mtimesx not work in script - matlab

I am trying to use mtimesx library on matlab 2016a, win 10 64bit, I compile this library and the following code runs in command window:
>> a=rand(2,4,2);
>> b=rand(4,5,2);
>> d=mtimesx(a,b)
d(:,:,1) =
0.5234 0.7756 0.6265 0.7531 0.6579
0.6256 0.3926 0.3557 0.7522 0.4804
d(:,:,2) =
0.6398 0.8713 0.8695 0.3040 0.6066
1.2157 1.0177 1.2590 0.5510 1.1960
but when I'm trying to run it as a script following error occurs:
Undefined function or variable 'mtimesx'.
Error in Untitled2 (line 25)
and after that this function don't work in command window until I compile it again.
Thank you

the problem solved by making following changes in mtimesx_build.m:
1.changing mexopts = [prefdir '\mexopts.bat']; to ----> mexopts =[prefdir'\mex_C++_win64.xml'];
changing x = findstr(tline,'COMPILER=cl'); to ---> x = findstr(tline,'COMPILER="cl"');


OSError: This docstring was not generated by Nipype

Hey i am runing the following piece of code:
import nipype.interfaces.spm as spm
realign = spm.Realign()
And getting the following error:
raise IOError("This docstring was not generated by Nipype!\n") from e
OSError: This docstring was not generated by Nipype!
After debugging:
My code:
When this runs it uses matlab to run the follwing ( lines 217):
mlab.inputs.script = """
if isempty(which('spm')),
throw(MException('SPMCheck:NotFound','SPM not in matlab path'));
spm_path = spm('dir');
[name, version] = spm('ver');
fprintf(1, 'NIPYPE path:%s|name:%s|release:%s', spm_path, name, version);
out =
I run it in Matlab and got :
>> isempty(which('spm'))
ans =
>> [name, version] = spm('ver');
fprintf(1, 'NIPYPE path:%s|name:%s|release:%s', spm_path, name, version);
NIPYPE path:C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2022b\toolbox\spm12\spm12|name:SPM12|release:7771
so as you can see I have result from this script, but when checking the "out" variable here (line 239):
out = sd._strip_header(out.runtime.stdout)
Stdout is "" empty string
So I think the problem is Somehow related to the answer of the script from Matlab, how to fix it ??

Making connection to hardware using MATLAB

I'm trying to make a connection to hardware (a controller of a moving stage) from Physik Insrumente using MATLAB. However, I have tried using the code that the company provided but did not work, so I have simplified but still doesn't work.
Here is my code:
addpath ( 'C:\Users\Public\PI\PI_MATLAB_Driver_GCS2' );
Controller = PI_GCS_Controller();
controllerSerialNumber = '118011005';
C867 = Controller.ConnectUSB(controllerSerialNumber);
I am getting this error message:
PI_MATLAB_Driver_GCS2 loaded successfully.
Error using PI_GCS_Controller/ConnectUSB (line 17)
There is no interface or DLL handle with the given ID
Error in PI_GCS_Controller/ConnectUSB (line 17)
Error in PI_GCS_Controller/subsref (line 46)
varargout{1} = feval(fun,c,par{1});
Error in Untitled (line 5)
C867 = Controller.ConnectUSB(controllerSerialNumber);
ConnectUSB is:
function [c] = ConnectUSB(c,szIdentifier)
FunctionName = 'PI_ConnectUSB';
if(nargin<2), szIdentifier = blanks(5000); end,
[c.ID, szIdentifier] = calllib(c.libalias,FunctionName,szIdentifier);
iError = GetError(c);
szDesc = TranslateError(c,iError);
error('%s not found',FunctionName);
How can I connect to this controller?

Undefined function or variable "Vk" when using sysic to create an interconnected system

I am attempting to use sysic to create an interconnected system from a number of state space models. However; I keep recieving the same error:
Undefined function or variable "Vk".
Error in sysic (line 212)
[ard,arl,er] = LOCALpass1(Vk);
Error in addOutputWeights (line 62)
The code used that generates this error is as follows:
systemnames = 'plantModel WControl WError';
inputvar = '[r(4); u(4)]';
outputvar = '[WControl; WError;r- plantModel]';
input_to_WError = '[r-plantModel]';
input_to_WControl = '[u]';
sysoutname = 'instramentedPlant';
cleanupsysic= 'yes';
This error was caused because input_to_plantModel was not present in the workspace. For every system that is refered to in systemnames there must be a corresponding input_to_X.
The following code runs correctly
systemnames='plantModel wControl wError';
inputvar ='[r(4); u(4)]';
outputvar ='[wControl;wError;r- plantModel]';
input_to_plantModel ='[u]';
input_to_wError ='[r-plantModel]';
input_to_wControl ='[u]';
sysoutname ='instramentedPlant';
cleanupsysic = 'yes';

MATLAB: errorn in butter() command

I wrote the following function:
function [output_signal] = AddDirectivityError (bat_loc_index, butter_deg_vector, sound_matrix)
global chirp_initial_freq ;
global chirp_end_freq;
global sampling_rate;
global num_of_mics;
global sound_signal_length;
for (i=1 : num_of_mics)
normalized_co_freq = (chirp_initial_freq + chirp_end_freq)/ (1.6* sampling_rate);
A=sound_matrix ( i, : ) ;
if (butter_deg_vector(i)==0)
[num, den] = butter(butter_deg_vector(i), normalized_co_freq, 'low');// HERE!!!
filtered_signal=filter(num,den, A );
output_signal(i, :)=filtered_signal;
This functions runs many-many times without any error. However, when I reach the line: [num, den] = butter ( butter_deg_vector(i), normalized_co_freq, 'low');
And the local variables are: i=3, butter_deg_vector(i)=1, normalized_co_freq=5.625000e-001
MATLAB prompts an error says:
??? Error using ==> buttap Expected N to be integer-valued.
"Error in ==> buttap at 15 validateattributes(n,{'numeric'},{'scalar','integer','positive'},'buttap','N');
Error in ==> butter at 70 [z,p,k] = buttap(n);"
I don't understand why this problem occurs especially in this iteration. Why does this function prompt an error especially in this case?
Try to change the code line for:
[num, den] = butter (round(butter_deg_vector(i)), normalized_co_freq, 'low');

Debugging GNU octave: Using dbnext after dbup

I'm using GNU octave 3.6.4. According to the changelog (v 3.2):
Moving up and down the call stack with
dbup and dbdown now works.
However, when I'm in debug mode and excecute dbup followed by dbnext, the next line in the lower frame will be executed. Why is this so and how can it be avoided?
octave -q
octave:1> myfunc_base(2,3)
stopped in /home/seb/octave/myfunc.m at line 5
5: keyboard
debug> dbstack
stopped in:
--> myfunc at line 5 [/home/seb/octave/myfunc.m]
myfunc_base at line 4 [/home/seb/octave/myfunc_base.m]
debug> dbup
stopped in myfunc_base at line 4 % <-- looks good!
debug> dbnext
stopped in /home/seb/octave/myfunc.m at line 6 % <-- damn this is the old frame!
6: sp = a + temp;
The two test functions:
function sp = myfunc (a, b, c)
temp = b+c;
sp = a + temp;
function sp = myfunc_base (aa, bb)
temp = myfunc(aa, aa, bb);
sp = aa + temp;
To step out you have to use dbstep out. This matches the behaviour of matlab and everything else would be very stange. You can not step to the next line on any level of the stack if an exception occurs.