Does anyone know where I can find current information on adding h2 persistence to a RCP e4 app? - persistence

I would like to add some persistence to save some application data and I feel like I have searched the web for days without any success.
I have found some older links and the eclipse Gemini project. However, I suppose I am too new to understand the implementation or it is just a little dated. Probably, more of my lack of knowledge.
Anyway, is anyone willing to point me to a working example and/or provide me with some assistance offline?

If you want to use H2 with plain JDBC, you won't need the Gemini project. In this case you can wrap the H2.jar with the corresponding JDBC driver in a single bundle (plugin) and implement your db access there.
The Gemini project is for using persistence via JPA, which works with any JDBC capable database.
In either case, be aware that in an OSGi environment like Eclipse RCP, there is one classloader per bundle. This leads to lots of complications. We are using Hibernate as JPA engine within our E4 application and we cannot split the JPA configuration, the JPA engine and the entity beans :-(
We tried using EclipseLink as JPA engine but this doesn't work on all our entities :-(
I found this blog article by Raja Kannappan which briefly explains class loading in OSGi.
You can read more about JPA in The Java EE Tutorials (although JPA is part of Java SE, too).
Hope this helps.


JPA in EJB container vs. Web container

Is there any documentation / articles identifying best practices / rules for when should one use JPA in an ejb container vs. when is it appropriate to use JPA in a web container?
At a high level - couple of things that I can think about is if we have JPA in WAR then the transactional code will need to be managed by the developer in UserTransactions and it cannot be reused by other modules or even the EJB in the same application.
I typically use JPA for either Java SE applications or in a Container. The SE application is really only playing around or doing database loads or setup. I have setup JPA in Tomcat, but I wasn't really pleased with the end result and felt there was some issues that couldn't really be resolved.
EDIT: That said, consider Spring/Hibernate runs in a servlet container under your HTTP server of choice, and seems to be a pretty popular and mature platform, but also quite vendor specific. It will do just about anything I can think of that a Java EE certified container will do and perhaps more.
I think your considerations come down to what kind of application you're building which, in turn, provides a lot of input about what database to use.

Spring Data JPA and SimpleJPA/SimpleDB

I'm wondering if it is possible to specify SimpleJPA as the persistence provider used by Spring-Data-JPA. I'm not a JPA expert so I hope this question isn't silly. Is it as easy as just specifying SimpleJPA's entity manager factory in the persistence.xml? I have yet to find anywhere online where someone has used Spring-Data-JPA to connect to Amazon's SimpleDB, I would love it if someone could point me in the right direction.
I just found this project and got it working for our Spring Data + SimpleDB needs:
The documentation is pretty good and getting things up and running was pretty straight-forward. I was accessing SimpleDB via Spring Data with about 10 minutes of work.
Generally setting up your persistence provider is just a matter of setting up the EntityManagerFactory through your Spring context (in case you use the Spring container). Thus have a look at how to configure EntityManagerFactory instances in Spring.
There might be the need to implement a custom JpaVendorAdapter to let Spring use the SimpleDB JPA implementation correctly. For some advanced functionality (e.g. using pagination with manually defined queries) we'd have to tweak the Spring Data JPA codebase a bit. If you'd like to see that supported feel free to open a ticket in our JIRA.

DbUnit testing a PostgreSQL database using JPA without Hibernate or Spring

I'm trying to write a Java EE 6 application using JPA but without using Hibernate or Spring. I used Netbeans to generate the JPA classes, and I created the tables in Postgres, but I am not able to run DbUnit tests in those JPA classes.
I have tried to base my test unit on the example described in this site: but it does not work. I keep getting a "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/slf4j/LoggerFactory" even though I added slf4j to the project libraries in the IDE.
One thing that I find rather odd about the roseindia site example is that it does not seem to have a caller object for the test object created. I am not sure if a caller object is even needed (complete n00b in JavaEE programming, and kind of lost still).
If you choose to use entities (java classes annotated with #Entity, representing database records), you have to use some JPA provider. You are not restricted to Hibernate, though.
If you're frightened by JPA, your other option is to use plain JDBC. It is far easier to understand, if it's your learning-exercise application, it might be a good idea to try and see how it works. JPA is built on top of JDBC, so when you think you're ready for it, you'll have a solid knowledge base.

GWT+hibernate for highly interactive web application?

As a Java developer new to the web development environment, I was quite excited to find Grail which provides a great framework especially the convenience of abstracting DB operations with ORM. I later learned that it is actually the function of hibernate. At the same time I am delighted to learn about GWT. It is a god send for the project. I can continue building applications with event driven widgets using Java. Yeah!!
The answer seems clear: GWT + Hibernate. Will it work? What do I miss? Why there is much talk about this set up? What is the concern or area of risk? Have anyone tried this before?
Or, how do GWT developers handle the challenge of data persistence? What are the options?
Also I can't seem to find a good tutorial about setting up Hibernate with Eclipse -- the IDE I am familiar with. What are the tools or plug-ins needed?
Hibernate works fine with GWT as long as you keep in mind that the GWT code is actually running on the browser so you can't manipulate Hibernate objects in your client code. The downside to that is you're probably going to have duplicate objects on the client and server side, but you can use course-grained DTOs via the GWT remote procedure calls. On the server side, just create a ServletListener to initialize your Hibernate project and then use normal Hiberate methods to store and retrieve objects.
As far as Hibernate and Eclipse, Hibernate has an Eclipse plugin, but it's not really necessary to develop in Eclipse. It gives you the ability to run HQL and to reverse engineer Java objects from the database or vice versa, which can be useful, but it's not required.
If you want to go the hibernate way, you should have a look at Gilead or its predecessor hibernate4gwt. It works pretty well, but documentation is a bit sparse.

Simplest way to use JPA with my GWT application

I'd like to create a simple Google Web Toolkit application which makes uses RPCs. For persistence, I'd like to use something like the Java Persistence API.
Does this mean I have to use an application server like Glassfish? or can I stick with a simple web container?
In terms of concrete libraries, how should I proceed? TopLink? Hibernate? ...
I believe the GWT RPC stuff is implemented as simple servlets. Assuming that, you totally can use JPA in a web container like Tomcat and don't need a full blown J2EE app server.
To do that, you will need to do a bit of manual setup to make access to the PersistenceContext simpler. Hibernate suggests using ThreadLocal, and I have an entry on my blog that details how I did that for Tomcat here
I would personally recommend Glassfish, as being more stable, better implemented and generally higher quality that Tomcat. I don't want to start a flame war (by saying that putting J2EE into Tomcat is like putting lipstick on a pig), but I will tell you how we deploy all of our applications:
We use Glassfish as the web container, TopLink as the persistence provider, generally connected to a MySQL 5 database. We use the JPA POJOs all the way from the EJB layer, through the web tier, and the GWT layer as well, via RPC. We also use Stripes and JSPs for all the presentation logic that doesn't require AJAX functionality. We've never had any problems with this approach, and have so far done at least 10 large-scale projects this way. It's the best architecture that we've had to date, and we've had a lot (tomcat, jboss, hibernate, struts, spring, etc, etc, etc).
You can user any container you like, i mean servlet and jpa containers.
The key point is that GWT doesn't suport jpa, so you have to use DTO design parten.
This will keep everything organized and you will not have problems with lazy loading.