elisp macro expansion local variable - emacs

I get touch on elisp recently and try to understand the how elisp macro works.
The GNU tutorial has a chapter Surprising-local-Vars for macro local variable and I am get confused about how the macro expansion works.
(defmacro for (var from init to final do &rest body)
"Execute a simple for loop: (for i from 1 to 10 do (print i))."
(let ((tempvar (make-symbol "max")))
`(let ((,var ,init)
(,tempvar ,final))
(while (<= ,var ,tempvar)
(inc ,var)))))
There are two let forms. the first one
(let ((tempvar (make-symbol "max")))
doesn't has the backquote, which will get evaluated at macro expand phrase, therefor the uninterned symbol "max" will get created only at that phrase.
And the uninterned symbol "max" will get lost at runtime, it should not work right?
But actually, it works well. I tried the following:
(for max from 1 to 10 do (print max))
And the its expansion as following:
(macroexpand '(for max from 1 to 10 do (print max)))
(let ((max 1) (max 10)) (while (<= max max) (print max) (setq max (+ 1 max))))
two max symbol here, one bound to 1, another bound to 10, the while form expression has two max symbol.
(while (<= max max)
how does the while form resolve the two different the symbol "max"?

You are looking at print-names, not symbol identities. You have two symbols, both with the "print name" max, but different identities. Normally, I would recommend using gensym rather than make-symbol, but it really doesn't matter much which way it's done.
Think of a symbol as being a pointer to a small structure, having a variety of values stored in it. One of these is a "name", when a symbol is interned, this is placed in a special structure, so you can find the symbol by its name. What you're seeing is an interned symbol with the name max and an un-interned symbol with the name max. They are different symbols (that is, two structures and the pointers are thus different), but when you look just at a printed representation, this is not obvious.
A quick demonstration, fresh out of an emacs "scratch" buffer:
(defmacro demo (sym)
(let ((tmp (make-symbol "max")))
(message "%s" (list ',tmp ',sym))
(eql ',tmp ',sym))))
(macroexpand '(demo max))
(progn (message "%s" (list (quote max) (quote max))) (eql (quote max) (quote max)))
(demo max)
If you paste the text that results from the macro expansion and evaluate it, you'll see that you get t instead of nil, because during the reading of the expression, you end up with the same symbol.

The short answer is that (make-gensym "max") creates a new symbol whose name is max. You're also using a symbol whose name is max. These have the same name, and thus, in Emacs, print in the same way, but they're not the same symbol. We can test this easily by creating a macro that takes creates a symbol and returns a form that compares it with the macro's argument:
(defmacro test-gensym (arg)
(let ((max (make-symbol "max")))
`(eq ',max ',arg)))
If we look at the macroexpansion, we can see that we're comparing two symbols whose names are the same:
(print (macroexpand '(test-gensym max)))
;;=> (eq (quote max) (quote max))
But if we actually run that code, we'll see that the values being compared are not the same:
(test-gensym max)
;;=> nil

For comparison with Common Lisp: here you can see that the Common Lisp printer makes the variable look different. One is your max and the other one is an uninterned #:max.
CL-USER 70 > (pprint (macroexpand '(for max from 1 to 10 do (print max))))
(LET ((MAX 1) (#:MAX 10))
If we tell the Common Lisp printer to support printing circular datastructures, then the printer marks where the uninterned symbols are the same: #1=#:MAX is the symbol with a printer label. #1# is then a reference to that labelled thing.
CL-USER 71 > (setf *print-circle* t)
CL-USER 72 > (pprint (macroexpand '(for max from 1 to 10 do (print max))))
(LET ((MAX 1) (#1=#:MAX 10))
But that's Common Lisp, not Emacs Lisp - though they are related, by being both successors to an earlier Lisp dialect.


Is there any way to see the implementations of built-in macros in Common Lisp?

Common Lisp built-in functions are probably implemented in C. But I imagine macros are implemented in lisp (sorry if I'm wrong about any of two sentences). Is there any way (through some function or some macro) to see the implementations of built-in macros in Common Lisp? I'm using CLisp.
The ability to inspect function and macro definitions is a feature of your development environment. These days it is typical to use SLIME or SLY with emacs as the basis of a Lisp development environment. I personally use SLIME, but I have heard good things about SLY, too.
In SLIME you can invoke slime-edit-definition (either by keying M-x slime-edit-definition or by using the keybinding M-.) to visit a definition for the symbol under the cursor in a source file. This works both when editing in a source file, or from the REPL. This feature is extremely useful when you want to inspect some library code you are working with, but you can also view a lot of built-in definitions this way. You can even jump to a new definition from a new symbol found in whatever definition you are currently inspecting.
After you are done looking at a definition, you can use M-x slime-pop-find-definition-stack, or the easier to remember keybinding M-, (M-* will also work), to back out through the previously viewed definitions, eventually returning to your starting point.
Here is an example, in SBCL:
CL-USER> with-open-file[press M-.]
(Note that the "[press M-.]" above is not typed, but only meant to remind what action is taken here). With the cursor on or right after the symbol with-open-file, press M-. to see the definition:
(sb-xc:defmacro with-open-file ((stream filespec &rest options)
&body body)
(multiple-value-bind (forms decls) (parse-body body nil)
(let ((abortp (gensym)))
`(let ((,stream (open ,filespec ,#options))
(,abortp t))
(progn ,#forms)
(setq ,abortp nil))
(when ,stream
(close ,stream :abort ,abortp)))))))
This time after keying M-. SLIME gives a choice of definitions to view:
CL-USER> and[press M-.]
Displayed in an emacs buffer:
We want to see the macro definition, so move the cursor to the line showing (DEFMACRO AND), and the following definition is displayed:
;; AND and OR are defined in terms of IF.
(sb-xc:defmacro and (&rest forms)
(named-let expand-forms ((nested nil) (forms forms) (ignore-last nil))
(cond ((endp forms) t)
((endp (rest forms))
(let ((car (car forms)))
(cond (nested
;; Preserve non-toplevelness of the form!
`(the t ,car)))))
((and ignore-last
(endp (cddr forms)))
(car forms))
;; Better code that way, since the result will only have two
;; values, NIL or the last form, and the precedeing tests
;; will only be used for jumps
((and (not nested) (cddr forms))
`(if ,(expand-forms t forms t)
,#(last forms)))
`(if ,(first forms)
,(expand-forms t (rest forms) ignore-last))))))
There is more stuff here, since you are now actually in the source file that contains the definition for and; if you scroll down a bit you can also find the definition for or.
A lot of SBCL functions are written in Lisp; SBCL has a very high-quality compiler, so a lot of stuff that you might otherwise expect to be written in C can be written in Lisp without loss of performance. Here is the definition for the function list-length:
CL-USER> list-length[press M-.]
(defun list-length (list)
"Return the length of the given List, or Nil if the List is circular."
(do ((n 0 (+ n 2))
(y list (cddr y))
(z list (cdr z)))
(declare (type fixnum n)
(type list y z))
(when (endp y) (return n))
(when (endp (cdr y)) (return (+ n 1)))
(when (and (eq y z) (> n 0)) (return nil))))
The same thing can be done when using CLISP with SLIME. Here is with-open-file as defined in CLISP:
CL-USER> with-open-file[press M-.]
(defmacro with-open-file ((stream &rest options) &body body)
(multiple-value-bind (body-rest declarations) (SYSTEM::PARSE-BODY body)
`(LET ((,stream (OPEN ,#options)))
(DECLARE (READ-ONLY ,stream) ,#declarations)
(PROGN ,#body-rest)
;; Why do we do a first CLOSE invocation inside the protected form?
;; For reliability: Because the stream may be a buffered file stream,
;; therefore (CLOSE ,stream) may produce a disk-full error while
;; writing the last block of the file. In this case, we need to erase
;; the file again, through a (CLOSE ,stream :ABORT T) invocation.
(WHEN ,stream (CLOSE ,stream)))
(WHEN ,stream (CLOSE ,stream :ABORT T))))))
But, many CLISP functions are written in C, and those definitions are not available to inspect in the same way as before:
CL-USER> list-length[press M-.]
No known definition for: list-length (in COMMON-LISP-USER)

List gensym symbol not evaluating inside macro

I'm trying to write a macro that takes a list of variables and a body of code and makes sure variables revert to their original values after body of code is executed (exercise 10.6 in Paul Graham's ANSI Common Lisp).
However, I'm unclear on why my gensym evaluates as I expect it to in one place, but not another similar one (note: I know there's a better solution to the exercise. I just want to figure out why the difference in evaluation).
Here's the first definition where the lst gensym evaluates to a list inside of the lambda passed to the mapcar:
(defmacro exec-reset-vars-1 (vars body)
(let ((lst (gensym)))
`(let ((,lst ,(reduce #'(lambda (acc var) `(cons ,(symbol-value var) ,acc))
:initial-value nil)))
,#(mapcar #'(lambda (var) `(setf ,var (car ,lst)))
But while it works exactly as I expect it to, it's not a correct solution to the exercise because I'm always grabbing the first element of lst when trying to reset values. I really want to map over 2 lists. So now I write:
(defmacro exec-reset-vars-2 (vars body)
(let ((lst (gensym)))
`(let ((,lst ,(reduce #'(lambda (acc var) `(cons ,(symbol-value var) ,acc))
:initial-value nil)))
,#(mapcar #'(lambda (var val) `(setf ,var ,val))
But now I get an error that says #:G3984 is not a list. If I replace it with (symbol-value lst) I get an error saying variable has no value. But why not? Why does it have a value inside of the setf in lambda, but not as an argument passed to mapcar?
At macroexpansion time you try to map over the value of lst, which is a symbol at that time. So that makes no sense.
Trying to get symbol value also makes no sense, since lst's bindings are lexical and symbol-value is not a way to access that. Other bindings are not available at that time.
Clearly lst has a value at macroexpansion time: a symbol. This is what you see inside the lambda.
You need to make clear what values are computed at macroexpansion time and which at runtime.
An advice about naming:
lst is a poor name in Lisp, use list
the name lst makes no sense, since its value is not a list, but a symbol. I'd call it list-variable-symbol. Looks long, doesn't it? But it is much clearer. You would now that it is a symbol, used as the name for a variable holding lists.
I'm pretty sure you are overthinking it. Imagine this:
(defparameter *global* 5)
(let ((local 10))
(with-reset-vars (local *global*)
(setf *global* 20)
(setf local 30)
I imagine the expansion is as easy as:
(defparameter *global* 5)
(let ((local 10))
(let ((*global* *global*) (local local))
(setf *global* 20)
(setf local 30)
(print local)) ; prints 10
(print *global*) ; prints 5
let does the reset on it's own so you see that the macro should be very simple just making shadow bindings with let, unless I have misunderstood the assignment.
Your overly complicated macros does pretty bad things. Like getting values of global symbols compile time, which would reset them to the time the function that used this instead of before the body.

How to get a function/macro definition from CL REPL?

I've got another question involving self-reference in Common Lisp. I found a thread on Stack Exchange which poses a problem of writing the shortest program that would print all printable ASCII characters NOT present in the program's source code. This got me thinking how to tackle the problem in Common Lisp. I hit against two problems - one probably trivial, the other more tricky:
First is the case of writing a CL script, e.g. starting with #!/usr/bin/env sbcl --script. I thought that through *posix-argv* I could access all command line arguments including the name of the called script. I also looked for the equivalent of Bash $0 but could find none. What worked for me in the end is this ugly Bash-ified SBCL script, which explicitly passes $0 to SBCL and proceeds from that:
sbcl --script $0 $0
(defun file-string (path)
(with-open-file (stream path)
(let ((data (make-string (file-length stream))))
(read-sequence data stream)
(let* ((printable (mapcar #'code-char (loop for i from #x20 to #x7e collect i)))
(absent (set-difference
(coerce (file-string (cadr *posix-argv*)) 'list))))
(print (coerce absent 'string)))
My question regarding this point is: can you think of any way of doing it without relying so heavily on Bash supplying relevant arguments? Or, more briefly: is there a CL (SBCL in particular) equivalent of $0?
Now comes the part that I'm totally puzzled with. Before resorting to the script approach above I tried to accomplish this goal in a more REPL-oriented way. Based on the &whole specifier in defmacro and considerations in this thread I've tried to get the name of the macro from the &whole argument and somehow "read in" its source. And I have absolutely no idea how to do it. So in short: given the name of the macro, can I somehow obtain the defmacro form which defined it? And I'm talking about a generic solution, rather than parsing the REPL history.
EDIT: Regarding mbratch's question about use of macroexpand-1 here's how I do it:
(defmacro self-refer (&whole body)
(macroexpand-1 `',body))
With this call I'm able to obtain (SELF-REFER) by calling (SELF-REFER). Which isn't much of a solution...
I hope someone could point me in the right direction. Thanks!
Getting the source of a macro is not defined in Common Lisp.
This may work (Example from LispWorks):
CL-USER 10 > (defmacro foo (a b) `(* (+ ,a ,b) (+ ,a ,a)))
CL-USER 11 > (pprint (function-lambda-expression (macro-function 'foo)))
(#:\(A\ ...\)1108 (CDR #:&WHOLE1107))
#:\(A\ ...\)1108
(A (CAR (DSPEC::THE-CONS #:\(A\ ...\)1108)))
(#:\(B\)1109 (CDR (DSPEC::THE-CONS #:\(A\ ...\)1108)))
(B (CAR (DSPEC::THE-CONS #:\(B\)1109))))
(BLOCK FOO `(* (+ ,A ,B) (+ ,A ,A))))
An even more esoteric way is to alter the existing DEFMACRO to record its source.
Many Lisp implementations have a non-standard feature called advising. LispWorks for example can advise macros:
CL-USER 31 > (defadvice (defmacro source-record-defmacro :after)
(&rest args)
(setf (get (second (first args)) :macro-source) (first args)))
Above adds code to the standard DEFMACRO macro, which records the source on the symbol property list of the macro name. defmacro is the name of the thing to advise. source-record-defmacro is the chosen name of this advice. :after then specifies that the code should run after the normal defmacro code.
CL-USER 32 > (defmacro foo (a b) `(* (+ ,a ,b) (+ ,a ,a)))
CL-USER 33 > (pprint (get 'foo :macro-source))
(DEFMACRO FOO (A B) `(* (+ ,A ,B) (+ ,A ,A)))
Again, this is completely non-standard - I'm not sure if a comparable mechanism exists for SBCL, though it has something called 'encapsulate'.
A very belated followup to Rainer Joswig's LispWorks solution. I've been using Allegro CL lately and discovered the fwrap facility. Conceptually it's very similar to the defadvice above and slighly more verbose. Here's a re-iteration of Rainer's example in ACL 10.0:
(def-fwrapper source-record-defmacro (&rest args)
(setf (get (second (first args)) :macro-source) (first args))
Having defined an fwrapper you need to "put it into action" explicitly:
(fwrap 'defmacro 'srd 'source-record-defmacro)
After this it's like in Rainer's example:
CL-USER> (defmacro foo (a b) `(* (+ ,a ,b) (+ ,a ,a)))
CL-USER> (pprint (get 'foo :macro-source))
(DEFMACRO FOO (A B) `(* (+ ,A ,B) (+ ,A ,A)))
; No value

Common Lisp: Method to minimize code duplication when defining setf expanders

Triggered from this question about setf expanders: defining setf-expanders in Common Lisp
When writing setf expanders for user-defined getters, I commonly find that there is code duplication in the getter and setter, as far as how the property is retrieved. For example:
(defun new-car (lst)
(car lst))
(defun (setf new-car) (new-value lst)
(setf (car lst) new-value))
(defparameter *lst* (list 5 4 3))
(5 4 3)
(setf (new-car *lst*) 3)
(3 4 3)
Note how the (car lst) form, the actual accessor that already has a setf expander defined, is in both defuns. This has always annoyed me somewhat. It would be nice to be able to say on the first defun, 'hey, I'm defining a defun that's a getter, but I also want it to have a typical setf expander'.
Is there any way with the common lisp standard to express this? Has anyone else worried about this issue, and defined a macro that does this?
To be clear, what I'd like here is a way to define a getter and typical setter, where the way that the getter compiles down to common lisp forms that already have setters ((car lst), e.g.) is written only once in the code.
I also understand there are times where you wouldn't want to do this, b/c the setter needs to perform some side effects before setting the value. Or it's an abstraction that actually sets multiple values, or whatever. This question is less relevant in that situation. What I'm talking about here is the case where the setter does the standard thing, and just sets the place of the getter.
What you want can be achieved with the use of macros.
(defmacro define-place (name lambda-list sexp)
(let ((value-var (gensym)))
(defun ,name ,lambda-list
(defun (setf ,name) (,value-var ,#lambda-list)
(setf ,sexp ,value-var)))))
(define-place new-chr (list)
(car list))
More information on macros can be found in Peter Seibel's book, Practical Common Lisp. Chapter 10 of Paul Graham's book "ANSI Common Lisp" is another reference.
Note how the (car lst) form, the actual accessor that already has a setf expander defined, is in both defuns.
But that's only apparently true before macro expansion. In your setter, the (car lst) form is the target of an assignment. It will expand to something else, like the call to some internal function that resembles rplaca:
You can do a similar thing manually:
(defun new-car (lst)
(car lst))
(defun (setf new-car) (new-value lst)
(rplaca lst new-value)
VoilĂ ; you no longer have duplicate calls to car; the getter calls car, and the setter rplaca.
Note that we manually have to return new-value, because rplaca returns lst.
You will find that in many Lisps, the built-in setf expander for car uses an alternative function (perhaps named sys:rplaca, or variations thereupon) which returns the assigned value.
The way we generally minimize code duplication when defining new kinds of places in Common Lisp is to use define-setf-expander.
With this macro, we associate a new place symbol with two items:
a macro lambda list which defines the syntax for the place.
a body of code which calculates and returns five pieces of information, as five return values. These are collectively called the "setf expansion".
The place-mutating macros like setf use the macro lambda list to destructure the place syntax and invoke the body of code which calculates those five pieces. Those five pieces are then used to generate the place accessing/updating code.
Note, nevertheless, that the last two items of the setf expansion are the store form and the access form. We can't get away from this duality. If we were defining the setf expansion for a car-like place, our access form would invoke car and the store form would be based on rplaca, ensuring that the new value is returned, just like in the above two functions.
However there can exist places for which a significant internal calculation can be shared between the access and the store.
Suppose we were defining my-cadar instead of my-car:
(defun new-cadar (lst)
(cadar lst))
(defun (setf new-cadar) (new-value lst)
(rplaca (cdar lst) new-value)
Note how if we do (incf (my-cadar place)), there is a wasteful duplicate traversal of the list structure because cadar is called to get the old value and then cdar is called again to calculate the cell where to store the new value.
By using the more difficult and lower level define-setf-expander interface, we can have it so that the cdar calculation is shared between the access form and the store form. So that is to say (incf (my-cadar x)) will calculate (cadr x) once and store that to a temporary variable #:c. Then the update will take place by accessing (car #:c), adding 1 to it, and storing it with (rplaca #:c ...).
This looks like:
(define-setf-expander my-cadar (cell)
(let ((cell-temp (gensym))
(new-val-temp (gensym)))
(values (list cell-temp) ;; these syms
(list `(cdar ,cell)) ;; get bound to these forms
(list new-val-temp) ;; these vars receive the values of access form
;; this form stores the new value(s) into the place:
`(progn (rplaca ,cell-temp ,new-val-temp) ,new-val-temp)
;; this form retrieves the current value(s):
`(car ,cell-temp))))
[1]> (macroexpand '(incf (my-cadar x)))
(LET* ((#:G3318 (CDAR X)) (#:G3319 (+ (CAR #:G3318) 1)))
(PROGN (RPLACA #:G3318 #:G3319) #:G3319)) ;
#:G3318 comes from cell-temp, and #:G3319 is the new-val-temp gensym.
However, note that the above defines only the setf expansion. With the above, we can only use my-cadar as a place. If we try to call it as a function, it is missing.
Working from Mark's approach, Rainer's post on macro-function, and Amalloy's post on transparent macrolet, I came up with this:
(defmacro with-setters (&body body)
`(macrolet ((defun-mod (name args &body body)
`(,#(funcall (macro-function 'defun)
`(defun ,name ,args ,#body) nil))))
(macrolet ((defun (name args &body body)
(defun-mod ,name ,args ,#body)
(defun-mod (setf ,name) (new-val ,#args)
(setf ,#body new-val)))))
To use:
Clozure Common Lisp Version 1.8-r15286M (DarwinX8664) Port: 4005 Pid: 41757
; SWANK 2012-03-06
(defun new-car (lst)
(car lst))
(defun new-first (lst)
(first lst)))
(defparameter *t* (list 5 4 3))
(new-car *t*)
(new-first *t*)
(setf (new-first *t*) 3)
(new-first *t*)
(3 4 3)
(setf (new-car *t*) 9)
(9 4 3)
There are some variable capture issues here that should probably be attended to, before using this macro in production code.

Difference between let* and set? in Common Lisp

I am working on a genetic programming hobby project.
I have a function/macro setup that, when evaluated in a setq/setf form, will generate a list that will look something like this.
(setq trees (make-trees 2))
==> (+ x (abs x))
Then it will get bound out to a lambda function #<FUNCTION :LAMBDA (X) ... > via strategic use of functions/macros
However, I want to get a bit more effective with this than manually assigning to variables, so I wrote something like this:
(setq sample
(let* ((trees (make-trees 2))
(tree-bindings (bind-trees trees))
(evaluated-trees (eval-fitness tree-bindings))))
(list (trees tree-bindings evaluated-trees)))
However, I get EVAL: trees has no value when I place this in a let form. My suspicion is that the macro expansions don't get fully performed in a LET as compared to a SETF, but that doesn't make sense to me.
What is the cause of this issue?
--- edit: yanked my code and put the whole file in a pastebin ---
Supposing that I decide that a setq isn't going to do it for me and I write a simple function to do it:
(defun generate-sample ()
(let ((twiggs (make-trees 2)))
(let ((tree-bindings (bind-trees twiggs)))
(let ((evaluated-trees (eval-fitness tree-bindings)))
(list twiggs tree-bindings evaluated-trees)))))
This yields an explosion of ...help file error messages (??!?)... and "eval: variable twiggs has no value", which stems from the bind-trees definition on SLIME inspection.
I am reasonably sure that I've completely hosed my macros. http://pastebin.org/673619
(Setq make-trees 2) sets the value of the variable make-trees to 2, then returns 2.
I do not see a reason for a macro in what you describe. Is it true that your make-trees creates a single random tree, which can be interpreted as a program? Just define this as a function with defun. I am thinking of something like this:
(defun make-tree (node-number)
(if (= node-number 1)
(cons (get-random-operator)
(mapcar #'make-tree
(random-partition (- node-number 1))))))
Let and setq do totally different things. Setq assigns a value to an existing variable, while let creates a new lexical scope with a number of lexical bindings.
I think that you should present more of your code; currently, your question does not make a lot of sense.
I will fix your snippet's indentation to make things clearer:
(setq sample
(let* ((trees (make-trees 2))
(tree-bindings (bind-trees trees))
(evaluated-trees (eval-fitness tree-bindings))))
(list (trees tree-bindings evaluated-trees)))
Now, as written before, let* establishes lexical bindings. These
are only in scope within its body:
(setq sample
(let* ((trees (make-trees 2))
(tree-bindings (bind-trees trees))
(evaluated-trees (eval-fitness tree-bindings)))
;; here trees, tree-bindings, and evaluated-trees are bound
) ; end of let* body
;; here trees, tree-bindings, and evaluated trees are not in scope anymore
(list (trees tree-bindings evaluated-trees)))
That last line is spurious, too. If those names were bound, it would
return a list of one element, which would be the result of evaluating
the function trees with tree-bindings and evaluated-trees as
You might get what you want like this:
(setq sample
(let* ((trees (make-trees 2))
(tree-bindings (bind-trees trees))
(evaluated-trees (eval-fitness tree-bindings)))
(list trees tree-bindings evaluated-trees)))
Another update:
The purpose of macros is to eliminate repeated code when that elimination is not possible with functions. One frequent application is when dealing with places, and you also need them to define new control constructs. As long as you do not see that something cannot work as a function, do not use a macro for it.
Here is some code that might help you:
(defun make-tree-lambda (depth)
(list 'lambda '(x)
(new-tree depth)))
(defun make-tree-function (lambda-tree)
(eval lambda-tree))
(defun eval-fitness (lambda-form-list input-output-list)
"Determines how well the lambda forms approach the wanted function
by comparing their output with the wanted output in the supplied test
cases. Returns a list of mean quadratic error sums."
(mapcar (lambda (lambda-form)
(let* ((actual-results (mapcar (make-tree-function lambda-form)
(mapcar #'first input-output-list)))
(differences (mapcar #'-
(mapcar #'second input-output-list)))
(squared-differences (mapcar #'square
(/ (reduce #'+ squared-differences)
(length squared-differences))))
(defun tree-fitness (tree-list input-output-list)
"Creates a list of lists, each inner list is (tree fitness). Input
is a list of trees, and a list of test cases."
(mapcar (lambda (tree fitness)
(list tree fitness))
(eval-fitness (mapcar #'make-tree-lambda tree-list)