How to goto back page on click of cancel button in ZUL apge - zk

I wanted to navigate to the browsers back page (History) onclick of Back button. How I can achieve this usign zul page? I have one option of keeping the hidden field and redirect via composer or using zk's if condition. But any other solution like javascripts function are?

You can use client side javascript in combination with Java Script's history object:
<zk xmlns="">
<button label='back'


GTM | Tracking a button that is not a link

I am setting up a new trigger in GTM and I am having trouble tracking it. Normally I would check everything using the GTM debug window/console.
When I have this open and click on the button I wish to track nothing appears.
I am trying to track a button, not a link.
The button is:
<button id="trigger-onlineSizer" class="btn btn-default">Find your size</button>
However when I click on other links they are tracked, for example this link does show and is trackable.
<nav class="button-bar">
<a href="#" id="btn--bodyheight" class="button button--next-screen">
In GTM I have made sure that I have enabled, under the Variables config all items below, Pages, Utilities, Clicks and Forms.
Any guidance on how to track such a button in GTM would be much appreciated,

Event onclick dynamic

i use angular dynamic form. How is it possible to intercept the click event on every input field of the web page? I tried
<df-question [question]="question" [form]="form" ng-
Thank you
Instead of applying the click to the tag, just in your DynamicFormQuestionComponent (df-question) add click event on the input field (code taken from the docs)
<input (click)="onContainerClick($event)" *ngSwitchCase="'textbox'"
[id]="question.key" [type]="question.type">
BTW, you were using ng-click which is not Angular, but AngularJS.
onContainerClick(event) {
DEMO (check console)

Submit button with external link

I have two submit buttons inside a form:
<input class="submitButton button cancel" name="cancel"
value="Cancel" title="" type="submit">
<input class="submitButton button" name="Registrieren"
value="Register" title="Register" type="submit">
I would like the first button (cancel) to have a link to an external page. The link is known in the backend (FormController).
I had a look at the SubmitLink class. However it looks like that doesn't fit to my use case. I don't want to process the click on the "cancel" button in the backend, just redirect to the external page by integrating this dynamic link into the HTML file.
I agree with #jurgemaister that you can use <a> for the cancel button and style it with CSS to look like a button.
Otherwise you can add 'click' JavaScript listener to the cancel button to do something like location.href='/url/to/other/page'.

dynamic file control doesn't work

I Have Created Dynamic FilePicker Control on Button Click Event of Jquery
but the button click event of this dynamic control does not open the popup where files get uploaded on filepicker...
Below is the html code by which i have created this control in jquery
<input type="filepicker" data-fp-apikey="Acdgfv0GWQXyMKwqVMfMHz" data-fp-mimetypes="image/*" data-fp-container="modal" data-fp-services="COMPUTER" class="uploadImg btn border-blue-btn" tabindex="31" style="display:none"> <button type="button" class="uploadImg btn border-blue-btn">Pick File</button>
Filepicker javascript library construct widgets immediately after script is loaded. Using filepicker with any client side rendering library requires manually call
method on Dom element. You need to set element type as 'filepicker' etc.
Basic example:
var input = $('<input>').attr({
type: 'filepicker',
And full working example:
Did you include filepicker.js library?
Please try this example (link:
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<input type="filepicker" data-fp-apikey="Acdgfv0GWQXyMKwqVMfMHz" data-fp-mimetypes="image/*" data-fp-container="modal" data-fp-services="COMPUTER" class="uploadImg btn border-blue-btn" tabindex="31" style="display:none" onchange="alert(event.fpfile.url)">
I've added onchange="alert(event.fpfile.url)" to input element so that the url is displayed after upload.

Button Onclick does not work inside form

Good Day
I am using an ASP.NET webform where I have wrapped the following button inside the form tags:
<form runat="server">
<button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="window.location='';">Login</button>
ISSUE: The problem is that when clicking on the button, it just directs to the current page...does not redirect. However, when I remove the form tags, the button works. If I leave the form tags and I use an anchor tag to relocate, it works as well...It is just the button that is giving me issues.
Why is that?
I am using Twitter bootstrap as well(extra info..)
Thank you
Add type="button" attribute to your button tag. Without it button works as submit.