itext7 pdf to image - itext

I am using iText7(java) and am looking for a way to convert a pdf page to image.
In older iText versions you could do this :
PdfImportedPage page = writer.getImportedPage(reader, 1);
Image image = Image.getInstance(page);
But iText7 does not have PdfImportedPage .
My use case, I have a one page pdf file. I need to add a table and resize the pdf contents to fit a single page. In old iText I would create a page , add table, convert existing pdf page to image, resize image and add that resized image to new page. Is there a new way to do this in iText7.
Thanks to Bruno's answer I got this working with following code :
PdfPage origPage = readerDoc.getPage(1);
Rectangle rect = origPage.getPageSize();
Document document = new Document(writerDoc);
Table wrapperTable = new Table(1);
Table containerTable = new Table(new float[]{0.5f,0.5f});
containerTable.addCell( "col1");
PdfFormXObject pageCopy = origPage.copyAsFormXObject(writerDoc);
Image image = new Image(pageCopy);
wrapperTable.addCell(new Cell().add(containerTable).setBorder(Border.NO_BORDER));
wrapperTable.addCell(new Cell().add(image).setBorder(Border.NO_BORDER));

Please read the official documentation for iText 7, more specifically Chapter 6: Reusing existing PDF documents
In PDF, there's the concept of Form XObjects. A Form XObject is a piece of PDF content that is stored outside the content stream of a page, hence XObject which stands for eXternal Object. The use of the word Form in Form XObject could be confusing, because people might be thinking of a form as in a fillable form with fields. To avoid that confusing, we introduced the term PdfTemplate in iText 5.
The class PdfImportedPage you refer to was a subclass of PdfTemplate: it was a piece of PDF syntax that could be reused in another page. Over the years, we noticed that people also got confused by the word PdfTemplate.
In iText 7, we returned to the basics. When talking about a Form XObject, we use the class PdfFormXObject. When talking about a page in a PDF file, we use the class PdfPage.
This is how we get a PdfPage from an existing document:
PdfDocument origPdf = new PdfDocument(new PdfReader(src));
PdfPage origPage = origPdf.getPage(1);
This is how we use that page in a new document:
PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(dest));
PdfFormXObject pageCopy = origPage.copyAsFormXObject(pdf);
If you want to use that pageCopy as an Image, just create it like this:
Image image = new Image(pageCopy);


Filling existing pdf text fields using iText

I have a pdf document already created with some textfields.I can fill those text fields using Adobe reader and save those values with that file.
My problem is ,can i do that programmatically using iText?If it is possible ,please tell me where i can find some examples?
That's explained in the iText 7 Jump-start tutorial, more specifically in chapter 4:
This form:
Can be filled out like this:
PdfDocument pdf =
new PdfDocument(new PdfReader(src), new PdfWriter(dest));
PdfAcroForm form = PdfAcroForm.getAcroForm(pdf, true);
Map<String, PdfFormField> fields = form.getFormFields();
fields.get("name").setValue("James Bond");
fields.get("info").setValue("I was 38 years old when I became an MI6 agent.");
// form.flattenFields();
The result looks like this:
If you uncomment the line form.flattenFields(); then you get this:
When the form is flattened, the fields are removed, and only the content is left.
If by any chance the PDF is a dynamic XFA form, then you should provide an XML stream, and you should read the FAQ: How to fill out a pdf file programmatically? (Dynamic XFA)
As you seem to be new to iText, it is assumed that you'll use the latest version of iText (which is iText 7) as opposed to a version that is being phased out (iText 5) or obsolete (all versions prior to iText 2). However, if for any reason you choose to use iText 5, then your question is a duplicate of How to fill out a pdf file programatically? (in which case your question should be closed as a duplicate).

Setting AcroField text color in itextSharp

I am using iTextSharp 5.5.3 i have a PDF with named fields i created with Adobe lifecycle I am able to fill the fields using iTextSharp but when i change the textcolor for a field it does not change. i really dont know why this is so. here is my code below
form.SetField("name", "Michael Okpara");
form.SetField("session", "2014/2015");
form.SetField("term", "1st Term");
form.SetFieldProperty("name", "textcolor", BaseColor.RED, null);
If your form is created using Adobe LifeCycle, then there are two options:
You have a pure XFA form. XFA stands for the XML Forms Architecture and your PDF is nothing more than a container of an XML stream. There is hardly any PDF syntax in the document and there are no AcroForm fields. I don't think this is the case, because you are still able to fill out the fields (which wouldn't work if you had a pure XFA form).
You have a hybrid form. In this case, the form is described twice inside the PDF file: once using an XML stream (XFA) and once using PDF syntax (AcroForm). iText will fill out the fields in both descriptions, but the XFA description gets preference when rendering the document. Changing the color of a field (or other properties) would require changing the XML and iText(Sharp) can not do that.
If I may make an educated guess, I would say that you have a hybrid form and that you are only changing the text color of the AcroForm field without changing the text color in the XFA field (which is really hard to achieve).
Please try adding this line:
This will remove the XFA stream, resulting in a form that only keeps the AcroForm description.
I have written a small example named RemoveXFA using the form you shared to demonstrate this. This is the C#/iTextSharp version of that example:
public void ManipulatePdf(String src, String dest)
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileStream(dest, FileMode.Create));
AcroFields form = stamper.AcroFields;
IDictionary<String, AcroFields.Item> fields = form.Fields;
foreach (String name in fields.Keys)
if (name.IndexOf("Total") > 0)
form.SetFieldProperty(name, "textcolor", BaseColor.RED, null);
form.SetField(name, "X");
In this example, I remove the XFA stream and I look over all the remaining AcroFields. I change the textcolor of all the fields with the word "Total" in their name, and I fill out every field with an "X".
The result looks like this: reportcard.pdf
All the fields show the letter "X", but the fields in the TOTAL column are written in red.
I finally found a way, guess the problem was coming from using Adobe LC, so i switched to Open Office it all worked but when i flatten the form everything disappears. I found a solution to that here ITextSharp PDFTemplate FormFlattening removes filled data
Thanks Mr Lowagie for your help

Creating a PDF image in iText

I'm trying to add an image that I have on the filesystem as a pdf into a pdf that I'm creating on the fly.
I tried to use the Image class, but it seems that it does not work with PDFs (only JPEG, PNG or GIF). How can I create an element from an existing PDF, so that I can place it in my new PDF?
Please download chapter 6 of my book and read all about the class PdfImportedPage.
In the most basic example, you'd create a PdfReader instance and import the page into the PdfWriter instance, from which point on you can use the PdfImportedPage instance, either directly, or wrapped inside an Image object:
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(existingPdf);
PdfImportedPage page = writer.getImportedPage(reader, i);
Image img = Image.getInstance(page);

Inserting a "linked rectangle" with itext

I want to insert a hyperlink into an existing PDF at a position I know in advance: I already have the coordinates of a rectangle on a given page. I want to link this rectangle to another page of the same PDF (which I also know in advance).
How do I achieve this?
Please take a look at the AddLinkAnnotation example.
As you (should) already know (but you didn't show what you've already tried, which is kind of mandatory on StackOverflow), you can use PdfStamper to manipulate an existing PDF. Adding a rectangular link on one page to another page, is as simple as adding a link annotation to that page:
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(src);
PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, new FileOutputStream(dest));
Rectangle linkLocation = new Rectangle(523, 770, 559, 806);
PdfDestination destination = new PdfDestination(PdfDestination.FIT);
PdfAnnotation link = PdfAnnotation.createLink(stamper.getWriter(),
linkLocation, PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT,
3, destination);
link.setBorder(new PdfBorderArray(0, 0, 0));
stamper.addAnnotation(link, 1);
The link object is created using:
the writer instance tied to the stamper,
the rectangle (the position you say you know in advance,
the page you want to link to,
a destination (different options are possible, see The ABC of PDF).
Once you have an instance of PdfAnnotation, you can add it to a specific page using the addAnnotation() method.

Crop/resize a page after adding content?

I'm wondering if the dimensions of a page can be altered after content has been added to it?
I'm creating a PDF document in code using iTextSharp, and placing some content on a page. I'll only know the height of the content after drawing it, then I need to basically "crop" the page, so that it's only as tall as the content.
I know I can do this by writing the content to a pdfTemplate, then doing SetPageSize() and NewPage(), then adding the template to the new page. However, this document must only have 1 page. That's the catch - I can't set the size of page 1 after the fact, only subsequent pages, but the doc must only contain one page.
Unless there's a way of deleting page 1 after adding the properly-sized second page, I can't think of how to achieve this: A one-page PDF whose page size I have to change after having written content to it.
I ended up doing the following:
Create document as a memorystream.
Create a pdfTemplate, add content to it and remember how big the content is.
Add a new (2nd) page, the same size as the content, and add template to it.
Reseek to start of memorystream, open a PdfReader on it.
Create a new PDF file with PdfCopy, copying the 2nd page from memory to the file.
After a day searching for a more direct method, this seemed the most expedient. Basically:
dim ms As New IO.MemoryStream
dim doc As New Document
dim pw As PdfWriter = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, ms)
Dim cb As PdfContentByte = pw.DirectContent
Dim tpl = cb.CreateTemplate(doc.PageSize.Width, doc.PageSize.Height)
... add content to template ...
' Add template to a new page of the right dimensions
doc.Add(New Paragraph(" ")) ' page 1 content required for NewPage to work
doc.SetPageSize(New Rectangle(width, height)) ' size of content we added
cb.AddTemplate(tpl, 0, 0)
' Close our in-memory doc but leave stream open.
pw.CloseStream = False
' Now create actual file and write only second page of doc.
ms.Seek(0, IO.SeekOrigin.Begin) ' Go back to start of memorystream
Dim pr As New PdfReader(ms)
doc = New Document(pr.GetPageSizeWithRotation(2)) ' New doc, size of page 2
Dim copier As New PdfCopy(doc, New IO.FileStream(<filename>, IO.FileMode.Create))
copier.AddPage(copier.GetImportedPage(pr, 2)) ' Add page 2 of our in-memory document.
Now I have a PDF with a single page custom sized to the content which was added.
Hope it helps someone else!