Need to copy a file into common folder location path for each user in one go - command-line

I have a file (named test.txt) that is currently only located on the Windows desktop for my user account. I need to copy this file to the same directory in each user account on this computer, such as:
Within each user account, the path to the new location would be the same. How would I do this using the command line?


Script to clone a template folder retaing permissions and prompt for new folder name

May I please get your insight?
I have a user group in AD call Contract Admin. I like would this user group to be able to run a script that clones a template folder (retaining permissions) to a new folder and prompt for a new client name.
The folder structure would be as follows:
New Folder (template folder) (Permissions: Admins, Contract Admin, Financial Admin)
Statements Folder (Permissions: Financial Admin)
End result after script:
ABC Company (Permissions: Admins, Contract Admin, Financial Admin)
Statements Folder (Permissions: Financial Admin)
Above is an example of the folder structure where New Folder is the template folder which also has a folder inside of it as well. I'd like to have the folders cloned with permissions retained.
I hope this is clear, I apologize if it is not. Thank you so much for your help.
The code I currently have for copying the permissions are as folows:
robocopy /e /copy:DATS "X:\Template" "X:\New Folder Name"
attrib -h "Template"
This is what I have for cloning the folders but I am lost from here.
Thank you
#echo off
set "src=C:\Users\XXX\Desktop\template folder"
set /p "dest=Name of Client?: "
robocopy /e /copy:DATS %src% %dest%
the source can simply be the folder/file name without the full path if both the script and the folder/file to be copied is in the same directory.
/copy: Specifies the file properties to be copied. The following are the valid values for this option:
D Data A Attributes
T Time stamps S NTFS access control list (ACL)
O Owner information
U Auditing information
The default value for
CopyFlags is DAT (data, attributes, and time stamps).
But this is not a script. It's a robocopy command.
There are many switches robocopy, see its help file for them.
Specifically the mirror (/MIR) a folder tree to a new location.
As for prompting users, there are a few ways to do this. The most direct is Read-Host cmdlet provides. You simply capture that in a variable and pass that as the folder.
$FolderPath = Read-Host 'Enter a folder path.'

Robocopy file to random named folder

I'm creating a script to automatically copy and paste bookmarks to x amount of computers.
Robocopy the Mozilla Bookmarks which are stored in a file called places.sqlite on a drive. To the destination
Appdata\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\\*RANDOM PROFILE NAME\places.sqlite
I can't find a solution to copy this file to the destination due to every windows profile and computer gets a random profile name created. I tried with a star * as you can see in the code because I thought a star choices the newest folder (last changed).
The code is:
Robocopy "$env:homeshare\ComputerChange\" "C:\Users\$env:username\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*\" "places.sqlite" /COPY:DAT
How do I edit the code so it chooses the random named folder? Is it possible to copy the places.sqlite to ALL folder in the Profiles\ folder?
Appreciate the help

I have two users on Ubuntu system. for 1 user ~./profile file wrong command How to change?

I have two users on Ubuntu system. By mistake i have changed for a user his ~./profile file. I kept wrong command in this file. As a result when I login to this user it is going for loop. How can I modify the content of this file?
The ~ refers to the home folder of the current user. You can access directly the file in the user home folder :

save or write the files of directory in sandbox file system to user selected directory in chrome app

Is there any way to save all files of sandbox file system directory to user local directory? I need user prompt only for directory not for each files.
Yes, it should be possible if you declare "directory" sub-permission in your manifest:
"permissions": [
{"fileSystem": ["write", "directory"]}
Then, you can request access to a directory with chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry using type: "directory", convert the result to a writable entry using chrome.fileSystem.getWritableEntry (see comments) and then write the files you need.

Remote desktop sessions - Track/get the current location of user

I have been playing around with PSTermninalServices for a while, and I was wondering if it's possible to track, or get, the current location of the user that is holding, working directory, a remote desktop sessoin? E.g what folders are open and what files are opened by the user. Is this possible to achieve with scripting like PowerShell?
OS: Windows Server 2008 R2
Best regards.
i don't know how to do it with PS, but you can use psfile (part of the excellent pstools suite from Mark Russinovich )
psfile.exe [\\RemoteComputer [-u Username [-p Password]]] [[Id | path] [-c]]
-u Specifies optional user name for login to
remote computer.
-p Specifies password for user name.
Id Id of file to print information for or close.
Path Full or partial path of files to match.
-c Closes file identified by file Id.
Omitting a file identifier has PsFile list all files opened remotely.