How to remove presentity users entry in kamailio server? - sip

I found that in:
kamctl db show presentity
Is the presence information of the users, but how can I errase such entry? of a user?
And how can I define only one entry in that database by user?
I use this code, when I receive a publish but this adds a new entry every time.
if($hdr(Sender)!= NULL)
The idea is have the possibility of a user publish multiple times, but have just one entry.

You can use this:
To order by timestamp you just need this line modparam("presence", "xavp_cfg", "pres").
This way, I think that your problem is solved.
Let me know if it's result.


Querying Mongo returns empty array in in Meteor app

I get this code in my Meteor project, in a client/main.js file
Template.panel.onCreated(function loginOnCreated() {
var profile = Session.get('profile');
this.myvar = new ReactiveVar(User.find({}).fetch());
And the result of User.find({}) is empty. If I Query this anywhere else (including meteor mongo) I get an Array of users.
So I wonder if it is a problem with the fact that this code is running in client side. In this same file I get this query working in other places, but probably in the server context.
How can I populate this ReactiveVar with the Mongo result as soon as the Template/page is loaded?
If I do something like in Meteor.startup() at Server side:
It gives me the correct number of Users. Immediately.
If I just add a setTimeout of a few seconds (it can't be jsut 1 second, it needs a longet time), it works in this very same place.
Template.panel.onCreated(function loginOnCreated() {
So, anyone knows why it takes so long to allow me to do this operation? Any workaround?
User.find({}).fetch() will give list of users on server side only.
You can probably write a meteor method for fetching the user list on server side and give it call using
In the callback function to this call you can assign the result to desired variable.

CQ5 / AEM5.6 Workflow: Access workflow instance properties from inside OR Split

TL;DR version:
In CQ workflows, is there a difference between what's available to the OR Split compared to the Process Step?
Is it possible to access the /history/ nodes of a workflow instance from within an OR Split?
The whole story:
I'm working on a workflow in CQ5 / AEM5.6.
In this workflow I have a custom dialog, which stores a couple of properties on the workflow instance.
The path to the property I'm having trouble with is: /workflow/instances/[this instance]/history/[workItem id]/workItem/metaData and I've called the property "reject-or-approve".
The dialog sets the property fine (via a dropdown that lets you set it to "reject" or "approve"), and I can access other properties on this node via a process step (in ecma script) using:
var actionReason;
var history = workflowSession.getHistory(workItem.getWorkflow());
// loop backwards through workItems
// and as soon as we find a Action Reason that is not empty
// store that as 'actionReason' and break.
for (var index = history.size() - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
var previous = history.get(index);
var tempActionReason = previous.getWorkItem().getMetaDataMap().get('action-message');
if ((tempActionReason != '')&&(tempActionReason != null)) {
actionReason = tempActionReason;
The process step is not the problem though. Where I'm having trouble is when I try to do the same thing from inside an OR Split.
When I try the same workflowSession.getHistory(workItem.getWorkflow()) in an OR Split, it throws an error saying workItem is not defined.
I've tried storing this property on the payload instead (i.e. storing it under the page's jcr:content), and in that case the property does seem to be available to the OR Split, but my problems with that are:
This reject-or-approve property is only relevant to the current workflow instance, so storing it on the page's jcr:content doesn't really make sense. jcr:content properties will persist after the workflow is closed, and will be accessible to future workflow instances. I could work around this (i.e. don't let workflows do anything based on the property unless I'm sure this instance has written to the property already), but this doesn't feel right and is probably error-prone.
For some reason, when running through the custom dialog in my workflow, only the Admin user group seems to be able to write to the jcr:content property. When I use the dialog as any other user group (which I need to do for this workflow design), the dialog looks as though it's working, but never actually writes to the jcr:content property.
So for a couple of different reasons I'd rather keep this property local to the workflow instance instead of storing it on the page's jcr:content -- however, if anyone can think of a reason why my dialog isn't setting the property on the jcr:content when I use any group other than admin, that would give me a workaround even if it's not exactly the solution I'm looking for.
Thanks in advance if anyone can help! I know this is kind of obscure, but I've been stuck on it for ages.
a couple of days ago i ran into the same issue. The issue here is that you don't have the workItem object, because you don't really have an existing workItem. Imagine the following: you are going through the workflow, you got a couple of workItems, with means, either process step, either inbox item. When you are in an or split, you don't have existing workItems, you can ensure by visiting the /workItems node of the workflow instance. Your workaround seems to be the only way to go through this "issue".
I've solved it. It's not all that elegant looking, but it seems to be a pretty solid solution.
Here's some background:
Dialogs seem to reliably let you store properties either on:
the payload's jcr:content node (which wasn't practical for me, because the payload is locked during the workflow, and doesn't let non-admins write to its jcr:content)
the workItem/metaData for the current workflow step
However, Split steps don't have access to workItem. I found a fairly un-helpful confirmation of that here:
So basically the issue was, the Dialog step could store the property, but the OR Split couldn't access it.
My workaround was to add a Process step straight after the Dialog in my workflow. Process steps do have access to workItem, so they can read the property set by the Dialog. I never particularly wanted to store this data on the payload's jcr:content, so I looked for another location. It turns out the workflow metaData (at the top level of the workflow instance node, rather than workItem/metaData, which is inside the /history sub-node) is accessible to both the Process step and the OR Split. So, my Process step now reads the workItem's approveReject property (set by the Dialog), and then writes it to the workflow's metaData node. Then, the OR Split reads the property from its new location, and does its magic.
The way you access the workflow metaData from the Process step and the OR Split is not consistent, but you can get there from both.
Here's some code: (complete with comments. You're welcome)
In the dialog where you choose to approve or reject, the name of the field is set to rejectApprove. There's no ./ or anything before it. This tells it to store the property on the workItem/metaData node for the current workflow step under /history/.
Straight after the dialog, a Process step runs this:
var rejectApprove;
var history = workflowSession.getHistory(workItem.getWorkflow());
// loop backwards through workItems
// and as soon as we find a rejectApprove that is not empty
// store that as 'rejectApprove' and break.
for (var index = history.size() - 1; index >= 0; index--) {
var previous = history.get(index);
var tempRejectApprove = previous.getWorkItem().getMetaDataMap().get('rejectApprove');
if ((tempRejectApprove != '')&&(tempRejectApprove != null)) {
rejectApprove = tempRejectApprove;
// steps up from the workflow step into the workflow metaData,
// and stores the rejectApprove property there
// (where it can be accessed by an OR Split)
workItem.getWorkflowData().getMetaData().put('rejectApprove', rejectApprove);
Then after the Process step, the OR Split has the following in its tabs:
function check() {
var match = 'approve';
if (workflowData.getMetaData().get('rejectApprove') == match) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Note: use this for the tab for the "approve" path, then copy it and replace var match = 'approve' with var match = 'reject'
So the key here is that from a Process step:
workItem.getWorkflowData().getMetaData().put('rejectApprove', rejectApprove);
writes to the same property that:
workflowData.getMetaData().get('rejectApprove') reads from when you execute it in an OR Split.
To suit our business requirements, there's more to the workflow I've implemented than just this, but the method above seems to be a pretty reliable way to get values that are entered in a dialog, and access them from within an OR Split.
It seems pretty silly that the OR Split can't access the workItem directly, and I'd be interested to know if there's a less roundabout way of doing this, but for now this has solved my problem.
I really hope someone else has this same problem, and finds this useful, because it took me waaay to long to figure out, to only apply it once!

Django Tastypie, Remove Elements From ManyToMany Fields

I am using Tastypie, Django for my project.
To Update a many to many field I have used save_m2m hook.
def save_m2m(self, bundle):
for field_name, field_object in self.fields.items():
if not getattr(field_object, 'is_m2m', False):
if not field_object.attribute:
if field_object.readonly:
related_mngr = getattr(bundle.obj, field_object.attribute)
related_objs = []
for related_bundle in[field_name]:
stock = Stock.objects.get(nse_symbol = related_bundle.obj.nse_symbol)
print stock.__dict__
except Stock.DoesNotExist as e:
dataa = {"error_message": e}
raise ImmediateHttpResponse(response=HttpBadRequest(content=json.dumps(dataa), content_type="application/json; charset=UTF-8"))
Now I want to remove elements from the same many to many field.
How should I achieve this. Do I have to send a patch request or delete request and how to handle this.
I am begineer in tastypie. I googled it some time and I couldn't find a proper way. Please guide me how to complete this.
I've thought a lot about handing m2m relationships, since most of our app depends on m2m links.
I've settled for the approach of an update method. Pass in the all the references of the relationships you want changed (add and remove), then update the db accordingly. We only pass in the changed values, since if you have a paginated list, you only want to update the items the user has identified. Generally I use a custom hook for this defined in override_urls.
I used to have a separate add and remove method, which worked well until we changed the gui and allowed users simply to change checkboxes. In that approach having an update method was much more useful. You'll have to decide on which method suits your application the best.

Liferay: how to save to portlet user information?

I have at the welcome page a weather portlet, and user can configure the portlet and select his city. Is it possible to store user information in the portlet preferences, so that every user has his one stored city? Or what is the standard workflow to store user-portlet information without to develop own (persist) service?
The portlet-preferences are in liferay per default not user specific. That can be modified in liferay-portlet.xml with next lines:
the two lines <preferences-... and the order are abbreviated.
for more information see:
It's not a native function of the PortletPreference : the setValue method allow only a String, unfortunately you can't pass a Map.
However, i see a solution to hardcode it, but it's a little bit ugly...
Long userId = ...... ;
String userValue = ..... ;
PortletPreferences prefs = request.getPreferences();
prefs.setValue("myConfig-"+userId, myUserVal);;
And for retrieve the data :
String userValue = prefs.getValue("myConfig-"+userId, defaultValue);
This solution will work, but don't do that is you have a big numbers of users.
Portlet Preferences are save in xml in your database, if you have 100k+ users, it will explode :)
If you think this solution is not enough clean, you will have to create your own persistence method with the ServiceBuilder.

Using "seen" on a trail in KRL

I want to have a trail that helps keep track of values I want to persist for users. If a user has not entered their name, I want to display a form for them to enter their name to use for lookups.
I want to be able to check if the name is on the trail. If the name is on the trail then display the data for that user. If the name is not on the trail then I want to display a form for them to enter their name.
I am looking for some help on how I would accomplish this. It was suggested to encode a struct as json and pushing that on to a trail and then search for it. Some direction on how this would be done would be helpful. Would I use the following?
if seen ent:user_data with <regexp> then {
<get and show data>
} else {
<show form to user>
If you just want to save a simple string for later then you can do something like the following using an entity variable
in the pre block retrieve saved name from entity variable:
savedName = ent:userName || "";
in the postlude save or clear the entity variable:
set ent:userName userName;
clear ent:userName;
Example app =>
Example bookmarklet =>
Example run on results
first run on
after clicking submit
reloading the page and running the app again
clearing trail by running on
running app on before saving name or after clearing
Note: When you want to save something else like an age, you can just use a different entity variable like
The sky is the limit. ; )