How are x,y,z coordinates defined for Mayavi's mlab.mesh? - enthought

I'm trying to create a 3D box which would appear in a Mayavi mlab.points3d plot.
I figure this should be possible using the mlab.mesh function, something like this:
points = mlab.points3d(xp,yp,zp,sp)
3Dbox = mlab.mesh(xbox,ybox,zbox)
I've looked at the mlab manual entry for mesh, but for the life of me can't understand how the x, y, z data points for the mesh are defined.
Could anyone enlighten me please? An example of the x,y,z data points for a 3D box would be particularly appreciated.

You can see that like 3D array split in 3 matrix for x, y and z axes. Each matrix index will depict a coordinates and each points of this coordinates will be connected with this neighbors. So you can start by define 6 planes to make your box :
import numpy
import mayavi.mlab
# pt1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _pt2
# /| /|
# / | / |
# pt3/_ | _ _ _ _ _ _pt4/ |
# | | | |
# | | | |
# | pt5_ _ _ _ _ _ _|_ _|pt6
# | / | /
# | / | /
# pt7|/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|/pt8
# Where :
x1, y1, z1 = (0, 1, 1) # | => pt1
x2, y2, z2 = (1, 1, 1) # | => pt2
x3, y3, z3 = (0, 0, 1) # | => pt3
x4, y4, z4 = (1, 0, 1) # | => pt4
x5, y5, z5 = (0, 1, 0) # | => pt5
x6, y6, z6 = (1, 1, 0) # | => pt6
x7, y7, z7 = (0, 0, 0) # | => pt7
x8, y8, z8 = (1, 0, 0) # | => pt8
box_points = numpy.array([[x1, y1, z1], [x2, y2, z2], [x3, y3, z3],
[x4, y4, z4], [x5, y5, z5], [x6, y6, z6],
[x7, y7, z7], [x8, y8, z8]])
mayavi.mlab.points3d(box_points[:, 0], box_points[:, 1], box_points[:, 2],
mode="axes", color=(1, 0, 0))
mayavi.mlab.mesh([[x1, x2],
[x3, x4]], # | => x coordinate
[[y1, y2],
[y3, y4]], # | => y coordinate
[[z1, z2],
[z3, z4]], # | => z coordinate
color=(0, 0, 0)) # black
# Where each point will be connected with this neighbors :
# (link = -)
# x1 - x2 y1 - y2 z1 - z2 | => pt1 - pt2
# - - and - - and - - | => - -
# x3 - x4 y3 - y4 z3 - z4 | => pt3 - pt4
mayavi.mlab.mesh([[x5, x6], [x7, x8]],
[[y5, y6], [y7, y8]],
[[z5, z6], [z7, z8]],
color=(1, 0, 0)) # red
mayavi.mlab.mesh([[x1, x3], [x5, x7]],
[[y1, y3], [y5, y7]],
[[z1, z3], [z5, z7]],
color=(0, 0, 1)) # blue
mayavi.mlab.mesh([[x1, x2], [x5, x6]],
[[y1, y2], [y5, y6]],
[[z1, z2], [z5, z6]],
color=(1, 1, 0)) # yellow
mayavi.mlab.mesh([[x2, x4], [x6, x8]],
[[y2, y4], [y6, y8]],
[[z2, z4], [z6, z8]],
color=(1, 1, 1)) # white
mayavi.mlab.mesh([[x3, x4], [x7, x8]],
[[y3, y4], [y7, y8]],
[[z3, z4], [z7, z8]],
color=(1, 0, 1)) # pink
Otherwise, you can also make mesh who show in on go more faces with one call.
With two call to mayavi.mlab.mesh :
# Define 2 mesh objects with 3 planes connected among themselves :
# pt1 - pt2 - pt6 pt8 - pt6 - pt2
# - - - - - -
# pt3 - pt4 - pt8 AND pt7 pt5 - pt1
# - - - - - -
# pt7 - pt8 - pt8 pt3 - pt1 - pt1
mayavi.mlab.mesh([[x1, x2, x6], [x3, x4, x8], [x7, x8, x8]],
[[y1, y2, y6], [y3, y4, y8], [y7, y8, y8]],
[[z1, z2, z6], [z3, z4, z8], [z7, z8, z8]],
color=(1, 0, 0)) # red
mayavi.mlab.mesh([[x8, x6, x2], [x7, x5, x1], [x3, x1, x1]],
[[y8, y6, y2], [y7, y5, y1], [y3, y1, y1]],
[[z8, z6, z2], [z7, z5, z1], [z3, z1, z1]],
color=(0, 0, 1)) # blue
With one call to mayavi.mlab.mesh:
# Merge previous mesh objects in single one:
# pt1 - pt2 - pt6 | => pt1 - pt2 - pt6 - pt6 - pt6
# - - - | => - - - - -
# pt3 - pt4 - pt8 | => pt3 - pt4 - pt8 - pt6 - pt2
# - - - | => - - - - -
# pt7 - pt8 - pt8 - pt6 - pt2 | => pt7 - pt8 - pt8 - pt6 - pt2
# - - - | => - - - - -
# pt7 pt5 - pt1 | => pt7 - pt7 - pt7 pt5 - pt1
# - - - | => - - - - -
# pt3 - pt1 - pt1 | => pt7 - pt3 - pt3 - pt1 - pt1
mayavi.mlab.mesh([[x1, x2, x6, x6, x6],
[x3, x4, x8, x6, x2],
[x7, x8, x8, x6, x2],
[x7, x7, x7, x5, x1],
[x7, x3, x3, x1, x1]],
[[y1, y2, y6, y6, y6],
[y3, y4, y8, y6, y2],
[y7, y8, y8, y6, y2],
[y7, y7, y7, y5, y1],
[y7, y3, y3, y1, y1]],
[[z1, z2, z6, z6, z6],
[z3, z4, z8, z6, z2],
[z7, z8, z8, z6, z2],
[z7, z7, z7, z5, z1],
[z7, z3, z3, z1, z1]])


How to show time in box chart in highchart?

Pls suggest the below image chart in Highcharts option with example?
enter image description here
You can use bubble series type and Highcharts.SVGRenderer class.
events: {
load: function() {
var xAxis = this.xAxis[0],
yAxis = this.yAxis[0],
x1 = xAxis.toPixels(1),
y1 = yAxis.toPixels(6),
x2 = xAxis.toPixels(1),
y2 = yAxis.toPixels(2),
x3 = xAxis.toPixels(2),
y3 = yAxis.toPixels(4),
x4 = xAxis.toPixels(2),
y4 = yAxis.toPixels(8);
'M', x1, y1,
'L', x2, y2,
'Q', x2 + (x3 - x2) / 2, y2 + (y3 - y2) / 2 - 20, x3, y3,
'L', x4, y4,
'Q', x1 + (x4 - x1) / 2, y1 + (y4 - y1) / 2 - 20, x1, y1
'stroke-width': 2,
stroke: 'red',
'stroke-dasharray': [5, 5]
Live demo:
About SVG path:
API Reference:

Create a g-torus

I'm looking for an easy, elegant way to create a triangle mesh of a torus with an arbitrary number of holes. Here are some examples.
First, the AI had a problem with the question title, then a human decided "Closed. This question needs to be more focused."
Anyway, here is one direction:
% sphere
%fun = #(x, y, z) x.^2 + y.^2 + z.^2 - 1;
% 3-torus
fun = #(x, y, z) (x.^2 + (y - 2).^2 - 1) .* ((x - sqrt(3)).^2 + (y + 1).^2 - 1) .* ((x + sqrt(3)).^2 + (y + 1).^2 - 1) - 0.0015*(x.^2 + y.^2 + 7*z.^2).^5;
% 4-torus
%fun = #(x, y, z) ((x - 2).^2 + (y - 2).^2 - 1) .* ((x - 2).^2 + (y + 2).^2 - 1) .* ((x + 2).^2 + (y - 2).^2 - 1) .* ((x + 2).^2 + (y + 2).^2 - 1) - 0.02*(x.^2 + y.^2 + 7*z.^2).^5;
res = 0.1;
r = 8;
x = -r:res:r;
y = -r:res:r;
z = -r:res:r;
[X, Y, Z] = meshgrid(x, y, z);
V = fun(X,Y,Z); % volumetric function (e.g. distance function)
I = isosurface(x ,y , z, V, 0); % extract level set as a mesh
p = patch(I);
isonormals(X, Y, Z, V, p);
p.FaceColor = 'red';
p.EdgeColor = 'none';
daspect([1 1 1])
axis tight;
lighting gouraud;

Solving and plotting a piecewise ODE

I have a function dφ/dt = γ - F(φ) (where F(φ) -- a is 2π-periodic function) and the graph of the function F(φ).
I need to create a program that outputs 6 plots of φ(t) for different values of γ (γ = 0.1, 0.5, 0.95, 1.05, 2, 5), and t∈[0,100].
Here is the definition of the F(φ) function:
-φ/a - π/a, if φ ∈ [-π, -π + a]
-1, if φ ∈ [-π + a, - a]
F(φ) = φ/a, if φ ∈ [- a, a]
1, if φ ∈ [a, π - a]
-φ/a + π/a, if φ ∈ [π - a, π]
^ F(φ)
|1 ______
| /| \
| / | \
| / | \ φ
\ | /|0 a
\ | / |
\ | / |
\ |/ |
¯¯¯¯¯¯ |-1
My problem is I don't know what inputs to give ode45 in terms of the bounds and the initial condition. What I do know is that the evolution of φ(t) must be continuous.
This is the code for case of γ = 0.1:
hold on;
df1dt = #(t,f1) 0.1 - f1 - 3.14;
df2dt = #(t,f2)- 1;
df3dt = #(t,f3) 0.1 + f3;
df4dt = #(t,f4)+1;
df5dt = #(t,f5) 0.1 - f5 + 3.14;
[T1,Y1] = ode45(df1dt, ...);
[T2,Y2] = ode45(df2dt, ...);
[T3,Y3] = ode45(df3dt, ...);
[T4,Y4] = ode45(df4dt, ...);
[T5,Y5] = ode45(df5dt, ...);
hold off;
title('\gamma = 0.1')
Let us first define F(φ,a):
function out = F(p, a)
phi = mod(p,2*pi);
out = (0 <= phi & phi < a ).*(phi/a) ...
+ (a <= phi & phi < pi-a ).*(1) ...
+ (pi-a <= phi & phi < pi+a ).*(-phi/a + pi/a) ...
+ (pi+a <= phi & phi < 2*pi-a).*(-1) ...
+ (2*pi-a <= phi & phi < 2*pi ).*(phi/a - 2*pi/a);
Which for some example inputs gives:
using the plotting code:
x = linspace(-3*pi, 3*pi, 200);
a = pi/6;
figure(); plot(x,F(x, a));
xticklabels((-3:3)+ "\pi");
grid on; grid minor
ax = gca;
ax.XAxis.MinorTick = 'on';
ax.XAxis.MinorTickValues = ax.XAxis.Limits(1):pi/6:ax.XAxis.Limits(2);
From there you don't need to bother with the ranges anymore, and simply call ode45:
% Preparations:
a = pi/6;
g = [0.1, 0.5, 0.95, 1.05, 2, 5]; % γ
phi0 = 0; % you need to specify the correct initial condition (!)
tStart = 0;
tEnd = 100;
% Calling the solver:
[t, phi] = arrayfun(#(x)ode45(#(t,p)x-F(p,a), [tStart, tEnd], phi0), g, 'UniformOutput', false);
% Plotting:
plotData = [t; phi];
figure(); plot(plotData{:});
legend("γ=" + g, 'Location', 'northwest');
Resulting in:

Solving system on non-linear equations (containing bivariate cumulative normal distribution function)

I am experiencing some struggles in solving a system of 4 equations with 4 unknows. The equations are non-linear and contain a bivariate normal cumulative distribution function. I tried multiple numerical optimization packages (fmincon, fminsearch, fsolve,..) but they all return the 'simple solution' of L = 1, sigma_A = 0, alpha1 = 1 and alpha2=1. Which is not a realistic solution. I would expect L to be in the range of 0.1 to 0.95, and siga_A to be nonzero.
Many thanks in advance
function [L_t,sig_A,s,p,DTD] = Hull_Clean(Impl_Vol1, Impl_Vol2, tau1, tau2, Px_Last1, Px_Last2, STRIKE1, STRIKE2,t,T,r)
%Impl_Vol1=0.21; Impl_Vol2=0.31; tau1=30/252; tau2=30/252; Px_Last1=76.16; Px_Last2=76.16; STRIKE1=70; STRIKE2=65;t=0;T=5;r=0.03;
[n,m] = size(Impl_Vol1);
nm = n*m;
Impl_Vol1 = reshape(Impl_Vol1,1,1,nm); Impl_Vol2 = reshape(Impl_Vol2,1,1,nm); STRIKE1 = reshape(STRIKE1,1,1,nm); STRIKE2 = reshape(STRIKE2,1,1,nm);
tau1 = reshape(tau1,1,1,nm); tau2 = reshape(tau2,1,1,nm); Px_Last1 = reshape(Px_Last1,1,1,nm); Px_Last2 = reshape(Px_Last2,1,1,nm);
Kappa1 = STRIKE1 .* exp(-r .* tau1) ./ Px_Last1; % GEBRUIK ALTIJD STRIKE EN Px_Last per stock of hele bedrijf
Kappa2 = STRIKE2 .* exp(-r .* tau2) ./ Px_Last2;
d1_star1 = (-log(Kappa1) ./ (Impl_Vol1 .* sqrt(tau1))) + (0.5 .* Impl_Vol1 .* sqrt(tau1)); d2_star1 = d1_star1 - (Impl_Vol1 .* sqrt(tau1));
d1_star2 = (-log(Kappa2) ./ (Impl_Vol2 .* sqrt(tau2))) + (0.5 .* Impl_Vol2 .* sqrt(tau2)); d2_star2 = d1_star2 - (Impl_Vol2 .* sqrt(tau2));
FNN1 = (Kappa1 .* fcnN(-d2_star1)) - fcnN(-d1_star1);
FNN2 = (Kappa2 .* fcnN(-d2_star2)) - fcnN(-d1_star2);
%% Define functions of unknown variables
d1 = #(L_t,sig_A,C)((1./(sig_A(:,:,C).*sqrt(T(:,:,C)-t))).*(-log(L_t(:,:,C)) + ((0.5.*sig_A(:,:,C).^2).*(T(:,:,C)-t))));
d2 = #(L_t,sig_A,C)((1./(sig_A(:,:,C).*sqrt(T(:,:,C)-t))).*(-log(L_t(:,:,C)) - ((0.5.*sig_A(:,:,C).^2).*(T(:,:,C)-t))));
a1 = #(alpha, sig_A, tau, C)((1./(sig_A(:,:,C).*sqrt(tau(:,:,C)-t))).*(-log(alpha(:,:,C)) + ((0.5.*sig_A(:,:,C).^2).*(tau(:,:,C)-t)))); % MOETEN HIER ZEKER - en + zo? ?CHECK
a2 = #(alpha, sig_A, tau, C)((1./(sig_A(:,:,C).*sqrt(tau(:,:,C)-t))).*(-log(alpha(:,:,C)) - ((0.5.*sig_A(:,:,C).^2).*(tau(:,:,C)-t))));
d1_tau = #(L_t, alpha, sig_A, tau, C)((1./(sig_A(:,:,C).*sqrt(T(:,:,C)-tau(:,:,C)))).*(-log(L_t(:,:,C) ./ alpha(:,:,C)) + ((0.5.*sig_A(:,:,C).^2).*(T(:,:,C)-tau(:,:,C)))));
d2_tau = #(L_t, alpha, sig_A, tau, C)((1./(sig_A(:,:,C).*sqrt(T(:,:,C)-tau(:,:,C)))).*(-log(L_t(:,:,C) ./ alpha(:,:,C)) - ((0.5.*sig_A(:,:,C).^2).*(T(:,:,C)-tau(:,:,C)))));
%% System of nonlinear equations
Eq1 = #(L_t, sig_A, alpha, tau, C)(((alpha.*fcnN(d1_tau(L_t, alpha, sig_A, tau, C))) - (L_t(:,:,C).*fcnN(d2_tau(L_t, alpha, sig_A, tau, C)) )...
)./(fcnN(d1(L_t,sig_A,C))-(L_t(:,:,C).*fcnN(d2(L_t,sig_A,C)) ))); % Of -1 kappa hier zodat hij == 0 kan solven?
Eq1_1 = #(L_t, sig_A, alpha1, C)((((alpha1(:,:,C).*fcnN(d1_tau(L_t, alpha1, sig_A, tau1, C))) - (L_t(:,:,C).*fcnN(d2_tau(L_t, alpha1, sig_A, tau1, C)) )...
)./(fcnN(d1(L_t,sig_A,C))-(L_t(:,:,C).*fcnN(d2(L_t,sig_A,C)) ))) - Kappa1(:,:,C)) ;
Eq1_2 = #(L_t, sig_A, alpha2, C)((((alpha2(:,:,C).*fcnN(d1_tau(L_t, alpha2, sig_A, tau2, C))) - (L_t(:,:,C).*fcnN(d2_tau(L_t, alpha2, sig_A, tau2, C)) )...
)./(fcnN(d1(L_t,sig_A,C))-(L_t(:,:,C).*fcnN(d2(L_t,sig_A,C)) ))) - Kappa2(:,:,C)) ;
Eq2_1 = #(L_t, sig_A, alpha1, C)(((L_t(:,:,C)*fcnM(-a2(alpha1, sig_A, tau1, C),d2(L_t,sig_A,C), - sqrt(tau1(:,:,C) ./ T(:,:,C)) )) - ...
fcnM(-a1(alpha1, sig_A, tau1, C), d1(L_t,sig_A,C), - sqrt(tau1(:,:,C) ./T(:,:,C))) + ...
(Kappa1(:,:,C) .* fcnN(-a2(alpha1, sig_A, tau1, C)) .* (fcnN(d1(L_t, sig_A, C)) - (L_t(:,:,C).*fcnN(d2(L_t, sig_A,C))) ))) - ...
(FNN1(:,:,C) .* (fcnN(d1(L_t, sig_A, C)) - (L_t(:,:,C).*fcnN(d2(L_t, sig_A,C))) ) )) ;
Eq2_2 = #(L_t, sig_A, alpha2, C)(((L_t(:,:,C)*fcnM(-a2(alpha2, sig_A, tau2, C),d2(L_t,sig_A,C), - sqrt(tau2(:,:,C) ./ T(:,:,C)) )) - ...
fcnM(-a1(alpha2, sig_A, tau2, C), d1(L_t,sig_A,C), - sqrt(tau2(:,:,C) ./T(:,:,C))) + ...
(Kappa1(:,:,C) .* fcnN(-a2(alpha2, sig_A, tau2, C)) .* (fcnN(d1(L_t, sig_A, C)) - (L_t(:,:,C).*fcnN(d2(L_t, sig_A,C))) ))) - ...
(FNN2(:,:,C) .* (fcnN(d1(L_t, sig_A, C)) - (L_t(:,:,C).*fcnN(d2(L_t, sig_A,C))) ) )) ;
%% Solve system on non linearr equiations
opts = optimset('tolfun',0,'tolx',0,'maxfun',Inf);
x0 = [0.1, 0.5 ,0.8,0.9];
fun = #(x)[Eq1_1(x(1), x(2), x(3), true); Eq1_2(x(1), x(2), x(4), true); Eq2_1(x(1), x(2), x(3), true); Eq2_2(x(1), x(2), x(4), true)];
[VALUES,fval] = fsolve(fun, x0, opts)
L_t = VALUES(1); sig_A = VALUES(2); alpha1 = VALUES(3); alpha2 = VALUES(4);
d1 = #(L_t,sig_A,C)((1/(sig_A *sqrt(T -t)))*(-log(L_t ) + ((0.5*sig_A^2)*(T -t))));
d2 = #(L_t,sig_A,C)((1/(sig_A *sqrt(T -t)))*(-log(L_t ) - ((0.5*sig_A^2)*(T -t))));
s = - log(fcnN(d2(L_t, sig_A, true)) + (fcnN(-d1(L_t, sig_A, true)) / L_t)) / (T - t);
p = fcnN(-d2(L_t,sig_A,true)); % P(A_t < K) = N(-d_m)
DTD = d2(L_t,sig_A,true);
function p=fcnN(x)
function p=fcnn(x)
function Y = inv3d(X)
Y = -X;
Y(2,2,:) = X(1,1,:);
Y(1,1,:) = X(2,2,:);
detMat = 1/(X(1,1,:)*X(2,2,:) - X(1,2,:)*X(2,1,:));
detMat = detMat(ones(1,2),ones(2,1),:);
Y = detMat*Y;
function p=fcnM(a,b,rho)
X = [a;b];
mu = [0;0];
sigma = [1, rho; rho, 1];
p = mvncdf(X,mu,sigma);
function p=fcnM1(a,b,rho)
if(a <= 0 && b <= 0 && rho <= 0)
aprime = a/(sqrt(2*(1-(rho^2))));
bprime = b/(sqrt(2*(1-(rho^2))));
A = [0.3253030 0.4211071 0.1334425 0.006374323];
B = [0.1337764 0.6243247 1.3425378 2.2626645];
F = 'exp(aprime*(2*x - aprime)+ (bprime*(2*y - bprime)) + (2*rho *(x - aprime)*(y-bprime)))';
t = 0;
for i=1:4
for j=1:4
x = B(i);
y = B(j);
t = t + A(i)*A(j)*eval(F);
p = (sqrt(1-rho^2)/pi) * t;
elseif (a * b * rho <= 0)
if (a <=0 && b >=0 && rho >=0)
p = normcdf(a) - fcnM1(a,-b,-rho);
elseif (a >=0 && b <=0 && rho >=0)
p = normcdf(b) - fcnM1(-a,b,-rho);
elseif (a >=0 && b >=0 && rho <=0) %modified here at 1:45 AM
p = normcdf(a) + normcdf(b) - 1 + fcnM1(-a,-b,rho);
elseif a*b*rho > 0;
%Could not use the In-Built function sign(x) because it is +1 if x>=0
%not just x>0 as in Matlab.
if(a >= 0),
asign =1 ;
asign = -1;
if(b >= 0),
bsign =1 ;
bsign = -1;
rho1 = (rho*a - b)*asign/(sqrt(a^2 - (2*rho*a*b) + b^2));
rho2 = (rho*b - a)*bsign/(sqrt(a^2 - (2*rho*a*b) + b^2));
delta = (1-(asign*bsign))/4;
p = fcnM1(a,0,rho1) + fcnM1(b,0,rho2) - delta ;
Use lsqnonlin since your function output is a scalar
Let sigma_A be a free variable
sigma_A_lb = -inf; sigma_A_ub = inf
The code is as follow
% Given initials
Impl_Vol1=0.21; Impl_Vol2=0.31; tau1=30/252; tau2=30/252; Px_Last1=76.16; Px_Last2=76.16; STRIKE1=70; STRIKE2=65;t=0;T=5;r=0.03;
% Change this section
x0 = [0.1, 0.02 ,0.8,0.9];
lb = [0.1, -inf, 0, 0];
ub = [0.98, inf, inf, inf];
fun = #(x)[Eq1_1(x(1), x(2), x(3), true); Eq1_2(x(1), x(2), x(4), true); Eq2_1(x(1), x(2), x(3), true); Eq2_2(x(1), x(2), x(4), true)];
options = optimoptions('lsqnonlin','FunctionTolerance',1e-10);
[VALUES,fval] = lsqnonlin(fun,x0,lb,ub, options) ;
| L | sigma_A| alpha1 | alpha2 |
|0.9757 | 0.0052 | 0.9979 | 0.9963|
fval =
Checking with conditions given in comments
% Initial conditions given in comments
x0 = [0.1, 0.1 ,0.8,0.9];
lb = [0.1, -inf, 0, 0];
ub = [0.98, inf, inf, inf];
| L | sigma_A| alpha1 | alpha2 |
|0.8770 | 0.0265 | 0.9895 | 0.9813|
fval =

Constructing a square from a point with respect to the direction of the point

I make a square around/below a given point with given width (w) and length (l) like shown below
But now I have to induce the direction of the point (or heading so to say). I want to create a rectangle directed towards that direction like shown below. I have never worked with headings before, if anyone can point me in the right directions, that would be helpful.
Thank you #MBo & #HansHirse, I implemented as suggested by your people. for simplicity, I chose the point to be on the top line of the rectangle rather to be away from the rectangle. my code is as shown below:
% Point coordinates
P = [5; 5];
% Direction vector
d = [1; -5];
Len = sqrt(d(1)*d(1)+d(2)*d(2));
cs = d(1)/Len;
sn = d(2)/Len;
% Dimensions of rectangle
l = 200;
w = 100;
% Original corner points of rectangle
x1 = P(1) -w/2;
y1 = P(2);
x2 = P(1)+ w/2;
y2 = P(2);
x3 = P(1)+ w/2;
y3 = P(2) - l;
x4 = P(1) -w/2;
y4 = P(2) - l;
rect = [x1 x2 x3 x4; y1 y2 y3 y4];
%rotated rectangles coordinates:
x1_new = P(1)+ (x1 - P(1))* cs - (y1 - P(2))*sn;
y1_new = P(2) +(x1-P(1))*sn + (y1-P(2))*cs;
x2_new = P(1)+ (x2 - P(1))* cs - (y2 - P(2))*sn;
y2_new = P(2) +(x2-P(1))*sn + (y2-P(2))*cs;
x3_new = P(1)+ (x3 - P(1))* cs - (y3 - P(2))*sn;
y3_new = P(2) +(x3-P(1))*sn + (y3-P(2))*cs;
x4_new = P(1)+ (x4 - P(1))* cs - (y4 - P(2))*sn;
y4_new = P(2) +(x4-P(1))*sn + (y4-P(2))*cs;
new_rect = [x1_new x2_new x3_new x4_new; y1_new y2_new y3_new y4_new];
plot(P(1), P(2), 'k.', 'MarkerSize', 21);
hold on;
plot([P(1) P(1)+d(1)*10], [P(2) P(2)+d(2)*10], 'b');
patch(new_rect(1,:),new_rect(2,:), 'b', 'FaceAlpha', 0.2);
hold off
The way it is rotating is not what I wanted: I am not able to upload a pic, imgur is acting weird. You can run the exact code, you will get the output I am getting.
So you have point P, and rectangle R (defined by coordinates).
Now you want to rotate rectangle by angle A around point P (as far as I understand)
New coordinates for every vertex are:
NewV[i].X = P.X + (V[i].X - P.X) * Cos(A) - (V[i].Y - P.Y) * Sin(A)
NewV[i].Y = P.Y + (V[i].X - P.X) * Sin(A) + (V[i].Y - P.Y) * Cos(A)
If you have direction vector D = [d1, d2], you don't need to operate with sin and cos functions: just exploit components of normalized vector (perhaps matlab contains function for normalizing):
Len = magnitude(D) = sqrt(d1*d1+d2*d2)
//normalized (unit vector)
dx = d1 / Len
dy = d2 / Len
NewV[i].X = P.X + (V[i].X - P.X) * dx - (V[i].Y - P.Y) * dy
NewV[i].Y = P.Y + (V[i].X - P.X) * dy + (V[i].Y - P.Y) * dx
Also you can omit creating coordinates of axis-aligned rectangle and calculate vertices immediately (perhaps more possibilities for mistakes)
//unit vector perpendicula to direction
perpx = - dy
perpy = dx
V[0].X = P.X - dist * dx + w/2 * perpx
V[1].X = P.X - dist * dx - w/2 * perpx
V[2].X = P.X - dist * dx - w/2 * perpx - l * dx
V[3].X = P.X - dist * dx + w/2 * perpx - l * dx
and similar for y-components
The general concept was already mentioned in MBo's answer. Nevertheless, since I was working on some code, here is my solution:
% Point coordinates
P = [5; 5];
% Direction vector
d = [1; -5];
% Dimensions of rectangle
l = 200;
w = 100;
% Distance P <-> rectangle
dist = 20;
% Determine rotation angle from direction vector
% (Omitting handling of corner/extreme cases, e.g. d(2) = 0)
theta = atand(d(1) / d(2));
if ((d(1) > 0) && (d(2) < 0))
theta = theta + 180;
elseif ((d(1) < 0) && (d(2) < 0))
theta = theta - 180;
% Original corner points of rectangle
xMin = P(1) - w/2;
xMax = P(1) + w/2;
yMin = P(2) - dist;
yMax = P(2) - dist - l;
rect = [xMin xMax xMax xMin; yMin yMin yMax yMax];
% Auxiliary matrix for rotation
center = repmat(P, 1, 4);
% Rotation matrix
R = [cosd(-theta) -sind(-theta); sind(-theta) cosd(-theta)];
% Rotation
rotrect = (R * (rect - center)) + center;
% Plot
hold on;
plot(P(1), P(2), 'k.', 'MarkerSize', 21); % Point
plot([P(1) P(1)+d(1)*10], [P(2) P(2)+d(2)*10], 'b'); % Direction vector
patch(rect(1, :), rect(2, :), 'b', 'FaceAlpha', 0.2); % Original rectangle
patch(rotrect(1, :), rotrect(2, :), 'b'); % Rotated rectangle
hold off;
xlim([-250 250]);
ylim([-250 250]);
This will produce an output image like this:
Caveat: In my rotation matrix R, you'll find -theta, since the way, how theta was determined is just some simple approach. This might be improved, so that R could also be set up properly.