Documentum Rest Service - Trusting SSL certificate from Java Client - rest

My Need is to accept the SSL certificate enabled on REST Webservice URL ( https:/:/dctm-rest) from standalone Java application(which will be bundled as JAR).
To my knowledge best way is to create KeyStore/TrustStore using Keytool, download the certificate from browser/openssl and add it to TrustStore.With this we are creating a dependency and someone has to keep on updating the certificate for every renewal.
Can someone guide me to get this implemented by removing the manual dependency?

You have to include the server certificate at https://dctm-rest into the whitelist of your JRE (the truststore)
1) Include the server certificate in JRE trustore (jre/lib/security/cacerts) (Not recommended)
To download the server certificate, open site with browser, right-click on green lock, select 'view certificate' and download
The simplest way to explore cacerts and import trusted certificate is to use a GUI tool like portecle ( You can also use keytool
keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore /opt/java/jre/lib/security/cacerts -alias mycert -noprompt -storepass changeit -file /tmp/examplecert.crt
See How to properly import a selfsigned certificate into Java keystore that is available to all Java applications by default?
2) Use your own truststore and include the server certificate (recommended)
System.setProperty ("", path_to_your_trustore_jks_file);
System.setProperty ("", "password");
You can also create an SSLSocketFactory and add to your connection before connecting or apply to all connections using the static method
This is an example to create the socket factory
//Load JKS keystore that includes the server certificate or the root
KeyStore keyStore = ...
TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance(TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm());
SSLContext ctx = SSLContext.getInstance("TLS");
ctx.init(null, tmf.getTrustManagers(), null);
sslFactory = ctx.getSocketFactory();
3) Do not use truststore at all (Not recommended at all)
See Disable SSLHandshakeException for a single connection (I will not copy the solution)


How can I import .cer in SAP Commerce Cloud

I am using SAP Commerce Cloud, in Public Cloud. And I am trying to insert a .cer file to make rest calls to API Gateway.
I read about importing it in java using command lines to import to keystore.
But, I don't know how to do it in the SAP Commerce Cloud
To install a certificate in a keystore. please follow the steps -
Create the keystore (if not created) using the below command
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore /<path_to_the_pfx>/<pfx_name>.pfx -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore /<path_to_the_keystore_to_be_created>/<name_of_the_keystore>.jks -deststoretype JKS
You can control the keystore credentials as below:
a) sso.keystore.location - The path to the keystore (in this way the keystore can be repo managed)
b) sso.keystore.password - keystore password (default is changeit)
c) sso.keystore.privatekey.alias - Alias of the private key
Import the certificate using the below command
keytool -importcert -alias <alias_of_the_certificate> -file /<path_of_the_cert>/<name_of_the_cert>.cer -keystore /<path_to_the_keystore_to_be_created>/<name_of_the_keystore>.jks
To remind again, the keystore (with the installed certificate) can be repository controlled as well using the sso.keystore.location.
Alsternatively, if your question is to enable the REST calls from the Commerce cloud environment, please follow the steps mentioned here.
Hope this helps.

how to implements service provider for saml2 sso without private key

I have a customer who wants to implement SAML2 SSO, the customer will be the Identity Provider (IDP) and my web application will effectively be the Service Provider (SP).
But my customer only give me the certificate file (.crt) and metadata xml file, and i checked the openSAML code which need SPKeystore.jks to initialize KeyStore Object.
So how to implements the service provider without the .jks file?
Is the jks file necessary ?
who know it, thanks a lot!
you create the keystore (jks) yourself and add the certificate to it. In a java environment, you use the keytool for doing so.
You can use keytool import certificate file into SPKeystore.jks
keytool -import -alias <alias> -trustcacerts -file <xx.crt> -keystore SPKeystore.jks -storepass <SPKeystorePassPhrase>

JavaLite error Failed URL when requesting HTTPS RESTful

I'm using the JavaLite implementation and everything works fine when requesting HTTP services but when trying to get data from the HTTPS version of the service I get the HttpException "Failed URL".
Here's my code:
Get get = Http.get(url + "/eds/api/v1/certificados");
get.header("Authorization", "Basic " + Credentials);
get.header("APIKey", APIKey);
get.header("Accept", "application/json");
Also tried with
String test = Http.get(url + "/eds/api/v1/certificados").header("Authorization", "Basic " + Credentials).header("APIKey", APIKey).header("Accept", "application/json").text();
Both of them behave the same way, if the URL is HTTP I can get the data, if the URL is HTTPS catch "Failed URL". I've tested the REST service with SOAPui and the HTTPS server works fine.
Any suggestion what I'm missing when trying to send a GET on HTTPS with headers?
I was going to suggest that the site's digital certificate was not signed by a Certificate Authority that is contained in the Java JRE certificate store.
Here is what you can do:
Use the browser and explore the certificate of the site, including a certificate chain, all the way to the root Certificate Authority
Explore what CA certs are installed locally.
The file for Java is:
you need to run this command:
keytool -list -keystore cacerts
When prompted for password, just press Enter.
If you do not see a certificate of a CA that was used to sign a certificate of your site, than you will have this error.
How to fix:
Use a well known CA to get a certificate for your site and ensure it is already present in your Java cert database.
Get the certificate from the site using a browser, and import it into your local Java database with command:
keytool -importcert ...
For more information on the keytool program:
keytool --help

Get a .p7b file from a .jks file

I have a .Net SAML implementation that verifies assertions' signatures against a PKCS 7 certificate in a .p7b file.
I have a customer who have a Java based identity provider. They can only provide their certificate in a Java key store .jks file.
I can verify the assertions that their identity provider sends, but I can't check that those assertions were signed by a trusted provider without verifying them against the certificates in the Java key store.
I can find lots online on how to add a .p7b certificate to a .jks file, but nothing on how to reverse the process.
How do I get a .p7b certificate (that .Net and Windows can open) from a supplied .jks file?
Alternatively I'm loading the .p7b into .Net using the native X509Chain implementation. If I can't convert the .jks is there any way to load it in .Net in a way that lets me check the assertions' signatures?
It turns out that there is a command line utility in Java that do what I need. In the Java runtime directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin on my machine) there is a utility called keytool (my newlines for readability):
>keytool -importkeystore
-srckeystore clientStore.jks -srcstoretype JKS
-destkeystore outputStore.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12
This produces an output store called outputStore.p12 that I can load in .Net with X509Certificate2Collection.Import()

Test internal secured web service with SoapUI?

I want to run some tests against an internal (with an internally minted cert) web service using SoapUI. I am not sure I fully grasp the SSL handshake stuff. But I exported the cert for the endpoint to a .cer file, then fired up java keytool with this command:
keytool -import -alias ca -file myservice.cer -keystore cacerts –storepass changeit
Which I got from another SO question. Then I added this truststore file (cacerts) to the project properties in SoapUI. But when I try to add a WSDL to the project, I still get the same error as before:
Error loading [https://myservice?wsdl]: org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlException: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
Am I completely off base? Do I add all the certs in the chain to the truststore? I wasn't able to do that, it told me that the alias was already in use? Or should I just get a cert minted from an outside trusted authority?
The SOAP UI raise the exception because your certificate not properly installed in SOAP UI trust store.
To resolve the above exception follow the below steps.
Export the certificate from the key store or browser (which contain the public key)
Go to the SOAPUI installed directory and locate following directory \SmartBear\soapUI- 4.0.1\jre\lib\security
Import the certificate in to cacerts trust store (Which is the default trust store)
Restart the SOAP UI and load the WSDL...
To understand more about SSL ... follow the below link ...JSSE documentation