Best way to handle (sub) types of the form `{ x : nat | x >= 13 /\ x <= 19 }`? - coq

Coq would let me define this :
Definition teenagers : Set := { x : nat | x >= 13 /\ x <= 19 }.
and also :
Variable Julia:teenagers.
but not :
Example minus_20 : forall x:teenagers, x<20.
or :
Example Julia_fact1 : Julia > 12.
This is because Julia (of type teenagers) cannot be compared to 12 (nat).
Q: How should I inform Coq that Julia's support type is nat so that I can write anything useful about her ?
Q': My definition of teenagers seems like a dead end ; it is more declarative than constructive and I seem to have lost inductive properties of nat. How can I show up its inhabitants ? If there is no way, I can still stick to nat and work with Prop and functions. (newbie here, less than one week self learning with Pierce's SF).

The pattern you are using in teenagers is an instance of the "subType" pattern. As you have noted, a { x : nat | P x } is different from nat. Currently, Coq provides little support to handle these kind of types effectively, but if you restrict to "well-behaved" classes of P, you can actually work in a reasonable way. [This should really become a Coq FAQ BTW]
In the long term, you may want to use special support for this pattern. A good example of such support is provided by the math-comp library subType interface.
Describing this interface is beyond your original question, so I will end with a few comments:
In your minus_20 example, you want to use the first projection of your teenagers datatype. Try forall x : teenagers, proj1_sig x < 20. Coq can try to insert such projection automatically if you declare the projection as a Coercion:
Require Import Omega.
Definition teenagers : Set :=
{ x : nat | x >= 13 /\ x <= 19 }.
Coercion teen_to_nat := fun x : teenagers => proj1_sig x.
Implicit Type t : teenagers.
Lemma u t : t < 20.
Proof. now destruct t; simpl; omega. Qed.
As you have correctly observed, { x : T | P x } is not the same in Coq than x. In principle, you cannot transfer reasoning from objects of type T to objects of type { x : T | P x } as you must also reason in addition about objects of type P x. But for a wide class of P, you can show that the teen_to_nat projection is injective, that is:
forall t1 t2, teen_to_nat t1 = teen_to_nat t2 -> t1 = t2.
Then, reasoning over the base type can be transferred to the subtype. See also: Inductive subset of an inductive set in Coq
[edit]: I've added a couple typical examples of subTypes in math-comp, as I think they illustrate well the concept:
Sized lists or n.-tuples. A list of length n is represented in math-comp as a pair of a single list plus a proof of size, that is to say n.-tuple T = { s : seq T | size s == n}. Thanks to injectivity and coertions, you can use all the regular list functions over tuples and they work fine.
Bounded natural or ordinals: similarly, the type 'I_n = { x : nat | x < n } works almost the same than a natural number, but with a bound.


Real numbers in Coq

In one can read:
Coq's standard library takes a very different approach to the real numbers: An axiomatic approach.
and one can find the following axiom:
completeness :
∀E:R → Prop,
bound E → (∃x : R, E x) → { m:R | is_lub E m }.
The library is not mentioned but in Why are the real numbers axiomatized in Coq? one can find the same description :
I was wondering whether Coq defined the real numbers as Cauchy sequences or Dedekind cuts, so I checked Coq.Reals.Raxioms and... none of these two. The real numbers are axiomatized, along with their operations (as Parameters and Axioms). Why is it so?
Also, the real numbers tightly rely on the notion of subset, since one of their defining properties is that is every upper bounded subset has a least upper bound. The Axiom completeness encodes those subsets as Props."
Nevertheless, whenever I look at I do not see any axiomatic approach, in particular we have the following lemma:
Lemma completeness :
forall E:R -> Prop,
bound E -> (exists x : R, E x) -> { m:R | is_lub E m }.
Where can I find such an axiomatic approach of the real numbers in Coq?
The description you mention is outdated indeed, because since I asked the question you linked, I rewrote the axioms defining Coq's standard library real numbers in a more standard way. The real numbers are now divided into 2 layers
constructive real numbers, that are defined in terms of Cauchy sequences and that use no axioms at all;
classical real numbers, that are a quotient set of constructive reals, and that do use 3 axioms to prove the least upper bound theorem that you mention.
Coq easily gives you the axioms underlying any term by the Print Assumptions command:
Require Import Raxioms.
Print Assumptions completeness.
ClassicalDedekindReals.sig_not_dec : forall P : Prop, {~ ~ P} + {~ P}
: forall P : nat -> Prop,
(forall n : nat, {P n} + {~ P n}) -> {n : nat | ~ P n} + {forall n : nat, P n}
: forall (A : Type) (B : A -> Type) (f g : forall x : A, B x),
(forall x : A, f x = g x) -> f = g
As you can see these 3 axioms are purely logical, they do not speak about real numbers at all. They just assume a fragment of classical logic.
If you want an axiomatic definition of the reals in Coq, I provided one for the constructive reals
Require Import Coq.Reals.Abstract.ConstructiveReals.
And this becomes an interface for classical reals if you assume the 3 axioms above.
These descriptions are outdated. It used to be the case that the type R of real numbers was axiomatized, along with its basic properties. But nowadays (since 2019?) it is defined in terms of more basic axioms, more or less like one would do in traditional mathematics.

Characteristic function of a union

In a constructive setting such as Coq's, I expect the proof of a disjunction A \/ B to be either a proof of A, or a proof of B. If I reformulate this on subsets of a type X, it says that if I have a proof that x is in A union B, then I either have a proof that x is in A, or a proof that x is in B. So I want to define the characteristic function of a union by case analysis,
Definition characteristicUnion (X : Type) (A B : X -> Prop)
(x : X) (un : A x \/ B x) : nat.
It will be equal to 1 when x is in A, and to 0 when x is in B. However Coq does not let me destruct un, because "Case analysis on sort Set is not allowed for inductive definition or".
Is there another way in Coq to model subsets of type X, that would allow me to construct those characteristic functions on unions ? I do not need to extract programs, so I guess simply disabling the previous error on case analysis would work for me.
Mind that I do not want to model subsets as A : X -> bool. That would be unecessarily stronger : I do not need laws of excluded middle such as "either x is in A or x is not in A".
As pointed out by #András Kovács, Coq prevents you from "extracting" computationally relevant information from types in Prop in order to allow some more advanced features to be used. There has been a lot of research on this topic, including recently Univalent Foundations / HoTT, but that would go beyond the scope of this question.
In your case you want indeed to use the type { A } + { B } which will allow you to do what you want.
I think the union of subsets should be a subset as well. We can do this by defining union as pointwise disjunction:
Definition subset (X : Type) : Type := X -> Prop.
Definition union {X : Type}(A B : subset X) : subset X := fun x => A x \/ B x.

Cardinality of finFieldType / Euler's criterion

I am trying to prove a very limited form of Euler's criterion:
Variable F : finFieldType.
Hypothesis HF : (1 != -1 :> F).
Lemma euler (a : F) : a^+(#|F|.-1./2) = -1 -> forall x, x^+2 != a.
I have the bulk of the proof done already, but I am left with odd (#|F|.-1) = 0, that is, #|F|.-1 is even. (I'm not interested in characteristic 2). I can't seem to find useful facts in the math comp library about the cardinality of finFieldTypes. For example, I would expect a lemma saying there exists a p such that prime p and #|F| = p. Am I missing something here?
By the way, I could also have totally missed an already existing proof of Euler's criterion in the math comp library itself.
I am not aware of a proof of Euler's criterion, but I found two lemmas, in finfield, that give you the two results that you expected in order to finish your proof (the second one may not be presented as you expected):
First, you have the following lemma which gives you the prime p corresponding to the characteristic of your field F (as long as it is a finFieldType):
Lemma finCharP : {p | prime p & p \in [char F]}.
Then, another lemma gives you the cardinality argument :
Let n := logn p #|R|.
Lemma card_primeChar : #|R| = (p ^ n)%N.
The problem with the second lemma is that your field should be recognized as a PrimeCharType, which roughly corresponds to a ringType with an explicit characteristic. But given the first lemma, you are able to give such a structure to your field (which canonically has a ringType), on the fly. A possible proof could be the following
Lemma odd_card : ~~ odd (#|F|.-1).
suff : odd (#|F|) by have /ltnW/prednK {1}<- /= := finRing_gt1 F.
have [p prime_p char_F] := (finCharP F); set F_pC := PrimeCharType p_char.
have H : #|F| = #|F_primeChar| by []; rewrite H card_primeChar -H odd_exp => {H F_pC}.
apply/orP; right; have := HF; apply: contraR=> /(prime_oddPn prime_p) p_eq2.
by move: char_F; rewrite p_eq2=> /oppr_char2 ->.

how to figure out what "=" means in different types in coq

Given a type (like List) in Coq, how do I figure out what the equality symbol "=" mean in that type? What commands should I type to figure out the definition?
The equality symbol is just special infix syntax for the eq predicate. Perhaps surprisingly, it is defined the same way for every type, and we can even ask Coq to print it for us:
Print eq.
(* Answer: *)
Inductive eq (A : Type) (x : A) : Prop :=
| eq_refl : eq x x.
This definition is so minimal that it might be hard to understand what is going on. Roughly speaking, it says that the most basic way to show that two expressions are equal is by reflexivity -- that is, when they are exactly the same. For instance, we can use eq_refl to prove that 5 = 5 or [4] = [4]:
Check eq_refl : 5 = 5.
Check eq_refl : [4] = [4].
There is more to this definition than meets the eye. First, Coq considers any two expressions that are equalivalent up to simplification to be equal. In these cases, we can use eq_refl to show that they are equal as well. For instance:
Check eq_refl : 2 + 2 = 4.
This works because Coq knows the definition of addition on the natural numbers and is able to mechanically simplify the expression 2 + 2 until it arrives at 4.
Furthermore, the above definition tells us how to use an equality to prove other facts. Because of the way inductive types work in Coq, we can show the following result:
eq_elim :
forall (A : Type) (x y : A),
x = y ->
forall (P : A -> Prop), P x -> P y
Paraphrasing, when two things are equal, any fact that holds of the first one also holds of the second one. This principle is roughly what Coq uses under the hood when you invoke the rewrite tactic.
Finally, equality interacts with other types in interesting ways. You asked what the definition of equality for list was. We can show that the following lemmas are valid:
forall A (x1 x2 : A) (l1 l2 : list A),
x1 :: l1 = x2 :: l2 -> x1 = x2 /\ l1 = l2
forall A (x : A) (l : list A),
x :: l <> nil.
In words:
if two nonempty lists are equal, then their heads and tails are equal;
a nonempty list is different from nil.
More generally, if T is an inductive type, we can show that:
if two expressions starting with the same constructor are equal, then their arguments are equal (that is, constructors are injective); and
two expressions starting with different constructors are always different (that is, different constructors are disjoint).
These facts are not, strictly speaking, part of the definition of equality, but rather consequences of the way inductive types work in Coq. Unfortunately, it doesn't work as well for other kinds of types in Coq; in particular, the notion of equality for functions in Coq is not very useful, unless you are willing to add extra axioms into the theory.

Stuck in the construction of a very simple function

I am learning Coq. I am stuck on a quite silly problem (which has no motivation, it is really silly). I want to build a function from ]2,+oo] to the set of integers mapping x to x-3. That should be simple... In any language I know, it is simple. But not in Coq. First, I write (I explain with a lot of details so that someone can explain what I don't understand in the behaviour of Coq)
Definition f : forall n : nat, n > 2 -> nat.
I get a subgoal
forall n : nat, n > 2 -> nat
which means that Coq wants a map from a proof of n>2 to the set of integers. Fine. So I want to tell it that n = 3 + p for some integer p, and then return the integer p. I write :
intros n H.
And I get the context/subgoal
n : nat
H : n > 2
Then i suppose that I have proved n = 3 + p for some integer p by
cut(exists p, 3 + p = n).
I get the context/subgoal
n : nat
H : n > 2
(exists p : nat, 3 + p = n) -> nat
subgoal 2 (ID 6) is:
exists p : nat, 3 + p = n
I move the hypothesis in the context by
intro K.
I obtain:
n : nat
H : n > 2
K : exists p : nat, 3 + p = n
subgoal 2 (ID 6) is:
exists p : nat, 3 + p = n
I will prove the existence of p later. Now I want to finish the proof by exact p. So i need first to do a
destruct K as (p,K).
and I obtain the error message
Error: Case analysis on sort Set is not allowed for inductive
definition ex.
And I am stuck.
You are absolutely right! Writing this function should be easy in any reasonable programming language, and, fortunately, Coq is no exception.
In your case, it is much easier to define your function by simply ignoring the proof argument you are supplying:
Definition f (n : nat) : nat := n - 3.
You may then wonder "but wait a second, the natural numbers aren't closed under subtraction, so how can this make sense?". Well, in Coq, subtraction on the natural numbers isn't really subtraction: it is actually truncated. If you try to subtract, say, 3 from 2, you get 0 as an answer:
Goal 2 - 3 = 0. reflexivity. Qed.
What this means in practice is that you are always allowed to "subtract" two natural numbers and get a natural number back, but in order for this subtraction make sense, the first argument needs to be greater than the second. We then get lemmas such as the following (available in the standard library):
le_plus_minus_r : forall n m, n <= m -> n + (m - n) = m
In most cases, working with a function that is partially correct, such as this definition of subtraction, is good enough. If you want, however, you can restrict the domain of f to make its properties more pleasant. I've taken the liberty of doing the following script with the ssreflect library, which makes writing this kind of function easier:
Require Import Ssreflect.ssreflect Ssreflect.ssrfun Ssreflect.ssrbool.
Require Import Ssreflect.ssrnat Ssreflect.eqtype.
Definition f (n : {n | 2 < n}) : nat :=
val n - 3.
Definition finv (m : nat) : {n | 2 < n} :=
Sub (3 + m) erefl.
Lemma fK : cancel f finv.
move=> [n Pn] /=; apply/val_inj=> /=.
by rewrite /f /= addnC subnK.
Lemma finvK : cancel finv f.
by move=> n; rewrite /finv /f /= addnC addnK.
Now, f takes as an argument a natural number n that is greater than 2 (the {x : T | P x} form is syntax sugar for the sig type from the standard library, which is used for forming types that work like subsets). By restricting the argument type, we can write an inverse function finv that takes an arbitrary nat and returns another number that is greater than 2. Then, we can prove lemmas fK and finvK, which assert that fK and finvK are inverses of each other.
On the definition of f, we use val, which is ssreflect's idiom for extracting the element out of a member of a type such as {n | 2 < n}. The Sub function on finv does the opposite, packaging a natural number n with a proof that 2 < n and returning an element of {n | 2 < n}. Here, we rely crucially on the fact that the < is expressed in ssreflect as a boolean computation, so that Coq can use its computation rules to check that erefl, a proof of true = true, is also a valid proof of 2 < 3 + m.
To conclude, the mysterious error message you got in the end has to do with Coq's rules governing computational types, with live in Type, and propositional types, which live in Prop. Coq's rules forbid you from using proofs of propositions to build elements that have computational content (such as natural numbers), except in very particular cases. If you wanted, you could still finish your definition by using {p | 3 + p = n} instead of exists p, 3 + p = n -- both mean the same thing, except the former lives in Type while the latter lives in Prop.