Custom hashable struct for my Dictionary - swift

I'd like to build a hashable value to be used for my dictionary's key. It should consist of a structure with two strings and an NSDate. I'm not sure I built my hashValue getter correctly below:
// MARK: comparison function for conforming to Equatable protocol
func ==(lhs: ReminderNotificationValue, rhs: ReminderNotificationValue) -> Bool {
return lhs.hashValue == rhs.hashValue
struct ReminderNotificationValue : Hashable {
var notifiedReminderName: String
var notifiedCalendarTitle: String
var notifiedReminderDueDate: NSDate
var hashValue : Int {
get {
return notifiedReminderName.hashValue &+ notifiedCalendarTitle.hashValue &+ notifiedReminderDueDate.hashValue
init(notifiedReminderName: String, notifiedCalendarTitle: String, notifiedReminderDueDate: NSDate) {
self.notifiedReminderName = notifiedReminderName
self.notifiedCalendarTitle = notifiedCalendarTitle
self.notifiedReminderDueDate = notifiedReminderDueDate
var notifications: [ReminderNotificationValue : String] = [ : ]
let val1 = ReminderNotificationValue(notifiedReminderName: "name1", notifiedCalendarTitle: "title1", notifiedReminderDueDate: NSDate())
let val2 = ReminderNotificationValue(notifiedReminderName: "name1", notifiedCalendarTitle: "title1", notifiedReminderDueDate: NSDate())
notifications[val1] = "bla1"
notifications[val2] = "bla2"
notifications[val2] // returns "bla2".
notifications[val1] // returns "bla1". But I'd like the dictionary to overwrite the value for this to "bla2" since val1 and val2 should be of equal value.

The problem is not your hashValue implementation, but the == function.
Generally, x == y implies x.hashValue == y.hashValue, but not
the other way around. Different objects can have the same hash value.
var hashValue : Int { return 1234 }
would be an ineffective, but valid hash method.
Therefore in ==, you have to compare the two objects for exact
func ==(lhs: ReminderNotificationValue, rhs: ReminderNotificationValue) -> Bool {
return lhs.notifiedReminderName == rhs.notifiedReminderName
&& lhs.notifiedCalendarTitle == rhs.notifiedCalendarTitle
&& == .OrderedSame
Another problem in your code is that the two invocations
of NSDate() create different dates, as NSDate is an absolute
point in time, represented as a floating point number with sub-second


Custom comparator for Swift

This is my code (simplified code):
struct SomeStruct {
let id: Int
let age: Int
extension SomeStruct: Hashable {
var hashValue: Int {
return id.hashValue * age.hashValue
static func ==(lhs: SomeStruct, rhs: SomeStruct) -> Bool {
return == && lhs.age == rhs.age
struct Calculator {
let struct1: [SomeStruct]
let struct2: [SomeStruct]
func uniqueById() {
let struct3 = Set(struct2).union(Set(struct1))
// I want to union it by property 'id' only.
// If the property 'id' is equal for both objects,
// the object in struct2 should be used (since that can have a different age property)
SomeStruct is a generated struct which I do not want to edit. I want to create a Set for SomeStruct that is based on 1 property: id. For that, I think I need a custom Comparator, just as Java has. Is there any Swifty way? This is the only thing I can come up with, but I am wondering if there is a better way:
struct SomeStructComparatorById: Hashable {
let someStruct: SomeStruct
var hashValue: Int {
static func ==(lhs: SomeStructComparatorById, rhs: SomeStructComparatorById) -> Bool {
return ==
First, I don't think this would work in Java. addAll() doesn't take a Comparator (nor does contains, etc.) Comparators are for sorting, not equality. Conceptually this is breaking how Set works in any language. Two items are not "equal" unless they can be swapped in all cases.
That tells us that we don't want a Set here. What you want here is uniqueness based on some key. That's a Dictionary (as Daniel discusses).
You could either just have a "id -> age" dictionary or "id -> struct-of-other-properties" dictionary as your primary data type (rather than using Array). Or you can turn your Array into a temporary Dictionary like this:
extension Dictionary {
init<S>(_ values: S, uniquelyKeyedBy keyPath: KeyPath<S.Element, Key>)
where S : Sequence, S.Element == Value {
let keys = { $0[keyPath: keyPath] }
self.init(uniqueKeysWithValues: zip(keys, values))
And merge them like this:
let dict1 = Dictionary(struct1, uniquelyKeyedBy: \.id)
let dict2 = Dictionary(struct2, uniquelyKeyedBy: \.id)
let merged = dict1.merging(dict2, uniquingKeysWith: { old, new in old }).values
This leaves merged as [SomeStruct].
Note that this Dictionary(uniquelyKeyedBy:) has the same preconditions as Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues:). If there are duplicate keys, it's a programming error and will raise precondition failure.
You could do something like this:
var setOfIds: Set<Int> = []
var struct3 = struct2.filter { setOfIds.insert($ }
struct3 += struct1.filter { setOfIds.insert($ }
The result would be an array of SomeStruct, with all elements with unique ids.
You could define this as a custom operator :
infix operator *>
func *> (lhs: [SomeStruct], rhs: [SomeStruct]) -> [SomeStruct] {
var setOfIds: Set<Int> = []
var union = lhs.filter { setOfIds.insert($ }
union += rhs.filter { setOfIds.insert($ }
return union
Your code would then look like this:
func uniqueById() {
let struct3 = struct2 *> struct1
//use struct3
The short answer is no. Swift sets do not have any way to accept a custom comparator and if you absolutely must have a Set, then your wrapper idea is the only way to do it. I question the requirement for a set though.
Instead of using Set in your calculator, I recommend using dictionary.
You can use a Dictionary to produce an array where each item has a unique ID...
let struct3 = Dictionary(grouping: struct1 + struct2, by: { $ })
.compactMap { $0.value.max(by: { $0.age < $1.age })}
Or you can keep the elements in a [Int: SomeStruct] dictionary:
let keysAndValues = (struct1 + struct2).map { ($, $0) }
let dictionary = Dictionary(keysAndValues, uniquingKeysWith: { lhs, rhs in
lhs.age > rhs.age ? lhs : rhs

Is it possible to have a range as a key in a Swift Dictionary?

For simplification. Lets say i have some unique values -> the numbers from 1 to 10
Now I want 1-5 map to the value "first" and I want 6-10 map to the value "second"
Is there a way I can create or extend a dictionary to work like the following?
let dict: [Range<Int> : String]
The goal is to have the following results:
print(dict[1]) // prints first
print(dict[2]) // prints first
print(dict[3]) // prints first
print(dict[7]) // prints second
print(dict[8]) // prints second
print(dict[9]) // prints second
The way I am currently doing it is to simply have the multiple keys map to the same value. But my dictionary can have sometimes 60k values. So I am wondering if a range can work.
I know I can make the value into a class instead of a struct so that multiple keys can map to the same class object, but I was wondering if simply creating a Dictionary that worked like above was possible?
If you insist on using Dictionary, you have to wait until Swift 3.1 (currently in beta):
extension CountableClosedRange : Hashable {
public var hashValue: Int {
return "\(lowerBound) to \(upperBound)".hashValue
// This feature is called concrete-type extension and requires Swift 3.1
extension Dictionary where Key == CountableClosedRange<Int> {
subscript(rawValue rawValue: Int) -> Value? {
for k in self.keys {
if k ~= rawValue {
return self[k]
return nil
let dict : [CountableClosedRange<Int>: String] = [
1...5: "first",
6...10: "second"
print(dict[rawValue: 1])
print(dict[rawValue: 2])
print(dict[rawValue: 3])
print(dict[rawValue: 7])
print(dict[rawValue: 8])
print(dict[rawValue: 9])
However, it's a lot clearer if you implement your own data model:
struct MyRange {
var ranges = [CountableClosedRange<Int>]()
var descriptions = [String]()
mutating func append(range: CountableClosedRange<Int>, description: String) {
// You can check for overlapping range here if you want
subscript(value: Int) -> String? {
for (i, range) in self.ranges.enumerated() {
if range ~= value {
return descriptions[i]
return nil
var range = MyRange()
range.append(range: 1...5, description: "one")
range.append(range: 6...10, description: "second")
This is in Swift 3.0, it may not be as nice as Code Different's answer though.
class MyRange: Hashable, Equatable {
public var hashValue: Int {
get {
return (self.range.lowerBound + self.range.upperBound).hashValue
var range: Range<Int>!
public static func ==(_ lhs: MyRange, _ rhs: MyRange) -> Bool {
return lhs.range == rhs.range
init(range: Range<Int>) {
self.range = range
extension Dictionary where Key: MyRange, Value: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
internal subscript(index: Int) -> [String] {
return self.filter({$0.key.range.contains(index)}).map({$0.value as! String})
Now, you can make your dictionary like so:
var dict = Dictionary<MyRange, String>()
dict[MyRange(range: 0..<5)] = "first"
dict[MyRange(range: 5..<10)] = "second"
Getting values works with Integers and Ranges:
print(dict[1]) // ["first"]
print(dict[5]) // ["second"]
print(dict[11]) // []
print(dict[MyRange(range: 0..<5)]) // "first"
print(dict[MyRange(range: 0..<6)]) // nil
The dictionary should look like this:
// [MyRange: "first", MyRange: "second"]

Swift sorting on arbitrary types

I have a Set of instances of type Thingie, and I want to provide arrays of Thingies sorted on any property of Thingie. Some of the properties are Int, for instance, while others are String, and there could be others. So I wanted to create a sort routine that accepts a string as the name of the property and compares the two properties of two thingies to determine the order.
It seemed like a job for generics, and I'm getting close, but there's a hole.
Here's where I'm at right now:
func compare<T:Comparable>(lft: T, _ rgt: T) -> Bool {
return lft < rgt
func orderBy(sortField: String) -> [Thingie] {
let allArray = (self.thingies as NSSet).allObjects as! [Thingie]
//typealias T = the type of allArray[0][sortField]
// or maybe create an alias that conforms to a protocol:
//typealias T:Comparable = ?
return allArray.sort({(a, b) -> Bool in
return[sortField] as! T, b[sortField] as! T)
I created a compare function using generics, and invoke it in my sort routine. The catch is that AnyObject! will not work for my generic, so I need to cast the values returned from a[sortField] and b[sortField] to be of the same type. It doesn't even really matter what type as long as the compiler is happy that both values are of the same type and that it implements the Comparable protocol.
I figured a typealias would do the trick, but maybe there's a better way?
Side question: surely there's a better way to create the initial, unsorted array from the set without resorting to NSSet. A little hint would be welcome. [Solved that bit! Thanks, Oliver Atkinson!]
Here's a big 'ol chunk of code you can paste into a playground. It has three attempts at the orderBy implementation, each with a problem.
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Foundation
class Thingie: Hashable {
var data: [String: AnyObject]
var hashValue: Int
init(data: [String: AnyObject]) { = data
self.hashValue = (data["id"])!.hashValue
subscript(propName: String) -> AnyObject! {
func ==(lhs: Thingie, rhs: Thingie) -> Bool {
return lhs.hashValue == rhs.hashValue
var thingies: Set = Set<Thingie>()
thingies.insert(Thingie(data: ["id": 2, "description": "two"]));
thingies.insert(Thingie(data: ["id": 11, "description": "eleven"]));
// attempt 1
// won't compile because '<' won't work when type is ambiguous e.g., AnyObject
func orderByField1(sortField: String) -> [Thingie] {
return thingies.sort { $0[sortField] < $1[sortField] }
// compare function that promises the compiler that the operands for < will be of the same type:
func compare<T:Comparable>(lft: T, _ rgt: T) -> Bool {
return lft < rgt
// attempt 2
// This compiles but will bomb at runtime if Thingie[sortField] is not a string
func orderByField2(sortField: String) -> [Thingie] {
return thingies.sort { compare($0[sortField] as! String, $1[sortField] as! String) }
// attempt 3
// Something like this would be ideal, but protocol Comparable can't be used like this.
// I suspect the underlying reason that Comparable can't be used as a type is the same thing preventing me from making this work.
func orderByField3(sortField: String) -> [Thingie] {
return thingies.sort { compare($0[sortField] as! Comparable, $1[sortField] as! Comparable) }
// tests - can't run until a compiling candidate is written, of course
// should return array with thingie id=2 first:
var thingieList: Array = orderByField2("id");
// should return array with thingie id=11 first:
var thingieList2: Array = orderByField2("description");
My previous answer, though it works, does not make the most of the Swift's excellent type checker. It also switches between the types that can be used in one centralised place which limits extensibility to the framework owner.
The following approach solves these issues. (Please forgive me for not having the heart to delete my previous answer; let us say that it's limitations are instructive...)
As before, we'll start with the target API:
struct Thing : ThingType {
let properties: [String:Sortable]
subscript(key: String) -> Sortable? {
return properties[key]
let data: [[String:Sortable]] = [
["id": 1, "description": "one"],
["id": 2, "description": "two"],
["id": 3, "description": "three"],
["id": 4, "description": "four"],
["id": 4, "description": "four"]
var things =
.map{ $0["id"]! } // [1, 2, 3, 4]
.map{ $0["description"]! } // ["four", "one", "three", "two"]
To make this possible we must have this ThingType protocol and an extension to mutable collections (which will work for sets as well as arrays):
protocol ThingType {
subscript(_: String) -> Sortable? { get }
extension MutableCollectionType
where Index : RandomAccessIndexType, Generator.Element : ThingType
mutating func sortInPlaceBy(key: String, ascending: Bool = true) {
sortInPlace {
guard let lhs = $0[key], let rhs = $1[key] else {
return false // TODO: nil handling
guard let b = (try? lhs.isOrderedBefore(rhs, ascending: ascending)) else {
return false // TODO: handle SortableError
return b
Evidently, the whole idea revolves around this Sortable protocol:
protocol Sortable {
func isOrderedBefore(_: Sortable, ascending: Bool) throws -> Bool
... which can be conformed to independently by any type we want to work with:
import Foundation
extension NSNumber : Sortable {
func isOrderedBefore(other: Sortable, ascending: Bool) throws -> Bool {
try throwIfTypeNotEqualTo(other)
let f: (Double, Double) -> Bool = ascending ? (<) : (>)
return f(doubleValue, (other as! NSNumber).doubleValue)
extension NSString : Sortable {
func isOrderedBefore(other: Sortable, ascending: Bool) throws -> Bool {
try throwIfTypeNotEqualTo(other)
let f: (String, String) -> Bool = ascending ? (<) : (>)
return f(self as String, other as! String)
// TODO: make more types Sortable (including those that do not conform to NSObject or even AnyObject)!
This throwIfTypeNotEqualTo method is just a convenience extension of Sortable:
enum SortableError : ErrorType {
case TypesNotEqual
extension Sortable {
func throwIfTypeNotEqualTo(other: Sortable) throws {
guard other.dynamicType == self.dynamicType else {
throw SortableError.TypesNotEqual
And that's it. Now we can conform new types to Sortable even outside of the framework and the type checker is validating our [[String:Sortable]] source data at compile time. Also, if Thing is extended to conform to Hashable then Set<Thing> will also be sortable by key...
Note that, although Sortable is itself unconstrained (which is awesome), source data and Thing's properties can be constrained to dictionaries with NSObject or AnyObject values if required by making use of a protocol like:
protocol SortableNSObjectType : Sortable, NSObjectProtocol { }
... or more directly by declaring data and Thing's properties as:
let _: [String : protocol<Sortable, NSObjectProtocol>]
I don't know the implementation of Thingie but maybe you could provide more context.
You could however go for something like this
func orderBy(sortField: String) -> [Thingie] {
return { $0 as! Thingie }.sort { $0[sortField] < $1[sortField] }
If you could provide a playground example so I can provide further help.
Also why did you use NSSet rather than a swift Set? would that give you what you want
let thingies: Set = Set<Thingie>()
func orderBy(sortField: String) -> [Thingie] {
return thingies.sort { $0[sortField] < $1[sortField] }
The trouble is with swift's type safety - it requires you to know what types you are dealing with so that it can compile correctly - if you specify the actual type when you want to order the field you can get it to work as expected.
func orderByField<T: Comparable>(sortField: String, type: T.Type) -> [Thingie] {
return thingies.sort { ($0[sortField] as? T) < ($1[sortField] as? T) }
var thingieList: Array = orderByField("id", type: Int.self);
var thingieList2: Array = orderByField("description", type: String.self);
The above will print 2 then 11 - if you wanted to get around this you could store your objects in a different struct and then you can sort the array of 'Things' on the variable.
struct Thing {
let id: Int
let description: String
var data: [Thing] = [
Thing(id: 2, description: "two"),
Thing(id: 11, description: "eleven")
let first = data.sort { $ < $ }.first?.id
let second = data.sort { $0.description < $1.description }.first?.id
Which would achieve the same thing - 2 and 11
I would advise against using AnyObject where possible as its trying to cheat the compiler into telling it you don't care for its help.
Its an interesting problem though and I hope this helps you towards your solution.
I will start with the target API (ignoring conformance to Hashable as its addition wont change anything in what follows). So, let's say we'd like to be able to write the following:
var thingies = [
["id": 1, "description": "one"],
["id": 2, "description": "two"],
["id": 3, "description": "three"],
["id": 4, "description": "four"]
thingies.sortInPlace{ $0["id"] < $1["id"] }
... and even:
.map{ $0["id"]!.value } // [1, 2, 3, 4]
.map{ $0["description"]!.value } // ["four", "one", "three", "two"]
Obviously, we'd need an extension of MutableCollectionType protocol along the lines of:
protocol ThingieDatumSubscriptable {
subscript(_: String) -> ThingieDatum? { get }
extension Thingie : ThingieDatumSubscriptable {}
extension MutableCollectionType
where Index : RandomAccessIndexType, Generator.Element : ThingieDatumSubscriptable
mutating func sortInPlaceBy(datumName: String, ascending: Bool = true) {
let f: (ThingieDatum?, ThingieDatum?) -> Bool = ascending ? (<) : (>)
sortInPlace{ f($0[datumName], $1[datumName]) }
This ThingieDatum would then be something like:
import Foundation
struct ThingieDatum : Comparable {
let type: AnyObject.Type
let value: AnyObject
let name: String
init(keyValuePair: (String, AnyObject)) {
name = keyValuePair.0
value = keyValuePair.1
type = keyValuePair.1.dynamicType
... and its conformance to Comparable implemented in some sort of pedestrian way as follows (unless we introduce more protocols):
func == (lhs: ThingieDatum, rhs: ThingieDatum) -> Bool {
guard == && lhs.type == rhs.type else {
return false
switch lhs.type {
// TODO: implement for other types
case is NSNumber.Type: return lhs.value as! NSNumber == rhs.value as! NSNumber
case is NSString.Type: return (lhs.value as! String) == (rhs.value as! String)
default: break
return false
func < (lhs: ThingieDatum, rhs: ThingieDatum) -> Bool {
assert( == && lhs.type == rhs.type)
switch lhs.type {
// TODO: implement for other types
case is NSNumber.Type: return (lhs.value as! NSNumber).doubleValue < (rhs.value as! NSNumber).doubleValue
case is NSString.Type: return (lhs.value as! String) < (rhs.value as! String)
default: break
return false
Armed with such a ThingieDatum we can finally work out the Thingie itself:
struct Thingie {
var data: [ThingieDatum]
init(_ data: [String: AnyObject]) { =
subscript(datumName: String) -> ThingieDatum? {
for datum in data where == datumName {
return datum
return nil
And although this is, of course, all meant as a fun exercise, it does work (copy and paste into the playground if you can work our the correct order of snippets)... To take this idea further, however, we would probably want to constrain ThingiDatum initialiser to a custom protocol (rather than AnyObject), which would guarantee comparability. We would then conform to that protocol with each type we want to work with instead of switching through those types in one centralised place...

Case insensitive Dictionary in Swift

Given a Dictionary whose Key is of type String, is there a way to access the value in a case-insensitive manner? For example:
let dict = [
"name": "John",
"location": "Chicago"
Is there a way to call dict["NAME"], dict["nAmE"], etc. and stil get "John"?
A cleaner approach, swift 4:
extension Dictionary where Key == String {
subscript(caseInsensitive key: Key) -> Value? {
get {
if let k = keys.first(where: { $0.caseInsensitiveCompare(key) == .orderedSame }) {
return self[k]
return nil
set {
if let k = keys.first(where: { $0.caseInsensitiveCompare(key) == .orderedSame }) {
self[k] = newValue
} else {
self[key] = newValue
// Usage:
var dict = ["name": "John"]
dict[caseInsensitive: "NAME"] = "David" // overwrites "name" value
print(dict[caseInsensitive: "name"]!) // outputs "David"
Swift support multiple subscripting so you can take advantage of that to define a case-insensitve accessor:
extension Dictionary where Key : StringLiteralConvertible {
subscript(ci key : Key) -> Value? {
get {
let searchKey = String(key).lowercaseString
for k in self.keys {
let lowerK = String(k).lowercaseString
if searchKey == lowerK {
return self[k]
return nil
// Usage:
let dict = [
"name": "John",
"location": "Chicago",
print(dict[ci: "NAME"]) // John
print(dict[ci: "lOcAtIoN"]) // Chicago
This extension is limited to Dictionary whose Key is of type String (as lowercase is meaningless with other data types). However, Swift will complain about constraining a generic type to a struct. The protocol that is closest to String is StringLiteralConvertible.
Note that if you have 2 keys whose lowercase forms are identical, there's no guarantee which one you will get back:
let dict = [
"name": "John",
"NAME": "David",
print(dict[ci: "name"]) // no guarantee that you will get David or John.
The existing answers are fine, but the time complexity of lookups/insertions with those strategies deteriorates from O(1) to O(N) (where N is the number of objects in the dictionary).
To retain O(1) you may want to consider the following approach:
/// Wrapper around String which uses case-insensitive implementations for Hashable
public struct CaseInsensitiveString: Hashable, LosslessStringConvertible, ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
public typealias StringLiteralType = String
private let value: String
private let caseInsensitiveValue: String
public init(stringLiteral: String) {
self.value = stringLiteral
self.caseInsensitiveValue = stringLiteral.lowercased()
public init?(_ description: String) {
self.init(stringLiteral: description)
public var hashValue: Int {
return self.caseInsensitiveValue.hashValue
public static func == (lhs: CaseInsensitiveString, rhs: CaseInsensitiveString) -> Bool {
return lhs.caseInsensitiveValue == rhs.caseInsensitiveValue
public var description: String {
return value
var dict = [CaseInsensitiveString: String]()
dict["name"] = "John"
dict["NAME"] = "David" // overwrites "name" value
print(dict["name"]!) // outputs "David"
can use Collection's first(where:) to find first lowercased match from all keys mapped lowercased, then return the value from this result.
extension Dictionary where Key == String {
func valueForKeyInsensitive<T>(key: Key) -> T? {
let foundKey = self.keys.first { $, options: .caseInsensitive) == .orderedSame } ?? key
return self[foundKey] as? T
first(where:) is a much efficient way to filter or iterate over the large collection
This should do the job with O(1) while also not allowing to add the same string with different casing (e.g. if you first insert Def it is not replaced by DEF). It also works for Substring if necessary. Note, that this solution is more memory effective, but comes at the cost at recomputing the string transformation and hash on every lookup of a string. If you need to look-up the same value frequently it might be worth to have an implementation which caches the hashValue.
struct CaseInsensitiveString<T: StringProtocol>: Hashable, Equatable, CustomStringConvertible {
var string: T
init(_ string: T) {
self.string = string
var description: String { get {
return string.description
var hashValue: Int { get {
} }
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return, options: .caseInsensitive) == .orderedSame
typealias SubstringCI = CaseInsensitiveString<String>
var codeMap = [SubstringCI: Int]()
let test = "Abc Def Ghi"
let testsub = test[test.firstIndex(of: "D")!...test.lastIndex(of: "f")!]
codeMap[SubstringCI(String(testsub))] = 1
print(codeMap.keys, codeMap[SubstringCI("Def")]!, codeMap[SubstringCI("def")]!)
codeMap[SubstringCI("DEF")] = 1
print(codeMap.keys, codeMap[SubstringCI("Def")]!, codeMap[SubstringCI("def")]!)

Compare value and return a bool in Swift

I am converting my code from Objective-C to Swift. I declared a function to compare values of two properties and return a Bool.
And I am confused about why this code not work in Swift.
private var currentLineRange: NSRange?
var location: UInt?
func atBeginningOfLine() -> Bool {
return self.location! == self.currentLineRange?.location ? true : false
Compiler gave me an error:
Could not find an overload for == that accepts the supplied arguments
You have two optional values and you want to check if they’re equal. There is a version of == for comparing two optionals – but they need to be of the same type.
The main problem here is that you are comparing NSRange.location, which is a Int, with location, which is a UInt. If you tried to do this even without the complication of the optionals, you’d get an error:
let ui: UInt = 1
let i: Int = 1
// error: binary operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of
// type 'Int' and ‘UInt'
i == ui
There’s two ways you can go. Either change location to be an Int, and you’ll be able to use the optional ==:
private var currentLineRange: NSRange?
var location: Int?
func atBeginningOfLine() -> Bool {
// both optionals contain Int, so you can use == on them:
return location == currentLineRange?.location
Or, if location really does need to be a UInt for some other reason, map one of the optionals to the type of the other to compare them:
private var currentLineRange: NSRange?
var location: UInt?
func atBeginningOfLine() -> Bool {
return { Int($0) } == currentLineRange?.location
One thing to be careful of – nil is equal to nil. So if you don’t want this (depends on the logic you’re going for), you need to code for it explicitly:
func atBeginningOfLine() -> Bool {
if let location = location, currentLineRange = currentLineRange {
// assuming you want to stick with the UInt
return Int(location) == currentLineRange.location
return false // if either or both are nil
Swift has operator overloading, so == is a function. You have to define a function that takes your two types.
If you remove the UInt it works:
class Document {
private var currentLineRange: NSRange?
var location: Int?
func atBeginningOfLine() -> Bool {
if let currentLocation = self.location, lineRange = self.currentLineRange {
return currentLocation=lineRange?.location
} else {
return false
Modified to be null safe.