I want to add month to a Date using SqlContext - scala

'01-FEB-2013' This is my date. how can I get the result as 01-MAR-2013?
SELECT DATE_ADD( '2011-01-01', INTERVAL 1 month );
This is possible by mySql.I want the result using sqlContext in scala Is it possible?

You will want to use org.apache.spark.sql.functions.add_months:
def add_months(startDate: Column, numMonths: Int): Column
"Returns the date that is numMonths after startDate."
Here is an example of its usage:
scala> val df = sc.parallelize((0 to 6).map(i =>
{now.setMonth(i); (i, new java.sql.Date(now.getTime))}).toSeq)
.toDF("ID", "Dates")
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [ID: int, Dates: date]
scala> df.show
| ID| Dates|
| 0|2016-01-21|
| 1|2016-02-21|
| 2|2016-03-21|
| 3|2016-04-21|
| 4|2016-05-21|
| 5|2016-06-21|
| 6|2016-07-21|
scala> df.withColumn("New Dates", add_months(df("Dates"),1)).show
| ID| Dates| New Dates|
| 0|2016-01-21|2016-02-21|
| 1|2016-02-21|2016-03-21|
| 2|2016-03-21|2016-04-21|
| 3|2016-04-21|2016-05-21|
| 4|2016-05-21|2016-06-21|
| 5|2016-06-21|2016-07-21|
| 6|2016-07-21|2016-08-21|


scala spark dataframe: explode a string column to multiple strings

Any pointers on below?
input df: here col1 is of type string
| col1|
|[{a:1,g:2},{b:3,h:4},{c:5,i:6}] |
expected output: (again col1 is of type string)
| col1 |
| {a:1,g:2} |
| {b:3,h:4} |
| {c:5,i:6} |
| {d:7,j:8} |
| {e:9,k:10} |
| {f:11,l:12}|
You can use the Spark SQL explode function with an UDF :
import spark.implicits._
val df = spark.createDataset(Seq("[{a},{b},{c}]","[{d},{e},{f}]")).toDF("col1")
| col1|
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val stringToSeq = udf{s: String => s.drop(1).dropRight(1).split(",")}
df.withColumn("col1", explode(stringToSeq($"col1"))).show()
| {a}|
| {b}|
| {c}|
| {d}|
| {e}|
| {f}|
Edit: for you new input data, the custom UDF can evolve as above :
val stringToSeq = udf{s: String =>
val extractor = "[^{]*:[^}]*".r
extractor.findAllIn(s).map(m => s"{$m}").toSeq
new output :
| col1|
| {a:1,g:2}|
| {b:3,h:4}|
| {c:5,i:6}|
| {d:7,j:8}|
| {e:9,k:10}|
Spark provides a quite rich trim function which can be used to remove the leading and the trailing chars, [] in your case. As #LeoC already mentioned the required functionality can be implemented through the build-in functions which will perform much better:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{trim, explode, split}
val df = Seq(
trim($"col1", "[]"), ","))).show
// +---+
// |col|
// +---+
// |{a}|
// |{b}|
// |{c}|
// |{d}|
// |{e}|
// |{f}|
// +---+
For the new dataset the logic remains the same with the difference that you need to split with a different character other than ,. You can achieve this using regexp_replace to replace }, with }| in order to be able later to split with | instead of ,:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{trim, explode, split, regexp_replace}
val df = Seq(
regexp_replace(trim($"col1", "[]"), "},", "}|"), // gives: {a:1,g:2}|{b:3,h:4}|{c:5,i:6}
// +-----------+
// |col |
// +-----------+
// |{a:1,g:2} |
// |{b:3,h:4} |
// |{c:5,i:6} |
// |{d:7,j:8} |
// |{e:9,k:10} |
// |{f:11,l:12}|
// +-----------+
Note: with split(..., "\\|") we escape | which is a special regex character.
You can do:
val newDF = df.as[String].flatMap(line=>line.replaceAll("\\[", "").replaceAll("\\]", "").split(","))
| {a}|
| {b}|
| {c}|
| {d}|
| {e}|
| {f}|
Just as a note, this process will name the output column as value, that you can easily rename it (if needed), using select, withColumn, etc.
Finally what worked:
import spark.implicits._
val df = spark.createDataset(Seq("[{a:1,g:2},{b:3,h:4},{c:5,i:6}]","[{d:7,j:8},{e:9,k:10},{f:11,l:12}]")).toDF("col1")
val toStr = udf((value : String) => value.split("},\\{").map(_.toString))
val addParanthesis = udf((value : String) => ("{" + value + "}"))
val removeParanthesis = udf((value : String) => (value.slice(2,value.length()-2)))
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
.withColumn("col0", removeParanthesis(col("col1")))
.withColumn("col2", toStr(col("col0")))
.withColumn("col3", explode(col("col2")))
.withColumn("col4", addParanthesis(col("col3")))
| col1| col0| col2| col3| col4|
|[{a:1,g:2},{b:3,h...|a:1,g:2},{b:3,h:4...|[a:1,g:2, b:3,h:4...| a:1,g:2| {a:1,g:2}|
|[{a:1,g:2},{b:3,h...|a:1,g:2},{b:3,h:4...|[a:1,g:2, b:3,h:4...| b:3,h:4| {b:3,h:4}|
|[{a:1,g:2},{b:3,h...|a:1,g:2},{b:3,h:4...|[a:1,g:2, b:3,h:4...| c:5,i:6| {c:5,i:6}|
|[{d:7,j:8},{e:9,k...|d:7,j:8},{e:9,k:1...|[d:7,j:8, e:9,k:1...| d:7,j:8| {d:7,j:8}|
|[{d:7,j:8},{e:9,k...|d:7,j:8},{e:9,k:1...|[d:7,j:8, e:9,k:1...| e:9,k:10| {e:9,k:10}|
|[{d:7,j:8},{e:9,k...|d:7,j:8},{e:9,k:1...|[d:7,j:8, e:9,k:1...|f:11,l:12|{f:11,l:12}|

Spark scala create multiple columns from array column

Creating a multiple columns from array column
Car name | details
Toyota | [[year,2000],[price,20000]]
Audi | [[mpg,22]]
Expected dataframe
Car name | year | price | mpg
Toyota | 2000 | 20000 | null
Audi | null | null | 22
You can try this
Let's define the data
scala> val carsDF = Seq(("toyota",Array(("year", 2000), ("price", 100000))), ("Audi", Array(("mpg", 22)))).toDF("car", "details")
carsDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [car: string, details: array<struct<_1:string,_2:int>>]
scala> carsDF.show(false)
|car |details |
|toyota|[[year,2000], [price,100000]]|
|Audi |[[mpg,22]] |
Splitting the data & accessing the values in the data
scala> carsDF.withColumn("split", explode($"details")).withColumn("col", $"split"("_1")).withColumn("val", $"split"("_2")).select("car", "col", "val").show
| car| col| val|
|toyota| year| 2000|
| Audi| mpg| 22|
Define the list of columns that are required
scala> val colNames = Seq("mpg", "price", "year", "dummy")
colNames: Seq[String] = List(mpg, price, year, dummy)
Use pivoting on the above defined column names gives required output.
By giving new column names in the sequence makes it a single point input
scala> weDF.groupBy("car").pivot("col", colNames).agg(avg($"val")).show
| car| mpg| price| year|dummy|
|toyota|null|100000.0|2000.0| null|
| Audi|22.0| null| null| null|
This seems more elegant & easy way to achieve the output
you can do it like that
import org.apache.spark.functions.col
val df: DataFrame = Seq(
("toyota",Array(("year", 2000), ("price", 100000))),
("toyota",Array(("year", 2001)))
).toDF("car", "details")
|car |details |
|toyota|[[year, 2000], [price, 100000]]|
|toyota|[[year, 2001]] |
val newdf = df
.withColumn("year", when(col("details")(0)("_1") === lit("year"), col("details")(0)("_2")).otherwise(col("details")(1)("_2")))
.withColumn("price", when(col("details")(0)("_1") === lit("price"), col("details")(0)("_2")).otherwise(col("details")(1)("_2")))
| car|year| price|
|toyota|2001| null|

Scala : Passing elements of a Dataframe from every row and get back the result in separate rows

In My requirment , i come across a situation where i have to pass 2 strings from my dataframe's 2 column and get back the result in string and want to store it back to a dataframe.
Now while passing the value as string, it is always returning the same value. So in all the rows the same value is being populated. (In My case PPPP is being populated in all rows)
Is there a way to pass element (for those 2 columns) from every row and get the result in separate rows.
I am ready to modify my function to accept Dataframe and return Dataframe OR accept arrayOfString and get back ArrayOfString but i dont know how to do that as i am new to programming. Can someone please help me.
def myFunction(key: String , value :String ) : String = {
//Do my functions and get back a string value2 and return this value2 string
val DF2 = DF1.select (
,DF1("col5") )
.withColumn("anyName", lit(myFunction ( DF1("col3").toString() , DF1("col4").toString() )))
/* DF1:
/*|col1 |col2 |col3 | col4 | col 5|
/*|Hello|5 |valueAAA | XXX | 123 |
/*|How |3 |valueCCC | YYY | 111 |
/*|World|5 |valueDDD | ZZZ | 222 |
/*|col1 |col2 |col5| anyName |
/*|Hello|5 |123 | PPPPP |
/*|How |3 |111 | PPPPP |
/*|World|5 |222 | PPPPP |
After you define the function, you need to register them as udf(). The udf() function is available in org.apache.spark.sql.functions. check this out
scala> val DF1 = Seq(("Hello",5,"valueAAA","XXX",123),
| ("How",3,"valueCCC","YYY",111),
| ("World",5,"valueDDD","ZZZ",222)
| ).toDF("col1","col2","col3","col4","col5")
DF1: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [col1: string, col2: int ... 3 more fields]
scala> val DF2 = DF1.select ( DF1("col1") ,DF1("col2") ,DF1("col5") )
DF2: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [col1: string, col2: int ... 1 more field]
scala> DF2.show(false)
|col1 |col2|col5|
|Hello|5 |123 |
|How |3 |111 |
|World|5 |222 |
scala> DF1.select("*").show(false)
|col1 |col2|col3 |col4|col5|
|Hello|5 |valueAAA|XXX |123 |
|How |3 |valueCCC|YYY |111 |
|World|5 |valueDDD|ZZZ |222 |
scala> def myConcat(a:String,b:String):String=
| return a + "--" + b
myConcat: (a: String, b: String)String
scala> import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
scala> val myConcatUDF = udf(myConcat(_:String,_:String):String)
myConcatUDF: org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedFunction = UserDefinedFunction(<function2>,StringType,Some(List(StringType, StringType)))
scala> DF1.select ( DF1("col1") ,DF1("col2") ,DF1("col5"), myConcatUDF( DF1("col3"), DF1("col4"))).show()
| col1|col2|col5|UDF(col3, col4)|
|Hello| 5| 123| valueAAA--XXX|
| How| 3| 111| valueCCC--YYY|
|World| 5| 222| valueDDD--ZZZ|

Spark Scala - Need to iterate over column in dataframe

Got the next dataframe:
|id |job_title |
|1 |ceo |
|2 |product manager |
|3 |surfer |
I want to get a column from a dataframe and to create another column with indication called 'rank':
|id |job_title | rank |
|1 |ceo |c-level|
|2 |product manager |manager|
|3 |surfer |other |
--- UPDATED ---
What I tried to do by now is:
def func (col: column) : Column = {
val cLevel = List("ceo","cfo")
val managerLevel = List("manager","team leader")
when (col.contains(cLevel), "C-level")
Currently I get a this error:
type mismatch;
found : Boolean
required: org.apache.spark.sql.Column
and I think I have also other problems within the code.Sorry but I'm on a starting level with Scala over Spark.
You can use when/otherwise inbuilt function for that case as
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
def func = when(col("job_title").contains("cheif") || col("job_title").contains("ceo"), "c-level")
.otherwise(when(col("job_title").contains("manager"), "manager")
and you can call the function by using withColumn as
df.withColumn("rank", func).show(false)
which should give you
|id |job_title |rank |
|1 |ceo |c-level|
|2 |product manager|manager|
|3 |surfer |other |
I hope the answer is helpful
I see that you have updated your post with your tryings, and you have tried creating a list of levels and you want to validate against the list. For that case you will have to write a udf function as
val cLevel = List("ceo","cfo")
val managerLevel = List("manager","team leader")
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
def rankUdf = udf((jobTitle: String) => jobTitle match {
case x if(cLevel.exists(_.contains(x)) || cLevel.exists(x.contains(_))) => "C-Level"
case x if(managerLevel.exists(_.contains(x)) || managerLevel.exists(x.contains(_))) => "manager"
case _ => "other"
df.withColumn("rank", rankUdf(col("job_title"))).show(false)
which should give you your desired output
val df = sc.parallelize(Seq(
( 2,"product manager"),
(4,"Vaquar khan")
)).toDF("id", "job_title")
//option 2
sqlContext.sql("SELECT job_title, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY id) AS rank FROM user_details").show
val df1 = sc.parallelize(Seq(
( "product manager","manager"),
("Vaquar khan","Problem solver")
)).toDF("job_title", "ranks")
sqlContext.sql("SELECT user_details.id,user_details.job_title,user_rank.ranks FROM user_rank JOIN user_details ON user_rank.job_title = user_details.job_title order by user_details.id").show
Results :
| id| job_title|
| 1| ceo|
| 2|product manager|
| 3| surfer|
| 4| Vaquar khan|
| job_title|rank|
| ceo| 1|
|product manager| 2|
| surfer| 3|
| Vaquar khan| 4|
| job_title| ranks|
| ceo| c-level|
|product manager| manager|
| surfer| other|
| Vaquar khan|Problem solver|
| id| job_title| ranks|
| 1| ceo| c-level|
| 2|product manager| manager|
| 3| surfer| other|
| 4| Vaquar khan|Problem solver|
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: int, job_title: string]
df1: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [job_title: string, ranks: string]

delete constant columns spark having issue with timestamp column

hi guys i did this code that allows to drop columns with constant values.
i start by computing the standard deviation i then drop the ones having standard equal to zero ,but i got this issue when having a column which has a timestamp type what to do
cannot resolve 'stddev_samp(time.1)' due to data type mismatch: argument 1 requires double type, however, 'time.1' is of timestamp type.;;
val spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local").appName("my-spark-app").getOrCreate()
//val df = spark.range(1, 1000).withColumn("X2", lit(0)).toDF("X1","X2")
val df = spark.read.option("inferSchema", "true").option("header", "true").csv("C:/Users/mhattabi/Desktop/dataTestCsvFile/dataTest2.txt")
//val aggs = df.columns.map(c => stddev(c).as(c))
val aggs = df.columns.map(p=>stddev(s"`${p}`").as(p))
val stddevs = df.select(aggs: _*)
val columnsToKeep: Seq[Column] = stddevs.first // Take first row
.toSeq // convert to Seq[Any]
.zip(df.columns) // zip with column names
.collect {
// keep only names where stddev != 0
case (s: Double, c) if s != 0.0 => col(c)
df.select(columnsToKeep: _*).show(5,false)
Using stddev
stddev is only defined on numeric columns. If you want to compute the standard deviation of a date column you will need to convert it to a time stamp first:
scala> var myDF = (0 to 10).map(x => (x, scala.util.Random.nextDouble)).toDF("id", "rand_double")
myDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: int, rand_double: double]
scala> myDF = myDF.withColumn("Date", current_date())
myDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: int, rand_double: double ... 1 more field]
scala> myDF.printSchema
|-- id: integer (nullable = false)
|-- rand_double: double (nullable = false)
|-- Date: date (nullable = false)
scala> myDF.show
| id| rand_double| Date|
| 0| 0.3786008989478248|2017-03-21|
| 1| 0.5968932024004612|2017-03-21|
| 2|0.05912760417456575|2017-03-21|
| 3|0.29974600653895667|2017-03-21|
| 4| 0.8448407414817856|2017-03-21|
| 5| 0.2049495659443249|2017-03-21|
| 6| 0.4184846380144779|2017-03-21|
| 7|0.21400484330739022|2017-03-21|
| 8| 0.9558142791013501|2017-03-21|
| 9|0.32530639391058036|2017-03-21|
| 10| 0.5100585655062743|2017-03-21|
scala> myDF = myDF.withColumn("Date", unix_timestamp($"Date"))
myDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: int, rand_double: double ... 1 more field]
scala> myDF.printSchema
|-- id: integer (nullable = false)
|-- rand_double: double (nullable = false)
|-- Date: long (nullable = true)
scala> myDF.show
| id| rand_double| Date|
| 0| 0.3786008989478248|1490072400|
| 1| 0.5968932024004612|1490072400|
| 2|0.05912760417456575|1490072400|
| 3|0.29974600653895667|1490072400|
| 4| 0.8448407414817856|1490072400|
| 5| 0.2049495659443249|1490072400|
| 6| 0.4184846380144779|1490072400|
| 7|0.21400484330739022|1490072400|
| 8| 0.9558142791013501|1490072400|
| 9|0.32530639391058036|1490072400|
| 10| 0.5100585655062743|1490072400|
At this point all of the columns are numeric so your code will run fine:
scala> :pa
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
val aggs = myDF.columns.map(p=>stddev(s"`${p}`").as(p))
val stddevs = myDF.select(aggs: _*)
val columnsToKeep: Seq[Column] = stddevs.first // Take first row
.toSeq // convert to Seq[Any]
.zip(myDF.columns) // zip with column names
.collect {
// keep only names where stddev != 0
case (s: Double, c) if s != 0.0 => col(c)
myDF.select(columnsToKeep: _*).show(false)
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
|id |rand_double |
|0 |0.3786008989478248 |
|1 |0.5968932024004612 |
|2 |0.05912760417456575|
|3 |0.29974600653895667|
|4 |0.8448407414817856 |
|5 |0.2049495659443249 |
|6 |0.4184846380144779 |
|7 |0.21400484330739022|
|8 |0.9558142791013501 |
|9 |0.32530639391058036|
|10 |0.5100585655062743 |
aggs: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Column] = Array(stddev_samp(id) AS `id`, stddev_samp(rand_double) AS `rand_double`, stddev_samp(Date) AS `Date`)
stddevs: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: double, rand_double: double ... 1 more field]
columnsToKeep: Seq[org.apache.spark.sql.Column] = ArrayBuffer(id, rand_double)
Using countDistinct
All that being said, it would be more general to use countDistinct:
scala> val distCounts = myDF.select(myDF.columns.map(c => countDistinct(c) as c): _*).first.toSeq.zip(myDF.columns)
distCounts: Seq[(Any, String)] = ArrayBuffer((11,id), (11,rand_double), (1,Date))]
scala> distCounts.foldLeft(myDF)((accDF, dc_col) => if (dc_col._1 == 1) accDF.drop(dc_col._2) else accDF).show
| id| rand_double|
| 0| 0.3786008989478248|
| 1| 0.5968932024004612|
| 2|0.05912760417456575|
| 3|0.29974600653895667|
| 4| 0.8448407414817856|
| 5| 0.2049495659443249|
| 6| 0.4184846380144779|
| 7|0.21400484330739022|
| 8| 0.9558142791013501|
| 9|0.32530639391058036|
| 10| 0.5100585655062743|