Collection fixtures in Meteor 1.3 - mongodb

I am using Meteor 1.3 and am unable to get my fixtures to appear on the client.
For testing purposes, I created a new Meteor project and followed the tutorial steps up to this point.
I created a file fixtures.js in /imports/api/
I import this in /server/main.js
When I start the server, I see the console log line indicating that the file was imported and if I query the collection using the mongo shell, I see the fixtures.
If I query the collection from the client, I see nothing.
Am I missing something to get the flixtures to appear on the client? I have not modifed the installed packages, so autopublish is still present.

If you just use chrome console to query your collection, this will not work anymore in 1.3. If you want so, then you should put it into global namespace:
global.CollectionName = CollectionName


Keystone Next not showing database type and always select postgresql by default

I'am new user for using keystone and will create simple project with keystone, but I've some problem when generating project by yarn always select postgresql as default database type.
Below is example screenshot when I'am create new project with keystone next
The yarn create keystone-app command your running uses create-keystone-app, documented here. The resultant app simply expects a Postgres database. If you don't already have it, you can install Postgres using brew or (on MacOS) or one of the official installers.
If you don't want to use Postgres you'll need to create your project another way. Clone the Keystone repo and have a look at the examples directory. It's full of very simply starting points that use an SQLite db instead.
Sept 2021 Update
create-keystone-app has been updated to use SQLite by default now so it won't prompt for a DB connection string at all. You can still switch to Postgres manually if you want but it's a manual step.
The walkthrough has details.

Update postman collection programatically

My application generates Open API/Swagger specification file. It may have new API additions/updates. I want to have an automated script/job which uploads/updates this specification into existing postman collection. I looked in Powershell, Terraform, Postman APIs but they don't support it.
Is there any other way to achieve what I want ?
The postman has an official tool called swagger2-postman2-converter to update postman.
And the official blog Sync your specs describes in detail how to update collections using this tool.
Here are the detailed steps. I am using the sample code provided by postman. You can replace your file with the corresponding file in the sample.
If you don't have a Postman API key, go to your account settings and generate one. Click Postman API for detailed information.
Stored your key in a json file. The _secrets.json file in this sample.
Run the GET API to get your collection_uid and collection_id and update the config.js file.
Get All Collections:
Get Single Collection:{{collection_uid}}
Run npm install fs swagger2-postman2-converter to install the dependencies.
Run node converter.js
Run PUT API to update your collection.
PUT Update Collection:{{collection_uid}}
After you have run it once, if you have any updates to your swagger.json file, you only need to perform steps 5 and 6.

how to find the query console on mongoDB in PyCharm?

how to find the query console on mongoDB in PyCharm?, in other databases like MySQL, it's right click on the database name and "Jump to Query Console..." but there is no such option in mongoDB. The mongo plugin is installed and working fine, all queries in terminal are working as well. Please see the screenshot.
It seems the problem was with installing the correct drivers of mongoDB in PyCharm

How to connect mongodb to neo4j

I am trying to connect mongodb data to neo4j.
I tried with this code "CALL apoc.mongodb.get('mongodb://localhost:27017','test','test',{name:'testDocument'})" in Neo4j.
But I get an error as
There is no procedure with the name apoc.mongodb.get registered for this database instance. Please ensure you've spelled the procedure name correctly and that the procedure is properly deployed.
I had added APOC jar files in Neo4j plugins and I gone through this link
still Iam unable to connect.
can someone please explain what shall i do to get this started.
In addition to copying the APOC jar file to $NEO4J_HOME/plugins you'll also need to copy the mongo specific jar files into $NEO4J_HOME/plugins. For example:
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
cp target/dependency/mongodb*.jar target/dependency/bson*.jar $NEO4J_HOME/plugins/
More information available in the docs here
I know this was made 5 years ago but this is for anyone else (like myself) who's looking for an answer.
The URI should look something like this:
CALL apoc.mongo.find("mongodb://localhost:port/databaseName.collectionName")

Why does simply adding a library that isn't being referenced cause Meteor code to fail

I have a very basic question about Meteor on Cloud9 and the ethereum library. I am using the Cloud9 IDE. When I create a new Meteor workspace, there are three pre-existing files comprising a small sample app. When I test them, they run as expected. After I install
the ethereum library : meteor add ethereum:web3, the small app no longer works, even without any modification of the files, giving this error:
Started MongoDB.
Unexpected mongo exit code null. Restarting
I don't understand why simply installing a library that isn't even being referenced would cause the code to fail.