GWT DataGrid: use of CheckboxCell-selection and standard line mode selection at the same time - gwt

I'm using a GWT DataGrid with a MultiSelectionModel.
The selections of the items of the grid should be achieved by
a) a CheckboxColumn with a CheckboxCell
and additionally at the same time by
b) the standard line mode selection-model (by clicking on the rest of the line).
With the CheckboxColumn the user should be enabled to multi-select different entries. But when clicking somewhere else on the datagrid-lines, a single-line-selection-policy should be done, that means, if a multiple-selection was done before using the checkboxes, this selection should be resetted and only the the clicked line should be selected afterwards.
This is what I have. Does anyone know how to enable CheckBox-Mode and line-selection-mode at the same time?
public class JobDataGrid extends DataGrid<Job>
private MultiSelectionModel<Job> selectionModel;
private Column<Job, Boolean> checkboxColumn;
private TextColumn<Job> idColumn;
private TextColumn<Job> titleColumn;
private TextColumn<Job> timestampColumn;
private TexTColumn<Job> ...
public JobDataGrid ()
super ();
checkboxColumn = new Column<Job, Boolean> (new CheckboxCell (true, false)) {
public Boolean getValue (Job job)
// Get the value from the selection model.
return selectionModel.isSelected (job);
checkboxColumn.setFieldUpdater (new FieldUpdater<Job, Boolean> () {
public void update (int index, Job job, Boolean value)
// Called when the user clicks on a checkbox.
selectionModel.setSelected (job, value);
// [...]
// [...]
// [...]
selectionModel = new MultiSelectionModel<Job> ();
setSelectionModel (selectionModel);
// setKeyboardSelectionPolicy (KeyboardSelectionPolicy.DISABLED);
// [...]
// [...]
// [...]
I've tried out all 4 variants
new CheckboxCell (false, false);
new CheckboxCell (true, false);
new CheckboxCell (false, true);
new CheckboxCell (true, true);
but none of them showed up what I need. And I've also played with
setSelectionModel (selectionModel, DefaultSelectionEventManager.<Job> createCheckboxManager ());
createCustomManager(DefaultSelectionEventManager.EventTranslator<T> translator)
would help?

You can create your own "checkbox manager" and do what you want there.
table.setSelectionModel(selectModel, DefaultSelectionEventManager.<DocumentListItemDTO> createCustomManager(
new DefaultSelectionEventManager.CheckboxEventTranslator<DocumentListItemDTO>() {
public SelectAction translateSelectionEvent(CellPreviewEvent<DocumentListItemDTO> event) {
SelectAction action = super.translateSelectionEvent(event);
if (action.equals(SelectAction.IGNORE)) {
if (!event.getNativeEvent().getCtrlKey() && !event.getNativeEvent().getShiftKey())
return SelectAction.TOGGLE;
return action;

Lista's answer showed up the right direction!
In order to show the usage of DefaultSelectionEventManager.CheckboxEventTranslator for which on the web only hardly can be found examples, here is a fully functional solution as requested:
setSelectionModel (selectionModel, DefaultSelectionEventManager.<Job> createCustomManager (
new DefaultSelectionEventManager.CheckboxEventTranslator<Job> () {
public SelectAction translateSelectionEvent (CellPreviewEvent<Job> event)
NativeEvent nativeEvent = event.getNativeEvent ();
// Determine if we clicked on a checkbox.
Element target = nativeEvent.getEventTarget ().cast ();
if ("input".equals (target.getTagName ().toLowerCase (Locale.ROOT)))
final InputElement input = target.cast ();
if ("checkbox".equals (input.getType ().toLowerCase (Locale.ROOT)))
// Synchronize the checkbox with the current selection state.
input.setChecked (event.getDisplay ().getSelectionModel ().isSelected (
event.getValue ()));
return SelectAction.TOGGLE;
if (BrowserEvents.CLICK.equals (nativeEvent.getType ()))
selectionModel.clear ();
return SelectAction.SELECT;
return SelectAction.IGNORE;


How to enable content proposal in NatTable TextCellEditor?

I am currently looking for content assist feature in Nattable TextCellEditor.I have found the way to attach the ContentProposalAdapter and IContentProposalProvider by extending the Nattable TextCellEditor. but ,The selected value from the proposed list is not updating in the text control.
Snippet :
protected Text createEditorControl(final Composite parent, final int Style) {
this.textControl = super.createEditorControl(parent, style);
contentProposalAdapter =
new ContentProposalAdapter(this.textControl, new TextContentAdapter(), contentProposalProvider, keyStroke,
contentProposalAdapter.addContentProposalListener(new IContentProposalListener() {
public void proposalAccepted(IContentProposal proposal) {
The problem you have is the internal FocusListener that is triggered while selecting a value in the popup. To add the support you also need to override the internal FocusListener with a listener that doesn't fire if the content proposal popup is open.
An example would be to add a boolean flag that indicates that the popup is open and add a listener that sets the flag accordingly.
private boolean popupOpen = false;
contentProposalAdapter.addContentProposalListener(new IContentProposalListener2() {
public void proposalPopupClosed(ContentProposalAdapter adapter) {
this.popupOpen = false;
public void proposalPopupOpened(ContentProposalAdapter adapter) {
this.popupOpen = true;
And then implement and set a FocusListener in the constructor that takes care of that flag.
this.focusListener = new FocusAdapter() {
public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) {
if (!TextCellEditor.this.popupOpen) {
if (!commit(MoveDirectionEnum.NONE, true)) {
if (e.widget instanceof Control && !e.widget.isDisposed()) {
((Control) e.widget).forceFocus();
} else {
if (!TextCellEditor.this.parent.isDisposed())
In case the value should be immediately committed after it is selected, you need to add a listener that performs the commit after selection.
contentProposalAdapter.addContentProposalListener(new IContentProposalListener() {
public void proposalAccepted(IContentProposal proposal) {
Unfortunately the AbstractCellEditor#InlineFocusListener is private and can therefore not be extended.
Feel free to file an enhancement ticket for NatTable to introduce the ability to easily add content proposals to a text cell editor.

GWT CheckboxCell hinders selection in CellTable

I discovered that if you have a GWT CellTable and add a column that contains a CheckboxCell, the selection via a SingleSelectionModel does not work anymore. This cell type does hinder the row selection.
Following a code sample that demonstrates this behaviour in 2.5.0.rc1.
final CellTable<LicenseDto> licenseTable = new CellTable<LicenseDto>();
final SingleSelectionModel<LicenseDto> selectionModel = new SingleSelectionModel<LicenseDto>();
//--- If I add this column, the selection does work.
Column<LicenseDto, String> workingColumn = new Column<LicenseDto, String>(new TextCell()) {
public String getValue(LicenseDto object) {
return "Works";
workingColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<LicenseDto, String>() {
public void update(int index, LicenseDto object, String value) {
//--- If I add this column, the selection does NOT work anymore.
Column<LicenseDto, Boolean> notWorkingColumn = new Column<LicenseDto, Boolean>(new CheckboxCell(true, true)) {
public Boolean getValue(LicenseDto object) {
return object.getEnabled();
notWorkingColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<LicenseDto, Boolean>() {
public void update(int index, LicenseDto object, Boolean value) {
presenter.enableLicense(object, value);
You can combine multiple cells and add them to the table (e.g. LinkActionCell etc). As long as there is no CheckboxCell, the blue selection with the SingleSelectionModel works like a charm. Does anyone see what I do wrong with this CheckboxCell or is there a bug?
Thank you Thomas! The problem was that I set handlesSelection = true even thought I don't handle anything. Setting it to false solves the problem.
By the way, I add a fieldUpdater to the column to handle a tick or untick of the checkbox:
Column<LicenceDto, Boolean> enableLicenseColumn = new Column<LicenceDto, Boolean>(new CheckboxCell(false, false)) {
public Boolean getValue(LicenceDto object) {
return object.getEnabled();
enableLicenseColumn.setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<LicenceDto, Boolean>() {
public void update(int index, LicenceDto object, Boolean value) {
presenter.enableLicense(object, value);
The question is answered.

GWT CellTable Custom Selection Model

I need a 'custom selection model' for GWT CellTable. One of the columns in CellTable is a Checkbox column.
Basic rquirements (both work in solution below):
- Row click (not on checkbox), selects that row and un-selects all other rows.
- Checkbox selection should select/un-select that row only.
Following is the code I am using, but its very very slow. Any guidance would be appreciated.
final SelectionModel<T> selectionModel = new MultiSelectionModel<T>();
new DefaultSelectionEventManager.CheckboxEventTranslator<T>() {
public SelectAction translateSelectionEvent(CellPreviewEvent<T> event) {
SelectAction action = super.translateSelectionEvent(event);
if (action.equals(SelectAction.IGNORE)) {
return SelectAction.TOGGLE;
return action;
Following is the code snipped for CheckColumn callback.
Column<T, Boolean> checkColumn = new Column<T, Boolean>(
new CheckboxCell(true, false))
public Boolean getValue(T t)
// Get the value from the selection model.
return selectionModel.isSelected(t);
I have put in a KeyProvider for the CellTable and its not slow anymore. :)
ProvidesKey<T> keyProvider = new ProvidesKey<T>() {
public Object getKey(T t) {
return tip == null? null : tip.getId();
dataTable = new CellTable<T>(PAGE_SIZE, keyProvider);
You could just whitelist your checkbox
int checkboxColumn = 0;
DefaultSelectionEventManager.createCustomManager(new DefaultSelectionEventManager

Handling onClick for a checkbox in a CellTable Header

I am trying to create a CellTable that has a column with some text and a checkbox, which will be used as a select all checkbox (see the drawing below, "cb" is checkbox). Currently I am using an class derived from Header and overriding it's render method to output the text and a checkbox. I am overriding onBrowserEvent() however it is only giving me onChange events, which would work fine except that the checkbox doesn't function correctly. Does anyone have any ideas on this?
| col 1 | Select All |
| | cb |
| row 1 | cb |
The issues I'm having with the checkbox is that when it's not checked, you have to click it twice for the checkmark to appear (at least on Chrome), even though it's "checked" property is true the first time. One click unchecks it correctly.
Here is some code:
Setup the CellTable columns:
/** Setup the table's columns. */
private void setupTableColumns() {
// Add the first column:
TextColumn<MyObject> column1 = new TextColumn<MyObject>() {
public String getValue(final MyObject object) {
return object.getColumn1Text();
table.addColumn(macColumn, SafeHtmlUtils.fromSafeConstant("Column1"));
// the checkbox column for selecting the lease
Column<MyObject, Boolean> checkColumn = new Column<MyObject, Boolean>(
new CheckboxCell(true, false)) {
public Boolean getValue(final MyObject object) {
return selectionModel.isSelected(object);
SelectAllHeader selectAll = new SelectAllHeader();
selectAll.setSelectAllHandler(new SelectHandler());
table.addColumn(checkColumn, selectAll);
My Select All Header:
public static class SelectAllHeader extends Header<Boolean> {
private final String checkboxID = "selectAllCheckbox";
private ISelectAllHandler handler = null;
public void render(final Context context, final SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
String html = "<div>Select All<div><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"" + checkboxID + "\"/>";
private final Boolean allSelected;
public SelectAllHeader() {
super(new CheckboxCell());
allSelected = false;
public Boolean getValue() {
Element checkboxElem = DOM.getElementById(checkboxID);
return checkboxElem.getPropertyBoolean("checked");
public void onBrowserEvent(final Context context, final Element element, final NativeEvent event) {
Event evt =;
int eventType = evt.getTypeInt();
super.onBrowserEvent(context, element, event);
switch (eventType) {
case Event.ONCHANGE:
public void setSelectAllHandler(final ISelectAllHandler handler) {
this.handler = handler;
It looks like you're rendering a non-checked checkbox whenever you render the header, which could be wiping out the selection state whenever the celltable re-renders.
Try storing the checked state and rendering the checkbox with the state. It looks like you're half way there with allSelected, you're just not using it.
EDIT Here is a working implementation I've just written for Zanata (see The HasValue interface is implemented so that value change events can be handled in a standard way. I have not overridden the render method, if you want to do so make sure you use getValue() to determine whether you render a checked or an unchecked checkbox. The selection/de-selection logic is handled in the associated presenter class (see
private class CheckboxHeader extends Header<Boolean> implements HasValue<Boolean> {
private boolean checked;
private HandlerManager handlerManager;
public CheckboxHeader()
//TODO consider custom cell with text
super(new CheckboxCell());
checked = false;
// This method is invoked to pass the value to the CheckboxCell's render method
public Boolean getValue()
return checked;
public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element elem, NativeEvent nativeEvent)
int eventType =;
if (eventType == Event.ONCHANGE)
//use value setter to easily fire change event to handlers
setValue(!checked, true);
public HandlerRegistration addValueChangeHandler(ValueChangeHandler<Boolean> handler)
return ensureHandlerManager().addHandler(ValueChangeEvent.getType(), handler);
public void fireEvent(GwtEvent<?> event)
public void setValue(Boolean value)
checked = value;
public void setValue(Boolean value, boolean fireEvents)
checked = value;
if (fireEvents)
{, value);
private HandlerManager ensureHandlerManager()
if (handlerManager == null)
handlerManager = new HandlerManager(this);
return handlerManager;

Wicket children panels refresh

I'm just looking for extra pair of eyes to spot why children panels do not show up/change visibility on radio button selection/change that does call for their refresh
public class OptionsPanel extends Panel {
private AutoCompleteSearchField departureField;
private HiddenField departureCodeField;
private CompoundPropertyModel model;
private RadioGroup flightChoices;
private RadioGroup dateChoices;
private final TripSearchModel tripSearchModel;
private WebMarkupContainer optionsContainer;
private FlexibleDates flexibleDates;
private FixedDates fixedDates;
private PassengersAndClass passengersAndClass;
private static List FIX_CONTAINER_VISIBLE = Lists.newArrayList(true, false, true);
private static List FLEX_CONTAINER_VISIBLE = Lists.newArrayList(false, true, true);
private static List HIDE_CONTAINERS = Lists.newArrayList(false, false, false);
public OptionsPanel(String id, CompoundPropertyModel model) {
this.model = model;
this.tripSearchModel = (TripSearchModel) model.getObject();
private Component departureLabel() {
return new WebMarkupContainer("departureLabel").setOutputMarkupId(true);
private AutoCompleteSearchField departureField() {
departureField = new AutoCompleteSearchField("departureField", "From", "flightFromField", null, true, model.bind("departure"));
departureField.add(new CityValidator(this, departureCodeField));
return departureField;
private HiddenField departureCodeField() {
departureCodeField = new HiddenField("departureCodeField", model.bind("departureCode"));
return departureCodeField;
private Component flightType(){
flightChoices = new RadioGroup("flightTypes");
flightChoices.add(listOfRadio(flightsTypeList(), "flightType"));
return flightChoices;
private List flightsTypeList() {
return Arrays.asList(
new RadioOptionObject("one way", new Model(TRIP_TYPE_ONE_WAY)),
new RadioOptionObject("return", new Model(TRIP_TYPE_RETURN))
private Component travellingWhen(){
return new Label("travellingWhen", new StringResourceModel("travelling_when", this, new Model("")).getString());
private Component dateType(){
dateChoices = new RadioGroup("dateTypes");
dateChoices.add(listOfRadio(datesTypeList(), "dateType"));
return dateChoices;
private List datesTypeList() {
return Arrays.asList(
new RadioOptionObject("Flexible dates", new Model(DATE_TYPE_FLEX)),
new RadioOptionObject("Fixed dates", new Model(DATE_TYPE_FIX)));
private ListView listOfRadio(final List flightDateOptionValues, final String componentId) {
ListView listView = new ListView(componentId + "sList", flightDateOptionValues) {
protected void populateItem(final ListItem listItem) {
final Radio radio = new Radio(componentId + "Radio", ((RadioOptionObject) listItem.getModelObject()).getRadioModel()) {
public String getValue() {
return listItem.getDefaultModelObjectAsString();
protected boolean getStatelessHint() {
return true;
radio.add(new AjaxEventBehavior("onchange") {
protected void onEvent(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
listItem.add(new Label(componentId + "Name", new StringResourceModel(radio.getModelObject().toString(), this, radio.getModel())));
return listView;
private void refreshPanel(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
private List visibility() {
return visibilityMode(((TripSearchModel) model.getObject()).getDateType());
private Component optionsContainer(List visibility){
optionsContainer = new WebMarkupContainer("optionsContainer");
return optionsContainer;
private Component flexibleDates(Boolean visibility){
flexibleDates = new FlexibleDates("flexibleDates", model);
return flexibleDates;
private Component fixedDates(Boolean visibility){
fixedDates = new FixedDates("fixedDates", model);
return fixedDates;
private Component passengersAndClass(Boolean visibility){
passengersAndClass = new PassengersAndClass("passengersAndClass", model);
return passengersAndClass;
private List visibilityMode(String dateType) {
} else if(DATE_TYPE_FLEX.equalsIgnoreCase(dateType)){
} else{
I think one potential issue you may have is that you listen for ajax-onchange events and you attempt to make changes to panels depending on the model supposedly having changed. In my experience with radio-type form components, you may need to use AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior (instead of AjaxEventBehavior) in order to capture changes to a model of such form-components. Hope this helps!
Edit: Instead of listing caveats (you need to use another type of behavior for some form components), I'll just add a link to the documentation: Javadoc for AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior
At the end of the day I find out that there was another Easter egg hidden for me.
radio.add(new AjaxEventBehavior("onchange") {
protected void onEvent(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
I was changing same date parameter on event of two different radio groups, which rendered form useless. That was one change, the second change was moving from WebMarkupContainer to EnclosureContainer that was suggested to use on Wicket mailing list for components changing their visibility status. Nevertheless I will give it a try with AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior thank you #Martin Peters