Detecting selected text with powershell - powershell

Is it possible to detect selected text with powershell?
For instance, say I opened a text file that contained an essay and then sent a command to select the first line.
Is there a way to return the first line of that file as a string?

If you are trying to iterate over the lines of a text file you can access them like this:
$file = Get-Content essay.txt
$file[0] # for first line
$file[$file.Length - 1] # for last line


Import length-delimited file with PowerShell and export as csv file

I have a source file which is in .txt format. It looks like a semi-colon separated file:
However, it is determined by length. So it is a length-delimited file.
Fist column for example is from first value to the third (100), then a semi-colon follows.
Second column starts at 5th position (including), until (including) 7th position. A string column can contain a semi-colon.
Now I want to import this length-delimited txt file with Powershell and export it as a csv file. This file should be really semi-colon separated. The result should look like
But I have simply no idea how to do it? I googled it, but I did not find that much useful code examples for importing length-delimited txt files with PowerShell.
Unfortunately, I cannot use Python. I am not sure, if this task is generally possible using Powershell? Because when exporting, Powershell also needs to recognize that there are string values containing the separator, so it has to pay attention to the quoting: "Thisisa;;ringcolumnB". I think it would be also ok for me, if the whole column is quoted, so every entry in a string column gets quotes added.
You can use regex to describe a string in which the 3rd "column" contains a ; and then inject the quotation marks with the -replace operator:
$lines = Get-Content path\to\file.txt
#($lines) -replace '(.{3});(.{3});(.{20}(?<=;.{0,19}));(.);', '$1;$2;"$3";$4;'
The expression (.{20}(?<=;.{0,19})) is going to match the 20-char 3rd column value only if it contains at least one semi-colon - so lines with no semicolon in that column will be left alone:
# let's try it out with your test data
$lines = #'
'# -split '\r?\n'
#($lines) -replace '(.{3});(.{3});(.{20}(?<=;.{0,19}));(.);', '$1;$2;"$3";$4;'
Which yields the following four strings:
To write the output back to file, use Set-Content:
#($lines) -replace '(.{3});(.{3});(.{20}(?<=;.{0,19}));(.);', '$1;$2;"$3";$4;' |Set-Content path\to\fixed_output.scsv

Powershell: Matching a line of text from one file and adding into another file

I have a very large log file. It contains log data for multiple dates. Each line begins with a date (yyyy-dd-mm hh:mm:ss etc).
So, the log looks like this:
2016-02-17 10:15:24 some text that follows
2016-02-17 14:21:46 more text that follows
2016-02-19 11:54:11 other text that follows
2016-02-19 16:37:21 more text that follows
2016-02-19 19:52:17 other text that follows
2016-02-22 06:01:32 more text that follows
I am trying to write a PowerShell script that will:
Read each line of my file
Identify the date (first 10 characters)
Add this line to another file with the name targetfile-yyyy-mm-dd.log
My first attempt at this problem was to iterate through the whole range of dates in the file and parse the entire file from top to bottom for each date. This required multiple passes through the whole file (40GB of it!), which takes days.
My ideal solution would be to go through the file just one time, line by line, and copy each line into its appropriate target file based on the first ten characters in the line.
How would I do this to make it most efficient? Thank you for your thoughts!
Try this:
# Use StreamReader to read line by line the Log $file
$streamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -Arg "$file"
while($line = $streamReader.ReadLine()){
# Get the first 10 char to generate the $targetfile
$tagetfile = "target-file-$($line.Substring(0,10)).log"
# Add-Content of the $line value, skipping the first 20 char (Date)
$line.Substring(20) | Add-Content $tagetfile

Reading a text file in PowerShell after of a marker

I'm just wondering if it's possible to read the content of text file with specific index?
What I mean is like this, for example:
I have text file like this, 'test1.txt'
12345678900 ## ## readthistext
54321123440 ## ## hellothistext
I just want to read the content of text file after of the hashtag.
To read the text after the # characters you must read the file content up to the # characters first. Also, in PowerShell you normally read files either line by line (via Get-Content) or completely (via Get-Content -Raw). You can discard those parts of the read content that don't interest you, though. For instance:
(Get-Content 'C:\input.txt') -replace '^.*#'
The above will read the file C:\input.txt and for each line remove the text from the beginning of the line up to the last # character.

How to place a line which exists in one perl file , to another txt file after particular string matches

I am writing one perl script which is having some if else conditions. There is another .txt file in which, I want to place that conditional statements which exists in if else (in perl file) after a certain string. i did some search for this but most of the programs are based on merging two files. But in my case one file is perl file itself in which conditional statements exist and other is text file in which I want to append that conditional statements after a certain string. My files look like-
File 1
If (n==1 && m==1){
print (".include xyz.txt")}
else if(n==1 && m==0){
print (".include abc.txt")}.....
File 2
*matching string
Here I want to append #.include xyz.txt
Can both files run simultaneously and my conditional statements can be added in another file? Or first I have to take output from file 1 in other output file then to append it in second file. Please help me out. Thanks
Using perl from command line,
perl -MFcntl=:seek -pe 'seek(ARGV,0,SEEK_END) if /match/ and !$c++' fil1 fil2
It skips to fil2 file when it finds string match within fil1, and !$c++ ensures that skipping occurs only once.

powershell remove first characters of line

I am parsing a JBOSS log file using powershell.
A typical line would being like this :
2011-12-08 09:01:07,636 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].etc..
I want to remove all the characters from character 1 until the word ERROR. So I want to remove the date and time, the coma and the number right after it. I want my lines to begin with the word ERROR and delete everything before that.
I looked on google and tried different things I have found but I struggle and can't make it work. I tried with substring and replace but can't find how to delete all characters until the word ERROR.
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Thanks a lot!
This one-liner will read the contents of your file (in the example jboss.txt) and replace every line containing ERROR by ERROR + whatever follows on that line. Finally it will save the result in processed_jboss.txt
get-content jboss.txt | foreach-object {$_ -replace "^.*?(ERROR.*)",'$1'} | out-file processed_jboss.txt
Assuming the log line is in a variable of type string this should do it:
$line = "2011-12-08 09:01:07,636 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].etc.."
$ErrorIndex = $line.indexof("Error",0)
$CleanLogLine = $Line.Substring($ErrorIndex, $line.length)