Understanding monads in scala - scala

I'm trying to understand what monads are (not just in scala, but by example using scala). Let's consider the most (in my opinion) simple example of a monad:
As some articles state, every monad in its classic sense should preserve some rules for the flatMap and unit functions.
Here is the definition from scala.Some
#inline final def flatMap[B](f: A => Option[B]): Option[B]
So, understand it better I want to understand it from the category theory standpoint. So, we're considering a monad and it's supposed to be a functor (but between what?).
Here we have to category Option[A] and Option[B] and the flatMap along with the f: A => Option[B] passed into it is supposed to define a Functor between them. But in the tranditional category definition it's a functor from a category to itself.

The category is the category of scala types, where the objects are types and the arrows are functions between values of those types. Option is an endofunctor on this category. For each object (i.e. type) in the Scala category, the Option type constructor maps each type A into a type Option[A].
In addition it maps each arrow f: A => B into an arrow fo: Option[A] => Option[B] which is what Option.map does.
A Monad is a Functor M along with two operations, unit: A => M[A] and join: M[M[A]] => M[A]. For Option, unit(x: A) = Some(x) and join can be defined as:
def join[A](o: Option[Option[A]]): Option[A] = o match {
case None => None
case Some(i) => i
flatMap can then be defined as, flatMap(f, m) = join(map(f, m)). Alternatively the monad can be defined using unit and flatMap and join defined as join(m) = flatMap(id, m).


How to define a Monad for a function type?

I am trying Cats for the first time and am using Scala 3, and I am trying to implement a set of parser combinators for self-pedagogy, however; I am stuck on the definition of the tailRecM function for Monad. I have managed Functor and Applicative just fine.
I have defined my type in question as a function such that:
type Parser[A] = (input: List[Token]) => ParseResult[A]
with corresponding return types as:
type ParseResult[A] = Success[A] | Failure
case class Success[A](value: A, tokens: List[Token])
case class Failure(msg: String, tokens: List[Token])
My current definition of tailRecM is as follows:
def tailRecM[A, B](init: A)(fn: A => Parser[Either[A, B]]): Parser[B] =
(input: List[Token]) =>
fn(init)(input) match {
case f: Failure => f
case s: Success[Either[A, B]] => s.value match {
case Right(b) => Success(b, s.tokens)
case Left(a) => tailRecM(a)(fn) // won't compile
If I attempt to build I get "Found: Parsing.Parser[B] Required: Parsing.ParseResult[B]" for tailRecM(a)(fn)
The issue as far as I can tell stems from the fact that my type in question Parser[A] is a function type and not simply a value type? I attempted to ameliorate the issue by modifying the tailRecM recursive call to tailRecM(a)(fn)(input) but then this is obviously not stack safe, and also will not compile.
How can I resolve this issue, and more broadly, how can I implement the Monad typeclass for function types in general?
It's not possible to make tailRecM itself tail-recursive; you need to define a tail-recursive helper method
Here's how the cats library implements tailRecM for Function1
def tailRecM[A, B](a: A)(fn: A => T1 => Either[A, B]): T1 => B =
(t: T1) => {
def step(thisA: A): B =
fn(thisA)(t) match {
case Right(b) => b
case Left(nextA) => step(nextA)
This is because monadic recursion is a form of mutual tail-recursion, where two methods flip back and forth calling each other. The scala compiler can't optimize that. So instead we inline the definition of the monadic part rather than calling flatMap or another method
You need to pass the input again to the tailRecM call
because tailRecM(a)(fn) returns a Parser, but you need the ParserResult from that returned Parser, as you already did in all other cases.

How does flatmap really work in Scala

I took the scala odersky course and thought that the function that Flatmap takes as arguments , takes an element of Monad and returns a monad of different type.
trait M[T] {
def flatMap[U](f: T => M[U]): M[U]
On Monad M[T] , the return type of function is also the same Monad , the type parameter U might be different.
However I have seen examples on internet , where the function returns a completely different Monad. I was under impression that return type of function should the same Monad. Can someone simplify the below to explain how flapmap results in the actual value instead of Option in the list.
Is the List not a Monad in Scala.
val l= List(1,2,3,4,5)
def f(x:int) = if (x>2) Some(x) else None
//Result List[Option[Int]] = List( None , None , Some(3) , Some(4) , Some(5))
//Result: List(3,4,5)
Let's start from the fact that M[T]is not a monad by itself. It's a type constructor. It becomes a monad when it's associated with two operators: bind and return (or unit). There are also monad laws these operators must satisfy, but let's omit them for brevity. In Haskell the type of bind is:
class Monad m where
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
where m is a type constructor. Since Scala is OO language bind will look like (first argument is self):
trait M[T] {
def bind[U](f: T => M[U]): M[U]
Here M === m, T === a, U === b. bind is often called flatMap. In a pure spherical world in a vacuum that would be a signature of flatMap in OO language. Scala is a very practical language, so the real signature of flatMap for List is:
final def flatMap[B, That](f: (A) ⇒ GenTraversableOnce[B])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[List[A], B, That]): That
It's not bind, but will work as a monadic bind if you provide f in the form of (A) => List[B] and also make sure that That is List[B]. On the other hand Scala is not going to watch your back if you provide something different, but will try to find some meaningful conversion (e.g. CanBuildFrom or something else) if it exists.
You can play with scalac flags (-Xlog-implicits, -Xlog-implicit-conversions) to see what's happening:
scala> List(1).flatMap { x => Some(x) }
<console>:1: inferred view from Some[Int] to scala.collection.GenTraversableOnce[?] via scala.this.Option.option2Iterable[Int]: (xo: Option[Int])Iterable[Int]
List(1).flatMap { x => Some(x) }
res1: List[Int] = List(1)
Hmm, perhaps confusingly, the signature you gave is not actually correct, since it's really (in simplified form):
def flatMap[B](f: (A) ⇒ GenTraversableOnce[B]): Traversable[B]
Since the compiler is open-source, you can actually see what it's doing (with its full signature):
def flatMap[B, That](f: A => GenTraversableOnce[B])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That = {
def builder = bf(repr) // extracted to keep method size under 35 bytes, so that it can be JIT-inlined
val b = builder
for (x <- this) b ++= f(x).seq
So you can see that there is actually no requirement that the return type of f be the same as the return type of flatMap.
The flatmap found in the standard library is a much more general and flexible method than the monadic bind method like the flatMap from Odersky's example.
For example, the full signature of flatmap on List is
def flatMap[B, That](f: (A) ⇒ GenTraversableOnce[B])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[List[A], B, That]): That
Instead of requiring the function passed into flatmap to return a List, it is able to return any GenTraversableOnce object, a very generic type.
flatmap then uses the implicit CanBuildFrom mechanism to determine the appropriate type to return.
So when you use flatmap with a function that returns a List, it is a monadic bind operation, but it lets you use other types as well.

Parameterised Class vs Function

I had a query about what is the difference between parameterising the class vs parameterising the function.
I have provided implementation of a Functor as follows:
trait Functor[F[_],A,B] {
def map(fa: F[A]) (f: A => B) : F[B]
and the other where the function is parameterised as follows:
trait Functor[F[_]] {
def map[A,B](fa: F[A]) (f: A => B) : F[B]
Where are the cases where we should use one over another?
Another follow up question:
Why do we pass the argument to functor as F[_] and not as F[A] or F[B]. What cases arise when we use either F[A] or F[B]?
Always prefer the second one. With the first one you can implement instances as nonsensical as:
trait WrongFunctor[F[_],A,B] {
def map(fa: F[A])(f: A => B) : F[B]
case class notEvenRemotelyAFunctor[A]() extends WrongFunctor[List,A,Int] {
def map(fa: List[A])(f: A => Int) : List[Int] =
if(f(fa.head) < 4) List(3) else List(4)
type Id[X] = X
case object ILikeThree extends WrongFunctor[Id, Int, Int] {
def map(fa: Int)(f: Int => Int): Int = if(fa == 3) 3 else f(fa)
Even if you do things right, you'd need for a fixed functor implementation one object per different types at which you want to use fmap. But the important point is that the second one at least makes it harder to write that kind of wrong "functors"; less non-functors will slip by:
trait Functor[F[_]] {
def map[A,B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B) : F[B]
case object ILikeThreeAgain extends Functor[Id] {
def map[A,B](fa: A)(f: A => B) : B =
??? // how do I write the above here?
The keywords here are parametricity and parametric polymorphism. The intuition is that if something is defined generically, you can derive properties it will satisfy just from the types involved. See for example Bartosz Milewski blog - Parametricity: Money for Nothing and Theorems for Free for a good explanation, or the canonical Theorems for free paper.
Follow-up question
Another follow up question: Why do we pass the argument to functor as F[_] and not as F[A] or F[B]. What cases arise when we use either F[A] or F[B]?
Because that's part of what a functor is; it is a "constructor":
for each input type A it gives you as output another type F[A]
and for each function f: A => B, another function fmap(f): F[A] => F[B] satisfying fmap(id[A]) == id[F[A]] and fmap(f andThen g) == fmap(f) andThen fmap(g)
So for 1. you need a way of representing functions on types; and that's what F[_] is.
Note that having a map method like in your signature is in this case equivalent to fmap:
trait Functor[F[_]] {
def map[A,B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B) : F[B]
def fmap[A,B](f: A => B): F[A] => F[B] =
{ fa => map(fa)(f) }
def mapAgain[A,B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B) : F[B] =
Now for how this links with real category theory:
Instances of your Functor[F[_]] trait above are meant to represent Scala-enriched functors
F: Scala → Scala
Let's unpack this.
There's a (usually implicitly defined) category Scala with objects types, and morphisms functions f: A ⇒ B. This category is cartesian closed, where the internal hom is the type A ⇒ B, and the product (A,B). We can work then with Scala-enriched categories and functors. What's a Scala-enriched category? basically one that you can define using Scala the language: you have
a set of objects (which you'd need to represent as types)
for each A,B a type C[A,B] with identities id[X]: C[X,Y] and composition andThen[X,Y,Z]: (C[X,Y], C[Y,Z]) => C[X,Z] satisfying the category axioms
Enriched functors F: C → D are then
a function from the objects of C to those of D, A -> F[A]
for each pair of objects A,B: C a morphism in Scala i.e. a function fmap: C[A,B] => C[F[A], F[B]] satisfying the functor laws fmap(id[A]) == id[F[A]] and fmap(f andThen g) == fmap(f) andThen fmap(g)
Scala is naturally enriched in itself, with Scala[X,Y] = X => Y, and enriched functors F: Scala → Scala are what instances of your Functor[F[_]] trait are meant to represent.
Of course this needs all sort of qualifications about how Scala breaks this and that, morphism equality etc. But the moral of the story is: your base language L (like Scala in this case) is likely trying to be a cartesian-closed (or at least symmetric monoidal-closed) category, and functors definable through it correspond to L-enriched functors.

Folding on Type without Monoid Instance

I'm working on this Functional Programming in Scala exercise:
// But what if our list has an element type that doesn't have a Monoid instance?
// Well, we can always map over the list to turn it into a type that does.
As I understand this exercise, it means that, if we have a Monoid of type B, but our input List is of type A, then we need to convert the List[A] to List[B], and then call foldLeft.
def foldMap[A, B](as: List[A], m: Monoid[B])(f: A => B): B = {
val bs = as.map(f)
bs.foldLeft(m.zero)((s, i) => m.op(s, i))
Does this understanding and code look right?
First I'd simplify the syntax of the body a bit:
def foldMap[A, B](as: List[A], m: Monoid[B])(f: A => B): B =
Then I'd move the monoid instance into its own implicit parameter list:
def foldMap[A, B](as: List[A])(f: A => B)(implicit m: Monoid[B]): B =
See the original "Type Classes as Objects and Implicits" paper for more detail about how Scala implements type classes using implicit parameter resolution, or this answer by Rex Kerr that I've also linked above.
Next I'd switch the order of the other two parameter lists:
def foldMap[A, B](f: A => B)(as: List[A])(implicit m: Monoid[B]): B =
In general you want to place the parameter lists containing parameters that change the least often first, in order to make partial application more useful. In this case there may only be one possible useful value of A => B for any A and B, but there are lots of values of List[A].
For example, switching the order allows us to write the following (which assumes a monoid instance for Bar):
val fooSum: List[Foo] => Bar = foldMap(fooToBar)
Finally, as a performance optimization (mentioned by stew above), you could avoid creating an intermediate list by moving the application of f into the fold:
def foldMap[A, B](f: A => B)(as: List[A])(implicit m: Monoid[B]): B =
as.foldLeft(m.zero) {
case (acc, a) => m.op(acc, f(a))
This is equivalent and more efficient, but to my eye much less clear, so I'd suggest treating it like any optimization—if you need it, use it, but think twice about whether the gains are really worth the loss of clarity.

Scala Functor and Monad differences

Can please someone explain the differences between Functor and Monad in the Scala context?
Scala itself really does not emphasize the Functor and Monad terms that much. I guess using map is the functor side, using flatMap is the Monad side.
For me looking and playing around with scalaz has been so far the best avenue to get a sense of those functional concepts in the scala context (versus the haskell context). Two years ago when I started scala, the scalaz code was gibberish to me, then a few months ago I started looking again and I realized that it's really a clean implementation of that particular style of functional programming.
For instance the Monad implementation shows that a monad is a pointed functor because it extends the Pointed trait (as well as the Applicative trait). I invite you to go look at the code. It has linking in the source itself and it's really easy to follow the links.
So functors are more general. Monads provide additional features. To get a sense of what you can do when you have a functor or when you have a monad, you can look at MA
You'll see utility methods that need an implicit functor (in particular applicative functors) such as sequence and sometime methods that needs a full monad such as replicateM.
Taking scalaz as the reference point, a type F[_] (that is, a type F which is parameterized by some single type) is a functor if a function can be lifted into it. What does this mean:
class Function1W[A, B](self: A => B) {
def lift[F[_]: Functor]: F[A] => F[B]
That is, if I have a function A => B, a functor F[_], then I now have a function F[A] => F[B]. This is really just the reverse-way of looking at scala's map method, which (ignoring the CanBuildFrom stuff) is basically:
F[A] => (A => B) => F[B]
If I have a List of Strings, a function from String to Int, then I can obviously produce a List of Ints. This goes for Option, Stream etc. They are all functors
What I find interesting about this is that you might immediately jump to the (incorrect) conclusion that a Functor is a "container" of As. This is an unnecesssary restriction. For example, think about a function X => A. If I have a function X => A and a function A => B then clearly, by composition, I have a function X => B. But now, look at it this way:
type F[Y] = X => Y //F is fixed in X
(X => A) andThen (A => B) is X => B
F[A] A => B F[B]
So the type X => A for some fixed X is also a functor. In scalaz, functor is designed as a trait as follows:
trait Functor[F[_]] { def fmap[A, B](fa: F[A], f: A => B): F[B] }
hence the Function1.lift method above is implemented
def lift[F[_]: Functor]: F[A] => F[B]
= (f: F[A]) => implicitly[Functor[F]].fmap(f, self)
A couple of functor instances:
implicit val OptionFunctor = new Functor[Option] {
def fmap[A, B](fa: Option[A], f: A => B) = fa map f
implicit def Functor1Functor[X] = new Functor[({type l[a]=X => a})#l] {
def fmap[A, B](fa: X => B, f: A => B) = f compose fa
In scalaz, a monad is designed like this:
trait Monad[M[_]] {
def pure[A](a: A): M[A] //given a value, you can lift it into the monad
def bind[A, B](ma: M[A], f: A => B): M[B]
It is not particularly obvious what the usefulness of this might be. It turns out that the answer is "very". I found Daniel Spiewak's Monads are not Metaphors extremely clear in describing why this might be and also Tony Morris's stuff on configuration via the reader monad, a good practical example of what might be meant by writing your program inside a monad.
A while ago I wrote about that: http://gabrielsw.blogspot.com/2011/08/functors-applicative-functors-and.html (I'm no expert though)
The first thing to understand is the type ' T[X] ' : It's a kind of "context" (is useful to encode things in types and with this you're "composing" them) But see the other answers :)
Ok, now you have your types inside a context, say M[A] (A "inside" M), and you have a plain function f:A=>B ... you can't just go ahead and apply it, because the function expects A and you have M[A]. You need some way to "unpack" the content of M, apply the function and "pack" it again. If you have "intimate" knowledge of the internals of M you can do it, if you generalize it in a trait you end with
trait Functor[T[_]]{
def fmap[A,B](f:A=>B)(ta:T[A]):T[B]
And that's exactly what a functor is. It transforms a T[A] into a T[B] by applying the function f.
A Monad is a mythical creature with elusive understanding and multiple metaphors, but I found it pretty easy to understand once you get the applicative functor:
Functor allow us to apply functions to things in a context. But what if the functions we want to apply are already in a context? (And is pretty easy to end in that situation if you have functions that take more than one parameter).
Now we need something like a Functor but that also takes functions already in the context and applies them to elements in the context. And that's what the applicative functor is. Here is the signature:
trait Applicative[T[_]] extends Functor[T]{
def pure[A](a:A):T[A]
def <*>[A,B](tf:T[A=>B])(ta:T[A]):T[B]
So far so good.
Now comes the monads: what if now you have a function that puts things in the context? It's signature will be g:X=>M[X] ... you can't use a functor because it expects X=>Y so we'll end with M[M[X]], you can't use the applicative functor because is expecting the function already in the context M[X=>Y] .
So we use a monad, that takes a function X=>M[X] and something already in the context M[A] and applies the function to what's inside the context, packing the result in only one context. The signature is:
trait Monad[M[_]] extends Applicative[M]{
def >>=[A,B](ma:M[A])(f:A=>M[B]):M[B]
It can be pretty abstract, but if you think on how to work with "Option" it shows you how to compose functions X=>Option[X]
EDIT: Forgot the important thing to tie it: the >>= symbol is called bind and is flatMap in Scala. (Also, as a side note, there are some laws that functors, applicatives, and monads have to follow to work properly).
The best article laying out in details those two notions is "The Essence of the Iterator Pattern " from Eric Torreborre's Blog.
trait Functor[F[_]] {
def fmap[A, B](f: A => B): F[A] => F[B]
One way of interpreting a Functor is to describe it as a computation of values of type A.
For example:
List[A] is a computation returning several values of type A (non-deterministic computation),
Option[A] is for computations that you may or may not have,
Future[A] is a computation of a value of type A that you will get later, and so on.
Another way of picturing it is as some kind of "container" for values of type A.
It is the basic layer from which you define:
PointedFunctor (to create a value of type F[A]) and
Applic (to provide a method applic, being a computed value inside the container F (F[A => B]), to apply to a value F[A]),
Applicative Functor (aggregation of an Applic and a PointedFunctor).
All three elements are used to define a Monad.