JavaFxPorts Native Webview - javafx-8

Is it possible for the Android WebView to be implemented in JavaFx rather than the native Webview window that is being currently used because the native window causes lightweight vs heavyweight issues. I have a MenuButton that does not display any of the MenuItems because they are all hidden behind the WebView.
The first image shows the menu being displayed normally on top of a regular node.
The second image shows the menu being hidden behind the android webview.


Open custom tabs in fragment

I have implemented custom tabs in my app and I have bottom navigation bar. When I click on any item in the bottom bar the fragment opens. Inside the fragment the custom tabs have to open. Custom tabs have to be open in a view not as a separate window.
Custom Tabs is not a View, but an entire Activity that is hosted in the browser process and handled as part of the application tasks stack. So, it can't be part of another Activity's view hierarchy and can only be used as a standalone Activity.
The Android WebView is a an Android View and can be used inside an Activity. But,
generally, content opened inside the WebView should be designed with the component in mind, as it doesn't support every API available to modern web apps (eg: push notifications).

Programmatically Focus on on a webview (WKWebView)

I am working on a macOS app in which I am using a WKWebview to show web content.
However, after I clicked on another application and then click on my macOS app, I need to click twice on the Webview window, as it doesn't get activated by hovering my mouse over it.
It doesn't listen to events until I click the webview window.
I'm new to Swift and being used to Javascript I would just add a 'mouseenter' listener to the macOS window to focus the webview.
Does anybody know how to solve this?

How to disable cut-copy-paste pop up in webview on text selection in Flutter

How do I disable the cut-copy-paste pop-up in a web view in Flutter? I want the text selection feature to remain as it is, but I don't want the pop-up to appear. I googled a lot but nothing worked for me.
I am using this Flutter WebView.

Restrict IONIC side menu from auto populating for large screens

I have implemented side menu for my IONIC 5.0.0 application. In smaller device side menu is shrinking to Hamburger icon (working fine). I want the same behavior in large screens also but unfortunately the menu is fully visible in the landscape mode of my iPad (6th gen). Does anyone know how to hide the menu in Hamburger icon always (for all device).
Seems you need to use when="false" property in the ion-split-pane component. Please find app.component.html. The location should be like src/app/app.component.html and change the following line from
<ion-split-pane when="false">
To learn more about the ion-split-pane component, visit this link.

How to navigate to different pages in a chrome app without creating a new window?

My Chrome app contains two pages A1.html and A2.html. How can i navigate from A1.html to A2.html without creating a new window?
The page A1.html contains 10 div's and A2.html contains a back link to A1.html. My need is to load directly a specific div of A1.html when the back link in A2.html is pressed.
You can't navigate within a Chrome App window (Content Security Policy), although you can navigate to an external browser if you set the target attribute of the <a> element to "_blank". What you have to do, if you really want links to appear to work normally, is intercept the click on the link by setting an event handler and then changing the DOM from within JavaScript.
One easy way to change the DOM from JavaScript if you have an HTML fragment is to use the insertAdjacentHTML API (Google it for documentation).
While this might seem awkward, even limiting, think of a Chrome App as an app, and not a web page. After all, with a native Mac OS X or Windows app, you wouldn't expect to entirely change the UI in a window by simply clicking on a button, right? You'd expect that the app would do that via the native API. Same the Chrome Apps.
Alternatively, you can position a webview in the Chrome App window, and then HTML within the webview works normally, because that really is a "web view."