Mongo find documents where value of property does not contains a given string - mongodb

This Meteor server code needs to find all document where food does not contains 'hot' case insensitive.
FoodCol.find({food: /^hot/}); is not cutting it.
So that I need the code to only return {food: 'chicken soup, type: 'soups'} sine it is the only document where the string 'hot' is not found in the property 'food'.
How can it be done? Thanks
food: 'Hot coffee',
type: 'drink'
}, {
food: 'cake with hot topping',
type: 'cake'
}, {
food: 'chicken soup',
type: 'soups'

Run the following query, it uses the $not operator which will perform a logical NOT operation on the regex specified and selects the documents that do not match the regex:
FoodCol.find({ "food": { "$not": /hot/i } })


Find a value in multiple nested fields with the same name in MongoDB

In some documents I have a property with a complex structure like:
content: {
foo: {
id: 1,
name: 'First',
active: true
bar: {
id: 2,
name: 'Second',
active: false
baz: {
id: 3,
name: 'Third',
active: true
I'm trying to make a query that can find all documents with a given value in the field name across the different second level objects foo, bar, baz
I guess that a solution could be:
db.getCollection('mycollection').find({ $or: [
{'': 'First'},
{'': 'First'},
{'': 'First'}
But a I want to do it dynamic, with no need to specify key names of nested fields, nether repeat the value to find in every line.
If some Regexp on field name were available , a solution could be:
db.getCollection('mycollection').find({'content.*.name': 'First'}) // Match
db.getCollection('mycollection').find({'content.*.name': 'Third'}) // Match
db.getCollection('mycollection').find({'content.*.name': 'Fourth'}) // Doesn't match
Is there any way to do it?
I would say this is a bad schema if you don't know your keys in advance. Personally I'd recommend to change this to an array structure.
Regardless what you can do is use the aggregation $objectToArray operator, then query that newly created object. Mind you this approach requires a collection scan each time you execute a query.
$addFields: {
arr: {
"$objectToArray": "$content"
$match: {
"": "First"
$project: {
arr: 0
Mongo Playground
Another hacky approach you can take is potentially creating a wildcard text index and then you could execute a $text query to search for the name, obviously this comes with the text index/query limitations and might not be right for your usecase.

Use GraphQL Query to get results form MongoDB after aggregation with mongoose

so i have following problem.
I have a mongoDB collection and a corresponding mongoose model which looks like this.
export const ListItemSchema = new Schema<ListItemSchema>({
title: { type: String, required: true },
parentId: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, required: false },
export const TestSchema = new Schema<Test>(
title: { type: String, required: true },
list: { type: [ListItemSchema], required: false },
As you can see, my TestSchema holds an Array of ListItems inside -> TestSchema is also my Collection in MongoDB.
Now i want to query only my ListItems from a Test with a specific ID.
Well that was not that big of a problem at least from the MongoDB side.
I use MongoDB Aggregation Framework for this and call my aggregation inside a custom Resolver.
Here is the code to get an array of only my listItems from a specific TestModel
const test = TestModel.aggregate([
{$match: {_id: id}},
{$unwind: "$list"},
$match: {
"list.parentId": {$eq: null},
{$replaceRoot: {newRoot: "$list"}},
This is the result
[ { _id: randomId,
title: 't',
parentId: null },
{ _id: randomId,
title: 'x'
parentId: null
} ]
The Query to trigger the resolver looks like this and is placed inside my Test Type Composer.
query getList {
test(testId:"2f334575196fe042ea83afbf", parentId: null) {
So far so good... BUT! Ofc my query will fail or will result in a not so good result^^ because GraphQL expects data based on the Test-Model but receives a completely random array.
So after a lot of typing here is the question:
How do i have to change my query to receive the list array?
Do i have to adjust the query or is it something with mongoose?
i really stuck at this point so any help would be awesome!
Thanks in advance :)
I'm not sure if I understood your issue correctly.
In your graphql, try to leave out exclamation mark(!) from the Query type.
something like :
type Query {
test: TestModel
instead of
type Query {
test: TestModel!
then you'll get the error message in console but still be able to receive any form of data.

Mongoose/MongoDB find Document with array of objects by multiple values

I have the following document structure:
recipients: [
name: String,
hidden: Boolean,
name: String,
hidden: Boolean,
// more ...
I want to query all documents for a given name and a given hidden value in the same object, meaning at the same index of the recipients array. How can I query for example "all documents for name = test and hidden = false" (where hidden is in the same object as the name)? I tried the following
const chats = await Model.find(
'': name,
'recipients.hidden': false,
But this still returns the document because it does not seem to use those 2 conditions for the same object, but across all objects in the array.
Nevermind, got it. See the MongoDB docs for $elemMatch (
"recipients": {
"$elemMatch": {
"name": name,
"hidden": false

MongoDB - Query nested objects in nested array with array of strings filter

So basically I need to filter my data with my own filter, which is array of strings, but problem is, that that exact field is inside nested object in array in DB. so, part of my Schema looks like this:
members: [
_id: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "Users" },
profilePicture: { type: String, required: true },
profile: {
firstName: { type: String },
lastName: { type: String },
occupation: { type: String },
gender: { type: String }
and my filter looks like this
gender: ["male","female"]
expected result with this filter is to get a team which has both male users and female users, if it has only male, or only female, it should not give me that team. but everything i've tried was giving me everything what included males and females even tho there were only male members.
what i've tried:
db.teams.find(members: { $elemMatch: { "profile.gender": { $in: gender } } })
This works only when there is one gender specified in the filter, and well, i know it must not work on what i am trying to achieve, but i dont know how to achieve it. any help will be appreciated
Edit: I've tried to do it in this way
$and: [
{ members: { $elemMatch: { "profile.gender": gender[0] } } },
{ members: { $elemMatch: { "profile.gender": gender[1] } } }
and this gives me result only when both filters are specified, however, if there is only one filter(either "male", or "female") it is giving me nothing.
Use $and operator instead of $in.
db.teams.find(members: {$elemMatch: {$and: [{'profile.gender': 'male'}, {'profile.gender': 'female'}]}})
This query works no matter how many elements you want to compare
db.teams.find({$and: [{'members.profile.gender': 'male'}, {'members.profile.gender': 'female'}]})
You need to dynamically generate the query before passing it to find, if you want to cover more than one case.
You can do this with the $all operator that finds docs where an array field contains contains all specified elements:
var gender = ['male', 'female'];
db.teams.find({'members.profile.gender': {$all: gender}});

Unexpected result when trying to filter fields in mongo db

I have a document structured as follows:
_id: "someid",
games: [{
slug: "world-of-warcraft",
class: 'shaman'
}, {
slug: 'starcraft-ii',
class: 'zerg'
roles: {
'starcraft-ii': ['player'],
'world-of-warcraft': ['player']
I am trying to filter it so that only starcraft-ii within the games array will show up for all players in the role of player in starcraft-ii. I do the following:
function getUsersInGame(slug) {
return Users.find({
'games.slug': slug,
[`roles.${slug}`]: 'player'
}, {
fields: {
'games.$': 1,
'roles': 1
However, this does not match within the games array, and instead returns a 1-element array with world-of-warcraft instead.
What is the appropriate way to filter this array in mongo?
Use $elemMatch in your fields, since the $ will return the first element of the array. So your query should look like this:
function getUsersInGame(slug) {
return Users.find(
'"roles.'+ slug + '"': { $in : ['player']}
'games': {
$elemMatch: {'slug': slug}
'roles': 1
Please note the difference from the docs:
"The $ operator projects the array elements based on some condition from the query statement.
The $elemMatch projection operator takes an explicit condition argument. This allows you to project based on a condition not in the query..."