Advanced REST Client: adding query parameters - rest

Advanced REST Client seems like a neat REST client implementation to try REST-APIs.
But, I can't find how I can add query parameters to the URI of the API, but without putting it up the with the URI itself.
for example, to generate some URL like
i want to add parameters like "age"=25 and "fanOf"="lakers".
i know it's there somewhere but can't find it plainly on, otherwise intuitive interface, `Advanced REST client".

After a bit of failed exploration on Internet & SO of-course, got it from a tip of a co-worker.
The option opens up by clicking the down-arrow on the left-side of the url-box.

Screenshot with new version 12.1.4 of ARC client


Reverse Engineering an auth code query parameter passed to Play Framework in URL query Parameter

I recently got thrown into a company to do DD on a SaaS solution that needs to generate codes to send invites. Has anyone seen or used this method of passing an API key/auth code? It's using the Play Framework. I don't have access to the play source code, just a compiled binary so I can't even see how the GET request is validated.
I checked the packages used and there is io.jsonwebtoken.jjwt-0.9.1.jar used but I'm only familiar with passing it as a header "Bearer ". and haven't seen this three segmented formatting. XXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Any help would be appreciated. I know it's not a lot to go off but I'm only looking to be pointed at the method used to get started.

Claudia.js jasmine post/put body key

I'm using claudia-api-builder and attempting to write tests using jasmine-node. I'm using the proxyRouter on my API using this tutorial, and I can pass path parameters fine as demonstrated. However, I can't find what the key is for the body of the request.
For example it says
You can fill in the other properties (eg queryStringParameters)
according to what the test expects
But I can't find anywhere that lists the possible properties. The API Gateway Proxy Object link also doesn't seem to go to anything useful, as the sample doesn't seem to include a body.
Does anybody know what the key I should be using is? Thanks!
Worked it out - somewhat embarrassingly it's just body.

TeamCity REST Api supported requests and names of parameters

I was trying to use the REST API of TeamCity but i can't find a list of all supported requests and the names of parameters. I wanted to look it up in their official documentation (
where a link to exactly this list is provided
but i just can't connect to it. Seems like the page is down.
I have googled all kinds of stuff in the hope to find this list somewhere else but i couldn't find anything smart.
Does anyone know where to find such a list or can provide one? That would be fantastic.
You can find available API on the public teamcity:
You can navigate through the response inside the paths and look at supported methods, and required parameters for each API.
You can also access to the .wadl on the public teamcity server:
When you are inside the documentation of teamcity, they use teamcity:8111 as your own teamcity, installed on your server.
The URL examples on this page assume that your TeamCity server web UI is accessible via the http://teamcity:8111 URL.
If you download a copy of teamcity, start a copy of the server, and then connect to /app/rest/application.wadl, you will probably get a copy of representation.

How to implement quickfix via a language server

I've implemented a language server which provides some linting. The linter checks for required properties and issues 'missing property' errors. I would like to have corresponding 'insert missing property' quickfixes for these errors.
I think the general area of the LSP protocol meant for this is:
With this, the server could return a 'insert missing property' command for a 'missing property' diagnostic marker.
But how does the server implement the 'insert missing property' command itself?
Looking through the lsp spec, I can't find anything that lets the server register commands.
I did find some info about vscode apis for registering commands on the client side here:
So I suppose I could register and implement the 'insert missing properties' on the client side, but...
The client side is only a 'dumb' wrapper delegating most work to the server. As such it doesn't really understand the document structure and isn't a very good place to implement transformations of the document that require understanding that structure.
It seems my best option is to add some 'custom' protocol to my language server so that I can implement the 'insert missing properties' command on the client side, but delegate the hard part of computing the edits for the quickfix back to the server.
Or... is there a better way?
Yes there is a better way which does not require any custom protocol extensions. These are roughly the steps:
First make sure that your vscode extension's package.json has an up-to-date language-server-client. Mine uses version 3.2.x. I also needed to update vscode engine version to 1.6.x. Here's an example package.json
Now we can use Version 3 (only a draft at the time of this writing, but already usable) of the language-server protocol. These are the interesting pieces:
textDocument/codeAction: implement this on the server-side to compute a list of commands that represent the quickfixes.
workspace/executeCommand: implement this in the server-side to execute the commands. It can make use of workspace/applyEdit to send a request to the client to perform changes to the documents in the workspace.
client/registerCapability: The server can call this with a ExecuteCommandRegistrationOptions object. This registers your server-side command(s) with the client, so that it knows to execute them via the workspace/executeCommand handler implemented in the previous step.
initialize: Alternatively to using client/registerCapability you can also register server-side commands by returning a WorkspaceCapabilities object with an appropriate setting for its executeCommandProvider attribute. This method is slightly less complex (but can only be used if you don't require registering/unregistering of commands dynamically).
See also this vscode issue ticket about the topic of implementing quickfixes.
Important note: Version 3.2.0 of the language-server client implementation has a bug, it uses the wrong name client/registerFeature instead of client/registerCapability so you may have to work around that until that bug is fixed. If you use the initialize method then you are not affected by this bug.

Making GWT application crawlable by a search engine

I want to use the #! token to make my GWT application crawlable, as described here:
There is a GWT sample app available online that uses this, for example:!CwRadioButton
Will serve the following static webpage to the googlebot:
I want my GWT app to do something similar. In short, I'd like to serve a different flavor of the page whenever the _escaped_fragment_ parameter is found in the URL.
What should I modify in order for the server to serve something else (a static page, or a page dynamically generated through a headless browser like HTML Unit)? I'm guessing it could be the web.xml file, but I'm not sure.
(Note: I thought of checking the Showcase app provided with the GWT SDK, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to support serving static files on _escaped_fragment_ and it doesn't use the #! token..)
If you want to use web.xml, then I think it won't work with a servlet-mapping, because the url-patterns ignore the get parameters. (Not 100% sure, if there is another way to make this possible.)
You could of course map Showcase.html to a servlet, and in that servlet decide what to do, based on the get parameter "_escaped_fragment_". But it's a little bit expensive to call a Servlet just to serve a static page for the majority of the requests (not too bad, but still. You could set cache headers, if you're sure that it doesn't change).
Or you could have an Apache or something in front of your server - but I understand, I wouldn't like to have to do that either. Maybe your JavaEE server (which one are you using BTW?) provides some mechanism for URL filtering before the request gets passed on to the web container - I'd like to know that, too!
Found my answer! The Showcase sample supporting crawlable hyperlinks is in the following branch:
It defines a filter in the web.xml to redirect URLs with the _escaped_fragment_ token to the output of HTML Unit.