Is there any REST API to fetch all rules from Repository in Drools - rest

As you can see, all rules can be listed in project explorer, i am wondering Drools workbench has such a Rest API for this, but I went through online document document, there is no such API. any suggestion on this? thanks in advance.
Best Regards

As far as I know, there is no REST API to do that (public at least). One option do you have though is to use git to get that information from the workbench.
The storage of the workbench is based on git. Each repository in the workbench is actually a git repository. The workbench allows you to clone those repositories and to do whatever you need with them just as with any other git repo out there.
Inside each of the git repositories you will find zero or more maven projects. Indeed, each of the projects you see in the workbench is a real maven project. The different assets in your projects (drl rules, guided rules, decision table, etc.) will be available under the resources directory of the corresponding project.
Hope it helps,

As Esteban Aliverti mentioned, there is no ready to use API to achieve this. However, we can write a custom extension to KIE Server to fetch all the rules deployed.
It is explained in detailed here.
I have similar use case in my application and did the following implementation for fetching rules.
public class CusomtDroolsKieServerApplicationComponentsService implements KieServerApplicationComponentsService {
private static final String OWNER_EXTENSION = "Drools";
public Collection<Object> getAppComponents(String extension, SupportedTransports type, Object... services) {
// skip calls from other than owning extension
if (!OWNER_EXTENSION.equals(extension)) {
return Collections.emptyList();
RulesExecutionService rulesExecutionService = null;
KieServerRegistry context = null;
for (Object object : services) {
if (RulesExecutionService.class.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())) {
rulesExecutionService = (RulesExecutionService) object;
} else if (KieServerRegistry.class.isAssignableFrom(object.getClass())) {
context = (KieServerRegistry) object;
List<Object> components = new ArrayList<Object>(1);
if (SupportedTransports.REST.equals(type)) {
components.add(new RuleRESTService(rulesExecutionService, context));
return components;
public class RuleRESTService {
private RulesExecutionService rulesExecutionService;
private KieServerRegistry registry;
public RuleRESTService() {
public RuleRESTService(RulesExecutionService rulesExecutionService, KieServerRegistry registry) {
this.rulesExecutionService = rulesExecutionService;
this.registry = registry;
public RulesExecutionService getRulesExecutionService() {
return rulesExecutionService;
public void setRulesExecutionService(RulesExecutionService rulesExecutionService) {
this.rulesExecutionService = rulesExecutionService;
public KieServerRegistry getRegistry() {
return registry;
public void setRegistry(KieServerRegistry registry) {
this.registry = registry;
#Consumes({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
#Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
public Response fetchAllRules(#Context HttpHeaders headers, #PathParam("id") String id,
#PathParam("ksessionId") String ksessionId, String cmdPayload) {
Variant v = getVariant(headers);
try {
System.out.println("CREATING KieContainerInstance ");
KieContainerInstance kci = registry.getContainer(id);
String contentType = getContentType(headers);
MarshallingFormat format = MarshallingFormat.fromType(contentType);
if (format == null) {
format = MarshallingFormat.valueOf(contentType);
Marshaller marshaller = kci.getMarshaller(format);
RuleAccessor accessor = new RuleAccessor();
List<RuleData> rules = accessor.fetchAllRules(kci.getKieContainer());
String result = marshaller.marshall(rules);
return createResponse(result, v, Response.Status.OK);
} catch (Exception ex) {
String response = "Execution failed with error : " + ex.getMessage();
System.out.println("Returning Failure response with content '{}' :" + response);
return createResponse(response, v, Response.Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
public class RuleAccessor {
public List<RuleData> fetchAllRules(KieContainer kContainer) {
.forEach(kieBase -> rules.addAll(fetchRules(kContainer1.getKieBase(kieBase))));
return rules;
public List<RuleData> fetchRules(KieBase kieBase) {
List<RuleData> ruleData = new ArrayList<>();
for (KiePackage kp : kieBase.getKiePackages()) {
RuleData data = new RuleData();
for (Rule r1 : kp.getRules()) {
RuleImpl r = (RuleImpl) r1;
.enabled(Boolean.getBoolean((((EnabledBoolean) r.getEnabled()).toString())))
try {
Resource resource = r.getResource();
Reader reader = resource.getReader();
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(reader);
String line = null;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return ruleData;
public static class RuleData {
private String packageId;
private String ruleName;
private String type;
private String agendaGroup;
private String ruleContent;
private boolean isEnabled;
private String effectiveDate;
private String dateExpires;
private String dialect;
private int salience;
private Map<String, Object> metaData;
public boolean isEnabled() {
return isEnabled;
public RuleData enabled(boolean isEnabled) {
this.isEnabled = isEnabled;
return this;
public String effectiveDate() {
return effectiveDate;
public RuleData effectiveDate(String effectiveDate) {
this.effectiveDate = effectiveDate;
return this;
public String getDateExpires() {
return dateExpires;
public RuleData dateExpires(String dateExpires) {
this.dateExpires = dateExpires;
return this;
public String getDialect() {
return dialect;
public RuleData dialect(String dialect) {
this.dialect = dialect;
return this;
public int getSalience() {
return salience;
public RuleData salience(int salience) {
this.salience = salience;
return this;
public Map<String, Object> getMetaData() {
return metaData;
public RuleData metaData(Map<String, Object> metaData) {
this.metaData = metaData;
return this;
public String getRuleContent() {
return ruleContent;
public RuleData ruleContent(String ruleContent) {
this.ruleContent = ruleContent;
return this;
public String getPackageId() {
return packageId;
public RuleData packageId(String packageId) {
this.packageId = packageId;
return this;
public String getRuleName() {
return ruleName;
public RuleData ruleName(String ruleName) {
this.ruleName = ruleName;
return this;
public String getType() {
return type;
public RuleData type(String type) {
this.type = type;
return this;
public String getAgendaGroup() {
return agendaGroup;
public RuleData agendaGroup(String agendaGroup) {
this.agendaGroup = agendaGroup;
return this;
You can make a REST call to Kie Server from you application to access all the rules available for the given container.


mybatis interceptor throw Reflection exception affects cpu performence

I had implement a interceptor of myabtis. but we found a problem, execute interceptor lead to throw so many IllegalAccessException, it affects cpu performence
Shown below is where the problem is, why did not check access permision of feild befor executed code "field.get(target)".
public class GetFieldInvoker implements Invoker {
private final Field field;
public GetFieldInvoker(Field field) {
this.field = field;
public Object invoke(Object target, Object[] args) throws IllegalAccessException {
try {
return field.get(target);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
if (Reflector.canControlMemberAccessible()) {
return field.get(target);
} else {
throw e;
public Class<?> getType() {
return field.getType();
the intercepor of mine:
type = StatementHandler.class,
method = "prepare",
args = {Connection.class, Integer.class})
public class SqlIdInterceptor implements Interceptor {
private static final int MAX_LEN = 256;
private final RoomboxLogger logger = RoomboxLogManager.getLogger();
public Object intercept(Invocation invocation) throws Throwable {
StatementHandler statementHandler = realTarget(invocation.getTarget());
MetaObject metaObject = SystemMetaObject.forObject(statementHandler);
BoundSql boundSql = (BoundSql) metaObject.getValue("delegate.boundSql");
String originalSql = boundSql.getSql();
MappedStatement mappedStatement =
(MappedStatement) metaObject.getValue("delegate.mappedStatement");
String id = mappedStatement.getId();
if (id != null) {
int len = id.length();
if (len > MAX_LEN) {
logger.warn("too long id", "id", id, "len", len);
String newSQL = "# " + id + "\n" + originalSql;
metaObject.setValue("delegate.boundSql.sql", newSQL);
return invocation.proceed();
public static <T> T realTarget(Object target) {
if (Proxy.isProxyClass(target.getClass())) {
MetaObject metaObject = SystemMetaObject.forObject(target);
return realTarget(metaObject.getValue(""));
return (T) target;
Flame Graph
enter image description here
enter image description here
I need help, how to avoid throw exceptions, is any other way to reslove this problem?

Dynamic styling with IceFaces: how can I change the color of the outputText at the time of rendering?

I'm new to ICEFaces and I have to maintain someone else's code. I'm working on a web chat where the user can send and receive messages. I would like the messages to have different colors depending on whether they were sent by the user or by someone else.
I currently have the following code in my xhtml file:
<h:dataTable id="history" value="#{chatBean.messages}" var="message" border="0" align="left" style="width: 100%" >
<h:column width="590" height="25" align="left" valign="bottom" >
<h:outputText value="#{message}" styleClass="#{chatBean.messageColor}" />
This shows all messages sent and received, but all with the same color, even though the messageColor property of the chat bean changes: I did an experiment and appended the result of getMessageColor() at the end of each message and it does change, but the text is still rendered in the same color.
The CSS has the following classes (among others):
width: 100%;
font-size: 15px;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
width: 100%;
font-size: 15px;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
Here's the code for the ChatBean class:
#ManagedBean(name = "chatBean")
public class ChatBean implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -12636320254821872L;
private static final String PUSH_GROUP = "chatPage";
private PortableRenderer renderer;
private String message;
private String lastMessageSent = "";
private Date lastMessageTime = new Date();
private String isDown = "false";
private List<String> messages = new ArrayList<String>();
private String buttonDisabled = "true";
private String buttonCancelDisabled = "true";
private String pollDisabled = "false";
private String id = "";
private ChatClient chat;
private Timer timer = new Timer();
private String messageColor;
public class ChatThread extends Thread implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -7636532554421738019L;
private Map<String, String> data;
private String mail;
public ChatThread(final Map<String, String> data, final String mail) { = data;
this.mail = mail;
public void run() {
chat = new ChatClient(new ChatClient.Event() {
public void handle(String msg) {
if(msg != null && msg.length() > 0)
public void agentConnected(String msg) {
buttonDisabled = "false";
buttonCancelDisabled = "false";
public void agentDisconnected(String msg) {
buttonDisabled = "true";
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
chat.login(mail, data);
chat.join(mail, data.get("partner"), data.get("business"));
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new RefreshTimerTask(), 0, 1000);
public class RefreshTimerTask extends TimerTask implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1852678537009150141L;
public void run() {
public ChatBean() {
if(getSession() != null) {
id = getSession().getId();
PushRenderer.addCurrentSession(PUSH_GROUP + id);
renderer = PushRenderer.getPortableRenderer();
Log.getLogger().debug("New chat bean.");
if(getData().containsKey("login_chat")) {
ChatThread chat = new ChatThread(getData(), getSessionAttribute(GenesysSingleton.getInstance().getConfigApp().getDisplayName(), "<mail>"));
private void pushMessage(String msg) {
if(msg != null && !msg.isEmpty()) {
ChatBean.this.isDown = "true";
messages.add(msg);//Acá se puede acceder a textColor.
try {
PushRenderer.render(PUSH_GROUP + id);
} catch (Exception e) {
renderer.render(PUSH_GROUP + id);
private String getSessionAttribute(String key, String ref) {
Object value = getSession().getAttribute(key);
return value != null ? value.toString() : ref;
private Map<String, String> getData() {
Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>();
HttpSession session = getSession();
Enumeration enums = session.getAttributeNames();
while(enums.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = enums.nextElement().toString();
&& !"com.sun.faces.renderkit.ServerSideStateHelper.LogicalViewMap".equals(key)
&& !"javax.faces.request.charset".equals(key))
data.put(key, session.getAttribute(key).toString());
return data;
public void sendMessage(ActionEvent event) {
protected synchronized void sendMessage() {
if (message != null && !message.trim().isEmpty()){
Date now = new Date();
//No permito mandar el mismo mensaje 2 veces seguidas en un intervalo menor a un segundo.
message = message.trim();
if (message.equals(lastMessageSent)&&(now.getTime()<(1000+lastMessageTime.getTime()))){
message = null;
lastMessageSent = message;
message = null;
lastMessageTime = new Date();
public String disconnect() {
pollDisabled = "true";
return "login";
public void sendClose(ActionEvent event) {
public void receiveMessage() {
public void destroy() {
buttonDisabled = "true";
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println(id + "- ssssssss");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
private HttpSession getSession() {
return (HttpSession) getContext().getSession(false);
private ExternalContext getContext() {
return getFacesContext().getExternalContext();
private FacesContext getFacesContext() {
return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
public String getMessage() {
return message;
public void setMessage(String message) {
this.message = message;
public String getButtonDisabled() {
return buttonDisabled;
public void setButtonDisabled(String buttonDisabled) {
this.buttonDisabled = buttonDisabled;
public List<String> getMessages() {
try {
JavascriptContext.addJavascriptCall(getFacesContext(), "document.getElementById('scrollDataTable').scrollIntoView();");
} catch (Exception e) {
return messages;
public void setMessages(List<String> messages) {
this.messages = messages;
public String getPollDisabled() {
return pollDisabled;
public void setPollDisabled(String pollDisabled) {
this.pollDisabled = pollDisabled;
public String getButtonCancelDisabled() {
return buttonCancelDisabled;
public void setButtonCancelDisabled(String buttonCancelDisabled) {
this.buttonCancelDisabled = buttonCancelDisabled;
public String getIsDown() {
return isDown;
public void setIsDown(String isDown) {
this.isDown = isDown;
public String getMessageColor() {
return messageColor;
public void setMessageColor(String textColor) {
this.messageColor = textColor;
All help will be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
One possible way which I have changed css dynamically depending on a bean property is through using the styleClass attribute of the <h:outputText>.
In your css file define two varying classes such as
color:red; //Put your colour here (#818181)
color:green; //Put your colour here (#00657c)
Then in your java bean code you could declare a String field with getters and setters such as
private String messageColor;
Then in your code where you do
You can change this to the class which you would like to change the text to such as:
Then on your <h:outputText> attach
This should hopefully work;
Due to my original suggestion not working, you could try this.
Remove private String messageColor; from you chatBean and the getters/setters along with any calls to setMessageColor("class1");.
But keep the two classes in your css.
Now declare a boolean property with getters and setters in your chatBean:
private boolean colourAgente;
Declare a method:
public String setColor() {
if (colourAgente) {
return "class1";
} else {
return "class2";
Then in your xhtml change the styleClass attribute to:
Finally, in your java code change:
to either colourAgente = true; or colourAgente=false; depending on what colour you want to set.
I finally did it, but I had to use an ugly JavaScript workaround. That is, I'm now running this script every time the chat is refreshed:
function updateColors(){
var username = document.getElementById("form:username").value;
if (username.length > 0){
var x = document.getElementsByClassName("class1");
if (x != null){
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++){
if (x[i].innerHTML.indexOf(username) === 0){
x[i].className = "class2";
Anyway, thanks for your help, LiamWilson94. I still don't know what part of the code I'm working with makes it so that your answers don't work, but you have given me a lot of insight which helped me arrive to this "solution", and I have learnt a few things about IceFaces in the process.
OK, I have found a better solution.
I created a TextModel class:
public class TextModel implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -8470475291191399871L;
private String text;
private String clase;
public TextModel() {
public TextModel(String text, String clase) {
this.text = text;
this.clase = clase;
public String getText() {
return text;
public void setText(String text) {
this.text = text;
public String getClase() {
return clase;
public void setClase(String clase) {
this.clase = clase;
public String toString() {
return text;
Then I changed messages in ChatBean from List to List, and changed the following functions in
private void pushMessage(String msg) {
if(msg != null && !msg.isEmpty()) {
ChatBean.this.isDown = "true";
messages.add(new TextModel(msg,clase));
try {
PushRenderer.render(PUSH_GROUP + id);
} catch (Exception e) {
renderer.render(PUSH_GROUP + id);
clase = "class1";
protected synchronized void sendMessage() {
if (message != null && !message.trim().isEmpty()){
Date now = new Date();
message = message.trim();
if (message.equals(lastMessageSent)&&(now.getTime()<(1000+lastMessageTime.getTime()))){
message = null;
clase = "class2";
lastMessageSent = message;
message = null;
lastMessageTime = new Date();
Where clase is either "class1" or "class2" (could be neater, but it works for now, I can always make it neater later).
Finally, on chat.xhtml, I changed the outputtext tag to:
<h:outputText value="#{message.text}" styleClass="#{message.clase}" />
That's it. No more messy JavaScript patches.
The trick was making the class a property of the message itself rather than the ChatBean.
I hope this helps someone else in the future.

Jenkins plugin development - persistence

I'm still learning plugin dev. This is my first one.
I would like to persist the configuration of my plugin, but it won't work.
Could you please tell me, what am I doing wrong?
I have tried debuging the process, starting from the addition of the plugin to the job 'til the saving of the job config.
I have found, that inside the load() method of the descriptor, no xml file is found!
The path it is looking for is something like: c:\users\Peter\workspace\r-script.\work\whatEverDir\xy.xml
I don't think that the .\ part is causing the config file not to be found, but since it is a Jenkins class generating this path, I would not bet on it. Although the system might have tried to create it here at the first place.
Thanks in advance!
<f:entry title="RScript" field="command">
<f:textarea style="width:99%" />
<f:entry field="installedPackages" title="Installed packages">
<f:select style="width:40%" />
<f:entry field="mirrors" title="Choose a mirror">
<f:select style="width:40%" />
<f:repeatableProperty field="availablePackages" minimum="1"/>
<f:entry field="availablePackages">
<f:select style="width:40%" />
<f:repeatableDeleteButton />
public class ScriptRunner extends Builder {
private static final String fileExtension = ".R";
private ArrayList<AvailablePackage> availablePackages;
private String command;
private String chosenMirror;
private List<String> mirrorList = new ArrayList<String>();
public ScriptRunner(String command, ArrayList<String> installedPackages, ArrayList<String> mirrors, ArrayList<AvailablePackage> availablePackages) {
this.chosenMirror = mirrors.get(0);
this.availablePackages = availablePackages;
this.command = command;
public final String getCommand() {
return command;
public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher,
BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException {
return perform(build, launcher, (TaskListener) listener);
public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher,
TaskListener listener) throws InterruptedException {
FilePath workSpace = build.getWorkspace();
FilePath rScript = null;
if (workSpace == null) {
try {
throw new NoSuchFileException("Workspace could not be set!");
} catch (NoSuchFileException e) {
try {
try {
String fullScript;
if (command.contains("options(repos=structure(")) {
fullScript = PackagesManager.singleton().createFullScript(availablePackages, "", command);
} else {
fullScript = PackagesManager.singleton().createFullScript(availablePackages, chosenMirror, command);
rScript = workSpace.createTextTempFile("RScriptTemp",
getFileExtension(), fullScript, false);
} catch (IOException e) {
Util.displayIOException(e, listener);
return false;
boolean successfullyRan = false;
try {
EnvVars envVars = build.getEnvironment(listener);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : build.getBuildVariables()
.entrySet()) {
envVars.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
if (launcher.launch().cmds(buildCommandLine(rScript))
.envs(envVars).stdout(listener).pwd(workSpace).join() == 1) {
successfullyRan = true;
} catch (IOException e) {
Util.displayIOException(e, listener);
return successfullyRan;
} finally {
try {
if (rScript != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
Util.displayIOException(e, listener);
} catch (Exception e) {
public String[] buildCommandLine(FilePath script) {
return new String[] { "Rscript", script.getRemote() };
protected String getFileExtension() {
return fileExtension;
public List<String> getMirrorList() {
return mirrorList;
public void setMirrorList(List<String> mirrorList) {
this.mirrorList = mirrorList;
public String getChosenMirror() {
return chosenMirror;
public void setChosenMirror(String chosenMirror) {
this.chosenMirror = chosenMirror;
public ArrayList<AvailablePackage> getAvailablePackages() {
return availablePackages;
public ScriptBuildStepDescriptorImplementation getDescriptor() {
return (ScriptBuildStepDescriptorImplementation)super.getDescriptor();
public static class ScriptBuildStepDescriptorImplementation extends
BuildStepDescriptor<Builder> {
private boolean showInstalled;
private String command;
private String chosenMirror;
private ArrayList<AvailablePackage> availablePackages;
public ScriptBuildStepDescriptorImplementation() {
public boolean configure(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) throws FormException {
req.bindJSON(this, formData);
return super.configure(req,formData);
public String getDisplayName() {
return "Advanced R script runner";
public boolean isApplicable(Class<? extends AbstractProject> jobType) {
return true;
public ListBoxModel doFillInstalledPackagesItems() {
ListBoxModel mirrors = new ListBoxModel();
Set<String> mirrorsList = PackagesManager.singleton()
for (String entry : mirrorsList) {
return mirrors;
public ListBoxModel doFillAvailablePackagesItems() {
ListBoxModel packages = new ListBoxModel();
List<String> packageList = PackagesManager.singleton().getAvailablePackages();
Set<String> alreadyInstalled = PackagesManager.singleton().getInstalledPackages();
for (String entry : packageList) {
if (!alreadyInstalled.contains(entry)) {
return packages;
public ListBoxModel doFillMirrorsItems() {
ListBoxModel mirrors = new ListBoxModel();
String[] mirrorsList = MirrorManager.singleton().getMirrors();
int selected = 34;
for (int i = 0; i < mirrorsList.length; i++) {
String[] splitCurrent = mirrorsList[i].split(" - ");
if (chosenMirror != null && chosenMirror.equals(splitCurrent[1])) {
selected = i;
mirrors.add(splitCurrent[1], splitCurrent[0]);
mirrors.get(selected).selected = true;
return mirrors;
public boolean getShowInstalled() {
return showInstalled;
public void setShowInstalled(boolean showInstalled) {
this.showInstalled = showInstalled;
public String getCommand() {
return command;
public void setCommand(String command) {
this.command = command;
public String getChosenMirror() {
return chosenMirror;
public void setChosenMirror(String chosenMirror) {
this.chosenMirror = chosenMirror;
public class AvailablePackage extends AbstractDescribableImpl<AvailablePackage> {
private String name;
public AvailablePackage(String availablePackages) { = availablePackages;
public String getName() {
return name;
public DescriptorImpl getDescriptor() {
return (DescriptorImpl)super.getDescriptor();
public static class DescriptorImpl extends Descriptor<AvailablePackage> {
private String name;
public DescriptorImpl() {
public boolean configure(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) throws FormException {
req.bindJSON(this, formData);
return super.configure(req,formData);
public ListBoxModel doFillAvailablePackagesItems() {
return PackagesManager.singleton().getAvailablePackagesAsListBoxModel(name);
public String getDisplayName() {
return "";
public String getName() {
return name;
Sorry for the code formatting! First timer at stackoverflow code posting.
I think you may need to comment this line out
public boolean configure(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) throws FormException {
req.bindJSON(this, formData);
//return super.configure(req,formData);
return true;
as it will then save again but with no fields.
A good place to locate Jenkins plugin examples is in

URL issue in Facebook in BlackBerry

I have integrated Facebook in my app and trying to share some content.When I call FaceBookMain() ,it shows error like :
SECURITY WARNINNG:Please treat the URL above as you would your password and do not share it with anyone."
Sometimes this error comes after login with Facebook in browser(Webview) otherwise it comes just after clicking on share button.
Most important thing here is ,I am not facing this problem in simulator.Sharing with Facebook is working properly in Simulator but not in Device.
I am adding some class files with it:
Here is class:
import net.rim.device.api.applicationcontrol.ApplicationPermissions;
import net.rim.device.api.applicationcontrol.ApplicationPermissionsManager;
import net.rim.device.api.system.PersistentObject;
import net.rim.device.api.system.PersistentStore;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication;
public class FacebookMain implements ActionListener{// extends MainScreen implements ActionListener {
// Constants
public final static String NEXT_URL = "";
public final static String APPLICATION_ID = "406758776102494";//"533918076671162" ;
private final static long persistentObjectId = 0x854d1b7fa43e3577L;
static final String ACTION_ENTER = "updateStatus";
static final String ACTION_SUCCESS = "statusUpdated";
static final String ACTION_ERROR = "error";
private ActionScreen actionScreen;
private PersistentObject store;
private LoginScreen loginScreen;
private LogoutScreen logoutScreen;
private HomeScreen homeScreen;
private UpdateStatusScreen updateStatusScreen;
private RecentUpdatesScreen recentUpdatesScreen;
private UploadPhotoScreen uploadPhotoScreen;
private FriendsListScreen friendsListScreen;
private PokeFriendScreen pokeFriendScreen;
private PostWallScreen postWallScreen;
private SendMessageScreen sendMessageScreen;
private String postMessage;
private FacebookContext fbc;
public static boolean isWallPosted=false;
public static boolean isFacebookScreen = false;
public FacebookMain(String postMessge) {
this.postMessage= postMessge;
isFacebookScreen = true;
fbc=new FacebookContext(NEXT_URL, APPLICATION_ID);
loginScreen = new LoginScreen(fbc,"KingdomConnect: "+postMessge);
private void init() {
store = PersistentStore.getPersistentObject(persistentObjectId);
synchronized (store) {
if (store.getContents() == null) {
store.setContents(new FacebookContext(NEXT_URL, APPLICATION_ID));
fbc = (FacebookContext) store.getContents();
private void checkPermissions() {
ApplicationPermissionsManager apm = ApplicationPermissionsManager.getInstance();
ApplicationPermissions original = apm.getApplicationPermissions();
if ((original.getPermission(ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_INPUT_SIMULATION) == ApplicationPermissions.VALUE_ALLOW) && (original.getPermission(ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_DEVICE_SETTINGS) == ApplicationPermissions.VALUE_ALLOW) && (original.getPermission(ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_CROSS_APPLICATION_COMMUNICATION) == ApplicationPermissions.VALUE_ALLOW) && (original.getPermission(ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_INTERNET) == ApplicationPermissions.VALUE_ALLOW) && (original.getPermission(ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_SERVER_NETWORK) == ApplicationPermissions.VALUE_ALLOW) && (original.getPermission(ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_EMAIL) == ApplicationPermissions.VALUE_ALLOW)) {
/*ApplicationPermissions permRequest = new ApplicationPermissions();
ApplicationPermissions permRequest = new ApplicationPermissions();
boolean acceptance = ApplicationPermissionsManager.getInstance().invokePermissionsRequest(permRequest);
if (acceptance) {
// User has accepted all of the permissions.
} else {
public void saveContext(FacebookContext pfbc) {
synchronized (store) {
public void logoutAndExit() {
logoutScreen = new LogoutScreen(fbc);
public void saveAndExit() {
private void exit() {
public void onAction(Action event) {}
It is class:
public class Facebook {
protected Logger log = Logger.getLogger(getClass());
public static String API_URL = "";
public Facebook() {
public static Object read(String path, String accessToken) throws FacebookException {
return read(path, null, accessToken);
public static Object read(String path, Parameters params, String accessToken) throws FacebookException {
Hashtable args = new Hashtable();
args.put("access_token", accessToken);
args.put("format", "JSON");
if ((params != null) && (params.getCount() > 0)) {
Enumeration paramNamesEnum = params.getParameterNames();
while (paramNamesEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
String paramName = (String) paramNamesEnum.nextElement();
String paramValue = params.get(paramName).getValue();
args.put(paramName, paramValue);
try {
StringBuffer responseBuffer = HttpClient.getInstance().doGet(API_URL + '/' + path, args);
if (responseBuffer.length() == 0) {
throw new Exception("Empty response");
return new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(responseBuffer.toString()));
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new FacebookException(t.getMessage());
public static Object write(String path, Object object, String accessToken) throws FacebookException {
Hashtable data = new Hashtable();
data.put("access_token", accessToken);
data.put("format", "JSON");
try {
JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) object;
Enumeration keysEnum = jsonObject.keys();
while (keysEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = (String) keysEnum.nextElement();
Object val = jsonObject.get(key);
if (!(val instanceof JSONObject)) {
data.put(key, val.toString());
StringBuffer responseBuffer = HttpClient.getInstance().doPost(API_URL + '/' + path, data);
if (responseBuffer.length() == 0) {
throw new FacebookException("Empty response");
return new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(responseBuffer.toString()));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new FacebookException(e.getMessage());
public static Object delete(String path, String accessToken) throws FacebookException {
Hashtable data = new Hashtable();
data.put("access_token", accessToken);
data.put("format", "JSON");
data.put("method", "delete");
try {
StringBuffer responseBuffer = HttpClient.getInstance().doPost(API_URL + '/' + path, data);
if (responseBuffer.length() == 0) {
throw new FacebookException("Empty response");
return new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(responseBuffer.toString()));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new FacebookException(e.getMessage());
And it is BrowserScreen.class:
public class BrowserScreen extends ActionScreen {
// int[] preferredTransportTypes = { TransportInfo.TRANSPORT_TCP_CELLULAR, TransportInfo.TRANSPORT_WAP2, TransportInfo.TRANSPORT_BIS_B };
int[] preferredTransportTypes = TransportInfo.getAvailableTransportTypes();//{ TransportInfo.TRANSPORT_BIS_B };
ConnectionFactory cf;
BrowserFieldConfig bfc;
BrowserField bf;
String url;
public BrowserScreen(String pUrl) {
url = pUrl;
cf = new ConnectionFactory();
bfc = new BrowserFieldConfig();
bfc.setProperty(BrowserFieldConfig.ALLOW_CS_XHR, Boolean.TRUE);
bfc.setProperty(BrowserFieldConfig.JAVASCRIPT_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE);
bfc.setProperty(BrowserFieldConfig.USER_SCALABLE, Boolean.TRUE);
bfc.setProperty(BrowserFieldConfig.MDS_TRANSCODING_ENABLED, Boolean.FALSE);
bfc.setProperty(BrowserFieldConfig.NAVIGATION_MODE, BrowserFieldConfig.NAVIGATION_MODE_POINTER);
bfc.setProperty(BrowserFieldConfig.VIEWPORT_WIDTH, new Integer(Display.getWidth()));
// bfc.setProperty(BrowserFieldConfig.CONNECTION_FACTORY, cf);
bf = new BrowserField(bfc);
public void browse() {
public void show() {
public void fetch() {
public void hide() {
If any body has any clue or want some more related code to get it,please let me know.
do not use secure connection. use http instead of https.
you can refer here
same problem is presented in stackoverflow
facebook warning

Implemention Class proposal mechanism in SWT field

i know how to implement it,using field assist and search pattern, but the mechanism each time triggers a new search. I am not sure, how the mechanism is implemented in Open Type for example ( i think with indexes). How to use this cache to make in time classpath search
This almost my entire solution. Each time a call createProposalData
private TreeSet<String> data;
private SearchParticipant[] participants = new SearchParticipant[] { SearchEngine
.getDefaultSearchParticipant() };
private SearchPattern pattern;
private IJavaProject prj;
private JavaSearchScope scope;
private SearchEngine searchEngine = new SearchEngine();
private SearchRequestor requestor = new SearchRequestor() {
public void acceptSearchMatch(SearchMatch match) throws CoreException {
String text = getText(match.getElement());
if (text != null) {
public String getText(Object element) {
public ProposalEngine(IJavaProject prj) {
this.prj = prj;
scope = new JavaSearchScope();
try {
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
public Collection<String> createProposalData(final String patternText) {
data = new TreeSet<String>();
try {
pattern = getPatternForSeach(patternText);, participants, scope, requestor, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
// skip
return data;
protected SearchPattern getPatternForSeach(String patternText) {
return SearchPattern.createPattern(patternText,
I believe that you are doing exactly what the Open Type dialog is doing. Indexing to speed up search happens underneath JDT API.