parameter. Do as follows.
Use Block this step until steps finish to halt the table input step till csv input step completes.
Following is how you configure each step.
Postgres query should be select * from person where EXTRACT(YEAR
FROM birthdate) > ?::integer
Check Execute for each row and Replace variables in in Table input step.
Select only the birthday column in CSV input step.

Dump subset of records in an OpenEdge database table in the ".d" file format

I am looking for the easiest way to manually dump a subset of records in an OpenEdge database table in the Progress ".d" file format.
The best way I can imagine is creating an extra test database with the identical schema as the source database, and then copying the subset of records over to the test database using FOR EACH and BUFFER-COPY statements. Then just export the data from the test database using the Dump Data and Definitions Table Contens (.d file )... menu option.
That seems like a lot of trouble. If you can identify the subset of records in order to do the BUFFER-COPY than you should also be able to:
OUTPUT TO VALUE( "table.d" ).
FOR EACH table NO-LOCK WHERE someCondition:
EXPORT table.
Which is, essentially, what the dictionary "dump data" .d file is less a few lines of administrivia at the bottom which can be safely omitted for most purposes.

Tableau Extract API with multiple tables in a database

I am currently experimenting with Tableau Extract API to generate some TDE from the tables I have in a PostgreSQL database. I was able to write a code to generate the TDE from single table, but I would like to do this for multiple joined tables. To be more specific, if I have two tables that are inner joined by some field, how would I generate the TDE for this?
I can see that if I am working with small number of tables, I could use a SQL query with JOIN clauses to create a one gigantic table, and generate the TDE from that table.
>> SELECT * FROM table_1 INNER JOIN table_2
INTO new_table_1
ON table_1.id_1 = table_2.id_2;
INTO new_table_2
ON new_table_1.id_1 = table_3.id_3
and then generate the TDE from new_table_2.
However, I have some tables that have over 40 different fields, so this could get messy.
Is this even a possibility with current version of the API?
You can read from as many tables or other sources as you want. Or use complex query with lots of joins, or create a view and read from that. Usually, creating a view is helpful when you have a complex query joining many tables.
The data extract API is totally agnostic about how or where you get the data to feed it -- the whole point is to allow you to grab data from unusual sources that don't have pre-built drivers for Tableau.
Since Tableau has a Postgres driver and can read from it directly, you don't need to write a program with the data extract API at all. You can define your extract with Tableau Desktop. If you need to schedule automated refreshes of the extract, you can use Tableau Server or its tabcmd command.
Many thanks for your replies. I am aware that I could use Tableau Desktop to define my extract. In fact, I have done this many times before. I am just trying to create the extracts using the API, because I need to create some calculated fields, which is near impossible to create using the Tableau Desktop.
At this point, I am hesitant to use JOINs in the SQL query because the resulting table would look too complicated to comprehend (some of these tables also have same field names).
When you say that I could read from multiple tables or sources, does that mean with the Tableau Extract API? At this point, I cannot find anywhere in this API that accommodates multiple sources. For example, I know that when I use multiple tables in the Tableau Desktop, there are icons on the left hand side that tells me that the extract is composed of multiple tables. This just doesn't seem to be happening with the API, which leaves me stranded. Anyways, thank you again for your replies.
Going back to the topic, this is something that I tried few days ago on my python code
tdefile= tde.Extract("extract.tde")
tdefile = tde.Extract("extract.tde")
tableDef = tde.TableDefinition()
# Read each column in table and set the column data types using tableDef.addColumn
# Some code goes here...
for eachTable in tableNames:
tableAdd = tdeFile.addTable(eachTable, tableDef)
# Use SQL query to retrieve bunch_of_rows from eachTable
for some_row in bunch_of_rows:
# Read each row in table, and set the values in each column position of each row
# Some code goes here...
When I execute this code, I get the error that eachTable has to be called "Extract".
Of course, this code has its flaws, as there is no where in this code that tells how each table are being joined.
So I am little thrown off here, because it doesn't seem like I can use multiple tables unless I use JOINs to generate one table that contains everything.