Warmup services on upgrade in Service Fabric - azure-service-fabric

We are wondering if there is a built-in way to warm up services as part of the service upgrades in Service Fabric, similar to the various ways you could warm up e.g. IIS based app pools before they are hit by requests. Ideally we want the individual services to perform some warm-up tasks as part of their initialization (could be cache loading, recovery etc.) before being considered as started and available for other services to contact. This warmup should be part of the upgrade domain processing so the upgrade process should wait for the warmup to be completed and the service reported as OK/Ready.
How are others handling such scenarios, controlling the process for signalling to the service fabric that the specific service is fully started and ready to be contacted by other services?

In the health policy there's this concept:
HealthCheckWaitDurationSec The time to wait (in seconds) after the upgrade has finished on the upgrade domain before Service Fabric evaluates the health of the application. This duration can also be considered as the time an application should be running before it can be considered healthy. If the health check passes, the upgrade process proceeds to the next upgrade domain. If the health check fails, Service Fabric waits for an interval (the UpgradeHealthCheckInterval) before retrying the health check again until the HealthCheckRetryTimeout is reached. The default and recommended value is 0 seconds.
This is a fixed wait period though.
You can also emit Health events yourself. For instance, you can report health 'Unknown' while warming up. And adjust your health policy (HealthCheckWaitDurationSec) to check this.

Reporting health can help. You can't report Unknown, you must report Error very early on, then clear the Error when your service is ready. Warning and Ok do not impact upgrade. To clear the Error, your service can report health state Ok, RemoveWhenExpired=true, low TTL (read more on how to report).
You must increase HealthCheckRetryTimeout based on the max warm up time. Otherwise, if a health check is performed and cluster is evaluated to Error, the upgrade will fail (and rollback or pause, per your policy).
So, the order the events is:
your service reports Error - "Warming up in progress"
upgrade waits for fixed HealthCheckWaitDurationSec (you can set this to min time to warm up)
upgrade performs health checks: if the service hasn't yet warmed up, the health state is Error, so upgrade retries until either HealthCheckRetryTimeout is reached or your service is not in Error anymore (warm up completed and your service cleared the Error).


K8s graceful upgrade of service with long-running connections

tl;dr: I have a server that handles WebSocket connections. The nature of the workload is that it is necessarily stateful (i.e., each connection has long-running state). Each connection can last ~20m-4h. Currently, I only deploy new revisions of this service at off hours to avoid interrupting users too much.
I'd like to move to a new model where deploys happen whenever, and the services gracefully drain connections over the course of ~30 minutes (typically the frontend can find a "good" time to make that switch over within 30 minutes, and if not, we just forcibly disconnect them). I can do that pretty easily with K8s by setting gracePeriodSeconds.
However, what's less clear is how to do rollouts such that new connections only go to the most recent deployment. Suppose I have five replicas running. Normal deploys have an undesirable mode where a client is on R1 (replica 1) and then K8s deploys R1' (upgraded version) and terminates R1; frontend then reconnects and gets routed to R2; R2 terminates, frontend reconnects, gets routed to R3.
Is there any easy way to ensure that after the upgrade starts, new clients get routed only to the upgraded versions? I'm already running Istio (though not using very many of its features), so I could imagine doing something complicated with some custom deployment infrastructure (currently just using Helm) that spins up a new deployment, cuts over new connections to the new deployment, and gracefully drains the old deployment... but I'd rather keep it simple (just Helm running in CI) if possible.
Any thoughts on this?
This is already how things work with normal Services. Once a pod is terminating, it has already been removed from the Endpoints. You'll probably need to tune up your max burst in the rolling update settings of the Deployment to 100%, so that it will spawn all new pods all at once and then start the shutdown process on all the rest.

Service Fabric upgrades keep active connections alive

I am trying to upgrade an application deployed to service fabric.
How can I only upgrade nodes that have no active connections and wait for the busy nodes to finish before upgrading them?
Most of the time, you don't really have to worry about the upgrades on a node level as the SF runtime handles it internally if configured in Monitored mode. This is what we've been using with a high level of success and never really had to do much. This also fit our requirement that all upgrade domains (nodes) have to match our health state policies before considered healthy.
If you want to have more advanced control over your upgrades like using request draining etc, have a look at the info as mentioned here. But to be honest, we've been quite happy with just using monitored mode and investigating why stuff fails if it does. We had some apps that had a long background task running as a stateful actor that sometimes failed upgrade and most always it was due to an issue that was caused in the background task itself instead of anything to do with Service Fabric.
Service Fabric knew when no active connections and background tasks were running to then upgrade nodes and we could actually see the nodes that were temporarily 'stuck' due to waiting for an active background task to finish.

Service fabric fails to roll back application when deployment fails

I have a 3 node cluster for service fabric where the deployment is stuck for 10hr on the third node. Looking at the SF explorer we saw that there is wrong SQL creds being passed hence the deployment is stuck.
1) Why is SF recognizing it at a "warning" rather than an "Error"
2) Why is it stuck and not doing a roll back?
3) Is there extra setting I need to do so it does auto rollback sooner?
Generally, it rollback when the deployment fail, but it will depend on the parameter you pass for the upgrade, like FailureAction, UpgradeMode and Timeouts.
UpgradeMode values can be:
Monitored: Indicates that the upgrade mode is monitored. After the cmdlet finishes an upgrade for an upgrade domain, if the health of the upgrade domain and the cluster meet the health policies that you define, Service Fabric upgrades the next upgrade domain. If the upgrade domain or cluster fails to meet health policies, the upgrade fails and Service Fabric rolls back the upgrade for the upgrade domain or reverts to manual mode per the policy specified on FailureAction. This is the recommended mode for application upgrades in a production environment.
Unmonitored Auto: Indicates that the upgrade mode is unmonitored automatic. After Service Fabric upgrades an upgrade domain, Service Fabric upgrades the next upgrade domain irrespective of the application health state. This mode is not recommended for production, and is only useful during development of an application.
Unmonitored Manual: Indicates that the upgrade mode is unmonitored manual. After Service Fabric upgrades an upgrade domain, it waits for you to upgrade the next upgrade domain by using the Resume-ServiceFabricApplicationUpgrade cmdlet.
FailureAction is the compensating action to perform when a Monitored upgrade encounters monitoring policy or health policy violations. The values can be:
Rollback specifies that the upgrade will automatically roll back to the pre-upgrade version.
Manual indicates that the upgrade will switch to the UnmonitoredManual upgrade mode.
Invalid indicates that the failure action is invalid and does nothing.
Given that, if the upgrade is not set as Monitored for UpgradeMode and Rollback for FailureAction, the upgrade will wait a manual action from the operator(user).
If the upgrade is already set to these values, the problem can be either:
The health check and retries are too long, preventing the upgrade to fail quickly, an example is when you HealthCheckDuration is too long or there are too much delay between checks.
The old version is also failing
The following docs give all details: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/service-fabric/service-fabric-application-upgrade-parameters

Is it possible to control Service Fabric hosted service restart behaviour?

I can't find much documentation on the action that Service Fabric takes when a service it is hosting fails. I have performed some experimentation (using a stateless service in a local cluster), the results of which are below. My question is: is it possible to change this behaviour?
There are two distinct scenarios that I tested.
An exception thrown from the RunAsync() method.
The hosted service is restarted immediately on another cluster node. If no other node is available then it is restarted on the same node. There does not appear to be any limit to the number of times the restart will be attempted or any kind of back-off in terms of the interval between attempts.
The hosted service fails to start (e.g. an exception is thrown before RunAsync() is called).
The hosted service is restarted on the same node. In my test environment there appears to be a fixed interval between restart attempts (15 seconds) but no limit to the number of attempts.
I can see in the cluster configuration that there are some parameters in the Hosting section that look like they might be relevant (ActivationMaxRetryInterval, ActivationRetryBackoffInterval, ActivationMaxFailureCount) and I am guessing that these cover scenario (2) above (assuming that Activation == service start). These affect the entire cluster by the looks of it.

Azure Service Fabric

Please help me to know , Is there any option in the azure service fabric to delay deprovision ? I have a micro service application hosted in fabric which is distributed in different nodes at their instances . If i tried to disengage/deprovision the service from portal , Can the service fabric internally check whether any transaction is going any of the instances or not , If it is engaged , Will it wait for complete it ? Also want to know , If microsoft is not providing such a service , does we have any powershell command to check the instance status ?
I assume that by "disengage/deprovision the service from portal" you are referring to deleting the service via the Service Fabric Explorer web app (perhaps via a link followed from the portal). Please correct me if this is wrong.
To answer your question directly, the framework will not wait for in-flight operations to complete during a service delete. Every replica for the service will lose its read and write permissions, causing all in-flight operations to fail. We do not offer a way to stall during this step in order to, for example, allow currently open transactions to be completed.
The reason we do not offer this semantic, is that service deletion is expected to be rare or permanent, and that delaying deletion for the final operation doesn't enable any additional scenarios. In either case, if a client is attempting operations on a service being deleted, either:
The last client operation may fail due to delete racing and revoking read/write permissions
Every subsequent client operation will fail due to the service no longer existing
The last client operation will succeed due to deletion being delayed
Every subsequent client operation will fail due to the service no longer existing
The expectation is that any client or dependent service should have already been updated or deleted prior to deleting the service they depend on, as you are making the permanent decision that this service should no longer exist.