I created a leaflet map, with national and regional boundaries (geojson). I have a problem: I would like the national borders that are in the foreground but at the same time i don't want miss the leaflet interaction with the regional level. How can I do?
I hope my question is clear, if not I try to improve!
thank to all
<<-- EDITED -->
i found this style propriety:
Boolean true If false,
the vector will not emit mouse events and will act as a part of the underlying map.
it's works :)! but i have some problem with interaction that erase national border
I fix the problem with an inefficient patch
function resetHighlight(e) {
My question is about mapbox gl js.
How to change map fill-color by current zoom level?
The fill-color of this map has population growth rates by country, with a gradation from minimum to maximum. However, if the zoomed location has similar data, the fill-color difference becomes difficult to understand. So, I want to refer to the tile information according to the zoom level, get the country on the screen, and redraw it.
I searched a lot, but I couldn't figure out how to get the information on the screen. Please let me know if you have any information.
Zoom Level: 1
Zoom Level: 3
Thank you!
Your question initially asks:
How to change map color by current zoom level with mapbox gl js?
For that, you use an expression like 'fill-color': ['interpolate', ['linear'], ['zoom'], ...]
But what you want is something very different:
However, if the zoomed location has similar data, the fill-color difference becomes difficult to understand. So, I want to refer to the tile information according to the zoom level, get the country on the screen, and redraw it.
It sounds like what you want is context-sensitive color scaling. That is, instead of a fixed scale of colors where dark green always means X and light green means Y, instead, dark is the lowest value in the current viewport and light is the highest value in the viewport.
This does not have anything to do with zoom.
The steps you need are:
Detect when the viewport has changed: map.on("moveend", ...)
Find what values exist within the viewport: map.queryRenderedFeatures(...)
Calculate a new expression based on those values.
Set the new expression: map.setPaintProperty(...)
Say I have a geojson box I've added to leaflet. How can I allow the user to "click and drag the box" to a new location, which in turn updates all the coordinates automatically? I know how to edit the boundary/points that make up the shape using leaflet editing, but am not sure how to actually move the shape.
There is a Leaflet.Draw.Drag plugin for Leaflet Draw that allows you to move polygons when you enter edit mode. It does seem to be a bit finicky about the version, though. At least in a few quick experiments, I was only able to get it to work using Leaflet Draw version 0.2.3. If you have an existing L.GeoJson layer, you can simply specify that as the featureGroup in the edit options of the draw control:
var drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({
edit: {
featureGroup: yourGeoJsonLayer,
edit: {
selectedPathOptions: {
maintainColor: true,
moveMarkers: true
In the selectedPathOptions, the maintainColor option just keeps the existing style of the layer while you're editing, and the moveMarkers option places a little square marker in the middle of the polygon as a reminder that you can drag the whole thing rather than just edit the vertices.
Here is an example fiddle:
Created my first map at
I am plotting walks on the coast path (the yellow) and will be adding more walks and more information. However at current zoom I would like to exclude all the pins and only show them at zoom level 11?
If I understand correctly, you want to hide some layers (pins/markers and/or vectors/paths) at some low zoom levels (like [0 to 10]), and bring them back at high zoom levels (like 11 and above)?
You would probably be interested in attaching a callback on map "zoomend" event, so that callback can remove or add your layers to the map depending on the current map zoom level, when the latter changes.
For example:
map.on("zoomend", showOrHideLayers);
function showOrHideLayers() {
if (map.getZoom() <= 10) {
} else {
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/ve2huzxw/116/
If your objective is to avoid overlapping of pins (markers), you might also be interested in "Clustering" functionality.
Have a look at available Leaflet clustering plugins.
The most popular one is Leaflet.markercluster (demo).
In my scene, the smileys(Quad with png image) are placed at Y:0 and the dots(Quad with tiling 3X3) are placed at Y: -0.25.
The shader I need to use for the smileys is Transparent-Diffuse as I am using a circle png image.
But the dots I use below are showing up above the smiley. Using any other shader like Diffuse solves the issue but the smiley becomes a square.
If you need any more clarifications please dont hesitate to ask.
I have attached the shader details of both the smiley and the dots from the inspector panel.
link: http://postimg.org/image/cvws1os7d/
Edit 2:
I have found that the issue should be with the MainCamera and especially with distance & "Field Of View".
I need to use "Perspective" as projection type and 140 as Field of View.
If I change the projection type to Orthographic the issue is completely fixed.
The below screenshots show how the distance and Field of View controls the appearance of the dots over the smiley.
Screenshot 1:
Y position: 8.48
Field of View: 30
link: http://postimg.org/image/s31tttrkp/
Screenshot 2:
Y position: 9.7
Field of View: 30
link: http://postimg.org/image/f71sq0y4b/
Screenshot 3:
Y position: 11.41
Field of View: 30
link: http://postimg.org/image/3uk4az3d3/
Screenshot 4:
Y position: 1
Field of View: 140
link: http://postimg.org/image/bul9zwg7z/
Can this be a clue?
Just a couple of info, on how transparency is typically implemented (not only by Unity).
Meanwhile opaque objects can be drawn in any order (even if sorting them in front-to-back order can eventually improve some GPU performances relying on an early z-cull). Which pixels are visible can be deduced using the depth value stored into the z-buffer.
You can't rely on z-buffer for transparency.
For rendering translucent objects a typical approach is to draw them after all opaque objects, and sorting them in back-to-front order (transparent objects more distant from the camera are drawn first).
Now the question is: how do you sort objects? with a perspective camera and meshes of a generic shape, the solution is not obvious.
For quad meshes oriented parallel to a ortographic camera view plane, the z order is implicitly correct (that's why it always works for you).
You can also notice that camera position influences the drawing order, because with perspective camera the order is calculated as distance between object position and camera.
So what can you do with Unity3d, in your specific use case scenario?
A couple of tricks:
Explicitly set the render queue of the material
Explicitly set the render order inside the shader (similar of the above, but equals to every object with the same shader)
Fake the depth using Offset into the shader (not that useful in your case but worth to be known)
hope this helps
I didn't know that, the camera transparency sorting mode appears to be customizable. So this is another solution, maybe the best for your case if you want to use a perspective camera.
If you are using Sprite Renderer component to render the images, you have to change the rendering order with Sorting Layer and Order in Layer parameters instead of changing the Y position.
Sorting layers can be added by clicking the "default" and choosing "Add Sorting Layer..". The order of the layers is changed by dragging them into different order. With Order in Layer lower numbers are rendered first. This means that higher numbers will be drawn on top of lower ones.
OK, here's the deal:
I have two views: simple and advanced. On the iPad, they come with a big-ass map view, with a marker that can be moved to indicate a position.
Each view has a different instance of MkMapView. When I switch from one to the other, I want to keep the map at exactly the same position and zoom level, so the user feels as if it is the same map.
However, the shape of the map view is slightly different for each of the views. This is because the advanced search has more stuff above the map.
When I open the map (this is code from an abstract superclass, so both instances get it), I set the region and marker position, like so:
[mapSearchView setRegion:[mapSearchView regionThatFits:[[BMLTAppDelegate getBMLTAppDelegate] searchMapRegion]]];
[myMarker setCoordinate:[[BMLTAppDelegate getBMLTAppDelegate] searchMapMarkerLoc]];
searchMapRegion and searchMapMarkerLoc are static, and reflect the currently displayed map's region and marker location (the center of the map).
Here's the problem:
Because the map is a slightly different shape, there is always a bit of adjusting. This can "bounce" back and forth, so that the map zoom keeps decreasing every time you switch, until you are looking at the whole world.
It doesn't matter whether or not I use regionThatFits. The same thing happens, even with this code:
[mapSearchView setRegion:[[BMLTAppDelegate getBMLTAppDelegate] searchMapRegion]];
[myMarker setCoordinate:[[BMLTAppDelegate getBMLTAppDelegate] searchMapMarkerLoc]];
All I want, is for the exact same zoom and center to be displayed. I don't care is the advanced view cuts a bit off.
How do I get the $##!! MapKit to stop tweaking the zoom factor?
Just FYI. I solved this by creating a custom model layer class that maintains the scale and center point, and is used by multiple MKMapViews. It works pretty well, but the MapKit does sometimes tweak the scale very slightly to fit one of its "detents."