Is it possible for a user to alter the listening channel? - sockets

So I'm starting to use Redis and to broadcast events to the client side. I'm using Laravel for the backend and will take advantage of their event functionality.
Based on a user's access level, I only want them to listen to certain channels. I figured I could dynamically set the channels they will listen to, but I was worried about whether or not they could use a debugging tool or the sort to change the channel they're listening to.
For example, maybe the page will load listening on 'channel-100', but can they alter the code so that it can listen to any other channel, like to 'channel-110'?

I am not sure I can help specifically with, but I can tell you how we have approached that in our realtime system, and this may apply to your problem.
Clients can request to attach to a channel, so it's the inverse of what you suggested i.e. clients decide what they listen to, server's don't decide. See how channels attach.
Now to address your concern of which clients can access which channels then, your Laravel app should be issuing a token that specifies what rights it has. As your Laravel app is responsible for identity management and knows who the user is, it is always best positioned to have this up to date information at any time. So your client should request a token from your Laravel app, which is passed to your server, which should in turn then apply rules to allow / disallow requests to join those channels. That way your server does not need to have any business logic embedded from your system, and issuing tokens is easy in your app.
See how we made token authentication can work with your app.
I realise it's not a direct answer, but I hope it helps how you think about it architecturally.
Matt, co-founder, Ably: simply better realtime


Listening to API changes in Flutter

assume I have an API that gives a JSON response that return an id and a name.
In a mobile application normally I would make an http GET response to get this data in a one time connection with the server and display the results in the app, however if the data changes over time and I want to keep listening to this data whenever it changes how is that possible ?
I have read about sockets and seen the socket_io_client and socket_io packages, but I did not get my head around it yet, is using sockets the only way to achieve this scenario ? or is it possible to do it in a normal http request ?
Thanks for your time
What you need is not an API but a Webhook:
An API can be used from an app to communicate with Through that communication, the API can List, Create, Edit or Delete items. The API needs to be given instructions, though.
Webhooks, on the other hand, are automated calls from to an app. Those calls are triggered when a specific event happens on For example, if a new user signs up on, the automated call may be configured to ask the app to add a new item to a list.
is using sockets the only way to achieve this scenario ? or is it possible to do it in a normal http request ?
Sockets is only one of the ways to achieve your goal. It is possible to do it using a normal http request. Here, for example, the docs explain how to update data over the internet using HTTP.
From the flutter docs:
In addition to normal HTTP requests, you can connect to servers using WebSockets. WebSockets allow for two-way communication with a server without polling.
You'll find what you need under the networking section.
You should also take a look at the Stream and StreamBuilder classes.

Securing rest app (separate view and server) + social logins

I'm getting into the world of fullstack development and I'm trying to develop app which front is completely separated from backend (front is being served from node server and backend is java).
Now, the issue - how should I get about securing my app?
I'd like to have many fronts and many backend instances connected through load balancers and I'd like to keep all the state on client, so I can without any issue switch to another backend server and continue as nothing happened.
Currently I'm using OAuth2 tokens but I'm concerned about security and stealing the tokens, which are completely stored in cookie on user side. Also, The app (obviously) stores those tokens somewhere, so another instance of my backend app wouldn't accept the token. In best case scenario I can implement some mechanism that would automatically request a new one and in worst case I'd have to login again. I don't want that to happen.
Also, here I have a problem with social auth. Allright, I'm receiving token from Google on front, but giving it to backend and creating a user there is major pain, I have to write a lot of code manually to create such user and save it.
And again, I'm not certain about security level of this solution.
So the question is basically - currently, what is the best way to secure an app which should have completely separate front and backend, which would have no issue with switch backend server between requests?
As regards tokens being stolen from the Client: you can't do anything about this. It is up to the client to protect themselves. What I mean is, if you need a username and password to access a service, and the Client is infected with a key-logger, and a hacker steals those credentials, there is nothing you can do on the server side to protect against this.
As regards your idea of multiple back-ends, this is a common feature of any system with multiple application servers. For example, if you have multiple web servers and want any request to be routable to any server. For this, you need a central database which stores any information which needs to be shared. It's slower, obviously, but much more resilient.

MeteorJS Removing insecure Security Flaw?

i know this is a question that has been asked many time. but im still concerned about best practice when trying to develop secure code in meteor.
i know you can prevent the client from being able to access the database with the command:
meteor remove insecure
my code currently adds, retrieves records by using Meteor.methods() so although the client is not able to insert data into a collection, it can use the Meteor.method() function. im concerned about holding the login details in the database because would this not mean that the client can use the Meteor.method() function to add/get/remove data from the database.
the client being able to call the Meteor.methods() function seems to still keep the same risk doesn't it? or have i coded me work wrong?
if it help, here is a run down of what my work is doing:
application loads
client calls to get username and password from database
client sends login details to external server (over https) to initiate connection.
step 2 is the risk because it seems to allow the client to get the login details. once it has this, it uses the library and the api to my webservice to login. so meteor remove insecure doesnt seem to have secured it because get methods are still available in the Meteor.methods()?
being able to use these functions are quite crucial to retrieving data from the database, is there a way around this? what would be best practice for communicating to the database without exposing private data to the client?
Meteor's insecure package is just a tool provided by MDG to quickly prototype apps. It is not meant to be runned in a production app and some people think is a best practise to remove it all together from the start.
After you remove this package, if you want to interact with the database on the client using mini-mongo you must create the appropiate allow and deny rules on the collection. Here is the link for the Meteor documentation on this topic. The other way to interact with the database, is as you said, using Meteor.methods().
Meteor methods calls don't trigger allow or deny rules, since they are runned on the server. You must hardwire all the security measures you need on the Meteor Call by yourself. So it can be a security problem if you don't take the time to secure the call.
Regarding authenticating your clients I would suggest you take a look at Meteor's Accounts package. For example you can add this two packages for basic username/password authentication:
meteor add accounts-base accounts-passwords
Then you can just use the methods detailed on the Meteor Documentation.
I hope this helps.
If you are using accounts-password, you can check the source here to see details of how it works. But here's a rough overview of it. When you call Meteor.loginWithPassword, the password is hashed client-side. Then a method is called with the parameters. The password is then salted and checked against the database server-side. If it matches, the client gets logged in. The client then subscribes to their own user data (Meteor.user()). The server only publishes their data. So everyone else's data is save.
A method executes code server-side. So they are generally secure. But you can of course write insecure methods. Just know, that you can't trust the parameters passed by the user.

How facebook knows all user connections so fast?

I'm developing a service, that uses social graph.
There is a separate module, that manages user connections, that is basically responsible for all related operations. In some services, you need to know all user connections, to provide correct responses.
The way I see it there are 4 possible options to implement this:
Server based connection support.
1.1. Each time social graph data requested ask for friend list from the module, and process corresponding response.
1.2. Have internal cache with Key - playerID, Value - all player connections, add responsibility to update this cache to connection module, and use it instead of referring to this module.
Client based connection support.
2.1. Add a special Cookie with the list of all friends, so that server could just read that Cookie and provide needed information, without talking to the external module. (This can be secured, by for example providing some signature for the Cookie, and optimised by adding some path, for all the connections related data)
2.2. Add a connection management layer in Client, so it would explicitly request all needed information, by providing a list of connections on each request.
As I look at facebook Cookies, there is a fr cookie, which I can speculate used for this kind of functionality.
How facebook solves this?
If you just want to maintain a list of friends for each user you don't need a full social graph. A simple list of friends stored in your database would work fine.
Client-side storage is typically only for caching or session data, you don't want your users losing their friend list because they re-installed their browser or switched computers.
If you do want to implement a full social graph have a look for a graph DB. Neo4J is one I've used and is fairly easy to get started on.

Authenticating calls from Phonegap app to REST server

I'm building an app with Phonegap. It simply reads xml feeds to display latest articles uploaded by a school for parents to read.
There will be an option where each user of the app can decide whether they want to receive Push Notifications or not. I have a simple database table where the device's registration i.d. from Google Cloud Console is stored. When the user clicks "yes", the registration i.d. is generated and stored on the server. If they then click "no", it's deleted. I want to secure these call to the server with basic HTTP authentification.
Any documentation I have seen on basic authentification describes the sending of username and passwords. But with my application, there is no username or password as the users do not need to sign up. What do I send to authenticate the client? Would there be a key hard-coded on the client side and sent with each request? Couln't this be easily exposed by unpacking the .apk?
I object to the premise of the question. I actually see this as less a security issue and more a preferences issue. Understanding the distinction makes the development of your feature much easier.
Simply modify your application to allow the user to configure what he or she wants to see in the settings and then store the preferences wherever you want on the client (like local storage). The server can then push as before, but the app should simply refuse to render those pushes that the user doesn't want to see.
If you want to simply disseminate non-sensitive content to the users who want to see it, this is a preferences issue and/or a publish/subscribe issue. But it is not a security issue.
Since you have access to server side, you have the control of the whole process. So, in order to handle that, you may think about something like session cookies that a web server creates in case of normal authentication.
I have done something similar and what I've done is to generate a kind of token server side that is stored in the cookies of the device or the localStorage.
So the process flow should be something like this :
Generate a token and store it on the device (cookies or local storage).
For each request, send this value in a http header
From server side, you may identify the user from that token.
For example : you maintain a table that identifies device/token.
That's it
In addition to what the other answers said you can pass a custom useragent string as part of the requests, and validate it matches what you expect. It's not a sure way to 'secure' requests, but along with a (simple) token system and HTTPS this could be enough for your needs.