ADO.NET disconnected architecture -

I have selected only top 10 rows from database in disconnected architecture. but I wanted to delete the row which is not there in above top 10 selected rows. I e after top 10 any row I want to delete. (data set contains only 10 rows). how to do this. Can anyone please give me the solution. Iam looking forward for your response.

Your question is a bit unclear. DataSets technically do not contain rows. DataSet is (in effect) just a collection of DataTable objects. You will have to delete the DataRow from the specific DataTable in the DataSet.
As an example, this removes the first row from the "Orders" DataTable.
Sorry, but that scenario / requirement doesn't make much sense. You will have to SELECT the records into the DataSet and then delete the row based on some criteria. Then using a SqlDataAdapter to update the database.


How to delete one record using frappe.db.delete syntax?

I’m looking to use frappe.db.delete to remove the most recently modified record in a custom table, Warehouse Locations. I want to limit the delete to only one record that matches some filters.
The table is a child table, if that matters.
I am not clear on how to filter one record, based on the “modified” value. I tried:
frappe.db.delete(‘Warehouse Locations’,
{“warehouse”: warehouse,
“parent”: item_code,
“shelf”: shelf,
I am getting a syntax error when I run the above query.
First, filter out the record to be deleted using ORM by running
record = frappe.get_list('Warehouse Locations', order_by='-modified')[0]
Once you filtered it out, you can delete it using frappe.db.delete.
frappe.db.delete('Warehouse Locations', record)
I think the solution answered by #ChillarAnand is helpful.
Instead, I would like to give a different way to solve the problem you faced.
Per your question, the goal is to delete only one record from Warehouse Locations (Child Table).
# 1. Get the parent document for the warehouse location.
parent_doc = frappe.get_doc("Doctype", docname)
# 2. iterate through the child table rows to find the row meet your filter
# and assign to row_to_detele for late use or you can delete straight away
row_to_delete = ""
for row in parent_doc.warehouse_locations:
if row.modified == last_record_to_keep[0].modified:
row_to_delete =
# 3. to remove the child table from the parent doc method
For the document of parent_doc.remove(), you can find it through the below github path: (7 Oct, 2021)

Google Data Studio: Connect to multiple schemas in multi-tenant postgres DB

I have a multi-tenant database in postgres. So, I have one schema per customer and each schema has a fixed set of tables.
When I connect to the DB using Google Data Studio(GDS), I only see the table names without their associated schema.
How do I connect to tables belonging to one or more schemas?
Also, what do I do if my tables have more than 700k rows, as GDS has a limit on number of rows that can be queried right?
You'll have to use the "Custom Query" option instead of the basic table selection if you need anything more complex.
Regarding the row limit. I wasn't aware of the limit, but if that is true I'd suggest using the Custom Query to pre-group your rows in the query into whatever makes sense...days...months...etc to bring the row count down.
Data Studio will likely choke on anywhere near that many rows and make for a horrible user experience. Let Postgres do as much of the heavy lifting as you can.
Answering only: "what do I do if my tables have more than 700k rows, as GDS has a limit on number of rows that can be queried right?"
Not exactly. The limit is on the number of rows returned, not the amount of rows queried. And that matters since Data Studio will almost always push down queries to connectors.
Here's an example: Lets say you have a purchase table in a PostgreSQL db with 1M+ rows where each record is a purchase event. You add this table as a data source in your report and add a bar chart that shows average purchase by customer type. Let's say you have 12 customer types. Data Studio will then push down the GROUP BY clause to the PostgreSQL db. Thus, your result will have only 12 rows of data instead of 1M+. In most chart types, Data Studio will aggregate or page the results thus issuing a query statement that limits the number of rows returned.
You will only run into the limit if you end up creating a scenario where Data Studio cannot issue an aggregation or paging over the query results or if the aggregated results cross the row limit.

How to filter dashboard based on quick filter values selected in Tableau ?

I'm having Dashboard-1 with the data source from SQL Server Table-A having columns
Now, i'm creating a new dashboard-2 with data source as Table-B having columns Col1,Col4,Col5.
But Col1 which is common in both these tables doesn't have common data.
Eg. Col1 from Table-A is having records till 100 and Table-B is having records from 101.Also, the data is not static, its keeps on increasing in Table-B , Table-A is no longer populating but we need the data from it.
Problem1-- How to merge two column as single column for filter in Tableau
Problem2-- in the dashboard i need to show single filter as a union of Col1 from both tables, if user select value <100 then Dashboard-1 will open otherwise Dashboard-2.
Can someone provide me a correct approach.
1) Instead of merging after you have brought the data in, try merging the data using SQL UNION.
2) If that's not possible, do the same after importing both the datasets into Tableau. For an example, try from this official link
3) Try different Joins to see which one works for merging your table columns:
4) If all the above fails, try setting up an Action Filter explained in this link. Essentially you have to use Tiled Containers instead of Floating Containers and set up a action filter using a custom Parameter. This custom Parameter will help display Dashboard 1 when user selects <100 in the filter(for example) and Dashboard 2 when user selects >100(again example)

iTextSharp table on every page

I need to make a PDF document with a table containing multiple rows and columns that shows client information.
I also need to show the products of this client. I create a loop which creates a new table with multiple rows and columns and the product information.
This works fine. I start with the client table and next I have multiple product tables. I've set KeepTogether to True and SpacingAfter = 20f. So after each product table I have some white space.
When the client has many products the product tables continue on the next page. Exactly what I want.
But on the new page I want to start with the client table again. What is the best workflow to do this?

How to programmatically create ListView based off SQLite query?

I have some code that allows the user to perform a search by selecting a few checkboxes. A sql query is then created based on what checkboxes are checked. (Up to 5 checkboxes)
The data is then queried against a sqlite data.
The issue is now how do i populate the data into a listview (not knowing how many columns there will be ahead of time (Could be anywhere from 1 to 5)
All the examples I"ve seen is where the listView is created and you know exactly how many colummns are going to be returned.
A previous posted suggested to query all the records and then use if statements to determine if the value is null then hide column.