uibezierpath with multiple line width and a background image (swift) - swift

I'm trying to draw several shapes (rectangle, triangle, circle, ...) in swift and for that, I use uibezierpath but I am not able to draw exactly what I want.
I need to draw for example a rectangle, but the borders of this rectangle need to have different line width.
To do that, I create different path then use the "appendpath" to merge them in one path. So that works, BUT I also need to have a background image in this rectangle.
For that, I create a layer and set it an image. The issue is that, no background image are displayed when I use "appendpath", certainly because it doesn't recognize my drawing as a rectangle.
I hope it is clear enough, but is there a way to draw a shape with a background image, and have different border width ?
Thanks for your help !!

There are two solutions I'd suggest you try:
1) Masking
Create a normal CALayer and set the image as its contents. Then create a CAShapeLayer with the path you like and use it as the first layer's mask.
let imageLayer = CALayer()
imageLayer.contents = UIImage(named: "yourImage")?.CGImage // Your image here
imageLayer.frame = ... // Define a frame
let maskPath = UIBezierPath(...) // Create your path here
let maskLayer = CAShapeLayer()
maskLayer.path = maskPath.CGPath
imageLayer.mask = maskLayer
Don't forget to set the right frames and paths, and you should be able to achieve the effect you wanted.
2) Fill color
Create a CAShapeLayer with the path you like, then use your image as its fillColor.
let path = UIBezierPath(...) // Create your path here
let layer = CAShapeLayer()
layer.path = path.CGPath
let image = UIImage(named: "yourImage") // Your image here
layer.fillColor = UIColor(patternImage: image!).CGColor
You may find this approach easier at first, but controlling the way the image fills your shape is not trivial at all.
I hope this will help.
If you'd like more details, please provide an image or a sketch of what you're trying to achieve and / or the code you've written so far. Thanks!


swift CAShapeLayer strokeColor by gradient color

hi i have a circle shapeLayer need color by GradientColor
i tried ues CAGradientLayer and mask it like this
let gradientChargeLayer = CAGradientLayer()
gradientChargeLayer.colors = CGColor.mColor
gradientChargeLayer.frame = vShape.bounds
gradientChargeLayer.locations = [0,1]
gradientChargeLayer.startPoint = CGPoint(x: 0,y: 0.5)
gradientChargeLayer.endPoint = CGPoint(x: 1,y: 0.5)
gradientChargeLayer.mask = shapeLayer
but what i want is gradient color from stroke start to end
shapeLayer.path = circularPath.cgPath
shapeLayer.strokeColor = UIColor.red.cgColor <<< here
you could’ve different approaches I believe
One, you could make an outer and inner circle and then add the required path/layer to the outer circle (this circle bigger than inner) both circles without visible stroke
Or I could recommend you UIGraphigsImageRenderer to work with
This last have a context that could be used to do more advanced rendering context.cgContext.setStrokePattern here you can add a CGPattern and colors to trying accomplish it
PD. Sorry if my english is confuse
Shape layers only draw in a single color, as I guess you are aware.
By making your shape layer a mask onto a gradient layer you're able to have the shape layer reveal the color of the underlying gradient layer.
If you are always drawing a circle and want the color of the circle's stroke to vary from beginning to end you could set up your gradient layer using a type of conic, and specifying the colors in the gradient layer to begin and end where you want them. However, that would only work for shape layers that contain ovals, where the size and center of the shape and the size and the center of the gradient match.
As #Guillodacosta said in their answer, you may have to give up on using a shape layer and draw your graphic into a graphics context using Core Graphics. (You could do that once and capture the results into a UIImageView to avoid the slowdown of Core Graphics rendering.)

Turning a UIBezierPath into a mask?

Not sure if I am asking this question correctly, but I have two components; a CIImage and a UIBezierPath. Ideally, I want to create a CGRect that encapsulates my UIBezierPath; everything inside of the path would be white, everything outside of the path would be black. This way, I can then render this CGRect to some sort of an image, which I could then use as a mask for other purposes.
I am struggling to figure out how to do this with a focus on performance. My tests, as noted below, leverage using UIGraphicsImageRenderer which is far too slow for my needs (I will be doing this on sample buffers from a camera). Therefore, I would like to stick within CoreImage. This is my attempt;
// Path
let path = UIBezierPath()
// ... define the path's shape and close it
// My source image
let image = CIImage(cgImage: UIImage(named: "test.jpg")!.cgImage!)
// Renderer
let renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: image.extent.size)
// Render path as mask
let img = renderer.image { ctx in
ctx.cgContext.fill(CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: image.extent.size.width, height: image.extent.size.height))
ctx.cgContext.drawPath(using: .fill)
// Put a filter on the image
let imageFiltered = image.applyingFilter("CIPhotoEffectNoir")
// Blend with mask
let maskFilter = CIFilter.blendWithMask()
maskFilter.inputImage = imageFiltered
maskFilter.backgroundImage = image
maskFilter.maskImage = CIImage(cgImage: img.cgImage!)
// Output
if let output = maskFilter.outputImage {
... use CIContext() to render back to CVPixelBuffer for preview on MTKView.
Overall, the goal is to have a defined portion of an image (which will not conform to a traditional shape like a square or circle) which will be filtered with a CIFilter, then composited back over the original. If there is a better approach (such as somehow taking the original image, filtering it, cropping it to the path (leaving everything outside of the path transparent) and composing, that would likely be better performant.
To note, the above sample code results in a crash as the UIGraphicsImageRenderer cannot render the mask fast enough.
Your approach looks good so far. I assume the slow part is the generation of the mask image with Core Graphics. Unfortunately, there is no direct way to do the same with Core Image directly (on the GPU). However, you can try the following:
(Assuming from your previous question that the path always has a certain shape,) you can generate a mask image containing the path once for a certain reference size of your choice. Make sure that the path doesn't "touch" the border.
Then, when you want to use it as a mask, move and scale the shape image to the correct place using transformations and let its edges extend infinitely (to cover the whole underlying image; that's why the shape shouldn't touch the edges). Something like this:
let pathImage = CIImage(cgImage: img.cgImage!)
// scale path to the size of the area you want to mask
var mask = pathImage.transformed(by: CGAffineTransform(scaleX: scaleX, y: scaleY))
// move path to the place you want to cover
mask = mask.transformed(by: CGAffineTransform(translationX: offsetX, y: offsetY))
// let mask fill the rest of the area
mask = mask.clampedToExtent()
// use mask as maskImage...
You should be able to recycle the pathImage for every frame and thereby avoiding Core Graphics and CPU-GPU-synchronization.

Changing UIBezierPath color

I have a UIView in which I use a bezierPath to form it's shape. I want to create a duplicate view, but of a different color. The same shape is created, but the color doesn't change with the following code. Any idea why?
let whiteWave = coloredWave
let drawingLayer = CAShapeLayer()
drawingLayer.path = coloredWave.aPath.cgPath
drawingLayer.strokeColor = UIColor.white.cgColor
drawingLayer.lineWidth = audioClip.widthOfClip
drawingLayer.fillColor = UIColor.white.cgColor
Edit: Okay so after some digging I found that the drawRect finishes after I set the whiteWave. I tried using a CATransactionblock and setting the new wave in the completion block. But that doesn't work either.
How can I wait for drawRect in the UIView to finish?
To the best of my knowledge it's because you are using the same names for both shapes. Try doing let whiteWave2 for the second shape.

Change drawing order of multiple CAShapeLayers

I have my program drawing several different CGMutablePaths, each of which belongs to its own CAShapeLayer. It currently looks like this
Notice how the lines of the rectangle overlap the circles. Here is how I want it to look
Essentially, I want the ellipses and their fill to be drawn on top of the lines of the rectangle.
In my code, I have an array of CAShapeLayers, the first of which is the rectangle. In awakeFromNib(), I loop through all the shape layers and update information like the stroke width and fill, then I manually change the fill color of the rectangle to be different. In the draw function, I create all my paths, rectangle first, then ellipses. Finally, I add those paths to their relative shape layer, ellipses after the rectangle.
I have tried swapping the order in each case, but no luck. I honestly can't think of anything else that might be effecting draw order. The strangest part about it is that, in the first image, you'll see that the bottom left ellipse has indeed been drawn above the rectangle, but nowhere in my code is it set apart.
var shapeLayers: [String: CAShapeLayer] = [
"rectangle": CAShapeLayer(),
"ellipse1": CAShapeLayer(),
"ellipse2": CAShapeLayer()...and so on
override func awakeFromNib() {
wantsLayer = true
for (_, shapeLayer) in shapeLayers {
shapeLayer.lineWidth = borderWidth
shapeLayer.strokeColor = ColorScheme.blue.cgColor
shapeLayer.fillColor = ColorScheme.white.cgColor
shapeLayer.path = nil
shapeLayer.lineCap = kCALineCapSquare
shapeLayers["rectangle"]?.fillColor = NSColor.clear.cgColor
override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {
let rectangle = CGMutablePath().addRect(selectionBounds)
let ellipse1 = CGMutablePath().addEllipse(in: CGRect(origin: somePoint, size: someSize))
let ellipse2 = CGMutablePath().addEllipse(in: CGRect(origin: somePoint, size: someSize))
...and so on
shapeLayers["rectangle"]?.path = rectangle
shapeLayers["ellipse1"]?.path = ellipse1
shapeLayers["ellipse2"]?.path = ellipse2...and so on
I'm clearly missing something basic in my understanding of shapeLayers and paths. Your help is greatly appreciated - TIA
You can use the zPosition to force the layers to draw in a specific order. Just assign them arbitrary values as long as the numbers ascend from back layer to front layer.

How to edit high resolution images with Core Graphics?

I'm trying to draw a path on a high resolution image, that's nothing complicated for an iPhone but if I add shadow to my path everything lags. It lags only when I work on images with a certain resolution (2000 x 3000) even less.
The Storyboard vies are:
-Scroll View
-Image View
-Draw View
So I have the DrawingView on top of the ImageView when I need to draw.
So the ImageView and the DrawView (view.bounds.size) have the same resolution as the image (e.g. 2000 x 3000) (there's the problem).
I'm drawing on a view with a high resolution.
I'm not directly calling drawRect: but only calling setNeedsDisplay() inside touchesBegan() and touchesMoved() after doing some operations (path.moveToPoint, path.addCurveToPoint, array operations) and adding points to my array.
In drawRect: I essentially have:
override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
path.lineCapStyle = .Round
path.lineJoinStyle = .Round
path.lineWidth = 60.0
context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()!
CGContextAddPath(context, path.CGPath)
CGContextSetShadowWithColor(context, CGSizeZero, 14.0, UIColor.whiteColor().CGColor) // <-- with this shadow it lags a lot.
My path is a UIBezierPath().
Any ideas to improve the speed?
I followed what #brimstone said. I now have ImageView with a lower resolution, but have to apply my drawn path to the high resolution image.
(I'm trying to hand crop an image with the path that the user draws)
In this code I already got my closed path:
let layer = CAShapeLayer()
layer.path = path.CGPath
self.imageToEditView.layer.mask = layer
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
let croppedCGImage = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(image.CGImage!, CGPathGetBoundingBox(path.CGPath))
let croppedImage = UIImage(CGImage: croppedCGImage!)
self.imageToEditView.image = croppedImage
self.imageToEditView.layer.mask = nil
imageToEditView.bounds.size = low resolution
imageEdited.size = high resolution
I need to set the hight resolution (I think) when i renderInContext. But how can I change the resolution of the imageView now?
Try downsizing it for the user to draw over (doesn't make a huge difference on small iPhone screens for user experience), then apply the edits to the high-res image.
To downsize images, either use UIImagePNGRepresentation, which may make your image sufficiently smaller, or (if you're still having memory issues), try using techniques in this tutorial and this answer to make it even smaller.
Then, you can take the content of what they've drawn and apply it to the high-res image.
Alternatively, look at high-res optimisation techniques by Apple: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/2DDrawing/Conceptual/DrawingPrintingiOS/SupportingHiResScreensInViews/SupportingHiResScreensInViews.html