PostgreSQL - time series interpolation - postgresql

I have a table "performances" with columns "date" and "count".
However, the rows are sparse i.e. there are many days for which there is no row, which implicitly means that the count = 0.
Is there a query I can do that when run on this:
date count
2016-7-15 3
2016-7-12 1
2016-7-11 2
Would give me this:
date count
2016-7-15 3
2016-7-14 0
2016-7-13 0
2016-7-12 1
2016-7-11 2

You can use generate_series() and a left join:
with q as (<your query here>)
select s.dte, coalesce(q.count, 0) as count
from (select generate_series(min(, max(, interval '1 day') as dte
from q
) s left join
on s.dte =;


Subquery in 2 different time column

I tried this but it said that ERROR: subquery must return only one column
Select date_trunc('week', kyc.kyc_verify_date::timestamptz) as "week",
COUNT(*) filter (where kyc.status = 4) AS "A1",
COUNT(CASE WHEN kyc.status = 5
(Select date_trunc('week', kyc.last_update_time::timestamptz) AS "week",
count(*) filter (where kyc.status = 5)
From kyc
Group by 1)
END) AS "A2"
from KYC
Where kyc.kyc_verify_date >= date_trunc('week', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - interval '4 week')
and kyc.kyc_verify_date < date_trunc('week', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
Group by 1
i do this query to get the result that if status = 4 will take the date is kyc_verify_date,
but if status = 5 will take the date is last_update_time
What should I have to change in this query? or is there any way better?
A case expression returns a single value. Since you need 2 values from it you will need to repeat the expression.

PostgreSQL SELECT COUNT returning a bunch of 1s

The following is my code that returns the correct number of rows of nameids that I am looking for (75). Then, when I do COUNT(DISTINCT nameid) at the top instead, it just returns 145 1s instead of the number of rows in my query (75). It just says
(145 rows)
What am I doing wrong?
yearid >= 2000
SUM(spend) > 98;
You should not use the same column in group by and in aggregated function in this way you obtain only 1 ( the distinct count of a value grouped bybthe same value is 1)
if you want count the DISTINCT nameid for each year with sum(spend) > 68 you should use
FROM shop
yearid >= 2000
GROUP BY yearid
HAVING SUM(spend) > 98;

Get Data From Postgres Table At every nth interval

Below is my table and i am inserting data from my windows .Net application at every 1 Second Interval. i want to write query to fetch data from the table at every nth interval for example at every 5 second.Below is the query i am using but not getting result as required. Please Help me
timestamp_col timestamp without time zone,
value_1 bigint,
value_2 bigint
This is my query which i am using
select timestamp_col,value_1,value_2
from (
select timestamp_col,value_1,value_2,
INTERVAL '5 Seconds' * (row_number() OVER(ORDER BY timestamp_col) - 1 )
+ timestamp_col as r
from table_1
) as dt
Where r = 1
Use date_part() function with modulo operator:
select timestamp_col, value_1, value_2
from table_1
where date_part('second', timestamp_col)::int % 5 = 0

Column of counts for time intervals

I want to get a table that constructs a column that tracks how many times an id appears in a given week. If the id appears once it is given a 1, if it appears twice it is given a 2, but if it appears more than two times it is given a 0.
id date
a 2015-11-10
a 2015-11-25
a 2015-11-09
b 2015-11-10
b 2015-11-09
a 2015-11-05
b 2015-11-23
b 2015-11-28
b 2015-12-04
a 2015-11-10
b 2015-12-04
a 2015-12-07
a 2015-12-09
c 2015-11-30
a 2015-12-06
c 2015-10-31
c 2015-11-04
b 2015-12-01
a 2015-10-30
a 2015-12-14
the one week intervals are given as follows
1 - 2015-10-30 to 2015-11-05
2 - 2015-11-06 to 2015-11-12
3 - 2015-11-13 to 2015-11-19
4 - 2015-11-20 to 2015-11-26
5 - 2015-11-27 to 2015-12-03
6 - 2015-12-04 to 2015-12-10
7 - 2015-12-11 to 2015-12-17
The table should look like this.
id interval count
a 1 2
b 1 0
c 1 2
a 2 0
b 2 2
c 2 0
a 3 0
b 3 0
c 3 0
a 4 1
b 4 1
c 4 0
a 5 0
b 5 2
c 5 1
a 6 0
b 6 2
c 6 0
a 7 1
b 7 0
c 7 0
The interval column doesn't have to be there, I simply added it for clarity.
I am new to sql and am unsure how to break the dates into intervals. The only thing I have is grouping by date and counting.
Select id ,date, count (*) as frequency
from data_1
group by id, date having frequency <= 2;
Looking at just the data you provided, this does the trick:
coalesce((CASE WHEN sub.cnt < 3 THEN sub.cnt ELSE 0 END), 0) AS count
FROM (VALUES('a'), ('b'), ('c')) v(id)
CROSS JOIN generate_series(1, 7) i(interval)
SELECT id, ((date - '2015-10-30')/7 + 1)::int AS interval, count(*) AS cnt
FROM my_table
GROUP BY 1, 2) sub USING (id, interval)
ORDER BY 2, 1;
A few words of explanation:
You have three id values which are here recreated with a VALUES clause. If you have many more or don't know beforehand which id's to enumerate, you can always replace the VALUES clause with a sub-query.
You provide a specific date range over 7 weeks. Since you might have weeks where a certain id is not present you need to generate a series of the interval values and CROSS JOIN that to the id values above. This yields the 21 rows you are looking for.
Then you calculate the occurrences of ids in intervals. You can subtract a date from another date which will give you the number of days in between. So subtract the date of the row from the earliest date, divide that by 7 to get the interval period, add 1 to make the interval 1-based and convert to integer. You can then convert counts of > 2 to 0 and NULL to 0 with a combination of CASE and coalesce().
The query outputs the interval too, otherwise you will have no clue what the data refers to. Optionally, you can turn this into a column which shows the date range of the interval.
More flexible solution
If you have more ids and a larger date range, you can use the below version which first determines the distinct ids and the date range. Note that the interval is now 0-based to make calculations easier. Not that it matters much because instead of the interval number, the corresponding date range is displayed.
WITH mi AS (
SELECT min(date) AS min, ((max(date) - min(date))/7)::int AS intv FROM my_table)
to_char((mi.min + i.intv * 7)::timestamp, 'YYYY-mm-dd') || ' - ' ||
to_char((mi.min + i.intv * 7 + 6)::timestamp, 'YYYY-mm-dd') AS period,
coalesce((CASE WHEN sub.cnt < 3 THEN sub.cnt ELSE 0 END), 0) AS count
FROM mi,
(SELECT DISTINCT id FROM my_table) v
CROSS JOIN LATERAL generate_series(0, mi.intv) i(intv)
SELECT id, ((date - mi.min)/7)::int AS intv, count(*) AS cnt
FROM my_table
GROUP BY 1, 2) sub USING (id, intv)
ORDER BY 2, 1;
SQLFiddle with both solutions.
Assuming you have a table of all users, this will do the trick.
WHEN count(log_table.user_id)>2 THEN 0
ELSE count(log_table.user_id)
from users
cross join interval_table
left outer join log_table
on = log_table.user_id
and log_table.event_date >= interval_table.start_interval
and log_table.event_date < interval_table.stop_interval
group by,
order by,
Check it out:!15/1a822/21

Customize query of postgresql

I am using postgresql database, for i am trying to achieve like i have two queries and but i don't want to use multiple queries so is it possible to manage by single query ?
Query 1 :
select coalesce(sum("dummy"),0) as sum from generate_series ('2014-09-09 00:00:00'::timestamp,'2014-09-09 23:59:59','1 minute')
minutes(minute) LEFT JOIN report ON
minutes.minute=date_trunc('minute', report.fetchdate)
AND fetchdate >= '2014-09-09 00:00:00' AND fetchdate <= '2014-09-09 23:59:00'
AND entity_id ='0' group by minute order by minute
Total count of dummy field for each minutes of each day it means each day have total (24*60=1440) records
Note : This Query Using for single Day
Query2 :
select date(day)as day,coalesce(sum("dummy"),0) as sum from generate_series ('2014-09-06 00:00:01'::date,'2014-09-12 23:59:59'::date,'1 day'::interval) days(day) LEFT JOIN report ON'day', report.fetchdate) AND entity_id ='0' group by day order by day
give total count of dummy field for each day between day 2014-09-06 to 2014-09-12 it means total 7 records (Date : 6,7,8,9,10,11,12)
Note :This Query using for more than 1 days
Required Output:
1) Need to see total count of dummy field of each day between specified date(Output of 2nd query)
2) Need to see maximum call of each day
Ex :
Suppose i am search by any two days then need to break in single date and get data for each minute of each date and whenever we have maximum count of dummy field of particular day then need to show as output maximum call for each day
date_trunc('day', minute) as day,
sum(minute_sum) as day_sum,
max(minute_sum) as max_minute_sum
from (
coalesce(sum("dummy"),0) as minute_sum
'2014-09-13'::timestamp - interval '1 minute',
'1 minute'
) minutes(minute)
left join
report on
minutes.minute = date_trunc('minute', report.fetchdate)
and entity_id ='0'
group by minute
) s
group by 1
order by 1