Send Notification as message with Firebase Cloud Messaging in Swift - swift

I'm trying to create a Chat App. When the app enters background and if he receives a message, then a notification must appear.
What I understand is that FIRMessaging.sendMessage() sends something to the cloud. But how the other device is gonna receive it ? It cant be continually looking for messages that are targetted to him...
I would like to understand how to use this fonction and what are the parameters to pass in it. So far and with the current documentation, I couldnt do it.
[[FIRMessaging message]sendMessage:(nonnull NSDictionary *)message
to:(nonnull NSString *)receiver
withMessageID:(nonnull NSString *)messageID
What should I put in the receiver ? It's userId in firebase ? or what ?
In the exemples they talk about SENDER_ID + ""
which confuses me cause it looks like it's either my Id or the Id of the firebase App..
I cant even figure out if i'm trying to send an upstream or downstream message (dont understand)
Well all I can say is that I really get my head around it...

Firebase Cloud Messaging and Firebase Notifications (which is built on Firebase Cloud Messaging) handle this automatically for you. From the documentation of Firebase Notifications:
When your app is in the background on a user's device, notifications are delivered to the system tray. When a user taps on the notification, the app launcher opens your app. If you want, you can also add client message handling to receive notifications in your app when it is already in the foreground on the user's device.


Sending React Native Notification on database update?

I have an AWS Postgres database, an API layer, and a React Native application. One user is trying to communicate with another (and this will be stored in the db) I want to let the intended user know that a message awaits them with a notification. I'm not using expo. I've looked at using OneSignal but the functionality seems limited in this aspect (unless I'm missing something) I've prefer to use React Native Local notifications. Does anybody know how to achieve this with either OneSignal or RNLC?
You want 2 users to communicate with each other, and via a notification to let them know they have a new message. You can send push notifications directly to a user by using the player id and our REST API. The player id will target only the user the notification was meant to be sent to.

Flutter Notifications Panel

I'm using with success the flutter local notification plugin. Now I'm struggling for create a page with all notifications.
Is there a way to collect all incoming local notifications of my app (even if dismissed and/or not clicked) in a list (the classic notification page like FB etc.)
I only notice that I can track the tapped notification but not only the arrival notification.
This unfortunately is not possible, because notifications are not stored anywhere. They exist in memory on the device, until the user dismisses them, or they are replaced with a message of a similar ID, or the OS just removes them altogether.
Your best bet, is to generate a table on your mobile backend, that will store these notifications (the same ones that will be broadcasted to the users notification center), then get the app to read directly from this table, and store it on a local SQLite database.
These notifications that are broadcasted, will need to be sent from the backend itself, with the exact same content, as that being stored on the table I mentioned. This will ensure data integrity between the notification center, and that of the app.
Please make sure that you use FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) for mobile push notifications. These are completely free, as per the documentation:
For Tutorials, please look at these:

Send push notification to specific user?

I'm making an app where I want to be able to set a basic notification (title, message, fire date) and have been trying to figure out the best way to setup the notifications. I'm working with Swift 3 and Firebase 3.
I don't want to use local notifications because if the user is logged in on multiple devices I want it to push to all those devices.
Is there a way to do this with FCM where a user can set a notification to fire at a specific date and time and have it fire on all (iOS) devices logged in?
If FCM doesn't have this, is there another APK that does? I've looked at Batch briefly but I'm already using Firebase.
Thanks in advance!
If your main use case is to send a push notification to a single user for his multiple devices, I suggest you make use of Device Group Messaging on iOS. As per the docs, it is typically used for:
With device group messaging, app servers can send a single message to multiple instances of an app running on devices belonging to a group. Typically, "group" refers a set of different devices that belong to a single user.
When it comes to sending the notification on a specific date, I'm pretty sure you can set it up in the Firebase Console.
However, if you intend it to be sent from the server, you have to implement it yourself, since I think, there is no currently API available or a parameter you can set in the payload that can be modified for the message to be sent for a specific date.

Checking for other UIRemoteNotifications waiting, inside didReceiveRemoteNotifications

In didReceiveRemoteNotification, is it possible to see if there are other/older push notifications that haven't been responded to?
I have a scenario where each notification contains different data, and unless you exit app and select every single notification for your app. You app wont be able to get to that data.
I'm thinking that iOS must be storing that information in an array somewhere, but haven't been able to find anything through Google.
Advice please? Last chance saloon would be re-writing it to poll a server for notifications.
You cannot guarantee that your app will ever receive any push notification sent to it. The only way it does is if it is running when it receives the message or if the notification is used to launch your app.
I would recommend implementing a web service on your server that allows your app to pull down the data it needs from these notifications when it is running.

Handle APNS Remote Notifications while in Background

I have implemented all recommended methods in AppDelegate to get working Remote Notifications service.
I can accept them while running, while launching and while turned off.
But there is an issue, since I can't work with many received notifications while in background. I can work only with latest notification.
What is recommended manual to do that? How can I got all notifications received while in background? Is it only solvable via manual call to my service provider (sender of apns data)?
With all the projects I've worked on there hasn't been a way to locally store this information if the push notification is dismissed. In all those cases we used a small file on the server that the app would connect to and pull when it became active again. There was also some place in the app where the user could see all their notifications which, again, were stored on the server for quick retrieval.
With the way I understand push notifications to be setup, if the notification is dismissed the system discards it. It'll perform anything it's supposed to do (such as update the badge number and play the correct sound) but any additional information specific to that notification is lost.
Not sure if this helps, but if you just want to know how many notifications you have missed while you were in background. You can create a variable which contains notification number and store this in the app every time you handle notification. When you come out of background and receive a new notification you can subtract the new number with the stored number to find out the number of missed notifications. I don't think there is a way where iOS can give you complete data associated with all the notification device have received while the app was in background.
The best solution is to keep a list of sent notifications with all relevant data on your server, so the app can access that data when it launches. Sending multiple notifications with data that is not stored on the server can be risky, because the application only receives the notification when the user opens the app from that notification, so if they tap on one notification, the app will only every receive that one.
If you have them all in a list on your server, the app can simply go and pull that list down, and process it, making sure no data is lost.