.dae model disappears when approaching - unity3d

When I move towards my .dae imported model, it disappears. I'm not "inside" the mesh yet, visibly at least, so I don't know what the deal is.

It looks like your object is closer than the scene-view camera's "Near Clip Plane", and is not being rendered as a result. The default editor "near clip plane" distance is around 0.3 units, so it shouldn't normally interfere with your objects.
Check that your object scale is correct. If your object is very small, the scene camera's near clip plane will seem much farther in comparison, and will appear to clip objects more aggressively.
You can create a default "Cube" primitive to check the size of your objects. Cubes are 1 unit in all dimensions by default, and most of the time it's a good idea to roughly map one unit to a real-world scale of 1 meter. If your object is considerably smaller than the cube, you may want to try scaling them up and seeing if that helps.

F key is a shortcut key that will automatically zoom and focus to an object. Select the GameObject and press F. This problem should be gone.
If the problem is still there, select the Camera and change the Clipping Planes Near to 0.3 and Far to 50000. You can mess with these values until Object stops disappearing. Although, pressing F should solve it.


Unity: Create AnimationClip With World Scale AnimationCurves

I've been looking for a solution to this for quite a while now (meaning several days) and I haven't found anything yet. Maybe I'm thinking about it wrong and there isn't a way, but let's try!
I'm recording hand-data on a Hololens (the Unity Hololens Input Simulation for now). This essentially gives me one float AnimationCurve for each hand joint for each transform.position.x to z and rotation.x to w. Now my goal is to put these curves into an AnimationClip and add it to an AnimatorController (via an AnimatorOverrideController) that animates a hand rig and replay the recordings. Everything so far works!
However, the recorded hand-data from the Hololens is in world scale, not in local scale. (which makes sense, since you usually want absolute coordinates when you want to know where the hand is.) But to animate the hand, it seems I'm only able to set local coordinates, which I don't have.
clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "localPosition.x", curve.PositionX);
Here, the clip takes the the x-coordinates from some hand joint and puts it to the localPosition.x of the corresponding hand rig joint. The problem: curve.PositionX is world-scale (absolute coordinates), but localPosition.x takes local-scale (coordinates relative to its parent).
I can't simply change "localPosition.x" to "position.x", like so:
clip.SetCurve("", typeof(Transform), "position.x", curve.PositionX);
even though the Transform class has both properties and position is the object's world scale position. I'm not sure why this doesn't work, but it gives me the following error:
Cannot bind generic curve on Transform component, only position, rotation and scale curve are supported.
I'm aware that it doesn't make much sense to use absolute coordinates for an animation, but I simply don't have anything else.
Does anyone have an approach how I can deal with this in a sensible, not-too-cumbersome way? It seems I have all the important parts, I just can't figure out how to put them together. Thanks so much already! :)
From my basic understanding, it seems like you are using the Input animation recording service provided by MRTK. Unfortunately, MRTK does not provide the localPosition version of Curves data. However, you can modify the data from the recordingBuffer after the InputRecordingService stops recording.
So, this is a method worth trying for you: in the handJointCurves dictionary property of recordingBuffer field, a set of pose curves is stored for each joint. And then, base on this table:Joint pose curves, subtract the position value of the key None from the position value of each other joint in every key frame so that the localPosition based on the key None is obtained.

Standing inside an Object without clipping

My Application is a simulation of a 3D-Audio cage we have in our lab at uni.
To best simulate it, we made it a wireframe-sphere.
I need to be able to stand inside the cage, but if my Sphere is around my Camera, it clips, so it doesn't render until i move away.
I also need to be able to Rotate it, but not move it.
Is there a way to disable clipping for this case? What else can i try to get the desired result?
I've tried to set the clipping pane for the camera to 0, but 0.01 is the lowest it can be.
Also I've tried to use a transparent shader, both tries left me the same problem of the object clipping.
Object visibility when inside
Is there a way to disable clipping for this case? What else can i try
to get the desired result?
You can invert the normals of the sphere. Or model a sphere with normals on the inside and the outside if you want to look at it from both sides.
Another solution could be to use a shader with disabled backface culling (Cull off).
This stackoverflow answer might be helpful: Flip Normals in Unity 3D/spheres
Missing Manipulation Handler (MRTK)
If I understand the ManipulationHandler correct, you can make a smaller sphere with a ManipulationHandler inside the larger sphere and copy the transform changes to the larger sphere.
If you want to keep the larger sphere at the same place don't copy the position changes.

Scaling Object turns the textures white (Unity3D)

I'm trying to figure out why my Object's textures keep turning white once I scale the object down to 1% (or less) of its normal size.
I can manipulate the objects realtime with my fingers and there is a threshold where all the textures (except a few) turn completely ghost white, as shown below:
Any input to fix is appreciated!
One potential cause of this issue is due to how certain shaders can miscalculate how to render textures when scales are set to low values.
To be able to render this asset so small using the same shader, re-import the mesh with a smaller scale factor (in the mesh import settings), and that may fix it.
select ARCamera then camera, in the inspector, select the cameras clipping plane and increase it(you want to find the minimum possible clipping that works to save on memory, so start at 20000, and work your way backwards til it stops working, then back up a notch).
next (still in the cameras inspector), select Rendering Path and set it to Legacy Vertex Lit
this should clear it up for you

Unity 3D object with Rigidbody sliding

I have a cube with Rigidbody attached to it would slide slightly whenever I pressed the play button. If I leave it for awhile, it would slide to other side of the screen.
Anyone know how to solve this problem without using the "freeze position"? I don't know what I messed up in my project...
This is what the object looks like:
Note: I need to use the gravity.
Thank you!
Heh! The solution here is:
You had a rigidbody on the floor :)
You don't do that :) Never.
If the "floor" surface is flat, then,
it will not slide.
You've got something strange going on, such as
"floor" is NOT flat
a feature like "Wind" turned on
perhaps other objects invisible in the scene you have forgotten about are nudging it
PhysX does not have a "mind of it's own". There is some simple reason it is moving.
Let's say the "floor" is indeed on an angle, so it SHOULD move, but you WANT it to NOT move.
What you obviously do:
Just as in the real world, put something there to stop it moving.
A small invisible wall will do the trick. That's PhysX!
Usually rigidbody sliding happens when a lower rigidbody has lower mass than a higher rigidbody (forcing down the lower rigidbody). Typical problem with player having say mass 80 jumping on a cube with mass 1. In this case the collision is so violent that the cube will probably fly out (not only slide).
The situation is very similar to the real world. Try to stay on a box of milk if you have 120 kg (ok, ok, 80 :) ).
When you try to eliminate this behavior, you need either increase the mass of the lower object or decrease the mass of the higher one or set the lower rigidbody to kinematic.
The solutions above is not proper way of solving the problem. Unity has more features of physics than mass. If you get sliding on movement or because of other objects you should add proper drag value on your rigidbody. For example , lets say you have blocks spawning over top of other blocks and this creates horizontal sliding. In my case I add drag of 1 to the objects which has mass of ~ 1 kg. It depends on the scene and you should try different values on your case. Do not use bigger values and angular drag if it is not important.

Weird Lines 3D Unity

I'm working on a project, using unity 5.4.
In this projects blocks are stacked next to eachother.
However there appear some annoying weird lines. Also on android these
line occur more often than on PC.
For illustration purposes I added an image and video.
Please zoom in on the picture to see, the line I'm speaking of, clearly.
Could anyone please provide a solution to get red of this nuissance.
Thanks in advance.
Block alignment code snippet:
for (int x = 0; x < xSize; x++)
for (int z = 0; z < zSize; z++)
Vector3 pos = new Vector3(x, -layerDepth, z);
Video link: https://youtu.be/5wN1Wn51d_Y
You have object seams!
This occurs when there is a physical or perceived gap between objects.
There are multiple causes for this.
1. Floating Point Imprecision
This could be because you are setting the position of the cubes to int's but they have floating point dimensions. The symptom for this is usually no white seams when the camera is close to the objects, and then they gradually appear as you get further away due to floating point imprecision. More.
Most of these blocks appear to line up exactly, from most camera positions. But from the occasional unfortunate position, the exact value for A's position plus its vertex at (0.5,0.5,-0.5) might be slightly different to object B's position plus its vertex at (-0.5,0.5,-0.5) . The result is that Unity shows a tiny gap, within which you can see the shadowed side of cube A.
If you consider the following on paper 3 == 1/3 * 3 this is mathematically correct, however using floats, 1/3 == 0.333333... and subsequently 3 * 0.333333... == 0.999999... BINGO! random gap between objects!
So how to solve? Use floats to calculate the positions of your objects. new vector3(1,1,1); should be new vector3(1f,1f,1f); - for example. For further reading on this try this SOP.
2. Texture Wrap-mode
If you are using textures on your objects, try changing the Wrap-Mode of your texture from wrap to clamp, or try upping the texture padding.
3. Shadow Acne - (Lighting and Shadow artifacts)
This is the arbitrary patterns of pixels in shadow when they should really be lit or NOT lit.
To prevent shadow acne, a Bias value can be added to the distance in the shadow map to ensure that pixels on the borderline definitely pass the comparison as they should, or to ensure that while rendering into the shadow map. source.
In Unity... go to your light source and then increase the Shadow Type > shadow Bias I would suggest doubling the default value of 0.05 and then continue so until fixed. You don't want to crank this value to max because...
Do not set the Bias value too high, because areas around a shadow near the GameObject casting it are sometimes falsely illuminated. This results in a disconnected shadow, making the GameObject look as if it is flying above the ground.
Are you using different blocks that you put against eachother? Your problem sounds like the blocks are not completely against eachother which causes you to see the side of the next block (this explains the camera Y changing: you might see the side better from higher up). That side will have different lighting and appear as a different/lighter colour. To check if this is the problem, try overlapping them slightly manually in the editor and see if the problem still occurs.
Making the blocks kinematic solves that. The issue is the rigid bodies bumping up against one another.