how to add activation rule as a contextual add-in when email body has a Link - office365-apps

how to add activation rule as a contextual add-in when email body has a Link as fallowing
<a href="" target="_blank">
<span >
<img blockedimagesrc="">
and this rule does not work as contextual add-in
> <Rule xsi:type="ItemIs" FormType="Read" ItemType="Message" />
> <Rule xsi:type="ItemHasRegularExpressionMatch" PropertyName="BodyAsHTML" RegExName="BodyFilter"
> RegExValue="https://www\.abcedf\.com/go" />

In regular expressions slashes ("/") are delimiters, so you need to escape them:
By the way, this regular expression is trivial - it looks like all you want to do is an exact string match.

Unfortunately, contextual highlighting is not supported in the scenario you have mentioned.
please refer to, the section header How to launch a contextual add-in
specifically, it states that the addin will show in the bar instead if either of these 2 conditions are true.
-When the entity is a URL or an email address
-When the add-in manifest has a rule with type="ItemHasRegularExpressionMatch" and PropertyName="BodyAsHTML" or
If you would like your addin to appear in the bar instead, I would recommend confirming your regex using some regex testing tool, then when you are confidant it is correct, try modifying the manifest.

For scenarios like this you can use the ItemHasKnownEntity rule. "Known Entities" are pre-defined elements that Outlook recognized automatically. It saves you from having to build complex regular expressions that are both hard to write and even harder to debug.
The ItemHasKnownEntity rule for the above URL might be
<Rule xsi:type="ItemHasKnownEntity"
IgnoreCase="true" />


tinymce <span> gets removed when containing <br />

I'm using Tiny 4.9.10 to dynamically generate reports based on templates. Users can create templates which contain placeholders. These placeholders then get swapped out for their actual values when generating the actual report. The placeholders get their style (including font, which is the main issue here) from their enclosing <span>-tag.
When replacing the placeholder with their actual value, we use <br />-tags to insert new lines, since some of the placeholders are almost full reports on their own which need to be structured.
After the placeholders have all been replaced, we inject this dynamically generated content back into a Tiny editor, so as to allow users to make ad hoc changes to the content.
At this point however we noticed that the <span>-tag around a piece of generated content containing <br />-tags gets removed. This is a problem, because the style info that was enclosed in this tag gets removed as well, resulting in problems further down the line when generating a PDF.
What I've tried to work around this:
setting verify_html to false
adding +span[br]/+span[br /] to valid_children
setting forced_root_bloc to div
The first two options did nothing to help me, and while the last one looked promising, it didn't help, because even when using <div>, font info gets enclosed into a child <span>.
I know this is expected behavior, because <span> is an inline tag and so it shouldn't have <br /> tags as children, but I'm currently at a loss for a workaround which allows me to include <br /> tags into my dynamically generated content without losing the style (most importantly the font) of the parent tag.
So I solved this by replacing the <span> tags by <div> tags when we swap out the placeholders by using some regex looking for spans that enclose a <p>...<\p> or a <b />. This stops Tiny from throwing away the <span> tags when they contain either of these enclosed tags
TinyMCE considers the <span> <br /> </span> construct an empty space and deletes it in favor of optimization.
I may be late, but you can also try using this callback in the setup option to stop the editor from removing empty spans:
setup: function(editor) {
editor.on('PreInit', function() {
editor.schema.getElementRule('span').removeEmpty = false;

Find an Element in Protractor

<label localize="{data: 'Name', suffix: ':'}">Name:</label>
<span class="required" ng-class="{'disabled': meterCreating}" input-control="{title: 'Meter', okCallback:setMeterName, value: meter.meterName, ss: 'meters'}">
<span hs-placeholder="Enter Name" class="ng-binding"></span>
What is the best way to find an element: placeholder = "Enter Name"?
Scenario: find an element using Snippet above
User clicks on the "Enter Name" box, another windows pops-up for entering a name.
Based off that HTML, the cleanest way I can see is by css chaining:
element(by.css('span.required')) (would normally just be, but I highly doubt that's unique. I also doubt that span.required is unique either)
There are many other options, however they won't be pretty cause they will be similar chains.
element(by.cssContainingText('label', 'Name:')).element(by.css('span > span'));
element(by.css('div label')) etc..
I would suggest asking your developers for better locators (specifically, ID's), it makes JavaScript way easier. Unfortunately, I don't think you're able to locate that element by HTML attributes, which is one of my favorite ways. It would have looked like this:
element(by.css('span[placeholder=Enter Name]')) -- but I'm pretty sure that will throw an error for invalid locator. It accepts most "standard" html attributes such as value, option, style etc...

JSF form not processed correctly

I'm blocked for couple of days on a JSF issue.
I have a web app where I create the page content quite dynamically from database data. Every page has several sections containing a form with h:commandButton (or a set of buttons).
Some forms work correctly and the form action method is launched as expected. Some other forms however don't work - the action method is not being called at all.
And I don't know why :-(
I know this response: action method is not called in JSF which lists conditions which must be fulfilled and I believe that everything is ok here, but it simply doesn't work for some forms...
Some points:
The problem is 100% repeatable
The same piece of XHTML is used for both successful and unsuccessful requests
The same action method (in the same bean) is being called for all forms
the console output differs in both cases
...RESTORE_VIEW phase is the same (my code logs seem to be equal)
...APPLY_REQUEST and few other phases are empty for the wrong case (only the final RENDER_RESPONSE phase is being executed
...APPLY_REQUEST and the following phases are not empty for the correct phase
(using ui:debug) Scoped variables / Request parameters contain ONLY vallues passed via f:param for the successfull case
Scoped variables / Request parameters contain however also formid, formid:action_name and an input box content for the UNsuccessfull case
the console shows absolutely no exception in any case
the correct request returns HTTP code 302 followed by another GET request with the target parameters (as build in the action method)
the incorrect request returns directly 200 (and no action is called)
when the JSF debug is switched on (javax.faces.level = ALL, com.sun.faces.level = ALL) still no exception is being shown, I see only couple of "javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase getRenderer\nFINE: No renderer-type for component j_idt171" messages and one "com.sun.faces.facelets.util.DevTools writeAttributes
FINEST: Error writing out attribute" followed by a NullPointerException - during RENDER_RESPONSE phase
So most probably there is a problem with restoring the view, but I have no idea why. The same XHTML block generates form and command button for both (successfull and unsuccessfull) cases (in a c:forEach loop).
But the strange think is also difference in the parameters in the correct case an in the wrong case...
Can anyone plase give me some directions what/where I should be looking for?
Thanks a lot in advance!
EDIT: some code...
This is the XHTML (unnecessary code cis cut)
<ui:composition xmlns=""
<ui:define name="title">IS runtime</ui:define>
<ui:define name="menu">
<h:link value="Home" outcome="/index" /> | <h:link value="IS home"
<f:param name="env" value="#{param.env}" />
<ui:define name="content">
<c:forEach var="pv" items="#{runtimeBean.pageViews}">
<div id="view_#{runtimeBean.ISViews[pv.view].code}"
<h:form id="form_#{runtimeBean.ISViews[pv.view].code}">
<h:messages />
test="#{runtimeBean.getEnvView(pv.view).type == 'RECORD_DETAIL'}">
<c:forEach var="item" items="#{runtimeBean.getViewItems(pv.view)}">
<h:outputText value="#{item.sqlColumn}" />:
<ui:fragment rendered="#{item.type == 'INPUT_FIELD'}">
<h:inputText id="#{item.sqlColumn}"
value="#{runtimeBean.sqlData0[item.sqlColumn]}" />
<ui:fragment rendered="#{item.type == 'READ_ONLY'}">
<h:outputText value="#{runtimeBean.sqlData0[item.sqlColumn]}" />
<br />
<c:forEach var="action"
items="#{runtimeBean.getViewActions(pv.view, 'BOTTOM_LEFT')}">
<h:commandButton id="action_BL_#{action.code}"
value="#{action.code}" action="#{runtimeBean.doPageAction}">
<f:param name="env" value="#{param.env}" />
<f:param name="view" value="#{pv.view}" />
<f:param name="action" value="#{}" />
<c:forEach var="actionParam"
<f:param name="#{actionParam}" value="#{param[actionParam]}" />
<ui:debug hotkey="z"
rendered="#{facesContext.application.projectStage == 'Development'}" />
This is Scoped Variables / Request Parameters for the correctly processed action:
Name Value
env 5
id 22
page 3
After the correct action the next page contains the parameters as passed:
and the same for the incorrect action:
Name Value
action 3
env 5
form_prj_detail form_prj_detail
form_prj_detail:action_BL_delete form_prj_detail:action_BL_delete
form_prj_detail:name p5
id 22
view 3
In the wrong case the next page doesn't show the arguments. Just simple:
In both cases the parameters are passed already in the HTTP (POST) request. It seems to me more as a problem of javascript part of the JSF library...
I made some progress in investigating the problem and I've found the following:
The page is being generated dynamically including the forms. They are generated based on parameters passed to the page.
However when applying the form data, they are being applied to page built with missing parameter. If the particular form is NOT present on the same page rendered w/o this parameter, the JSF then doesn't know the form instance and thus its values are not applied and the rest of the page processing chain is invalid.
Using different words: if I add the problematic form to a "default page" (with missing page parameter), the form is processed also from different pages (the same XHTML but different parametrs causing showing different forms on the page).
So for some reason when the page is restored or when the form data are being applied not all page parameters are used to restore the view.
...I made one small step but still don't have a solution and I'm frustrated :-(((
So, finally I've understood the problem.
The problem is in the Restore View phase when the server reconstructs the submitted page before any form values could be set and before the form action could be performed.
The point is that the page is not being restored from internal JSF view state but it's restored as a "new" page - and using arguments used to build the original page.
My app. creates the forms dynamically and concrete page content depends on the page parameters (set in the HTTP GET message) and then data read from DB. Pressing a command button builds a request with parameters necessary for making the action - which however don't match with parameters necessary to reconstruct the original/previous page (I don't care of it).
This means that the Restore view is reconstructing DIFFERENT page than the one the command button is pressed from. This means that the reconstructed forms don't match with the original page forms. And this finally means that they can't be matched and thus the follow up life cycle steps are not successfull and no action method could be called.
So... this is either my misunderstanding of the JSF principles OR it's a JSF design issue.
I'd simply expect that the Restore View must be performed implicitly and automatically...
Comments welcome!

Umbraco 4.6 - macros not rendering

I posted this on the Umbraco forum but to no avail, and wondered if the community at large might be able to offer some advice. We are upgrading our site from 4.0.3 to 4.6. I can't deploy it though as the macros aren't rendering - the error states the following about 30 times:
UmbracoPage Aliases must be unique, and element with alias 'data' has already been loaded!
And also says:
System.Web.HttpException: Multiple controls with the same ID 'ctl00$ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderDefault$ctl28' were found. Trace requires that controls have unique IDs.
I tried deleting the contents of my data file but this didn't help.. I also have 22 duplicate 'homepage' templates that Umbraco won't delete (possibly an issue for another post - or it could be related!).
The error message tells you the issue basically:
"Multiple controls with the same ID..." or in potentially no ID
You most likely have two Macros (of same type/alias) on the page and you are not specifying an ID for them.
<umbraco:Macro Alias="TestMacro" runat="server" />
<umbraco:Macro Alias="TestMacro" runat="server" />
If you want to render the same macro twice on the same page.
Then you must give them a unique ID (see below):
<umbraco:Macro ID="macro1" Alias="TestMacro" runat="server" />
<umbraco:Macro ID="macro2" Alias="TestMacro" runat="server" />

Sharepoint 2007 - Custom List provisioning - are List Forms needed at deployment?

I have a feature which is provisioning 1 document library and 2 custom lists. A folder is included for each list containing the schema.xml for that list. Each folder also contains the associated forms (AllItems, DispForm, EditForm, NewForm, etc.). Everything deploys/works correctly but it seems a little redundant having the same forms copied into each list's folder. There is nothing special about these lists - the are basically a default doc library/generic list with additional fields provided through new content types (derived from Item/Document).
As far as I can tell these forms are pretty generic. Are there pre-installed forms that I can reference from my list so I don't have to deploy all of these extra files? Is there any reason I would not want to do this?
Update - moving xml in comment to original question for readability:
<Form Type="DisplayForm" Url="Forms/DispForm.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main"/>
<Form Type="EditForm" Url="Forms/EditForm.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main"/>
<Form Type="NewForm" Url="Forms/Upload.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main"/>
<Form Type="NewFormDialog" Path="EditDlg.htm">
There are virtual defaults that are used if you don't specify a concrete page.
All lists use these template defaults unless you use a tool like SharePoint designer to customize the page. Then the template is used to create the concrete page and you can customize the look for a particular list without affecting others.
For my custom definitions, I use
<Form Type="DisplayForm" Url="DispForm.aspx" SetupPath="pages\form.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" />
<Form Type="EditForm" Url="EditForm.aspx" SetupPath="pages\form.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" />
<Form Type="NewForm" Url="NewForm.aspx" SetupPath="pages\form.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" />
If you have no reason to customize the out of the box version of these forms, you can use the virtual form and not deploy copies.