graphdb 7 free http authentication method - http-authentication

which type of http authentication method is used by Graphdb Free 7? I've setup a user and enabled security via the GraphDB Free Workbench, and am trying to query my triple store using basic http authentication, but just getting 403: Forbidden responses.

User authentication is configured using the Admin API and from the login/client point of view this is a transparent setting; whether the store is set up for internal or external authentication does have any side-effect on the client API. If the authentication is external you do need a configuration file however, which is part of the standard setup of the ASP.Net Membership mechanism.


OpenID Connect: transparent authentication for legacy clients using Resource Owner Password Credentials

We're currently rewriting various services to use OpenID Connect (via Keycloak).
This works great for any modern browser-based clients, but in our case we also need to support legacy IoT devices, which:
cannot receive a firmware update (and thus are stuck in their current modes of authentication/communication)
are not aware of Keycloak and are not configured to participate in OpenID Connect. (and are also only aware of the application's URL and not the Keycloak URL)
authenticate directly with the application using either Basic Authentication or SSL Client Authentication with a certificate.
From the documentation we gathered that mapping each device to a Keycloak user and using the
Resource Owner Password Credentials would be the way to go in such cases.
We were thinking that it'd be nice to add centralized support for such devices by exposing a reverse proxy that sits in front of all services and performs the following steps:
Receive the IoT device requests (and optionally terminate SSL)
Extract the credentials from the request (either basic auth / client certificate)
Perform the Resource Owner Password Credentials Flow against Keycloak to exchange the credentials for an access token (where the IoT device acts as the OAuth Resource Owner and the reverse proxy acts as the OAuth Client
If successful, enrich the original request with the retrieved access token and forward it to the proxied service
In that way the entire OpenID Connect authentication is transparent for any legacy devices.
This design could be further improved/optimized by caching the access tokens for the duration they are valid for (using the credentials as the cache key) and refreshing them when they expire.
Now, this idea seems like such a no-brainer, that we were surprised that we couldn't find any existing gateways, reverse proxies or plugins that do this.
So I guess we're in need of a sanity check on:
Is this something that can work as described or are there any obvious flaws with the idea?
Why isn't anyone doing this already? (assuming that supporting legacy devices is a major pain point when switching to OpenID Connect)
UPDATE 1: (responding to question) The described legacy IoT devices are (physically) Arduino microcontrollers with baked-in unique credentials. In the context of Keycloak, each such Arduino microcontroller is mapped as a Keycloak user. We're open for suggestions if this is not the most adequate mapping for this use-case.
UPDATE 2: (responding to question) Agreed that the Client Credentials Flow would be semantically more correct for such a device-to-device authentication and any future devices we produce will use it. However we can't use it for the existing legacy devices for two reasons: 1) the devices only know the server's URL and can't authenticate directly against Keycloak and 2) we also want to support SSL Client Authentication using a X.509 certificate and from our understanding Keycloak only supports X.509 client certificate user authentication for users, and not for clients.
Is this something that can work as described or are there any obvious flaws with the idea?
It works fine, so long as your OP supports the Resource Owner Password Credentials flow, which is deprecated and removed from modern OAuth2.
Why isn't anyone doing this already? (assuming that supporting legacy devices is a major pain point when switching to OpenID Connect)
Lots of reverse proxies do this, just not with resource owner credentials. The ROPC flow was never a good idea, exists for legacy reasons, and has been removed from OAuth 2.1.
I suspect that most people move away from storing and transmitting resource owner credentials as they modernize their architecture.

OAuth2.0 Auth Server and IAM

I'm building a microservice based REST API and a native SPA Web Frontend for an application.
The API should be protected using OAuth2.0 to allow for other clients in the future. It should use the Authorization Code Flow ideally with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)
As I understand it I need to run my own OAuth Auth Server that's managing the API Clients and generating access tokens, etc.
Also I need my own Authentication/IAM service with it's own fronted for user login and client authorization granting. This service is the place the users login credentials are ultimately checked against a backend. That last part should be flexible and the backend might be an LDAP server in some private cloud deployment.
These components (Auth Server and IAM servicve) are outside of the OAuth scope but appear, correct me if I'm wrong, to be required if I'm running my own API for my own users.
However creating these services myself appears to be more work than I appreciate besides the obvious security risks involved.
I read about auth0 and okta but I'm not sure if they are suited for my use case with the application potentially deployed in private cloud.
I also thought about running Hydra (OAuth Server) and Kratos (IAM) by ory but I'm not sure if this is adding too many dependencys to my project.
Isn't there an easy way to secure an API with OAuth that deals with the Auth Server and the IAM that's good for small projects?!

Accessing SharePoint REST API behind auto-accelerated URL

We have enterprise connector that has been designed and developed to access SharePoint resources via standard REST API calls from our platform to SharePoint. The authentication mechanism utilized by the enterprise connector is a standard OAuth 2.0 authentication using Client ID, Client Secret and resource to obtain an access token from a known IDP ( The access token obtained in the previous call is used, as an Authorization header, for authorization to the SharePoint instance in subsequent REST API calls. The REST API requests are sent to a direct SharePoint URL (i.e. and are serviced by that service instance.
In the case of trying to use the standard enterprise connector with the SharePoint Online instance for this customer, the SharePoint URL that we have been instructed to send API requests to is an internal URL and is using Auto-Acceleration. All requests to this URL are forwarded to a federated authentication system maintained by the customer. All API requests sent to this URL are answered with error code -2147024891 System.UnauthorizedAccessException - "Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource." This is the also the case when sending API requests from a tool such as Postman - as to eliminate the authentication used by the enterprise connector as root cause of the access denial.
The solution we're seeking is the proper avenue to access the REST API services on this SharePoint Online instance. Is there a different authentication mechanism required in this scenario? Are there different API endpoints required to access SharePoint resources in this situation? Additional configuration required to allow access?
Any suggestions and/or guidance are appreciated.

Authenticating to blockchain from a Java client?

I have a blockchain network built using Hyperledger Composer, started the Composer Rest Server and generated Java client code from the Open API spec to consume the REST Api. I have looked at the documentation to enable authentication and multi user mode. I already have authentication in my web application. How would I go about granting access to the user to interact with the blockchain after they sign into my web app?
Can you please tell us what strategy are you using for your web-application authentication?
Recently updated documentation #
The REST server uses the open source Passport authentication middleware.
Administrators of the REST server must select Passport strategies to
authenticate clients. Multiple Passport strategies can be selected, allowing
clients of the REST server to select a preferred authentication mechanism.
Passport includes a wide range of strategies (300+ at the time of writing),
including a mix of social media (Google, Facebook, Twitter) and enterprise
(SAML, LDAP) strategies.
You need to configure an appropriate passport-strategy to generate the access_token that will be used by REST API SERVER.

Sharing Security Context between web app and RESTful service using Spring Security

We are designing security for a green field project with a UI web module (Spring MVC) - the client, and a RESTful services web module (CXF) - the server, to be deployed as separate war files in the same Websphere app server. The system should be secured with Spring Security, authenticating against LDAP and authorizing against a database. We have been looking for the best solution to share the security context between the 2 apps, so a user can authenticate in the web UI and invoke its AJAX calls to the secured RESTful services. Options found:
OAuth: seems overkill for our requirements, introduces a fairly complex authentication process, and reportedly some enterprise integration issues
CAS: would amount to setting up an enterprise SSO solution, something beyond the scope of our engagement
Container-based (Websphere) security, although not recommended by Spring Security, and we're not clear if this could provide a solution to our specific needs
We're looking for a simpler solution. How can we propagate the Security Context between the 2 apps? Should we implement authentication in the UI web app, then persist sessions in the DB, for the RESTful services to lookup? Can CXF provide a solution? We read many threads about generating a 'security token' that can be passed around, but how can this be done exactly with Spring Security, and is it safe enough?
Looking forward to any thoughts or advice.
You want to be able to perform the REST web services on the server on behalf the user authenticated in UI web module.
The requirements you described called SingleSignOn.
The simplest way to do it is passing the HTTP header with the user name during REST WS calls.
(I hope your REST client allows to do it).
To do it in secure way use one of the following:
Encrypt the user name in REST client and decrypt it in REST server
Ensure that the header is sent from the local host (since your application deployed on the same container)
Therefore, protect both application using SpringSecurity authenticate against LDAP.
In the first application (Rest Client) use regular Form Authentication
In the second application (Rest Server) add the your own PreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter:
The “Authentication” is the process of verifying of a principal’s identity.
In our case both REST Client (Spring MVC application) and REST server (CXF application) verify an identity against LDAP. LDAP “says” OK or Not. LDAP is a user repository. It stateless and does not remember the previous states. It should be kept in applications.
According to my understanding, a user will not access directly to REST server – the user always access REST Client. Therefore, when the user access REST Client he/ she provides a user name and a password and REST Client authenticate against LDAP. So, if REST Client access REST server the user is authenticated and REST Client knows his name.
So, if request come to REST server with a user header name - REST server for sure knows that the user was authenticated and it should not authenticate it again against LDAP.
(The header should be passed in the secured way as described above).
Rest Server should take the user name, to access to LDAP and to collect related user information without providing of the user password (since the user already authenticated).