Bag of feature: how to create the query histogram? - cluster-analysis

I'm trying to implement the Bag of Features model.
Given a descriptors matrix object (representing an image) belonging to the initial dataset, compute its histogram is easy, since we already know to which cluster each descriptor vector belongs to from k-means.
But what about if we want to compute the histogram of a query matrix? The only solution that crosses my mind is to compute the distance between each vector descriptor to each of the k cluster centroids.
This can be inefficient: supposing that k=100 (so 100 centroids), then we have an query image represented through 1000 SIFT descriptors, so a matrix 1000x100.
What we have to do now is computing 1000 * 100 eucledian distances in 128 dimensions. This seems really inefficient.
How to solve this problem?
NOTE: can you suggest me some implementations where this point is explained?
NOTE: I know LSH is a solution (since we are using high-dim vectors), but I don't think that actual implementations use it.
I was talking with a collegue of mine: using a hierarchical cluster approach instead of classic k-means, should speed up the process so much! Is it correct to say that if we have k centroids, with an hierarchical cluster we have to do only log(k) comparisons in order to find the closest centroid instead of k comparisons?

For a bag of features approach, you indeed need to quantize the descriptors. Yes, if you have 10000 features and 100 features that 10000*100 distances (unless you use an index here).
Compare this to comparing each of the 10000 features to each of the 10000 features of each image in your database. Does it still sound that bad?


Self-Organizing Maps

I have a question on self-organizing maps:
But first, here is my approach on implementing one:
The som neurons are stored in a basic array. Each neuron consists of a vector (another array of the size of the input neurons) of double values which are initialized to a random value.
As far as I understand the algorithm, this is actually all I need to implement it.
So, for the training I choose a sample of the training data at random an calculate the BMU using the Euclidian distance of sample's values and the neuron weights.
Afterwards I update it's weights and all other neurons in it's range depending on the neighborhood function and the learning rate.
Then, I decrease the neighborhood function and the learning rate.
This is done until a fixed amount of iterations.
My question is now: How do I determine the clusters after the training? My approach so far is to present a new input vector and calculate the min Euclidian distance between it and the BMU . But this seems a little naive to me. I'm sure that I've missed something.
There is no single correct way of doing that. As you noted, finding the BMU is one of them and the only one that makes sense if you just want to find the most similar cluster.
If you want to reconstruct your input vector, returning the BMU prototype works too, but may not be very precise (it is equivalent to the Nearest Neighbor rule or 1NN). Then you need to interpolate between neurons to find a better reconstruction. This could be done by weighting each neuron inversely proportional to their distance to the input vector and then computing the weighted average (this is equivalent to weighted KNN). You can also restrict this interpolation only to the BMU's neighbors, which will work faster and may give better results (this would be weighted 5NN). This technique was used here: The Continuous Interpolating Self-organizing Map.
You can see and experiment with those different options here: (not a SOM, but a close cousin). Click "Apply" to do regression on a curve using the reconstructed vectors, then check "Draw Regression" and try the different options.
BTW, the description of your implementation is correct.
A pretty common approach nowadays is the soft subspace clustering, where feature weights are added to find the most relevant features. You can use these weights to increase performance and improve the BMU calculation with euclidean distance.

Comparing k-means clustering

I have 150 images, 15 each of 10 different people. So basically I know which image should belong together, if clustered.
These images are of 73 dimensions (feature-vector) and I clustered them into 10 clusters using kmeans function in matlab.
Later, I processed these 150 data points and reduced its dimension from 73 to 3 for my work and applied the same kmeans function on them.
I want to compare the results obtained on these data sets (processed and unprocessed) by applying the same k-means function and wish to know if the processing which reduced it to lower dimension improves the kmeans clustering or not.
I thought comparing the variance of each cluster can be one parameter for comparison, however I am not sure if I can directly compare and evaluate my results (within cluster sum of distances etc.) as both the cases are of different dimension. Could anyone please suggest a way where I can compare the kmean results, some way to normalize them or any other comparison that I can make?
I can think of three options. I am unaware of any well developed methodology to do this specifically with K-means clustering.
Look at the confusion matrices between the two approaches.
Compare the mahalanobis distances between the clusters, and between items in clusters to their nearest other clusters.
Look at the Vornoi cells and see how far your points are from the boundaries of the cells.
The problem with 3, is the distance metrics get skewed, 3D distance vs. 73D distances are not commensurate, so I'm not a fan of that approach. I'd recommend reading some books on K-means if you are adamant of that path, rank speculation is fun, but standing on the shoulders of giants is better.

Hierarchical Cluster Analysis in Cluster 3.0

I'm new to this site as well as new to cluster analysis, so I apologize if I violate conventions.
I've been using Cluster 3.0 to perform Hierarchical Cluster Analysis with Euclidean Distance and Average linkage. Cluster 3.0 outputs a .gtr file with a node joining a gene and their similarity score. I've noticed that the first line in the .gtr file always links a gene with another gene followed by the similarity score. But, how do I reproduce this similarity score?
In my data set, I have 8 genes and create a distance matrix where d_{ij} contains the Euclidian distance between gene i and gene j. Then I normalize the matrix by dividing each element by the max value in the matrix. To get the similarity matrix, I subtract all the elements from 1. However, my result does not use the linkage type and differs from the output similarity score.
I am mainly confused how linkages affect the similarity of the first node (the joining of the two closest genes) and how to compute the similarity score.
Thank you!
The algorithm compares clusters using some linkage method, not data points. However, in the first iteration of the algorithm each data point forms its own cluster; this means that your linkage method is actually reduced to the metric you use to measure the distance between data points (for your case Euclidean distance). For subsequent iterations, the distance between clusters will be measured according to your linkage method, which in your case is average link. For two clusters A and B, this is calculated as follows:
where d(a,b) is the Euclidean distance between the two data points. Convince yourself that when A and B contain just one data point (as in the first iteration) this equation reduces itself to d(a,b). I hope this makes things a bit more clear. If not, please provide more details of what exactly you want to do.

Clustering: a training dataset of variable data dimensions

I have a dataset of n data, where each data is represented by a set of extracted features. Generally, the clustering algorithms need that all input data have the same dimensions (the same number of features), that is, the input data X is a n*d matrix of n data points each of which has d features.
In my case, I've previously extracted some features from my data but the number of extracted features for each data is most likely to be different (I mean, I have a dataset X where data points have not the same number of features).
Is there any way to adapt them, in order to cluster them using some common clustering algorithms requiring data to be of the same dimensions.
Sounds like the problem you have is that it's a 'sparse' data set. There are generally two options.
Reduce the dimensionality of the input data set using multi-dimensional scaling techniques. For example Sparse SVD (e.g. Lanczos algorithm) or sparse PCA. Then apply traditional clustering on the dense lower dimensional outputs.
Directly apply a sparse clustering algorithm, such as sparse k-mean. Note you can probably find a PDF of this paper if you look hard enough online (try
[Updated after problem clarification]
In the problem, a handwritten word is analyzed visually for connected components (lines). For each component, a fixed number of multi-dimensional features is extracted. We need to cluster the words, each of which may have one or more connected components.
Suggested solution:
Classify the connected components first, into 1000(*) unique component classifications. Then classify the words against the classified components they contain (a sparse problem described above).
*Note, the exact number of component classifications you choose doesn't really matter as long as it's high enough as the MDS analysis will reduce them to the essential 'orthogonal' classifications.
There are also clustering algorithms such as DBSCAN that in fact do not care about your data. All this algorithm needs is a distance function. So if you can specify a distance function for your features, then you can use DBSCAN (or OPTICS, which is an extension of DBSCAN, that doesn't need the epsilon parameter).
So the key question here is how you want to compare your features. This doesn't have much to do with clustering, and is highly domain dependant. If your features are e.g. word occurrences, Cosine distance is a good choice (using 0s for non-present features). But if you e.g. have a set of SIFT keypoints extracted from a picture, there is no obvious way to relate the different features with each other efficiently, as there is no order to the features (so one could compare the first keypoint with the first keypoint etc.) A possible approach here is to derive another - uniform - set of features. Typically, bag of words features are used for such a situation. For images, this is also known as visual words. Essentially, you first cluster the sub-features to obtain a limited vocabulary. Then you can assign each of the original objects a "text" composed of these "words" and use a distance function such as cosine distance on them.
I see two options here:
Restrict yourself to those features for which all your data-points have a value.
See if you can generate sensible default values for missing features.
However, if possible, you should probably resample all your data-points, so that they all have values for all features.

How can I perform K-means clustering on time series data?

How can I do K-means clustering of time series data?
I understand how this works when the input data is a set of points, but I don't know how to cluster a time series with 1XM, where M is the data length. In particular, I'm not sure how to update the mean of the cluster for time series data.
I have a set of labelled time series, and I want to use the K-means algorithm to check whether I will get back a similar label or not. My X matrix will be N X M, where N is number of time series and M is data length as mentioned above.
Does anyone know how to do this? For example, how could I modify this k-means MATLAB code so that it would work for time series data? Also, I would like to be able to use different distance metrics besides Euclidean distance.
To better illustrate my doubts, here is the code I modified for time series data:
% Check if second input is centroids
if ~isscalar(k)
c=X(ceil(rand(k,1)*n),:); % assign centroid randomly at start
% allocating variables
% Main loop converge if previous partition is the same as current
while any(g0~=gIdx)
% disp(sum(g0~=gIdx))
% Loop for each centroid
for t=1:k
% d=zeros(n,1);
% Loop for each dimension
for s=1:n
D(s,t) = sqrt(sum((X(s,:)-c(t,:)).^2));
% Partition data to closest centroids
% Update centroids using means of partitions
for t=1:k
% Is this how we calculate new mean of the time series?
Time series are usually high-dimensional. And you need specialized distance function to compare them for similarity. Plus, there might be outliers.
k-means is designed for low-dimensional spaces with a (meaningful) euclidean distance. It is not very robust towards outliers, as it puts squared weight on them.
Doesn't sound like a good idea to me to use k-means on time series data. Try looking into more modern, robust clustering algorithms. Many will allow you to use arbitrary distance functions, including time series distances such as DTW.
It's probably too late for an answer, but:
k-means can be used to cluster longitudinal data
Anony-Mousse is right, DWT distance is the way to go for time series
The methods above use R. You'll find more methods by looking, e.g., for "Iterative Incremental Clustering of Time Series".
I have recently come across the kml R package which claims to implement k-means clustering for longitudinal data. I have not tried it out myself.
Also the Time-series clustering - A decade review paper by S. Aghabozorgi, A. S. Shirkhorshidi and T. Ying Wah might be useful to you to seek out alternatives. Another nice paper although somewhat dated is Clustering of time series data-a survey by T. Warren Liao.
If you did really want to use clustering, then dependent on your application you could generate a low dimensional feature vector for each time series. For example, use time series mean, standard deviation, dominant frequency from a Fourier transform etc. This would be suitable for use with k-means, but whether it would give you useful results is dependent on your specific application and the content of your time series.
I don't think k-means is the right way for it either. As #Anony-Mousse suggested you can utilize DTW. In fact, I had the same problem for one of my projects and I wrote my own class for that in Python. The logic is;
Create your all cluster combinations. k is for cluster count and n is for number of series. The number of items returned should be n! / k! / (n-k)!. These would be something like potential centers.
For each series, calculate distances for each center in each cluster groups and assign it to the minimum one.
For each cluster groups, calculate total distance within individual clusters.
Choose the minimum.
And, the Python implementation is here if you're interested.