MongoDB error on meanjs running in windows 7 - mongodb

Error on mongoDb while running meanJs, When i am trying to run the MeanJs its showing database error. But the mongo server is showing up
I am using windows7, Please check the screenshot attached of error. Please let me know the issue of this error ?

The error has been resolved.
The host is the issue of this MongoError.
Instead of using localhost:27017 Use the ip address that is showing, while running the mongod.exe . i am used the id address to solve the mongoerror is
If the db is active then we can see a page of mongodb is like :


Mongodb: "Network error while attempting to run command 'getlasterror' on host" when updating data

I update data in mongodb with robo3t and get error: "Network error while attempting to run command 'getlasterror' on host.."
Has anybody got ideas about this?
Check whether you're connected to the primary.
I was having the same issue moments ago and it turned out I had a typo in the domain name of the database server, so I had inadvertently hit the load balancer and reached a non-primary replica.

Issues connecting to an Oracle Database 19c

I am attempting to create and use an oracle DB.
Was able to create the DB using sql plus however when I attempt to connect to it via sqldeveloper I get the following error
Status : Failure -Test failed: IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
When I check that all services are running I notice OracleVssWriterORCL is not running.
However upon attempting to start it I get the following error:
Windows could not start OracleVssWriterORCL service on local machine Error 0x80070005: Access is Denied
This is my first time using Oracle for DB so any help is greatly appreciated.
I should also note this is on a windows 10 VM
As stated above my listener was not running and going into cmd using the lsnrctrl start command fixed that issue but now I get a ORA-12505 error. Oh the fun of learning new things

Problem starting MongoDB for the first time (MAC)

I tried setting up MongoDB for the first time and I got this error - I recently changed my DNS so I'm not sure if it's related to that. Any ideas what this might mean?
I was following a tutorial on YouTube (Video Here: I've seen other entries/issues similar to my one but I believe it might be different. People have said it may be ownership problems. I haven't seen one that says Connection refused - so I will change my DNS back and see if that does anything.
MongoDB shell version v4.0.9
connecting to:
2019-07-30T16:14:05.184+1000 E QUERY
`[js] Error: couldn't connect to server`,
connection attempt failed: SocketException: Error connecting to `` :: caused by ::
Connection refused :
exception: connect failed`
I expected it to start MongoDB so I could give it a test run. This was the only error I saw.
This can happen when the mongodb service is not running on the mac.
To start it, try this:
brew services start mongodb

Mongod access denied

I'm beginner in MongoDB.I tried to install Mongodb 4.0.2 version.I'm using windows 10 OS.It typed mongod.It shows
This App can't run on your PC
Access denied.
After I typed Mongo. It's shows:
connecting to: mongodb://
and I tried to create one collection it's working and tried to find the collection.
but how can I solve the mongod app can't run on your pc
can anyone solve this problem? Thanks in advance.....

can't connect mongoDB to localhost

hey there I don't know why the server refuse to connect to mongo local host and the same problem also for robomongo =[. I was looking for the same error in this site and others but no answer is relevant...I thought it might happened because robomongo is also running and I uninstalled it didn't solve it...I'm using windows 10. tried to do from mongo's directory mongod.exe and it didn't work than mongo.exe but also didn't work...can someone help me?
run the MongoDB you need to open another command prompt and use the following command. “C:\Experiments\MongoDB\MongoDbServer\bin>mongo”. It will show the version of MongoDb and connected database, By default it is test. Other window will show one connection is open.
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