Caches "reload" in TYPO3? - content-management-system

I have an installation of TYPO3, it's made by the introduction bundle and the bootstrap_package. According to an issue on github (bootstrap_package) concerning custom styles, I add the code
page.includeCSS {
mycustomstyles = fileadmin/custom.css
to the setup section of the template (I'm not a TYPO3 pro obviously).
That works, but after a while (even after doing nothing over the night) this CSS file is not linked anymore. Then I have to flush the caches to get it back working.

To make sure that you are able to track down that css file from your browser console, add this to your page setup:
config.compressCss = 0
config.concatenateCss = 0
Also, where did you include that typoscript? For starters, it should be in the page template setup for your root page, so it can take effect over all the child pages.
In case this is an actual caching issue you could disable the cache with
config.cache = 0
and see if the problem persists.


TYPO3 REST Extension setup

I'm trying to setup the REST-Extension v2 in TYPO3 8.7 following this tutorial. I included the 2 templates called Virtual-Object-Page and Virtual-Object-Content in my template. I made a new extension using Extension Builder 8.7 from Github with a simple model. I installed the new extension and made some Instances of my model in the List View on my start page. In the Typoscript of my template I added:
plugin.tx_rest.settings.paths {
1 {
path = me-kinder-child
read = allow
write = allow
Me is the Vendor, kinder my extension key and child is my model.
When I'm calling http://localhost/rest/ I get The requested URL /rest/ was not found on this server.
What am I missing?
The path in the setup is explained being possible with several options, so perhaps try different configuration, possible is also all.
I don't see a fault in your setup, so the fault might be related to the server-file .htaccess or the extension realurl respectively the combination of both perhaps.
If you try it already with realurl or cooluri then disable that to get it running without first.
The htaccess file you can disable first too and enable it later again to adjust all requirements to each other.
The problem was not about RealURL was missing in any way. I just did not clear a cache that got cleared while installing RealURL. I guess that the "Clear all caches"-button in the Install-Tool would do it too.

Page is not loading properly with editor.html in the url AEM6.1

My page is not loading properly with the url having "editor.html" (http://localhost:4502/editor.html/content/mypage.html). But when I remove editor.html, it loads perfectly (http://localhost:4502/content/mypage.html).
I am using AEM6.1. If I open the page in classic UI, its looks good. But when I open it in touch UI, its not loading properly.
I already have a property "sling:resourceSuperType = wcm/foundation/components/page"
Some of the content is coming on the page.
It can be a JS issue, but even if I remove all the js files from my component, the issue is still there.
Anyone experienced the same issue?
This issue might be due to the 'Apache Sling Main Servlet' default configuration.
And also we can observe the error message 'components could not be loaded' or 'out of memory' in browser console when we are in Touch UI editor Mode.
By default 'Apache Sling Main Servlet' is configured with 1000 calls per request. If we increase this limit then the issue will be resolved.
For updating this follow the steps.
1. Go to the http://<host>:<port-number>/system/console/configMgr (ex: http://localhost:4502/system/console/configMgr)
2. Ctrl + F and Search for "Apache Sling Main Servlet".
3. Change the value of 'Number of Calls per Request' from 1000 (defaulut value) to 1500 or 2000.
4. Click on Save.
5. Now you can go to Touch UI edit mode and can be able to edit the components.
Check in your CRXDE under the folder /libs/wcm/core/content and look for a folder called "editor.html" with the sibling of just "editor". If you delete the editor.html folder and keep "editor", then your page will start working again.

In TYPO3 6.x, how to get defaultJS, when config.disableAllHeaderCode is enabled?

I set config.disableAllHeaderCode = 1 in my recent TYPO3 sites, as I want full control over the page template.
But this not only throws out the html tag etc., but also the default Js (which could be used to uncrypt mailto-Links.
One solution would be to copy this TYPO3-generated JS from the core code and insert it manually. Very simple: just set config.disableAllHeaderCode = 0, load the page once, copy the js, done. But, in case of an update or settings change, this might break.
So: is it possible to access this "default JS" via typoscript and assign it to the PAGE object?
Have a look at You will see that the spam protection code is hardcoded and only added to the page output if config.disableAllHeaderCode is not set.
Therefore I don't see a possibility to do that. Therefore the answer seems to be no, unless you XCLASS the PageGenerator. I would just copy the JavaScript code; I'm using TYPO3 for some years now and wouldn't remember that the spam protection code ever changed.
There is a solution I think. Go to /typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/templates. There is a file tslib_page_frontend.html. This file is responsible for rendering the whole page including the head. You can define a new path to the above mentioned file. For example set the following code:
config.pageRendererTemplateFile = PATH_TO_YOUR_THEME//Resources/Private/Core/tslib_page_frontend.html
page.config.pageRendererTemplateFile = PATH_TO_YOUR_THEME//Resources/Private/Core/tslib_page_frontend.html
The new template file can look like the following small snippet:
That way the inline JS is still rendered (and I think the spam protections JS is inline JS - which can be stored in external files).

CMS pages do not displaying images in admin panel

I have a weird problem with magento cms module.
All the CMS pages on the frontend are displaying images correctly, but images are not displaying on the admin cms editor page. It just displays 'X' image broken icon.
I actually don't know where to start to fix this issue.
Any one had similar issue?
If in frontend you have the file which renders perfectly, when editing the content in backend that file is linked through smtg like and this image is broken.
The problem is that in Mage_Adminhtml_Cms_WysiwygController (Mage/Adminhtml/controllers/Cms/WysiwygController.php) method directiveAction the $url is ... an url (of course) instead of an image path which is what we need in this case.
You can create a module that overwrites the directiveAction and you would need to replace the $url assignment to
$url = BP . str_replace(Mage::app()->getStore()->getConfig('web/unsecure/base_url'),"/", Mage::getModel('core/email_template_filter')->filter($directive) );
hope that works for you,
Try changing the following in your admin :
System -> Configuration -> General -> Content Management -> Use Static URLs for Media Content in WYSIWYG for Catalog to Yes
This setting is present in at least.

TYPO3 - how to set the <base> tag in the header of generated html pages?

I have inherited ownership of a website running on TYPO3 version 4.2.1. There are two pages that are not rendering correctly, and this seems to be down to a failure to load css and javascript files. Inspecting the page source, I can see that the <base href="blah..." /> tag is missing from the page header.
The question: how on Earth do I set the base url property in TYPO3!?
I have poured over the Typo3 website, edited various "typoscript" files, offered sacrafices to the PHP gods, all to no avail. The generated code still does not include the tag.
Any help appreciated. Please note it is not possible for me to "upgrade to the latest version", and my PHP knowledge is non-existant.
Adding this line to the "Setup" field of your site's main TypoScript template ought to do it:
config.baseURL = < URL here >
The "TSRef" (TypoScript Reference) is a key document for every TYPO3 site administrator -- it's available online here:
I recommend printing out a copy to keep at your desk, you will be referring to it frequently. (They provide it in OpenOffice format as well, to make this easy.)
Section 1.6 ("Setup") describes all the properties you can set via TypoScript's CONFIG object:
P.S. While I wasn't going to recommend you download the latest version to fix this problem, I will recommend you download the latest version to be sure you haven't missed any security patches.
Here is how to set the baseurl within the v4.5 introduction package:
Template > Home > Edit Whole Template Record
Includes (between Options and Recources tab )
Click on the little template icon to the left of ROOT, choose Edit
Under Constants > Config, enter the base domain as shown below (leave out the <>
Rememember to clear all cache and then to Ctrl + F5 to complete refresh the browser
config {
# cat=config; type=boolean; label=Admin Panel: Turn on admin panel (mainly for testing purposes only)
adminPanel = 0
# cat=config; type=boolean; label=Debugging: Turn on debugging (testing purposes only)
debug = 0
# cat=config; type=string; label=Domain name for Base URL: (excluding slashes and protocol like http://)