Why does pyang validation allow to define a list without a valid key if the list is in a grouping? - ietf-netmod-yang

The RFC6020 says:
The "key" statement [...] takes as an argument a
string that specifies a space-separated list of leaf identifiers of
this list. [...] Each such leaf identifier MUST refer to a child leaf of the
list. The leafs can be defined directly in substatements to the
list, or in groupings used in the list.
Despite this fact it is possible to successfully validate the below grouping in pyang:
grouping my-grouping {
list my-list-in-a-grouping {
key there-is-no-such-leaf;
If the list is outside of a grouping, or if I use the grouping without any augmentations, then I get an error (which is expected):
error: the key "there-is-no-such-leaf" does not reference an existing leaf
What is the point of having groupings that require augmentations in order to be used?

According to Martin Bjorklund, an author of the related RFCs, this is not valid YANG. Pyang fails to detect this due to a bug in its implementation. The RFC text which you quoted in your question does not permit any other interpretation and appears to be intentional. Groupings were never meant to be used in such a way.

Could it be because grouping is not a data definition node and pyang validates only such nodes?
The grouping statement is not a data
definition statement and, as such, does not define any nodes in
the schema tree.


How to read completion criteria from moodle API to use in App?

I am using core_course_get_contents I want to know the activity restriction criteria.
I am getting something like this in availability
How to read this? What does this mean?
Is this always different parameters in others?
What is the common structure of availability parameter?
What you get is a JSON string, with key/value pairs. This string tells you what are the availability conditions to be satisfied.
The first pair is "op": &
It means: the boolean operator is an AND. Another value could have been OR.
The operator tells you how the availability conditions should relate each other: either should all of them be valid (AND) or at least one of them (OR).
The second pair is "showc": true.
It means, I suppose (not sure): Show the availability conditions: true. Another value could have been, of course, false.
The third pair is: "c" (condition): array
The "c" key gives you, as far as I understand, a detailed description of the availability conditions. Let's go into details, here:
The "type" key tells you what type of field you are going to evaluate: in your first and second example it is a course module id ("cm"), with values, respectively, of 10889 and 9989. It means: "what follows has to do with course module 10889".
I do not know what the key/value pair "e":1 means, though. It could mean: "this course-module should be completed". Try yourself: you could change the availability conditions of some course-module and see what happens.
By the way, you can read this JSON object directly from the field availability of your DB table mdl_course_modules (or your_prefix_course_modules).
In your third example the type is a grade ("grade"), the ID of the grade is "3410", and the "min" (I suppose the minimum value) is "100".
Note that there could be other types: for example: "type": "date", or "type": "grouping". I am not aware of a list of possible types available, though.

How to use CQLinq to get metrics of Methods and Fields within a single query

I am calculating average length of identifiers with CQLinq in NDepend, and I want to get the length of the names of classes, fields and methods. I walked through this page of CQlinq: http://www.ndepend.com/docs/cqlinq-syntax, and I have code like:
let id_m = Methods.Select(m => new { m.SimpleName, m.SimpleName.Length })
let id_f = Fields.Select(f => new { f.Name, f.Name.Length })
select id_m.Union(id_f)
It doesn't work, one error says:
'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable' does not
contain a definition for 'Union'...
The other one is:
cannot convert from
'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable' to
However, according to MSDN, IEnumerable Interface defines Union() and Concat() methods.
It seems to me that I cannot use CQLinq exactly the same way as Linq. Anyway, is there a way to get the information from Types, Methods and Fields domains within a singe query?
Thanks a lot.
is there a way to get the information from Types, Methods and Fields domains within a singe query?
Not for now, because a CQLinq query can only match a sequence of types, or a sequence of methods or a sequence of field, so you need 3 distinct code queries.
For next version CQLinq, will be improved a lot and indeed you'll be able to write things like:
from codeElement in Application.TypesAndMembers
select new { codeElement, codeElement.Name.Length }
Next version will be available before the end of the year 2016.

How do I prevent sql injection if I want to build a query in parts within the fatfree framework?

I am using the fatfree framework, and on the front-end I am using jQuery datatables plugin with server-side processing. And thus, my server-side controller may or may not receive a variable number of information, for example a variable number of columns to sort on, a variable number of filtering options and so forth. So if I don't receive any request for sorting, I don't need to have a ORDER BY portion in my query. So I want to generate the query string in parts as per certain conditions and join it at the end to get the final query for execution. But if I do it this way, I won't have any data sanitization which is really bad.
Is there a way I can use the frameworks internal sanitization methods to build the query string in parts? Also is there a better/safer way to do this than how I am approaching it?
Just use parameterized queries. They are here to prevent SQL injection.
Two possible syntaxes are allowed:
with question mark placeholders:
$db->exec('SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE username=? AND category=?',
with named placeholders:
$db->exec('SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE username=:name AND category=:cat',
The parameters are here to filter the field values, not the column names, so to answer more specifically to your question:
you must pass filtering values through parameters to avoid SQL injection
you can check if column names are valid by testing them against an array
Here's a quick example:
$columns=array('category','age','weight');//columns available for filtering/sorting
$sql='SELECT * FROM mytable';
if (isset($_GET['filter']) && is_array($_GET['filter'])
foreach($_GET['filter'] as $col=>$val)
if (in_array($col,$columns,TRUE)) {//test for column name validity
$sql.=($ctr?' AND ':' WHERE ')."$col=?";
if (isset($_GET['sort']) && is_array($_GET['sort'])
foreach($_GET['sort'] as $col=>$asc)
if (in_array($col,$columns,TRUE)) {//test for column name validity
$sql.=($ctr?',':' ORDER BY ')."$col ".($asc?'ASC':'DESC');
NB: if column names contain weird characters or spaces, they must be quoted: $db->quote($col)

Dynamic WHERE Clause & SQL Injection

I need to create functionality for users to determine the WHERE criteria of a select - the criteria will be dynamic.
Is there a way I can achieve this without opening up my code to SQL injection?
I'm using C# / .NET Windows Application.
Using parameterized queries would go long way toward protecting you from SQL injection attacks, because most bad things happen in the value portion of your where conditions.
For exampleg given a condition a=="hello" && b=="WORLD", do this:
select a,b,c,d
from table
where a=#pa and b=#pb -- this is generated dynamically
Then, bind #pa="hello" and #pb="WORLD", and run your query.
In C#, you would start with an in-memory representation of your where clause in hand, go through it element-by-element, and produce two output objects:
A string with the where clause, where constants are replaced by automatically generated parameter references pa, pb, and so on (use your favorite naming scheme for these blind parameters: the actual names do not matter)
A dictionary of name-value pairs, where names correspond to the parameters that you've inserted in your where clause, and values that correspond to the constants that you pulled from the expression representation.
With these outputs in hand, you prepare your dynamic query using the string, add parameter values using the dictionary, and then execute the query against your RDBMS source.
select a,b,c,d
from table
where a='hello' and b='WORLD' -- This dynamic query is ripe for an interjection attack
Ah two phases. Given you column names and operators are not direct user input. E.g. picked from a list or radio group etc
String WhereClause = String.Format("Where {0} {1} #{0}","Customer", "=");
So now you Have "Where Customer = #Customer".
Then you can add aparamer Customer and set it from the user input.
There are a few ways to attack this, depends on how complex your criteria could be though.

How to query Cassandra by date range

I have a Cassandra ColumnFamily (0.6.4) that will have new entries from users. I'd like to query Cassandra for those new entries so that I can process that data in another system.
My sense was that I could use a TimeUUIDType as the key for my entry, and then query on a KeyRange that starts either with "" as the startKey, or whatever the lastStartKey was. Is this the correct method?
How does get_range_slice actually create a range? Doesn't it have to know the data type of the key? There's no declaration of the data type of the key anywhere. In the storage_conf.xml file, you declare the type of the columns, but not of the keys. Is the key assumed to be of the same type as the columns? Or does it do some magic sniffing to guess?
I've also seen reference implementations where people store TimeUUIDType in columns. However, this seems to have scale issues as this particular key would then become "hot" since every change would have to update it.
Any pointers in this case would be appreciated.
When sorting data only the column-keys are important. The data stored is of no consequence neither is the auto-generated timestamp. The CompareWith attribute is important here. If you set CompareWith as UTF8Type then the keys will be interpreted as UTF8Types. If you set the CompareWith as TimeUUIDType then the keys are automatically interpreted as timestamps. You do not have to specify the data type. Look at the SlicePredicate and SliceRange definitions on this page http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/API This is a good place to start. Also, you might find this article useful http://www.sodeso.nl/?p=80 In the third part or so he talks about slice ranging his queries and so on.
Writing to a single column family can sometimes create a hot spot if you are using an Order-Preserving Partitioner, but not if you are using the default Random Partitioner (unless a subset of users create vastly more data than all other users!).
If you sorted your rows by time (using an Order-Preserving Partitioner) then you are probably even more likely to create hotspots, since you will be adding rows sequentially and a single node will be responsible for each range of the keyspace.
Columns and Keys can be of any type, since the row key is just the first column.
Virtually, the cluster is a circular hash key ring, and keys get hashed by the partitioner to get distributed around the cluster.
Beware of using dates as row keys however, since even the randomization of the default randompartitioner is limited and you could end up cluttering your data.
What's more, if that date is changing, you would have to delete the previous row since you can only do inserts in C*.
Here is what we know :
A slice range is a range of columns in a row with a start value and an end value, this is used mostly for wide rows as columns are ordered. Known column names defined in the CF are indexed however so they can be retrieved specifying names.
A key slice, is a key associated with the sliced column range as returned by Cassandra
The equivalent of a where clause uses secondary indexes, you may use inequality operators there, however there must be at least ONE equals clause in your statement (also see https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-1599).
Using a key range is ineffective with a Random Partitionner as the MD5 hash of your key doesn't keep lexical ordering.
What you want to use is a Column Family based index using a Wide Row :
CompositeType(TimeUUID | UserID)
In order for this not to become hot, add a first meaningful key ("shard key") that would split the data accross nodes such as the user type or the region.
Having more data than necessary in Cassandra is not a problem, it's how it is designed, so what you must ask yourself is "what do I need to query" and then design a Column Family for it rather than trying to fit everything in one CF like you'd do in an RDBMS.