pgAgent not working on Another database other than Postgres [closed] - postgresql

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm trying to schedule a job using pgAgent in postgresql.
pgAgent is working fine with the postgres database, but when i'm selecting the other database which i created. It is not working, the job is getting failed.
Can someone guide me in configuring it for another database also.
Thank You

Find your %AppData%\Roaming\postgresql\ pgpass.conf file under the user which you have defined as OS's username while installation steps.
For my computer : C:\Users\postgres\AppData\Roaming\postgresql\pgpass.conf
Change the line; localhost:5432:postgres:postgres:password as localhost:5432:*:postgres:password
It works for me.

PgAgent --> Steps --> ConnectionType="Remote"
PgAgent --> Steps --> Connection string : host=localhost port=5432 dbname=dataBaseName user=userName password=password
Will Work..!


How to install MongoDB after downloading [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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To install MongoDB after downloading
To Note:
I can't install it from terminal for some reasons. And I am using Ubuntu 14.04
I just don't know what to do after downloading. Coz there are no executable files or something.
This is preety good article for installation of mongodb step by step.
Click here for mongoDB tutorials
To start your mongodb server : mongod
You may find error that database directory is not created. For that,
Create your database directory(default path) : mkdir -p /data/db and then restart your server again.If you did not find any error then skip this part.You can also change your database directory path. Here is command for that mongod --dbpath /your/path
Open new terminal and execute : mongo
If you have any query feel free to comment.Good luck.

Installing Bugzilla with a sql database on a different drive - how to connect database? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm attempting to install Bugzilla on a server with a MySQL database on it already. The database is on E: (for space) and Bugzilla is on C:. Currently Bugzilla does not have a database associated with it, and the perl checksetup script looks for a drive local database.
How can I attempt to get bugzilla to target the database on my other drive? Is there a line I can change in the initial scripts to do this?
You tell Bugzilla how to connect to the database server in the localconfig file.
$db_driver = mysql
# The DNS name of the host that the database server runs on.
$db_host = localhost
I believe with MySQL you can also directly connect via a local socket. Be sure to follow the Bugzilla installation instructions for setting up a database, a database user and password for the connection to use. The tables will be set up automatically by Bugzilla's setup scripts.

pgAdmin III Guru Hint - Server Not Listening [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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When I connect to default localhost 5432, I get a blank "Guru hint - Server not listening message"
Normally, it should show some messages but I get a blank one!
Can somebody please tell me what's going on?
P/s: I'm new in using pgAdmin III and have absolute zero knowledge about connections. ><"
on what server do you have postgresql server running? make sure your postgresql server starts. on windows check postgre service, on linux do ps -ef | grep postgresql or /sbin/service postgresql status.
If the server already started, check your DB connection set up in PGAdmin.

back up a postgres db and restore on another computer [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I've just purchased a new computer (mac OSX) and I want to continue developing using the same database I had on the old computer. I don't want it remotely done cause I dont want to keep the other computer on. I just want to copy the db and put it on this computer for development. I have a USB stick I can use but I'm not sure how to proceed. brew, rails, ruby, rvm, pg are all installed and configured.
pg_dumpall ?
To dump all databases:
$ pg_dumpall > db.out
To reload this database use, for example:
$ psql -f db.out postgres
I had to do it with -o option for the oids

Postgres "Command Not Found" [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have looked at the majority of "Command Not Found" errors with Postgres and none of them are similiar to what I am running into. On my server Postgres is running effectively, as I can log into an individual database with no issues; however, when logging into the server as user postgres to run commands such as \list or create new databases I get the following error:
-bash-4.1$ \list
-bash: list: command not found
Any ideas as to why this is happening. When I was trying to troubleshoot this I thought I might be in the wrong directory so I ran pwd and this is what I get:
-bash-4.1$ pwd
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
\list is no bash command, but from the command/output you posted it looks you are tryin to call it directly from within bash.
First run the psql command, when you have you should have an interactive session with it. There you should be able to use the \list command. You can read more about this here.