Why doesn't Scala IDE recognise my Scala packages? - eclipse

I have a project containing our Gatling performance tests. I've imported the Maven project into Scala IDE, and I can see that the project has a Scala nature.
However, when I look at the package tree in the package explorer (it's located in src/test/scala), I see the regular folder hierarchy instead of it being flattened by package:
Furthermore, automatic imports, ctrl+click and basically every other IDE feature do not work.
What would I have to configure?
(I'm not that familiar with both Scala and Maven, so I'm not quite sure what other info is relevant here - do enlighten me if I missed anything.)

Right Click -> Build Path -> Use as Source Folder.
Any folder can become a source folder by adding it to the Java build path. Build path is basically "stuff" (jars, files and folders) that compiler will consider when compiling your source files.


How to find or add build.sbt file to existing Eclipse project?

I need the ability to parse XML files in Scala for a regression modelling project of mine. It seems that there is no longer a scala.xml package ready form the get-go so we need it externally. Solution seems to be the project scala.xml from GitHub: https://github.com/scala/scala-xml
Thing is, in order for me to get the JAR file to Eclipse it seems I need to use sbt. I have sbt installed but the regression modelling project was originally made in Eclipse by File -> New -> Scala Project.
Last time I used sbt was when I tried to get ScalaFX to work in Eclipse. I then understood why they changed the name from Simple Build Tools to Scala Build Tools. It was pure hell to get the JAR file (which I did not get by using sbt).
The only way to get the library scala.xml in Scala version 2.12 is via sbt. So now the situation is that I need to make modifications to sbt.build file which doesn't (?) exist in the Eclipse project as the project wasn't made using sbt. How do I do this?
Answering to my own question for anyone having this same problem:
You can make a Git project into a JAR file really easily. What you need is git commands and sbt installed. Here's what you do
i) Open up any directory. Preferably make a new directory with descriptive name.
ii) Go to the Git project you want, click the green box "Clone or download" and copy the url.
iii) Open console, go to the directory you want the project and type git clone _ where _ is the url of the project.
iv) Once the project is cloned open it with console.
v) Type sbt and wait until sbt sets everything up.
vi) Depending on the Scala version you want to use you can do it now after compiling.
vii) Type compile and wait for the sbt to compile.
viii) Once compiling is done type package and you have the JAR file in the projects target directory. After compiling path is shown in the console.

Scala script highlighting in intellij

I've got a rather large project set up in intellij. The project uses scala scripts to specify various instances of the program.
It used to be the case that the scala scripts were in a resources directory of the project, but, this is not ideal. I've moved them, so my project looks like this (the idea is, ultimately, to move them away completely)
+Project root
[Scripts were here]
[scripts are now here]
but now intellij syntax highlighting does not recognise the scripted imports relating to the project. Is there some way of getting intellij to recognise the dependency of these scripts without going back to a module structure and the src/main/resources folder?
Define scripts as a source folder:
File > Project Structure > Modules > Sources
and mark scripts as Sources (blue icon).
You can find more info on IntelliJ WebHelp.

Sbt's gen-idea always creates two IntelliJ projects

I am new to SBT. Just be curious that why does sbt's gen-idea always generate two IntelliJ projects:
When I open the generated project, the "project" directory is always there as a separate project different with the top level project. The name is "myproject-build".
Just wondering whether this is normal?
Yes this is normal, this is the default behavior. You can change it by excluding some folders (see the doc available here : https://github.com/mpeltonen/sbt-idea at Exclude some folders)
So what is the difference between .idea and .idea_modules?
.idea_module generates an IDEA module while .idea generates an IDEA project.
In short a project can be multi-module or single-module and also contains IntelliJ libraries.
In longer version from the doc (http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/IDEADEV/Structure+of+IntelliJ+IDEA+Project)
In IntelliJ IDEA, a project encapsulates all your source code,
libraries, build instructions into a single organizational unit.
Everything you do in IntelliJ IDEA, is done within the context of a
project. A project defines some collections referred to as modules and
libraries. Depending on the logical and functional requirements to the
project, you can create a single-module or a multi-module project.
A module is a discrete unit of functionality that can be run, tested,
and debugged independently. Modules includes such things as source
code, build scripts, unit tests, deployment descriptors, etc. In the
project, each module can use a specific SDK or inherit SDK defined on
the project level (see the SDK section later in this document). A
module can depend on other modules of the project.
Yes, it is ok for that SBT plugin for IDEA.
Usually IDEA project consists of top-level .idea directory (which contains configuration common to the project) and several *.iml files, one for each module in the project (module-specific configuration, like facets, excluded directories, custom dependencies). These files are usually located in the top-level directories of corresponding modules.
On the other hand, SBT plugin does something unusual. It creates standard .idea directory, but it stores all project modules in one location, namely .idea_modules directory in the top-level directory of the project. This is fully supported by IDEA project structure, which is a set of XMLs after all.
As for project directory/module, it is a standard feature of SBT builds. It contains your build configuration. See SBT manual on this.
The foregoing was about SBT plugin which is currently present in plugins repo. There is an official SBT plugin in active development which keeps familiar modules structure (no .idea_modules directory) and has higher integration with SBT. The latter is most prominent in dependency management - official plugin extracts dependencies, even unmanaged, and makes them available for the IDE; current SBT plugin cannot do that.

How to run scala code on Intellij Idea 11?

I am new to intellij idea and I decided to shift because I found the scala plugin on eclipse to be annoyingly buggy.
But, intellij idea, which I have heard to be very good, looks difficult to use.
I looked through the getting started with scala plugin page but couldn't find documentation specific to the latest version of lightweight ide of intellij idea 11 for scala.
I have created a project and made a hello world object in scala but I am not able to run it.
On trying to run it, it shows the scala interpreter (type in expressions to get them evaluated).
I don't exactly understand what changes to make in the project structure to be able to run scala code. As of now, i added the jsdk to point to my $JAVA_HOME and the scala library is also added. The scala plugin is also working in that syntax highlighting etc is fine.
The intellij idea user interface is also not very friendly and I don't get how to run the code. What modules am I supposed to add? Also, does compiled scala code run with jvm?
I'll be grateful to anyone who helps out.. I have been putting off writing scala code because I am not able to find THE IDE.
EDIT: Thanks for all the help! I am now able to run a basic scala program. I am trying to add external jars. What is the equivalent of doing Project right click-> Configure Build Path -> adding external jar files in eclipse? I tried adding "dependencies " under modules tab in project structure. It's adding the jar files but somehow the classes in the jar files are not still recognised.
With the Scala plugin installed either
A. Create a new project and select the Scala facet in the creation phase. It will create the Scala library lib and Scala compiler lib and setup the facet for you
B. If you already have a project. Go to Project Structure -> Modules and right click the module and go Add facet and add a Scala facet. Now you need to add scala-library.jar as a library of the module and go into the Scala facet and point it to a library containing scala-compiler.jar
Some more information
this is what your module should look like under project settings
select the Scala facet and this is what you should see (Library name for the compiler is unimportant as long as it says (version xxx) next to the library name
these are the jar files in my scala-compiler lib
and these are the jar files in my scala-library lib
With everything setup like that you should be able to right click -> new Scala class (Select object from the dropdown) in a source directory and add
def main(args:Array[String]) {
println("Hello world")
then right click on the class and select Run Classnam.main() and IntelliJ will setup a run configuration for you.
Edit: I can see someone posted somewhat the same I want to say here. I hope this can give a few more in-depths hints, so I will post it anyway :-)
If you would like to run Scala native in IntelliJ (I shifted to IntelliJ and still can't get my hands down) you need to make sure a few things are in order. Most of this happens under File -> Project Structure which requires you to create a project (when you get a hang of it, it is much more logical than Eclipse -- and Netbeans for that matter). I am also assuming you have selected a jdk, but this can also be done in the Project Structure.
Now, to Scala:
Make sure you have the Scala plugin. Visit the Settings (File -> Settings; can also be found at the start-up screen) and locate 'Plugins' (for me it's nr. 8 from the bottom). Under "Browse Repositories" you should be able to search for "scala", find and install a plugin.
1 A. If no plugins pops up you are probably using a version of intellij where scala is not (yet) supported. If that happens you can go to the homepage for the plugin and download the nightly build.
Import Scala as a library in File -> Project Structure -> Global Libraries. Click the plus sign, select Java (Scala is a Java-lib), browse to your scala-dir (which can be downloaded here: http://plugins.intellij.net/plugin/?id=1347) and select the lib directory. Press ok and you should see the library popping up on the list.
Make sure the facet (Scala framework) is in place. Goto File -> Project Structure -> Facets. Click on the plus-sign and find Scala. A sublink should appear (if not double-click the Scala link). Clicking the sublink make sure you have selected a compiler before continuing. This should be provided by the modules selected before. I normally use FSC (Fast Scala Compiler) but it's probably a good idea to test the basic settings before experimenting.
Make sure the Scala Module is in place. In Project Structure -> Modules click on the module you want to compile in scala and click the plus icon above and select Scala. Again be sure to select a compiler library.
If you want to, setup configurations for the compiler under the facet
Use sbt with sbt-idea plugin to generate idea project files for complex projects.
For simple projects.
Add scala nature to the project, and you can right click and run any file extending App.
A good walk-through on how to set up a Scala project in Intellij is located here:

cmake, add_subdirectory without adding it to the generated project file?

I have a project that is build with cmake. In my cmakelists I have a
to build the dependency "foo" which has it's own cmakelists.
Now it is so that also the whole foo sources and headers are included in the generated Project file (I'm using Eclipse). But all I want is to only have my project available in Eclipse (Eclipse has problems with subprojects in the same folder structure).
So that the cmakelists from "foo" is only used to build "foo" automatically and link it to my project. I don't want to see it in my IDE however.
Is this possible? If yes: How?
When I use Eclipse with CMake, I create the Eclipse project manually (with the New Project wizard) and for CMake I use the standard makefile generator. It requires a little extra setup: you need to set the build directory in the project properties if you're doing an out-of-source build, and I usually set the build command to make VERBOSE=1.
I'm not sure since I haven't used the Eclipse generator(s), but for the lack of a better solution, perhaps this method would solve your issue, since it gives you more control over the Eclipse project.
No, how should the ide know what to compile if you don't tell it what to compile? If you don't want to have the project in you project file, just don't add it.
Just compile the external lib by itself (use "cmake externals/foo") and then add the libraries in your project's CMakeLists.txt with
target_link_libraries(your_project externals/foo/bin/foo.lib)